Verbatim names (allowing keywords as names)

Inspired by Alex Brault's post: I'd like to suggest we copy C#'s idea of verbatim identifiers, but using a backslash rather than @ sign: \name would allow "name" to be used as an identifier, even if it clashes with a keyword. It would *not* allow the use of characters that aren't valid in identifiers, e.g. this is out: \na!me # still not legal See usage #1 here: If "verbatim name" is too long, we could call them "raw names", by analogy with raw strings. I believe that \ is currently illegal in any Python expression, except inside strings and at the very end of the line, so this ought to be syntactically unambgiguous. We should still include a (mild?) recommendation against using keywords unless necessary, and a (strong?) preference for the trailing underscore convention. But I think this doesn't look too bad: of = 'output.txt' \if = 'input.txt' with open(\if, 'r'): with open(of, 'w'): of.write(\ maybe even nicer than if_. Some examples: result = \except + 1 result = something.\except result = \except.\finally -- Steve

On Wed, 16 May 2018 at 10:42, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Personally, I prefer $name as originally suggested in that thread. It has the advantage of precedence from other languages as a variable indicator (even as far back as BASIC for me) and is more visible (which IMO is a positive, but others may see as a negative). In either case, I'm +1 for some way of indicating a verbatiim identifier. But I think this doesn't look too bad:
of = 'output.txt' $if = 'input.txt' with open($if, 'r'): with open(of, 'w'): of.write($
result = $except + 1
result = something.\except
result = somthing.$except result = \except.\finally
result = $except.$finally @\return def func(): pass @$return def func(): pass Tim Delaney

I like it. I much prefer \ to $ since in most languages that use $ that I know of (Perl, shell) there's a world of difference between $foo and foo whenever they occur (basically they never mean the same thing), whereas at least in shell, \foo means the same thing as foo *unless* foo would otherwise have a special meaning. I also recall that in some Fortran dialect I once used, $ was treated as the 27th letter of the alphabet, but not in the language standard. See e.g. Apparently it has a similar role in Java ( ). On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
-- --Guido van Rossum (

I assume there can't be space between the backslash and the name, to prevent ambiguity like in the following: # Is this `foo = not [1]` or `foo = \not[1]`? foo = (\ not[1]) A sampling of \ in other languages, for consideration: - Haskell: A lambda. E.g. `\x -> x+1` - TeX: A command. E.g. `\bold{Some text.}`. - Matlab: Matrix division operator. - PHP: Namespace delimiter. Uh. While LaTeX users have some intersection with Python users (Scipy!), I think there are enough differences in the languages that this one more won't hurt. On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 9:09 PM, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:

I strongly disagree, but can't seem to get anyone to bite. We want to be able to introduce a keyword that was formally a name, still allow it to be used as a name, still allow code that uses it as a keyword to interoperate with code that uses it as a name , without changing the language or implementation too much. Ideally, Python would still not allow the keyword to be used as a name and a keyword in the same file?? The lexer could class the tokens as *keynames*, and the parser could use the context of the first instance of each keyname to determine if it's a name or keyword for the rest of that file. Projects that used the word as a name would only be prevented from also using it as a keyword in the same file. It's really then a question of whether users could elegantly and naturally reference a name in another module without introducing the name to the current module's namespace. We only reference external names (as syntactic names) in import statements, as properties after the dot operator, and as keyword arguments. If code that used the word as a keyword was still allowed to use the word as a name after the dot operator and as a keyword argument *in an invocation*, it would only change the language in a subtle way. If we could reference keynames in import statements, but not import the name, so basically allow `from keyname import keyname as name`, but not allow `import keyname`, we could still easily import things that used the keyname as a name. This wouldn't change the language too dramatically either. Maybe I'm just being dumb, but it seems like three subtle changes to the language would allow for everything we want to have, with only minor limitations on the rare occasion that you want to use the new keyword with a library that is also using the same keyword as a name. I promise not to push this idea again, but would really appreciate someone taking a couple of minutes to explain why it's not worth responding to. I'm not offended, but would like to know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.

On 05/15/2018 08:03 PM, Carl Smith wrote:
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Sometimes it's like that, and yes it is frustrating.
For me at least, this is a deal breaker. My libraries tend to be single-file packages, so all my code is in one place -- only being able to use the keyname as one or the other in my multi-thousand line file does me no good. -- ~Ethan~

On Tue, May 15, 2018, 23:03 Carl Smith <> wrote:
I think your idea would work okay if everyone followed good programming practices. But when you have files that are tens of thousands of ugly code written by dozens of non-programmers over a dozen years it sounds like a recipe for a nightmare. For example someone you never met that left your group ten years ago could have made "True" be "np.bool_(1)" on a whim that makes your code break later in very hard-to-debug ways. To put it simply, I think it encourages people to take convenient shortcuts with implications they don't understand.

Thanks for the reply Todd. If `True` was redefined somewhere else, it would still be `True` for you. You could do `from oldlib import True as true` and have `true` equal ` np.bool_(1)`. You could reference `oldlib.True` or do `oldlib.function(True=x)` to interact with the name in the old library. None of this would actually apply to `True`, as it's a reserved word in all versions. The proposal only applies to new keywords that are used as names in other libraries. Again, thanks for taking the time. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 14:46, Todd <> wrote:

One problem with my proposal is with assignments to properties (`name.keyword = something`) and regular assignments (including class and def statements) inside the body of a class that subclasses and externally defined class would all need to be allowed, so that inherited names can be reassigned to and inherited methods can be overridden. As there is no way to know from static analysis whether the code is (legally) overriding something or (illegally) creating a name that is also a keyword in that file, doing so would need to be handled by a runtime exception, something like `NameError: cannot create names that are keywords in the same context`. Runtime errors still seem preferable to making keywords legally names in the same file (especially if we have to escape the names). -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 15:26, Carl Smith <> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 10:26 AM, Carl Smith <> wrote:
Not if you need to make changes in the same tens of thousands of lines file.
No it isn't. It was added in Python 2.3 and only became a keyword in Python 3. Prior to that lots of other packages defined their own "True" (or "true" or "TRUE", etc), which is why it wasn't made a keyword for such a long time. But this is just an example of the sort of problem that can come up with your approach. The overall issue is that python has no way of knowing if the keyword is being used for legitimate backwards-compatibility purposes or someone intentionally overrode after it was made a keyword because they somehow thought it was a good idea. That is why being explicit about overriding the keyword is so important.

Todd wrote:
The trouble with explicitly overriding keywords is that it still requires old code to be changed whenever a new keyword is added, which as far as I can see almost competely defeats the purpose. If e.g. you need to change all uses of given to \given in order for your code to keep working in Python 3.x for some x, you might just as well change it to given_ or some other already-legal name. The only remotely legitimate use I can think of is for calling APIs that come from a different language, but the same thing applies there -- names in the Python binding can always be modified somehow to make them legal. As far as I can see, any mechanism allowing keywords to be used as names has to be completely transparent to existing code, otherwise there's no point in it. -- Greg

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 10:58:34AM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
Well, maybe. Certainly using name_ is a possible solution, and it is one which has worked for over a quarter century. We can argue about whether \name or name_ looks nicer, but \name has one advantage: the key used in the namespace is actually "name". That's important: see below.
Of course they can be modified. But having to do so is a pain. With the status quo, when dealing with external data which may include names which are keywords, we have to: - add an underscore when we read keywords from external data - add an underscore when used as literals - add an underscore when used as getattr("kw") literals - conditionally remove trailing underscore when writing to external APIs to: - do nothing special when we read keywords from external data - add a backslash when used as literals - do nothing special when used as getattr("kw") literals - do nothing special when writing to external APIs I think that overall this pushes it from a mere matter of visual preference \kw versus kw_ to a significant win for verbatim names. Let's say you're reading from a CSV file, creating an object from each row, and processing it: # untested reader = csv.reader(infile) header = next(reader) header = [name + "_" if name in keywords.kwlist() else name for name in header] for row in reader: obj = SimpleNamespace(*zip(header, row)) process(obj) The consumer of these objects, process(), has to reverse the transformation: def process(obj): for name, value in vars(obj): if name.endswith("_") and name[:-1] in keywords.kwlist(): name = name[:-1] write_to_external_API(name, value) Verbatim names lets us skip both of these boilerplate steps. An interesting case is when you are using the keywords as hard-coded names for attribute access. In the status quo, we write: obj.name_ obj.getattr("name_") In the first line, if you neglect the _ the compiler will complain and you get a syntax error. In the second line, if you neglect the _ you'll get no warning, only a runtime failure. With verbatim names, we can write: obj.\name obj.getattr("name") # Don't escape it here! In this case, the failure modes are similar: - if you forget the backslash in the first line, you get a SyntaxError at compile time, so there's no change here. - if you wrongly include the backslash in the second line, there are two cases: * if the next character matches a string escape, say \n or \t, you'll get no error but a runtime failure; (but linters could warn about that) * if it doesn't match, say \k, you'll now get a warning and eventually a failure as we depreciate silently ignoring backslashes. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Let's say you're reading from a CSV file, creating an object from each row, and processing it:
Okay, I can see it could be useful for situations like that. But this is still a completely different use case from the one that started this discussion, which was making it less painful to add new keywords to the language. The backslash idea doesn't help at all with that. -- Greg

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 06:03:32PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
Doesn't help *at all*? Sure it does. It's Python 3.8, and I learn that in 4.0 "spam" is going to become a keyword. I simply take my code and change all the references spam to \spam, and I've future-proofed the code for 4.0 while still keeping compatibility with 3.8 and 3.9. (But not 3.7 of course. But we can't have everything.) If my code is a library which others will use, the benefit is even bigger. (For a purely internal project, I could just replace spam with spam_ and be done with it.) But for a library, I already have public documentation saying that my API is the function spam(), and I don't want to have to change the public API. As far as my library's users are concerned, nothing has changed. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Okay, maybe it helps a little bit, but not very much. There will still be a lot of reluctance to add new keywords, because of the disruption it will cause to existing code. If we've learned nothing else from the Python 3 changeover, it's that many people work in an environment where it's extremely difficult to update working code. -- Greg

2018-05-18 8:05 GMT+02:00 Greg Ewing <>:
And the alternative is to replace all occurrences of spam with 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 , which has the same effect and also is backward-compatible with 3.x for x < 8. So there is already a kind of solution available, albeit an ugly one. Stephan If we've learned nothing else from the Python 3 changeover,

It could be worse. At least 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 ("\U0001d42c\U0001d429\U0001d41a\U0001d426") is visually distinct with the right font support. You could (ab?)use the Unicode Tags block ( and use something like 'spam\U000e0069\U000e0064' (spam<i><d>). (Luckily, that's not even valid Python, as the tag characters aren't valid for identifiers.) -- Clint

2018-05-18 13:37 GMT+02:00 Steven D'Aprano <>:
I am not kidding; I am merely defending the status quo. I demonstrate how the intended behavior can be achieved using features available in current Python versions. The approach has at least the following two technical advantages. 1. It requires no change to Python 2. It provides backwards compatibility all the way back to 3.0. The spelling is arguably ugly, but this should be weighted against the, IMHO, extremely rare use of this feature.
If that works at all, I don't think its something we want to guarantee will work.
It is guaranteed to work by PEP-3131: "All identifiers are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of identifiers is based on NFKC." NFKC normalization means spam must be considered the same identifier as 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 . Note that the choice for NFKC normalization was apparently explicitly discussed and decided upon at the time. Since the difference between NFC and NFKC is exactly that identifiers like spam and 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 are different under the former and identical under the latter, I take it this is all quite intentional.
And for what it's worth, what I see is eight empty boxes (missing glyph symbols).
I am afraid that mostly shows that your mailer has a bug in handling non-BMP unicode characters; you should be seeing FOUR missing glyph symbols. Stephan

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 03:09:57PM +0200, Stephan Houben wrote:
Earlier you described this suggestion as "a silly joke". I think you were right then.
Aside from the fact that font, editor and keyboard support for such non-BMP Unicode characters is very spotty, it isn't the intended behaviour. As you point out, the intended behaviour is that obj.𝐢𝐟 and obj.if ought to be identical. Since the later is a syntax error, so should be the former.
It's not the NFKC normalization that I'm questioning. Its the fact that it is done too late to catch the use of a keyword. -- Steve

2018-05-18 15:37 GMT+02:00 Steven D'Aprano <>:
Earlier you described this suggestion as "a silly joke".
The joke proposal was to write all keywords in Python using bold font variation, as a reaction to a similar joke proposal to precede all keywords in Python with \. In contrast this isn't even a proposal, it is merely a description of an existing feature. Practically speaking, suppose "spam" becomes a keyword in 3.8, and I have a module which I want to make compatible with 3.8 AND I want to preserve the API for pre-3.8 versions, then I will first update my module to use some alternative spelling spam_ throughout, and then, in a single place, write: 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 = spam_ # exploit NFKC normalization to set identifier "spam" for backward compatibility Even if this single line shows up as mojibake in somebody's editor, it shouldn't inconvenience them too much.
I am not sure from what you conclude that. There seem to be three design possibilities here: 1. 𝐢𝐟 is an alternative spelling for the keyword if 2. 𝐢𝐟 is an identifier 3. 𝐢𝐟 is an error I am pretty sure option 1 (non-ASCII spelling of keywords) was not intended (doc says about keywords: "They must be spelled exactly as written here:") So it is either 2 or 3. Option 3 would only make sense if we conclude that it is a bad idea to have an identifier with the same name as a keyword. Whereas this whole thread so far has been about introducing such a feature. So that leaves 2, which happens to be the implemented behavior. As an aside: A general observation of PEP-3131 and Unicode identifiers in Python: from the PEP it becomes clear that there have been several proposals of making it more restricted (e.g. requiring source code to be already in NFKC normal form, which would make 𝐢𝐟 illegal, disallowing confusables, etc.) Ultimately this has been rejected and the result is that we have a rather liberal definition of Unicode identifiers in Python. I feel that 𝐢𝐟 being a valid identifier fits into that pattern, just as various confusable spellings of if would be legal identifiers. In theory this could lead to all kinds of sneaky attacks where code appears to do one thing but does another, but it just doesn't seem so big an issue in practice.
NFKC normalization is restricted to identifiers. Keywords "must be spelled exactly as written here."
See above. Stephan

On 5/18/18 10:31 AM, Stephan Houben wrote:
I would think that the rule that normalization is restricted to identifiers says that it needs to happen AFTER keyword identification (otherwise it would have applied to the keyword). To follow the rules and flag identifiers that normalize to keywords, either you need to normalize early and tag text that had been changed by normalization so keywords could flag errors (but late enough that you don't normalize inside strings and such), or you need to normalize late (as is done) but then add a check to see if the text became the same as a keyword. Seems a shame to go to extra work to flag as an error something that really could only have been done intentionally, removing a 'feature' to help with backwards compatibility. -- Richard Damon

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 06:05:05PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
That's okay, in fact there *ought* to be reluctance to add new keywords. The aim of the exercise is not to add dozens of new keywords to the language, just to make it easier to deal with the situation when we do. -- Steve

On 2018-05-17 2:03 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
I don't think there will a solution that makes it less painful to add keywords to the language, nor that finding one should be something we aim for. What this proposal accomplishes is help interoperation with other languages that have different keywords, simplify code generators by letting them blindly escape names and avoid mangling/demangling keywords, and as a distant third, an easy out if the language adds a keyword you use as a name. Alex

Nope. That's the exact thing my proposal avoids. I'm not sure it also does everything everyone else wants it to do, so it may be a bad idea, but you would not have to change old code, ever. For the purpose of this discussion, let's say that if any code implicitly enables a new feature (by simply using it), all the code in that file is 'new code' in the context of the specific feature (a bit like how `yield` works). If `until` was a new keyword, any file that used it as a keyword would be new code. Any other files are 'old code'. New code could still import an object named `until` from old code. It just could not import it as `until`. So `import until as upto` is fine, but `import until` is a NameError *in new code*. In old code, `until` is still just a name. We would also allow `name.until` and `dance(until="am")` in new code, so that we can still reference names in old code (without them becoming names in new code). If `self.until = something` appeared anywhere in new code, or any local assignment to `until` (including class and def statements) appeared inside a subclass definition within new code, that would need to be checked for a runtime NameError (not very often, but sometimes). In practice, many libraries would alias names that became keywords, so new code could use the new name without restrictions, but old code would carry on working with the old name. TLDR: The syntax and semantics of old code would remain totally unchanged. -- Carl Smith On 17 May 2018 at 01:21, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

Carl Smith wrote:
Okay, that works because it *doesn't* require old code to explicitly say "I'm using this word the old way". My comment was about the idea of having to use a backslash to escape keywords used as names, or similar schemes.
Actually it would be fine if new code had to say "name.\until" etc. The only problem I can see is that it would probably be near-impossible to implement using the current parser generator. It might be doable by keeping multiple versions of the grammar -- try to parse using the most recent grammar, if that doesn't work, try the next most recent, etc. But that would be pretty horrible, and it would require keeping old cruft in the implementation forever, which we don't like doing. -- Greg

On 5/15/2018 8:41 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Not quite as heavy.
If "verbatim name" is too long, we could call them "raw names", by analogy with raw strings.
I think it is just ugly enough to discourage wild use.
I believe avoiding tagging raw names as keywords could be done by adjusting the re for keywords and that addition of '\' could be done by re.sub. (The details should be in the doc.) -- Terry Jan Reedy

On 16 May 2018 at 01:41, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
I'm missing something. How is that different from using a trailing underscore (like if_ or while_) at the moment? I understand that foo and \foo are the same name, whereas foo and foo_ are different, but how would that help? Can you give a worked example of how this would help if we wanted to introduce a new keyword? For example, if we intended to make "where" a keyword, what would numpy and its users need to do to continue using `numpy.where`? Paul

On 5/16/18 4:13 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
Presumably things that know their name (like def'd functions and classes, off the top of my head) would be able to figure out their keyword-like name. Although exactly how that would work is debatable.
def \if(): pass ...
Is \if.__name__ equal to r"\if", or "if"? Probably just "if". Not that it really matters, but I can see code generators adding backslashes everywhere. For example, in dataclasses I'd probably generate __init__ for this: \for=float @dataclass class C: \if: int only: \for as: def __init__(self, \if:\int, \only:\for): That is, I'd add a backslash in front of every identifier, instead of trying to figure out if I need to or not. I think a lot of code generators (such as attrs) would need to be modified. Not a show-stopper, but something to think about.
I think they'd have to change to `numpy.\where` when `where` became a keyword. Another thought: I'm sure f-strings would have fun with this. This code is currently illegal:
That would be a bear to fix, and would require all code that looks at f-strings, even if only to ignore them, to change. Currently you can just say "any string that has an f in front of it can be lexed (as a unit) the same way 'r', 'u', and 'b' strings are". But this would break that, and mean that instead of a simple tokenizer to find the end of an f-string, you'd probably need a full expression parser. Again, just something to think about. Eric

On 5/16/18 4:47 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
On 5/16/18 4:13 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
To be clear: this would apply to any code that uses numpy.where, not just the code that defines it. The only way to bullet-proof your code so that it would never need any modifications in the future would be to put a backslash in front of every identifier. Or maybe just all-lowercase identifiers, since we're unlikely to make a keyword with uppercase chars in it. And since no one in their right mind would do that, there's still the risk of your code breaking in the future. But at least there would be a way of fixing it in a way that would work both with old versions of python where the identifier isn't a keyword, and for versions where it is. That is, once "old versions" include ones that support verbatim names. Eric

Hi all, One problem already alluded to with the \identifier syntax is that it only works if the old Python version is sufficiently recent to understand \. What about using parentheses to allow a keyword to be used as an identifier: (where)(x, y) This then in combination with allowing keywords in the following unambiguous locations: 1. After dot ("numpy.where") 2. After def and class ("def where") 3. After "as". This should make it possible to write code which works in a hypothetical future Python version where "where" is a keyword, and which also works with current Python versions. Stephan 2018-05-16 11:03 GMT+02:00 Paul Moore <>:

On 16/05/2018 10:12, Stephan Houben wrote:
I believe this is the first proposal that allows future-proofing of new code while preserving complete backward compatibility. As far as I know, ( keyword ) is never legal syntax. Of course, putting brackets round every occurrence of every identifier that you think might become an identifier in the next century is a bit of a chore. There is no perfect solution. Best wishes Rob Cliffe

My proposal removes the need to future proof anything, and only requires subtle changes to the syntax (nothing visually different). It also preserves perfect backwards compatibility. Just saying :) -- Carl Smith On 17 May 2018 at 22:38, Rob Cliffe via Python-ideas <> wrote:

On Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 5:55:30 PM UTC-4, Carl Smith wrote:
burden on new code that uses "given" or "where" or whatever in the form of a special import or statement enabling it. I love that we're instead making it easy to keep old code working while protecting Python's beautiful future with no special imports or statements to use the core language.

On Wed, 16 May 2018 09:13:52 +0100 Paul Moore <> wrote:
I think it could help in cases like namedtuple, where names can be part of a data description (e.g. coming from a database) and then used for attribute access. I do not find it extremely pretty, but I like it much better still than the "allowing keywords as names" proposal. It also has the nice side-effect that it doesn't make it easier to add new keywords, since the common spelling (e.g. `np.where`) would still become a syntax error and therefore break compatibility with existing code. Regards Antoine.

On 16.05.2018 02:41, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Maybe that could get combined with Guido's original suggestion by making the \ optional after a .? Example: class A (): \global = 'Hello' def __init__(self): self.except = 0 def \finally(self): return 'bye' print( a = A() a.except += 1 print(a.finally()) or with a module, in \except = 0 elsewhere: import my_module print(my_module.except) or from my_module import \except print(\except) Best, Wolfgang

Not if you need to make changes in the same tens of thousands of lines file.
But what has that got to do with the the syntax of the new code? The old code is what it is. I did think after I replied that `True` wasn't actually reserved until more recently, but the point still stands: You would be able to reference the name *as defined* in an external library, and yeah, it could refer to anything, but that's kinda the point. We have to assume the library does something sane with the name. We can't preempt an employee sabotaging `True`. As a more realistic example (if not for Python), say `until` became a keyword, then you could end up with lines like this: from oldlib import until as upto dance(until="am") event.until = time(9, 30)
I only said that Python does not know *until runtime*, and I was wrong when I described that as a problem. A runtime NameError actually makes perfect sense. Assigning to `self.until` or assigning to `until` inside a subclass should not be a syntax error. A NameError would be correct. It worth mentioning that the cost of checking only applies to cases where the name in question is also keyword, so almost never. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 16:40, Niki Spahiev <> wrote:

> There can be 2 escape characters '\' and '.' That's clever, but then we have to put a slash in front of names in imports, assignments and keyword arguments, but not properties. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 19:17, Carl Smith <> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Carl Smith <> wrote:
Again, because you end up with hard-to-debug issues through no fault of your own.
We can and do preempt someone sabotaging a keywords by not letting anyone override them. That is the whole point of using reserved keywords. Some languages allow you to change important words, some don't. Guido made a conscious decision to make certain words keywords, and to not let anyone change them, I believe to avoid the sorts of issues I have brought up. You are talking about removing one of the most important and long-standing protections the language has in place. That is not a small change.

Making names keywords requires that keywords also be names. If Guido is open to introducing keywords that are currently names, it cannot be lost on him that some code will use names that are now keywords. If your position is that Guido shouldn't introduce keywords that are currently used as names at all, fair enough; that'd be my first choice too. But, if we are going to do it, I have a strong preference for a specific approach. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 20:40, Todd <> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 2:09 PM, Carl Smith <> wrote:
If your position is that Guido shouldn't introduce keywords that are currently used as names at all,
Exactly -- which is why I'm wondering my no one (that I've seen -- long thread) is presenting the backwards option: Any new keywords introduced will be non-legal as regular names. \new_key_word for instance. Makes me think that it may have been good to have ALL keywords somehow non-legal as user-defined names -- maybe ugly syntax, but it would make a clear distinction. how ugly would this be? \for i in range(n): \while \True: ... pretty ugly :-( But maybe not so much if only a handful of new ones.... Or is there another currently illegal character that could be used that would be less ugly? I'm actually confused as to what the point is to the \ prefix idea for names: * It would still require people to change their code when a new keyword was introduced * It would be no easier / harder than adding a conventional legal character -- trailing underscore, or ??? * but now the changed code would no longer run on older versions of python. I guess it comes down to why you'd want to call out: "this is a name that is almost like a keyword" Seems like a meh, meh, lose proposal to me. OK, I see one advantage -- one could have code that already has BOTH word and word_ names in it. So when word becomes a keyword, a tool that automatically added an underscore would break the code. whereas if it automatically added an currently illegal character, it wouldn't shadow anything. But a sufficiently smart tool could get around that, too. -CHB -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

OK, that was a silly joke, but did you realize that the following already WORKS TODAY:
That's right, I can access a member whose name is a keyword by simply using Unicode bold. Because Python normalizes Unicode fonts but this is apparently AFTER keywords have been recognized. Stephan 2018-05-17 19:53 GMT+02:00 Stephan Houben <>:

My preference is to do nothing. If you end up making "where" a keyword in Python 3.8, numpy will probably: * rename their where function to "where_" in 3.8 * add a where_ alias in Python < 3.8. And then people will have to fix their code in 3.8 anyway. Only instead of learning a new verbatim syntax, they will just add the familiar underscore. One thing that should ideally be done is to improve the SyntaxError processing to special case use of keywords in places that identifiers are used. Instead of: In [1]: for if in range(10): File "<ipython-input-1-a51677fa6668>", line 1 for if in range(10): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax How about In [1]: for if in range(10): File "<ipython-input-1-a51677fa6668>", line 1 for if in range(10): ^ SyntaxError: "if" was used where a variable belongs, but "if" is a keyword. Consider using "if_" instead. Similarly, In [2]: int.if File "<ipython-input-2-72291900e846>", line 1 int.if ^ SyntaxError: "if" was used where an attribute name belongs. Did you mean "if_"? SyntaxError doesn't need to quickly generate its error strings. So there is only an upside to having clear error messages. On Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 1:54:42 PM UTC-4, Stephan Houben wrote:

[Resending due to Google Groups getting involved and giving me an error] On 5/17/2018 2:41 PM, Neil Girdhar wrote:
I'm not saying this applies to numpy, but one bonus of using \where would be that existing 3.7 pickles would work in 3.8 (or I think so, it's all obviously underspecified at this point). With renaming, pickles would break. Eric

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:41:33AM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
My preference is to do nothing. If you end up making "where" a keyword in Python 3.8, numpy will probably:
This is only incidently about "where". I'm hoping that the "where" (or "given") proposal is rejected. It is so verbose and redundantly repetitious in the common case that rather than being an improvement over the status quo, it is worse. But that's by-the-by.
You should be thinking forward two or three versions from now, when \name is the familiar syntax and name_ looks like you started to write an identifier using the underscore_words_convention but got distracted halfway through. Remember that (if approved) verbatim names will not be "that new syntax" for long. We don't still talk about "that new fangled list comprehension syntax" or "that new yield keyword". That was the problem with the "old versus new style classes" terminology: at the point that "new-style classes" had been around for six releases, approaching a decade, they weren't new any more.
This is worth doing regardless of whether or not we get verbatim strings or some other alternative. You ought to raise it on the bug tracker. -- Steve

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 9:35 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
However, the difference between the backslash syntax and comprehensions and generator functions is that comprehensions and generator functions make the language more expressive. The backslash is no more expressive than trailing underscore. It's no more succinct, and no more clear. Adding it to the language constitutes more that the user needs to learn, which makes Python slightly less accessible. I don't like multiple ways of doing the same thing. There is already probably billions of lines of code that use trailing underscore to avoid collisions. If the backslash syntax is added, then there will be a natural push towards the "right way" to avoid collisions. If that's backslashes, then projects are typically going to have code written with backslashes and code written with underscore. When you go access a variable named "where", you'll wonder: was it called "\where" or "where_"? Maybe the "\where" is pretty enough that it's worth it like you say. Maybe a function like: def f(\in=0, out=1): is prettier than def f(in_=0, out=1): but I'm already so used the current way of doing things, my aesthetic is that it's not worth the variability. For that reason, I'd like to make a more modest proposal to *only* add a verbatim versions of keywords as necessary, e.g., "\where" or "\given". That way, there will be no temptation to use that syntax in any other place. If a new version of Python comes out with a new keyword, say "abc", then all of the old Python versions can get a minor revision that knows about "\abc". This would ensure that the backslash syntax is only used to avoid collisions with new keywords. When 3.7 hits end-of-life, the "\given" (or whatever) can be deprecated.

On 2018-05-17 11:02 PM, Neil Girdhar wrote:
-1. This would add an extra maintenance and mental ("which keywords are allowed as verbatim and which not") cost to the feature while limiting its utility to the one use case it's only incidentally addressing. PEP8 can warn people not to use verbatim names frivolously in handwritten code.

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:02:23PM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote:
On the contrary: it removes a pain point when dealing with external libraries. No longer will we have to *transform* the name on both input and output. Instead, we only need to *escape* the name when written as a literal.
I don't like multiple ways of doing the same thing.
Ah, like when people want to use "class" as an identifier, and since they can't, they write: klass cls Class and maybe even occasionally class_ :-) Or they use a synonym: kind, clade, type (with or without trailing underscore). I've seen *every one of those choices* in real code. Except "clade", I just added that one now. Remind me again what the "one (obvious) way to do it" is?
Indeed, and if this proposal is accepted, that will remain legal, and if people want to write class_ instead of \class or klass, or if_ instead of \in or infile, they are permitted to do so. You can even have your own in-house style rules mandating whatever style you prefer.
Yes? Why is this more of a problem than what we have now? Is it called (in context of PEP 572) "where" or "given"? In general, is it called: where, place, location, loc, locus, position, pos, x, xy, locality, locale, coordinates, coord or some other synonym? In order to successfully use a library's API, one needs to actually know what that API *is*. That means you need to know the name of things. Adding verbatim names won't change that.
Being able to use "in" as an identifier as in that example is not the driving motivation for adding this feature. The driving motivation is to remove a pain point when dealing with external APIs that use keywords as regular identifiers, and to make it simpler to future-proof code when a new keyword is due to be introduced. Nobody is going to recommend that folks rush to deprecate their name_ APIs and replace them with \name. I'm sure most library maintainers will have better things to do. in_ will stay in_ for most existing code. It is only new code that doesn't have to care about 3.7 or older than can even consider this.
For that reason, I'd like to make a more modest proposal to *only* add a verbatim versions of keywords as necessary,
Because "special cases are special enough to break the rules, complicate the documentation and the implementation, and give rise to a thousand Stackoverflow posts asking why we can escape some keywords but not others".
Just because you have no use-case for using "except", say, as an identifier doesn't mean nobody has. You are not arbiter of which keywords are acceptable to use verbatim and which ones are forbidden.
When 3.7 hits end-of-life, the "\given" (or whatever) can be deprecated.
Having a white list of "Permitted keywords you may escape" is horrible enough without baking in a policy of continued code churn by removing them from the whitelist every few releases. -- Steve

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 2:48 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
In most cases: cls
All of your arguments would have applied to a keyword escaping proposal had it been proposed before "given" was even considered. The only reason we're even considered considering escaping is to keep code that uses "given" as an identifier working. That's why I prefer the most modest solution of only being able to escape given. After all, there wasn't any big need to escape other keywords last year.

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 08:31:36AM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote: [...]
The immediate next sentence goes on to say: If a function argument's name clashes with a reserved keyword, it is generally better to append a single trailing underscore rather than use an abbreviation or spelling corruption. Thus class_ is better than clss. (Perhaps better is to avoid such clashes by using a synonym.) So PEP 8 already torpedoes your preference for a single way to spell words that clash with keywords: - use a synonym; - or a trailing underscore - except for the first argument of class methods, where we use the misspelling (or abbreviation) "cls". If you object to this proposed verbatim names on the basis of disliking multiple ways to spell identifies that clash with keywords, that ship sailed long ago. There has always been multiple ways. But I like to think that verbatim names could become the one OBVIOUS way to do it in the future. [...]
All of your arguments would have applied to a keyword escaping proposal had it been proposed before "given" was even considered.
Every new idea has to be thought of for the first time. Otherwise it would have been in the language from day zero and it wouldn't be a new idea. If it wasn't "given", it could have been for "async" and "await", if not for them it could have been for "with", if not for "with" it might have been "yield", and so on. There had to be a first time for any idea. I would have suggested this twenty years ago if I thought of it twenty years ago, but I didn't, so I didn't. Dismissing the idea because I didn't suggest it earlier when other keywords were suggested is illogical.
That might be the only reason YOU are considing it, but it definitely isn't the only reason for me. And probably not for others. In fact, since I strongly dislike the "given" syntax, and really want that idea to be rejected, anything that increases its chances are a negative to me. Nevertheless, identifiers clashing with keywords isn't something brand new that only occurs thanks to "given". It has been a pain point forever. A small one, true, but still a nuisance. Verbatim names has the possibility to cut that nuisance value even further. But not if we short-sightedly limit it to a single case.
That's why I prefer the most modest solution of only being able to escape given.
Limiting a general method of mitigating the keyword clashing problem to a single keyword is as sensible as limiting the pathlib library to only work with a single hard-coded pathname. -- Steve

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 10:49 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Right. I think it's pretty clear that there is one way to avoid naming conflict and keep the same name: use a trailing underscore except when it's the first argument to a class method.
But I like to think that verbatim names could become the one OBVIOUS way to do it in the future.
That's what I don't want.

I was asked earlier to summarise the the proposal I've been advocating for, but have already gone over the central points a few times. I'll try and find time to write a clear explanation soon. -- Carl Smith On 18 May 2018 at 19:54, Neil Girdhar <> wrote:

On Wed, 16 May 2018 at 10:42, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Personally, I prefer $name as originally suggested in that thread. It has the advantage of precedence from other languages as a variable indicator (even as far back as BASIC for me) and is more visible (which IMO is a positive, but others may see as a negative). In either case, I'm +1 for some way of indicating a verbatiim identifier. But I think this doesn't look too bad:
of = 'output.txt' $if = 'input.txt' with open($if, 'r'): with open(of, 'w'): of.write($
result = $except + 1
result = something.\except
result = somthing.$except result = \except.\finally
result = $except.$finally @\return def func(): pass @$return def func(): pass Tim Delaney

I like it. I much prefer \ to $ since in most languages that use $ that I know of (Perl, shell) there's a world of difference between $foo and foo whenever they occur (basically they never mean the same thing), whereas at least in shell, \foo means the same thing as foo *unless* foo would otherwise have a special meaning. I also recall that in some Fortran dialect I once used, $ was treated as the 27th letter of the alphabet, but not in the language standard. See e.g. Apparently it has a similar role in Java ( ). On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
-- --Guido van Rossum (

I assume there can't be space between the backslash and the name, to prevent ambiguity like in the following: # Is this `foo = not [1]` or `foo = \not[1]`? foo = (\ not[1]) A sampling of \ in other languages, for consideration: - Haskell: A lambda. E.g. `\x -> x+1` - TeX: A command. E.g. `\bold{Some text.}`. - Matlab: Matrix division operator. - PHP: Namespace delimiter. Uh. While LaTeX users have some intersection with Python users (Scipy!), I think there are enough differences in the languages that this one more won't hurt. On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 9:09 PM, Guido van Rossum <> wrote:

I strongly disagree, but can't seem to get anyone to bite. We want to be able to introduce a keyword that was formally a name, still allow it to be used as a name, still allow code that uses it as a keyword to interoperate with code that uses it as a name , without changing the language or implementation too much. Ideally, Python would still not allow the keyword to be used as a name and a keyword in the same file?? The lexer could class the tokens as *keynames*, and the parser could use the context of the first instance of each keyname to determine if it's a name or keyword for the rest of that file. Projects that used the word as a name would only be prevented from also using it as a keyword in the same file. It's really then a question of whether users could elegantly and naturally reference a name in another module without introducing the name to the current module's namespace. We only reference external names (as syntactic names) in import statements, as properties after the dot operator, and as keyword arguments. If code that used the word as a keyword was still allowed to use the word as a name after the dot operator and as a keyword argument *in an invocation*, it would only change the language in a subtle way. If we could reference keynames in import statements, but not import the name, so basically allow `from keyname import keyname as name`, but not allow `import keyname`, we could still easily import things that used the keyname as a name. This wouldn't change the language too dramatically either. Maybe I'm just being dumb, but it seems like three subtle changes to the language would allow for everything we want to have, with only minor limitations on the rare occasion that you want to use the new keyword with a library that is also using the same keyword as a name. I promise not to push this idea again, but would really appreciate someone taking a couple of minutes to explain why it's not worth responding to. I'm not offended, but would like to know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.

On 05/15/2018 08:03 PM, Carl Smith wrote:
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 8:41 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Sometimes it's like that, and yes it is frustrating.
For me at least, this is a deal breaker. My libraries tend to be single-file packages, so all my code is in one place -- only being able to use the keyname as one or the other in my multi-thousand line file does me no good. -- ~Ethan~

On Tue, May 15, 2018, 23:03 Carl Smith <> wrote:
I think your idea would work okay if everyone followed good programming practices. But when you have files that are tens of thousands of ugly code written by dozens of non-programmers over a dozen years it sounds like a recipe for a nightmare. For example someone you never met that left your group ten years ago could have made "True" be "np.bool_(1)" on a whim that makes your code break later in very hard-to-debug ways. To put it simply, I think it encourages people to take convenient shortcuts with implications they don't understand.

Thanks for the reply Todd. If `True` was redefined somewhere else, it would still be `True` for you. You could do `from oldlib import True as true` and have `true` equal ` np.bool_(1)`. You could reference `oldlib.True` or do `oldlib.function(True=x)` to interact with the name in the old library. None of this would actually apply to `True`, as it's a reserved word in all versions. The proposal only applies to new keywords that are used as names in other libraries. Again, thanks for taking the time. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 14:46, Todd <> wrote:

One problem with my proposal is with assignments to properties (`name.keyword = something`) and regular assignments (including class and def statements) inside the body of a class that subclasses and externally defined class would all need to be allowed, so that inherited names can be reassigned to and inherited methods can be overridden. As there is no way to know from static analysis whether the code is (legally) overriding something or (illegally) creating a name that is also a keyword in that file, doing so would need to be handled by a runtime exception, something like `NameError: cannot create names that are keywords in the same context`. Runtime errors still seem preferable to making keywords legally names in the same file (especially if we have to escape the names). -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 15:26, Carl Smith <> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 10:26 AM, Carl Smith <> wrote:
Not if you need to make changes in the same tens of thousands of lines file.
No it isn't. It was added in Python 2.3 and only became a keyword in Python 3. Prior to that lots of other packages defined their own "True" (or "true" or "TRUE", etc), which is why it wasn't made a keyword for such a long time. But this is just an example of the sort of problem that can come up with your approach. The overall issue is that python has no way of knowing if the keyword is being used for legitimate backwards-compatibility purposes or someone intentionally overrode after it was made a keyword because they somehow thought it was a good idea. That is why being explicit about overriding the keyword is so important.

Todd wrote:
The trouble with explicitly overriding keywords is that it still requires old code to be changed whenever a new keyword is added, which as far as I can see almost competely defeats the purpose. If e.g. you need to change all uses of given to \given in order for your code to keep working in Python 3.x for some x, you might just as well change it to given_ or some other already-legal name. The only remotely legitimate use I can think of is for calling APIs that come from a different language, but the same thing applies there -- names in the Python binding can always be modified somehow to make them legal. As far as I can see, any mechanism allowing keywords to be used as names has to be completely transparent to existing code, otherwise there's no point in it. -- Greg

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 10:58:34AM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
Well, maybe. Certainly using name_ is a possible solution, and it is one which has worked for over a quarter century. We can argue about whether \name or name_ looks nicer, but \name has one advantage: the key used in the namespace is actually "name". That's important: see below.
Of course they can be modified. But having to do so is a pain. With the status quo, when dealing with external data which may include names which are keywords, we have to: - add an underscore when we read keywords from external data - add an underscore when used as literals - add an underscore when used as getattr("kw") literals - conditionally remove trailing underscore when writing to external APIs to: - do nothing special when we read keywords from external data - add a backslash when used as literals - do nothing special when used as getattr("kw") literals - do nothing special when writing to external APIs I think that overall this pushes it from a mere matter of visual preference \kw versus kw_ to a significant win for verbatim names. Let's say you're reading from a CSV file, creating an object from each row, and processing it: # untested reader = csv.reader(infile) header = next(reader) header = [name + "_" if name in keywords.kwlist() else name for name in header] for row in reader: obj = SimpleNamespace(*zip(header, row)) process(obj) The consumer of these objects, process(), has to reverse the transformation: def process(obj): for name, value in vars(obj): if name.endswith("_") and name[:-1] in keywords.kwlist(): name = name[:-1] write_to_external_API(name, value) Verbatim names lets us skip both of these boilerplate steps. An interesting case is when you are using the keywords as hard-coded names for attribute access. In the status quo, we write: obj.name_ obj.getattr("name_") In the first line, if you neglect the _ the compiler will complain and you get a syntax error. In the second line, if you neglect the _ you'll get no warning, only a runtime failure. With verbatim names, we can write: obj.\name obj.getattr("name") # Don't escape it here! In this case, the failure modes are similar: - if you forget the backslash in the first line, you get a SyntaxError at compile time, so there's no change here. - if you wrongly include the backslash in the second line, there are two cases: * if the next character matches a string escape, say \n or \t, you'll get no error but a runtime failure; (but linters could warn about that) * if it doesn't match, say \k, you'll now get a warning and eventually a failure as we depreciate silently ignoring backslashes. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Let's say you're reading from a CSV file, creating an object from each row, and processing it:
Okay, I can see it could be useful for situations like that. But this is still a completely different use case from the one that started this discussion, which was making it less painful to add new keywords to the language. The backslash idea doesn't help at all with that. -- Greg

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 06:03:32PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
Doesn't help *at all*? Sure it does. It's Python 3.8, and I learn that in 4.0 "spam" is going to become a keyword. I simply take my code and change all the references spam to \spam, and I've future-proofed the code for 4.0 while still keeping compatibility with 3.8 and 3.9. (But not 3.7 of course. But we can't have everything.) If my code is a library which others will use, the benefit is even bigger. (For a purely internal project, I could just replace spam with spam_ and be done with it.) But for a library, I already have public documentation saying that my API is the function spam(), and I don't want to have to change the public API. As far as my library's users are concerned, nothing has changed. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Okay, maybe it helps a little bit, but not very much. There will still be a lot of reluctance to add new keywords, because of the disruption it will cause to existing code. If we've learned nothing else from the Python 3 changeover, it's that many people work in an environment where it's extremely difficult to update working code. -- Greg

2018-05-18 8:05 GMT+02:00 Greg Ewing <>:
And the alternative is to replace all occurrences of spam with 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 , which has the same effect and also is backward-compatible with 3.x for x < 8. So there is already a kind of solution available, albeit an ugly one. Stephan If we've learned nothing else from the Python 3 changeover,

It could be worse. At least 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 ("\U0001d42c\U0001d429\U0001d41a\U0001d426") is visually distinct with the right font support. You could (ab?)use the Unicode Tags block ( and use something like 'spam\U000e0069\U000e0064' (spam<i><d>). (Luckily, that's not even valid Python, as the tag characters aren't valid for identifiers.) -- Clint

2018-05-18 13:37 GMT+02:00 Steven D'Aprano <>:
I am not kidding; I am merely defending the status quo. I demonstrate how the intended behavior can be achieved using features available in current Python versions. The approach has at least the following two technical advantages. 1. It requires no change to Python 2. It provides backwards compatibility all the way back to 3.0. The spelling is arguably ugly, but this should be weighted against the, IMHO, extremely rare use of this feature.
If that works at all, I don't think its something we want to guarantee will work.
It is guaranteed to work by PEP-3131: "All identifiers are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of identifiers is based on NFKC." NFKC normalization means spam must be considered the same identifier as 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 . Note that the choice for NFKC normalization was apparently explicitly discussed and decided upon at the time. Since the difference between NFC and NFKC is exactly that identifiers like spam and 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 are different under the former and identical under the latter, I take it this is all quite intentional.
And for what it's worth, what I see is eight empty boxes (missing glyph symbols).
I am afraid that mostly shows that your mailer has a bug in handling non-BMP unicode characters; you should be seeing FOUR missing glyph symbols. Stephan

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 03:09:57PM +0200, Stephan Houben wrote:
Earlier you described this suggestion as "a silly joke". I think you were right then.
Aside from the fact that font, editor and keyboard support for such non-BMP Unicode characters is very spotty, it isn't the intended behaviour. As you point out, the intended behaviour is that obj.𝐢𝐟 and obj.if ought to be identical. Since the later is a syntax error, so should be the former.
It's not the NFKC normalization that I'm questioning. Its the fact that it is done too late to catch the use of a keyword. -- Steve

2018-05-18 15:37 GMT+02:00 Steven D'Aprano <>:
Earlier you described this suggestion as "a silly joke".
The joke proposal was to write all keywords in Python using bold font variation, as a reaction to a similar joke proposal to precede all keywords in Python with \. In contrast this isn't even a proposal, it is merely a description of an existing feature. Practically speaking, suppose "spam" becomes a keyword in 3.8, and I have a module which I want to make compatible with 3.8 AND I want to preserve the API for pre-3.8 versions, then I will first update my module to use some alternative spelling spam_ throughout, and then, in a single place, write: 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐦 = spam_ # exploit NFKC normalization to set identifier "spam" for backward compatibility Even if this single line shows up as mojibake in somebody's editor, it shouldn't inconvenience them too much.
I am not sure from what you conclude that. There seem to be three design possibilities here: 1. 𝐢𝐟 is an alternative spelling for the keyword if 2. 𝐢𝐟 is an identifier 3. 𝐢𝐟 is an error I am pretty sure option 1 (non-ASCII spelling of keywords) was not intended (doc says about keywords: "They must be spelled exactly as written here:") So it is either 2 or 3. Option 3 would only make sense if we conclude that it is a bad idea to have an identifier with the same name as a keyword. Whereas this whole thread so far has been about introducing such a feature. So that leaves 2, which happens to be the implemented behavior. As an aside: A general observation of PEP-3131 and Unicode identifiers in Python: from the PEP it becomes clear that there have been several proposals of making it more restricted (e.g. requiring source code to be already in NFKC normal form, which would make 𝐢𝐟 illegal, disallowing confusables, etc.) Ultimately this has been rejected and the result is that we have a rather liberal definition of Unicode identifiers in Python. I feel that 𝐢𝐟 being a valid identifier fits into that pattern, just as various confusable spellings of if would be legal identifiers. In theory this could lead to all kinds of sneaky attacks where code appears to do one thing but does another, but it just doesn't seem so big an issue in practice.
NFKC normalization is restricted to identifiers. Keywords "must be spelled exactly as written here."
See above. Stephan

On 5/18/18 10:31 AM, Stephan Houben wrote:
I would think that the rule that normalization is restricted to identifiers says that it needs to happen AFTER keyword identification (otherwise it would have applied to the keyword). To follow the rules and flag identifiers that normalize to keywords, either you need to normalize early and tag text that had been changed by normalization so keywords could flag errors (but late enough that you don't normalize inside strings and such), or you need to normalize late (as is done) but then add a check to see if the text became the same as a keyword. Seems a shame to go to extra work to flag as an error something that really could only have been done intentionally, removing a 'feature' to help with backwards compatibility. -- Richard Damon

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 06:05:05PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
That's okay, in fact there *ought* to be reluctance to add new keywords. The aim of the exercise is not to add dozens of new keywords to the language, just to make it easier to deal with the situation when we do. -- Steve

On 2018-05-17 2:03 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
I don't think there will a solution that makes it less painful to add keywords to the language, nor that finding one should be something we aim for. What this proposal accomplishes is help interoperation with other languages that have different keywords, simplify code generators by letting them blindly escape names and avoid mangling/demangling keywords, and as a distant third, an easy out if the language adds a keyword you use as a name. Alex

Nope. That's the exact thing my proposal avoids. I'm not sure it also does everything everyone else wants it to do, so it may be a bad idea, but you would not have to change old code, ever. For the purpose of this discussion, let's say that if any code implicitly enables a new feature (by simply using it), all the code in that file is 'new code' in the context of the specific feature (a bit like how `yield` works). If `until` was a new keyword, any file that used it as a keyword would be new code. Any other files are 'old code'. New code could still import an object named `until` from old code. It just could not import it as `until`. So `import until as upto` is fine, but `import until` is a NameError *in new code*. In old code, `until` is still just a name. We would also allow `name.until` and `dance(until="am")` in new code, so that we can still reference names in old code (without them becoming names in new code). If `self.until = something` appeared anywhere in new code, or any local assignment to `until` (including class and def statements) appeared inside a subclass definition within new code, that would need to be checked for a runtime NameError (not very often, but sometimes). In practice, many libraries would alias names that became keywords, so new code could use the new name without restrictions, but old code would carry on working with the old name. TLDR: The syntax and semantics of old code would remain totally unchanged. -- Carl Smith On 17 May 2018 at 01:21, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

Carl Smith wrote:
Okay, that works because it *doesn't* require old code to explicitly say "I'm using this word the old way". My comment was about the idea of having to use a backslash to escape keywords used as names, or similar schemes.
Actually it would be fine if new code had to say "name.\until" etc. The only problem I can see is that it would probably be near-impossible to implement using the current parser generator. It might be doable by keeping multiple versions of the grammar -- try to parse using the most recent grammar, if that doesn't work, try the next most recent, etc. But that would be pretty horrible, and it would require keeping old cruft in the implementation forever, which we don't like doing. -- Greg

On 5/15/2018 8:41 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Not quite as heavy.
If "verbatim name" is too long, we could call them "raw names", by analogy with raw strings.
I think it is just ugly enough to discourage wild use.
I believe avoiding tagging raw names as keywords could be done by adjusting the re for keywords and that addition of '\' could be done by re.sub. (The details should be in the doc.) -- Terry Jan Reedy

On 16 May 2018 at 01:41, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
I'm missing something. How is that different from using a trailing underscore (like if_ or while_) at the moment? I understand that foo and \foo are the same name, whereas foo and foo_ are different, but how would that help? Can you give a worked example of how this would help if we wanted to introduce a new keyword? For example, if we intended to make "where" a keyword, what would numpy and its users need to do to continue using `numpy.where`? Paul

On 5/16/18 4:13 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
Presumably things that know their name (like def'd functions and classes, off the top of my head) would be able to figure out their keyword-like name. Although exactly how that would work is debatable.
def \if(): pass ...
Is \if.__name__ equal to r"\if", or "if"? Probably just "if". Not that it really matters, but I can see code generators adding backslashes everywhere. For example, in dataclasses I'd probably generate __init__ for this: \for=float @dataclass class C: \if: int only: \for as: def __init__(self, \if:\int, \only:\for): That is, I'd add a backslash in front of every identifier, instead of trying to figure out if I need to or not. I think a lot of code generators (such as attrs) would need to be modified. Not a show-stopper, but something to think about.
I think they'd have to change to `numpy.\where` when `where` became a keyword. Another thought: I'm sure f-strings would have fun with this. This code is currently illegal:
That would be a bear to fix, and would require all code that looks at f-strings, even if only to ignore them, to change. Currently you can just say "any string that has an f in front of it can be lexed (as a unit) the same way 'r', 'u', and 'b' strings are". But this would break that, and mean that instead of a simple tokenizer to find the end of an f-string, you'd probably need a full expression parser. Again, just something to think about. Eric

On 5/16/18 4:47 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
On 5/16/18 4:13 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
To be clear: this would apply to any code that uses numpy.where, not just the code that defines it. The only way to bullet-proof your code so that it would never need any modifications in the future would be to put a backslash in front of every identifier. Or maybe just all-lowercase identifiers, since we're unlikely to make a keyword with uppercase chars in it. And since no one in their right mind would do that, there's still the risk of your code breaking in the future. But at least there would be a way of fixing it in a way that would work both with old versions of python where the identifier isn't a keyword, and for versions where it is. That is, once "old versions" include ones that support verbatim names. Eric

Hi all, One problem already alluded to with the \identifier syntax is that it only works if the old Python version is sufficiently recent to understand \. What about using parentheses to allow a keyword to be used as an identifier: (where)(x, y) This then in combination with allowing keywords in the following unambiguous locations: 1. After dot ("numpy.where") 2. After def and class ("def where") 3. After "as". This should make it possible to write code which works in a hypothetical future Python version where "where" is a keyword, and which also works with current Python versions. Stephan 2018-05-16 11:03 GMT+02:00 Paul Moore <>:

On 16/05/2018 10:12, Stephan Houben wrote:
I believe this is the first proposal that allows future-proofing of new code while preserving complete backward compatibility. As far as I know, ( keyword ) is never legal syntax. Of course, putting brackets round every occurrence of every identifier that you think might become an identifier in the next century is a bit of a chore. There is no perfect solution. Best wishes Rob Cliffe

My proposal removes the need to future proof anything, and only requires subtle changes to the syntax (nothing visually different). It also preserves perfect backwards compatibility. Just saying :) -- Carl Smith On 17 May 2018 at 22:38, Rob Cliffe via Python-ideas <> wrote:

On Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 5:55:30 PM UTC-4, Carl Smith wrote:
burden on new code that uses "given" or "where" or whatever in the form of a special import or statement enabling it. I love that we're instead making it easy to keep old code working while protecting Python's beautiful future with no special imports or statements to use the core language.

On Wed, 16 May 2018 09:13:52 +0100 Paul Moore <> wrote:
I think it could help in cases like namedtuple, where names can be part of a data description (e.g. coming from a database) and then used for attribute access. I do not find it extremely pretty, but I like it much better still than the "allowing keywords as names" proposal. It also has the nice side-effect that it doesn't make it easier to add new keywords, since the common spelling (e.g. `np.where`) would still become a syntax error and therefore break compatibility with existing code. Regards Antoine.

On 16.05.2018 02:41, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Maybe that could get combined with Guido's original suggestion by making the \ optional after a .? Example: class A (): \global = 'Hello' def __init__(self): self.except = 0 def \finally(self): return 'bye' print( a = A() a.except += 1 print(a.finally()) or with a module, in \except = 0 elsewhere: import my_module print(my_module.except) or from my_module import \except print(\except) Best, Wolfgang

Not if you need to make changes in the same tens of thousands of lines file.
But what has that got to do with the the syntax of the new code? The old code is what it is. I did think after I replied that `True` wasn't actually reserved until more recently, but the point still stands: You would be able to reference the name *as defined* in an external library, and yeah, it could refer to anything, but that's kinda the point. We have to assume the library does something sane with the name. We can't preempt an employee sabotaging `True`. As a more realistic example (if not for Python), say `until` became a keyword, then you could end up with lines like this: from oldlib import until as upto dance(until="am") event.until = time(9, 30)
I only said that Python does not know *until runtime*, and I was wrong when I described that as a problem. A runtime NameError actually makes perfect sense. Assigning to `self.until` or assigning to `until` inside a subclass should not be a syntax error. A NameError would be correct. It worth mentioning that the cost of checking only applies to cases where the name in question is also keyword, so almost never. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 16:40, Niki Spahiev <> wrote:

> There can be 2 escape characters '\' and '.' That's clever, but then we have to put a slash in front of names in imports, assignments and keyword arguments, but not properties. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 19:17, Carl Smith <> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 2:17 PM, Carl Smith <> wrote:
Again, because you end up with hard-to-debug issues through no fault of your own.
We can and do preempt someone sabotaging a keywords by not letting anyone override them. That is the whole point of using reserved keywords. Some languages allow you to change important words, some don't. Guido made a conscious decision to make certain words keywords, and to not let anyone change them, I believe to avoid the sorts of issues I have brought up. You are talking about removing one of the most important and long-standing protections the language has in place. That is not a small change.

Making names keywords requires that keywords also be names. If Guido is open to introducing keywords that are currently names, it cannot be lost on him that some code will use names that are now keywords. If your position is that Guido shouldn't introduce keywords that are currently used as names at all, fair enough; that'd be my first choice too. But, if we are going to do it, I have a strong preference for a specific approach. -- Carl Smith On 16 May 2018 at 20:40, Todd <> wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 2:09 PM, Carl Smith <> wrote:
If your position is that Guido shouldn't introduce keywords that are currently used as names at all,
Exactly -- which is why I'm wondering my no one (that I've seen -- long thread) is presenting the backwards option: Any new keywords introduced will be non-legal as regular names. \new_key_word for instance. Makes me think that it may have been good to have ALL keywords somehow non-legal as user-defined names -- maybe ugly syntax, but it would make a clear distinction. how ugly would this be? \for i in range(n): \while \True: ... pretty ugly :-( But maybe not so much if only a handful of new ones.... Or is there another currently illegal character that could be used that would be less ugly? I'm actually confused as to what the point is to the \ prefix idea for names: * It would still require people to change their code when a new keyword was introduced * It would be no easier / harder than adding a conventional legal character -- trailing underscore, or ??? * but now the changed code would no longer run on older versions of python. I guess it comes down to why you'd want to call out: "this is a name that is almost like a keyword" Seems like a meh, meh, lose proposal to me. OK, I see one advantage -- one could have code that already has BOTH word and word_ names in it. So when word becomes a keyword, a tool that automatically added an underscore would break the code. whereas if it automatically added an currently illegal character, it wouldn't shadow anything. But a sufficiently smart tool could get around that, too. -CHB -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

OK, that was a silly joke, but did you realize that the following already WORKS TODAY:
That's right, I can access a member whose name is a keyword by simply using Unicode bold. Because Python normalizes Unicode fonts but this is apparently AFTER keywords have been recognized. Stephan 2018-05-17 19:53 GMT+02:00 Stephan Houben <>:

My preference is to do nothing. If you end up making "where" a keyword in Python 3.8, numpy will probably: * rename their where function to "where_" in 3.8 * add a where_ alias in Python < 3.8. And then people will have to fix their code in 3.8 anyway. Only instead of learning a new verbatim syntax, they will just add the familiar underscore. One thing that should ideally be done is to improve the SyntaxError processing to special case use of keywords in places that identifiers are used. Instead of: In [1]: for if in range(10): File "<ipython-input-1-a51677fa6668>", line 1 for if in range(10): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax How about In [1]: for if in range(10): File "<ipython-input-1-a51677fa6668>", line 1 for if in range(10): ^ SyntaxError: "if" was used where a variable belongs, but "if" is a keyword. Consider using "if_" instead. Similarly, In [2]: int.if File "<ipython-input-2-72291900e846>", line 1 int.if ^ SyntaxError: "if" was used where an attribute name belongs. Did you mean "if_"? SyntaxError doesn't need to quickly generate its error strings. So there is only an upside to having clear error messages. On Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 1:54:42 PM UTC-4, Stephan Houben wrote:

[Resending due to Google Groups getting involved and giving me an error] On 5/17/2018 2:41 PM, Neil Girdhar wrote:
I'm not saying this applies to numpy, but one bonus of using \where would be that existing 3.7 pickles would work in 3.8 (or I think so, it's all obviously underspecified at this point). With renaming, pickles would break. Eric

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:41:33AM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
My preference is to do nothing. If you end up making "where" a keyword in Python 3.8, numpy will probably:
This is only incidently about "where". I'm hoping that the "where" (or "given") proposal is rejected. It is so verbose and redundantly repetitious in the common case that rather than being an improvement over the status quo, it is worse. But that's by-the-by.
You should be thinking forward two or three versions from now, when \name is the familiar syntax and name_ looks like you started to write an identifier using the underscore_words_convention but got distracted halfway through. Remember that (if approved) verbatim names will not be "that new syntax" for long. We don't still talk about "that new fangled list comprehension syntax" or "that new yield keyword". That was the problem with the "old versus new style classes" terminology: at the point that "new-style classes" had been around for six releases, approaching a decade, they weren't new any more.
This is worth doing regardless of whether or not we get verbatim strings or some other alternative. You ought to raise it on the bug tracker. -- Steve

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 9:35 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
However, the difference between the backslash syntax and comprehensions and generator functions is that comprehensions and generator functions make the language more expressive. The backslash is no more expressive than trailing underscore. It's no more succinct, and no more clear. Adding it to the language constitutes more that the user needs to learn, which makes Python slightly less accessible. I don't like multiple ways of doing the same thing. There is already probably billions of lines of code that use trailing underscore to avoid collisions. If the backslash syntax is added, then there will be a natural push towards the "right way" to avoid collisions. If that's backslashes, then projects are typically going to have code written with backslashes and code written with underscore. When you go access a variable named "where", you'll wonder: was it called "\where" or "where_"? Maybe the "\where" is pretty enough that it's worth it like you say. Maybe a function like: def f(\in=0, out=1): is prettier than def f(in_=0, out=1): but I'm already so used the current way of doing things, my aesthetic is that it's not worth the variability. For that reason, I'd like to make a more modest proposal to *only* add a verbatim versions of keywords as necessary, e.g., "\where" or "\given". That way, there will be no temptation to use that syntax in any other place. If a new version of Python comes out with a new keyword, say "abc", then all of the old Python versions can get a minor revision that knows about "\abc". This would ensure that the backslash syntax is only used to avoid collisions with new keywords. When 3.7 hits end-of-life, the "\given" (or whatever) can be deprecated.

On 2018-05-17 11:02 PM, Neil Girdhar wrote:
-1. This would add an extra maintenance and mental ("which keywords are allowed as verbatim and which not") cost to the feature while limiting its utility to the one use case it's only incidentally addressing. PEP8 can warn people not to use verbatim names frivolously in handwritten code.

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:02:23PM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote:
On the contrary: it removes a pain point when dealing with external libraries. No longer will we have to *transform* the name on both input and output. Instead, we only need to *escape* the name when written as a literal.
I don't like multiple ways of doing the same thing.
Ah, like when people want to use "class" as an identifier, and since they can't, they write: klass cls Class and maybe even occasionally class_ :-) Or they use a synonym: kind, clade, type (with or without trailing underscore). I've seen *every one of those choices* in real code. Except "clade", I just added that one now. Remind me again what the "one (obvious) way to do it" is?
Indeed, and if this proposal is accepted, that will remain legal, and if people want to write class_ instead of \class or klass, or if_ instead of \in or infile, they are permitted to do so. You can even have your own in-house style rules mandating whatever style you prefer.
Yes? Why is this more of a problem than what we have now? Is it called (in context of PEP 572) "where" or "given"? In general, is it called: where, place, location, loc, locus, position, pos, x, xy, locality, locale, coordinates, coord or some other synonym? In order to successfully use a library's API, one needs to actually know what that API *is*. That means you need to know the name of things. Adding verbatim names won't change that.
Being able to use "in" as an identifier as in that example is not the driving motivation for adding this feature. The driving motivation is to remove a pain point when dealing with external APIs that use keywords as regular identifiers, and to make it simpler to future-proof code when a new keyword is due to be introduced. Nobody is going to recommend that folks rush to deprecate their name_ APIs and replace them with \name. I'm sure most library maintainers will have better things to do. in_ will stay in_ for most existing code. It is only new code that doesn't have to care about 3.7 or older than can even consider this.
For that reason, I'd like to make a more modest proposal to *only* add a verbatim versions of keywords as necessary,
Because "special cases are special enough to break the rules, complicate the documentation and the implementation, and give rise to a thousand Stackoverflow posts asking why we can escape some keywords but not others".
Just because you have no use-case for using "except", say, as an identifier doesn't mean nobody has. You are not arbiter of which keywords are acceptable to use verbatim and which ones are forbidden.
When 3.7 hits end-of-life, the "\given" (or whatever) can be deprecated.
Having a white list of "Permitted keywords you may escape" is horrible enough without baking in a policy of continued code churn by removing them from the whitelist every few releases. -- Steve

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 2:48 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
In most cases: cls
All of your arguments would have applied to a keyword escaping proposal had it been proposed before "given" was even considered. The only reason we're even considered considering escaping is to keep code that uses "given" as an identifier working. That's why I prefer the most modest solution of only being able to escape given. After all, there wasn't any big need to escape other keywords last year.

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 08:31:36AM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote: [...]
The immediate next sentence goes on to say: If a function argument's name clashes with a reserved keyword, it is generally better to append a single trailing underscore rather than use an abbreviation or spelling corruption. Thus class_ is better than clss. (Perhaps better is to avoid such clashes by using a synonym.) So PEP 8 already torpedoes your preference for a single way to spell words that clash with keywords: - use a synonym; - or a trailing underscore - except for the first argument of class methods, where we use the misspelling (or abbreviation) "cls". If you object to this proposed verbatim names on the basis of disliking multiple ways to spell identifies that clash with keywords, that ship sailed long ago. There has always been multiple ways. But I like to think that verbatim names could become the one OBVIOUS way to do it in the future. [...]
All of your arguments would have applied to a keyword escaping proposal had it been proposed before "given" was even considered.
Every new idea has to be thought of for the first time. Otherwise it would have been in the language from day zero and it wouldn't be a new idea. If it wasn't "given", it could have been for "async" and "await", if not for them it could have been for "with", if not for "with" it might have been "yield", and so on. There had to be a first time for any idea. I would have suggested this twenty years ago if I thought of it twenty years ago, but I didn't, so I didn't. Dismissing the idea because I didn't suggest it earlier when other keywords were suggested is illogical.
That might be the only reason YOU are considing it, but it definitely isn't the only reason for me. And probably not for others. In fact, since I strongly dislike the "given" syntax, and really want that idea to be rejected, anything that increases its chances are a negative to me. Nevertheless, identifiers clashing with keywords isn't something brand new that only occurs thanks to "given". It has been a pain point forever. A small one, true, but still a nuisance. Verbatim names has the possibility to cut that nuisance value even further. But not if we short-sightedly limit it to a single case.
That's why I prefer the most modest solution of only being able to escape given.
Limiting a general method of mitigating the keyword clashing problem to a single keyword is as sensible as limiting the pathlib library to only work with a single hard-coded pathname. -- Steve

On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 10:49 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Right. I think it's pretty clear that there is one way to avoid naming conflict and keep the same name: use a trailing underscore except when it's the first argument to a class method.
But I like to think that verbatim names could become the one OBVIOUS way to do it in the future.
That's what I don't want.

I was asked earlier to summarise the the proposal I've been advocating for, but have already gone over the central points a few times. I'll try and find time to write a clear explanation soon. -- Carl Smith On 18 May 2018 at 19:54, Neil Girdhar <> wrote:
participants (24)
Alexandre Brault
Andrés Delfino
Antoine Pitrou
Carl Smith
Chris Barker
Clint Hepner
Eric V. Smith
Ethan Furman
Franklin? Lee
Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum
Neil Girdhar
Niki Spahiev
Paul Moore
Richard Damon
Rob Cliffe
Stephan Houben
Steven D'Aprano
Terry Reedy
Tim Delaney
Tim Peters
Wolfgang Maier