That would get _really_ messy with iterators that define an __add__, sequence concat or number add function

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Joseph Jevnik <> wrote:
> Iterators all all different types though. iter(list) returns a list_iterator
> type, iter(dict.keys()) returns a dict_keys_iterator type and so on. Is your
> suggestion that the standard lib types do this? How do we update all of the
> existing iterators not in the stdlib that do not do this?

In theory, this can be done inside PyNumber_Add(x, y).  It already
checks for numbers or sequences and failing that can check for the
__next__ method on its first operand and return  itertools.chain(x,

> Finally, how is this better than itertools.chain?

Shorter.  Especially when you chain more than two iterators.

Nevertheless, I am -1 on the idea.  It is bad enough that Python
abuses + as sequences concatenation operator.