The 'instruction' event of python debugger

Hi, all: I've been studying into python for a time. When I'm using the python debugger, I found for the python code run step, the smallest granularity is one single python source line(corresponding to the 'line' event in the debugger implementation), that means we can stop at every python source line and do something, for example, print an object, watch the stack, and so on. Sometimes I feel it's not small enough, I need another trace event: instruction. This event occurs at every instruction execution, which means I can stop my python program at every python instruction. I think it's useful for software developers to debug their program at a very low level, and for python learner to study how every python instruction works. How about adding this 'instruction' event type for python debugger? I have implemented it in the python source, not difficult, only small changes. -- Ray Allen Best wishes!
participants (1)
Ray Allen