2013/2/5 Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org>
> - GUI input events - I don't know about Unix, but Windows GUI events
> are a separate notification stream from network or pipe data, and it's
> very plausible that someone would want to integrate GUI events into an
> async app. Twisted, for instance, has GUI event loop integration
> facilities, I believe.

That's way too large a topic to try to anticipate without thorough
research. And it's not very likely that you can do this in a portable
way either -- the best you can probably hope for is have a PEP
3156-compliant event loop that lets you use portable async networking
APIs (transports and protocols) while also letting you write
platform-*specific* GUI code. The best route here will probably be the
PEP 3156 bridge that Twisted is going to develop once the PEP and
Twisted's Python 3 port stabilize. (Unfortunately, wxPython is not
ported to Python 3.)

That's not exactly true: http://wiki.wxpython.org/ProjectPhoenix#Links
It's still a work in progress, but the basic interface is unlikely to change.

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc