doctest (re-send to list)

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Barry Warsaw <> wrote:
I think is an example of (mal)adapting to an incomplete module, rather than fixing it. I think doctest can handle all the points you're making. See clarification pointers below...
1. Execution context determined by outer-scope doctest defintions.
Can you explain this one?
I gave an example in a prior message on this thread, dated Feb 17. I think it's clear there but let me know. Basically, the idea is that since the class def can also have a docstring, where better would setup and teardown code go to provide the execution context of the inner method docstrings? Now the question: is it useful or appropriate to put setup and teardown code in a classdef docstring? Well, I think this requires a committment on the behalf of the coder/documentor to concoct useful (didactic) example that could go there. For example, (as in the prior-referenced message) I imagine putting example of defining a variable of the classes type (">>> g = Graph({some complex, interesting initialization})"), which might return a (testable) value upon creation. Now this could, logically, be put in the classes __init__ method, but that doesn't make sense for defining an execution context, and *in addition*, that can be saved for those complex corner cases you mentioned earlier.
I usually put all this in an additional_tests() method, such as:
Yes, I do the same for my modules with doctests. A dummy function which can catch all the non-interesting tests. This, still superior, in my opinion, than unittest. It is easier syntactically, as well as for casual users of your code (It has no leaning curve like understanding unittest). This superiority to unittest, by the way, is only realized if the second suggestion (smart comparisons) is implemented into doctest.
Yes, but you see you're destroying the very intent and spirit of doctest. The point is to make literate documentation. If you adapt to it's incompleteness, you reduce the power of it.
Well, hopefully, I've convinced you a little that the limitations in doctests over unittests are almost, if not entirely due, to the incompleteness of the module. If the two items I mentioned were implemented I think it would be far superior to unittest. (Corner cases, etc can all find a place, because every corner case should be documented somewhere anyway!!) Cheers!! mark santa fe, nm
participants (1)
Mark Janssen