On Thu, Oct 1, 2015, at 16:57, Ron Adam wrote:
And to go out on a limb... ;-)
Another possibility is to have a *special magic callable* that when called skips the argument evaluation and returns None.
That's dangerous talk indeed. Special magic callables are Lisp territory. ;) And I don't even know how you'd implement it efficiently without them being known at compile-time. I guess at *every* callsite you could test if the callable is magic, and if it is evaluate the arguments, and if it's not just pass in a lambda that will return the arguments. But you've got to generate those lambdas for *all* callsites, even the vast majority that will never be a magic callable. What if the callable only wants *some* of the arguments? Hey, if this had existed back then the ternary operator could have been a normal function - instead of (b() if a else c()) just do iif(a, b(), c()). And is this going to be fully general? I.e. should this be supported for regular operators? If __add__ is magic does + do this, for example?