Hmm, the regular expression use case (and any other use case where you
need to act based on the output of a function) looks very interesting,
but I can understand how there would be a few problems with it for
things like "if myfunc() > 10 as output".
Still, it is worth investigating.
Mike Meyer wrote:
On Thu, 3 Jul 2008 11:46:51 -0300 "Facundo Batista" <> wrote:
2008/7/3 Stavros Korokithakis <>:
while as data:
Python explicitly disallows inline assignment ("while") because of the error propensity when confusing it
with the comparation ("=="). But here we're gaining the same
advantage, without that risk.
So, taking into account that...
a) We already have "as" as an statement.
b) We already use "as" as an assignment [1]
c) This will allow more concise and intuitive code
... I'm definitely +1 to this proposition.
I kinda like it as well. In fact, treating "as" as an assignment
operator instead of making it part of the syntax of the while
statement solves my problem with the suggestion.
The original suggestion only dealt with a *very* special case: a loop
where 1) you needed to initialize the data before the loop started; 2)
the initialization statement was use to refresh the data in the loop,
and 3) the value of the data as a bool determined whether you wanted
to continue.
If #3 isn't true, a while+as statement leaves you back at the original
code duplication. as as inline assignment it lets you deal with it
without the repitition:
while as data < 1024:
It also provides a nice way to deal with the long-standing ugliness
related to wanting to do repeated regular expression tests:
if myre.match(user_input) as match:
elif myre2.match(user_input) as match:
instead of:
match = myre.match(user_input)
if match:
match = myre2.match(user_input)
if match:
which doesn't yield to the usual solution of a dict of functions.
In any case, Stavros, this would need a PEP...
I'm not convinced (it ought to interact cleanly with with, but....),
but it certainly looks promising!
+1 to at least investigating it.