Hello everybody,
I thought I had sent this mail to everybody, so here was my answer to
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From: Christophe Bailly <chbailly@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 at 13:56
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] [asyncio] Suggestion for a major PEP
To: Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com>
Hello Nathaniel,
After reading many papers, I understand that it is not as simple as I could
imagine in my first thought.
Sorry about that, I have learned something. Explicit vs implicit
asynchronism is a complex topic.
On Sun, 16 Dec 2018 at 10:16, Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
If you want this style of concurrency, you don't need to write a PEP,
just 'pip install gevent' :-)
But unfortunately you're years too late to argue for making asyncio
work this way. This was discussed extensively at the time, and the
decision to use special syntax was made intentionally, and after
studying existing systems like gevent that made the other choice.
This section of the trio docs explain why explicit async/await syntax
makes life easier for developers:
It's also awkward but very doable to support both sync and async mode
with a single code base: https://github.com/python-trio/unasync/
In fact, when doing this, the async/await syntax isn't really the hard
part – the hard part is that different libraries have very different
networking APIs. E.g., the stdlib socket API and the stdlib asyncio
API are totally different.
On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 12:21 AM Christophe Bailly <chbailly@gmail.com>
I copy paste the main idea from an article I have written:
contextual async
Imagine you have some code written for monothread. And you want to
include your code in a multithread environment. Do you need to adapt all
your code which is what you do when you want to migrate to async code ? The
answer is no.
Functionnally these constraints are not justified neither technically
Do we have the tools to do this ? Yes because thanks to boost::context
we can switch context between tasks. When a task suspends, it just calls a
function (the event loop or reactor) to potentially switch to another task.
Just like threads switch contexts…
Async/Await logic has introduced a symetric relation wich introduces
unnecessary contraints. We should just the same logic as thread logic.
Read the examples in the article I have developped a prototype in C++
and everything works perfectly.
My opinion is that sooner or later, it will have to switch to this logic
because chaining async/aswait is a huge contraints and does not make sense
in my opinion.
Maybe I am missing something,
Feel free to give me your feedback.
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