Recently-ish on c.l.py3k (iirc) folks were discussing how to write a script that exited with a human-friendly warning message if run under an incompatible version of the language. The problem with this code: import sys if sys.version < 3: sys.exit("Sorry, this script needs Python 3000") is that the code only executes once tokenization is finished--if your script uses any incompatible syntax, it will fail in the tokenizer, most likely with an error message that doesn't make it particularly clear what is going on. After thinking about the problem for a while, it hit me--this is best expressed as a "pragma". For Python's purposes, I would define a "pragma" as an instruction to the tokenizer / compiler, executed immediately upon its complete tokenization. The use case here is pragma version >= 3 # python version must be less than 3.0 Again, this would be executed immediately, aborting before the tokenizer has a chance to see some old syntax it didn't like. What else might we use "pragma" for? Well, consider that Python already has two specialized syntaxes that are really pragmas: "from __future__ import" and "# -*- coding: ". I think this functionality would be more clearly expressed with a "pragma" syntax, for example: pragma encoding latin-1 pragma enable floatdivision It's a matter of taste, but I've never liked it when languages hide important directives in comments--isn't the compiler supposed to *ignore* comments?--nor do I like how "from __future__ import" doesn't really have anything to do with importing modules. Your tastes may vary. There was some discussion back in 2000 about adding a "pragma" to the language: http://www.python.org/dev/summary/2000-08-2/ It sounds like GvR wasn't wholly against the idea: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-August/008840.html But nothing seems to have come of it. The discussion died out in early September of 2000, and I didn't find any subsequent revivals. There was some worry back then that pragmas would be a slippery slope, resulting in increasingly elaborate pragma syntaxes until we--shudder!--wake up one day and have preprocessor macros. I agree that we don't want to go too far down this slippery slope. I have some specific suggestions on how we could obviate the temptation, but they are predicated on having pragmas at all, so I might as well keep quiet until such point as pragmas get traction. If you'd like to discuss this in person--or just give me a good hard slap for even suggesting it--I'm bouncing around PyCon until Wednesday afternoon. I'm the guy with the Facebook logos plastered around his person. Cheers, /larry/

Larry Hastings schrieb:
There was some discussion back in 2000 about adding a "pragma" to the language:
It sounds like GvR wasn't wholly against the idea:
But nothing seems to have come of it. The discussion died out in early September of 2000, and I didn't find any subsequent revivals.
There is the "directive" PEP, which was rejected: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0244/ Georg

Larry Hastings <larry@hastings.org> writes:
Recently-ish on c.l.py3k (iirc) folks were discussing how to write a script that exited with a human-friendly warning message if run under an incompatible version of the language. The problem with this code:
import sys if sys.version < 3: sys.exit("Sorry, this script needs Python 3000")
is that the code only executes once tokenization is finished--if your script uses any incompatible syntax, it will fail in the tokenizer, most likely with an error message that doesn't make it particularly clear what is going on.
Personally, in scenarios where I'm worried about that, I just make my entry point script a thin one with code suitable for any releases I'm worried about, and only import the main script once the version checks have passed. It also permits conditional importing of a version-specific script when that's appropriate as well. Avoids the need to introduce execution into the tokenizer, and trying to worry about all the possible types of comparisons you might want to make (and thus need to be supported by such execution). -- David
participants (3)
David Bolen
Georg Brandl
Larry Hastings