Different interface for namedtuple?

I've been following the discussion on the list about decorators for assignments and whatnot, and while I do think it would be interesting if there were some way to abstract what happens in the creation of classes and defs into a more generalizable structure, for the immediate use case of NamedTuple, wouldn't an interface something like this solve the DRY problem? -- class Point(NewNamedTuple): x, y This interface couldn't have worked in Python 2.6 when namedtuple was introduced, but using the __prepare__ statement in Python 3, it's trivial to implement. As a bonus, NewNamedTuple could also support type checking with the following syntax: class Point(NewNamedTuple): x, y = int, int #or whatever the ABC is for int-like numbers In fact, since as it stands namedtuple is called "namedtuple" in lowercase, we could just camel case "NamedTuple" to collections instead of using the NewNamedTuple or whatever. Or, and I haven't done any research on this, it may also be possible to implement NewNamedTuple with backwards compatibility so it can also be used in the traditional way. -- Carl Johnson

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 22:32:13 -1000 "Carl M. Johnson" <cmjohnson.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
IMO, this looks like too much magic for a stdlib class. Especially the __getitem__ which will remember any reference made from within the class definition, at the risk of surprising behaviour. Also, your notation is actually less powerful, since you can't define anything else than members with it (you can't add any methods or properties to your namedtuple-derived class, except by subclassing it even further). Regards Antoine.

On 4 Mar 2011, at 07:17, Carl M. Johnson wrote:
It reminds me that a while ago (I think at the time of python 2.4), before the introduction of namedtuple, I had my own implementation of a "struct" decorator to create named tuples that enforced DRY and didn't require any metaclass magic. It worked as follows.
As you can see it abused "def", which at the time was the only way to create decorable objects that were aware of their own name. It was implemented as follows: def struct(f): classname = f.__name__ prop_names = f.func_code.co_varnames[:f.func_code.co_argcount] def _new(cls, *args, **kwargs): return tuple.__new__(cls, f(*args, **kwargs)) def _repr(self): return '%s%s' % (type(self).__name__, tuple(self)) def prop(i): return property(lambda self: self[i]) attrs = { '__slots__': (), '__new__': _new, '__repr__': _repr, '__doc__': f.__doc__ } attrs.update((name, prop(i)) for i, name in enumerate(prop_names)) return type(classname, (tuple,), attrs) -- Arnaud

I tend to agree that the trouble with my proposed interface is that it says "class" but you can't do normal class sorts of things like create methods for the namedtuple subclass. There's also the inelegance that NamedTuple is treated as a special case by the TupleNamer metaclass, different from subclasses of NamedTuple. There's a similar issue with ORMs where normally a subclass of Table is a description of a table and its fields, but sometimes you want to actually create a new class that's like Table and you can't get that done simply by subclassing. A lot of these problems could be addressed by something like the proposed "make" keyword. Imagine if the interfaces for NamedTuple and Table were: make NamedTuple(rename=True) Point: x, y make Table() Author: firstname, lastname, DOB = Str(), Str(), Date() Those strike me as nice enough declarative syntaxes. But working out exactly how a make statement would work tends to give me a headache. I suppose at a minimum, a making-object should have a __prepare__ method and an __init__ method (or perhaps an __enter__ method, and an __exit__ method). But the more one thinks about all the aspects that would be nice for a good making-object, the more confusing it becomes... -- Carl Johnson

On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Carl M. Johnson wrote:
To my eyes, that doesn't even look like Python anymore. It looks a little bit like a function annotation that lost its "->" I think this thread has completely lost perspective. The problem being solved is just a minor inelegance in the signature of a factory function. That signature would be substantially the same in most commonly used languages. It's not a deep problem crying out for a syntactic atrocity to solve it. Raymond P.S. Its "namedtuple" not NamedTuple. The latter suggests a class rather than a factory function.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger@gmail.com> wrote:
P.S. Its "namedtuple" not NamedTuple. The latter suggests a class rather than a factory function.
"NamedTuple" is my name for a hypothetical replacement for namedtuple that uses Metaclasses rather than being a factory function.

Carl M. Johnson wrote:
I did some thinking about this kind of thing once when I was considering Python as a language for interactive fiction. When writing IF, you tend to have a lot of unique objects with special behaviour, and to support this, dedicated IF languages such as TADS usually have a construct that's somewhere between a class declaration and an instantiation. For Python, I postulated an "instance" statement that would be used something like this: instance Wardrobe(Thing): name = "wardrobe" description = "A nice mahogany double-door wardrobe." def take(self): print "The wardrobe is too heavy to pick up." What this would do is first create an anonymous subclass of Thing, and then instantiate that subclass. This isn't quite what we're after here, though, because for use cases such as namedtuple, we don't usually want a subclass, and we *do* usually want to pass parameters to the constructor. We'd also like it to fit on one line in simple cases. It's hard to come up with a syntax that incorporates all of these possibilites at the same time without becoming rather long and confusing. The base class list and the construction parameters both want to go in parentheses, and how do you make it obvious which is which? -- Greg

On 5 Mar 2011, at 23:18, Greg Ewing wrote:
That's interesting, I once wrote a simple IF engine in Python and I wanted to achieve this almost exactly! I solved it as follows: instances are declared as classes inheriting from their type and the special type named Instance. So the the class definition below binds "House" to an instance of Location. class House(Instance, Location): description = "a small country house" long_description = "You are in a small country house." objects = RedKey, WoodenChest, BackDoor def go_south(): if BackDoor.is_open: message('you step through the door into the garden.') location = Garden else: message("You can't go THROUGH the door, it's closed!") Instance was defined as follows: class MetaInstance(MetaObject): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): pass class Instance(object): __metaclass__ = MetaInstance @staticmethod def MetaInstance__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs): bases = list(bases) bases.remove(Instance) cls = bases.pop() return cls(**attrs) MetaInstance.__new__ = MetaInstance__new__ -- Arnaud

If you go back and re-read PEP 359, a lot of the motivating examples -- creating namespaces, setting GUI properties, templating HTML -- are still compelling. If you add in the examples of ORM tables and interactive fiction processors, I think what unites all the examples is that the make statement is a way of creating a DSL from within Python. Can using a DSL within Python be pythonic ,though? That's a difficult question to answer. But, on the other hand, just because there's no clean, non-magical way of making a DSL within Python doesn't mean people won't try and indeed, we can see the results of their trying out there today. For example, see Biwako <http://martyalchin.com/2011/jan/20/biwako/> a recent project which abuses metaclasses to create a declarative syntax for processing file formats. Here's an excerpt from that page:
So basically, the author of this project is calling GIF a "class" but it's not something that really operates the way a normal class does, because it's subclassing the magical bin.Structure class and inheriting its metaclass. With a little searching, you can find similar examples of abuse that are centered around the with statement rather than metaclasses. People have made the with statement into an XML generator <http://langexplr.blogspot.com/2009/02/writing-xml-with-ironpython-xmlwriter....> or an anonymous block handler <http://code.google.com/p/ouspg/wiki/AnonymousBlocksInPython>. Seeing examples like these make me think a re-examination of PEP 359 would be a good idea. Of course, I do think it needs a little more work (in particular, I think the make statement should have an equivalent of a __prepare__ method and should receive the BLOCK as a callback instead of automatically executing it), but the core idea is worth taking another look at. -- Carl

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Carl M. Johnson <cmjohnson.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
Hm... I find that example pretty clear and don't think it is in much need of improvement. I also don't think there's anything wrong with using class -- after all each call to GIF() returns a new object whose attributes are defined by the definition. I'd assume that adding methods to the class would just work and be utterly unsurprising to anyone familiar with basic classes.
TBH I find such abuse of 'with' much more troubling.
This I agree with. I have a feeling that last time around it sunk primarily because people were trying to pile too many different semantics onto the same syntax -- hopefully the infatuation with Ruby anonymous blocks has deflated somewhat by now. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
I'm curious if you are troubled by both of these or one more than the other. Personally, the xml writer seems like a reasonable use to me. While I really don't like the anonymous block hack (either the use or the implementation). --- Bruce

On Mar 6, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Bruce Leban wrote:
. Personally, the xml writer seems like a reasonable use to me.
I'm surprised that you like the XML writer. To me it seems much more awkward to type the python code than the XML it generates: w = XmlWriter.Create(System.Console.Out,XmlWriterSettings(Indent=True)) x = XWriter(w) with x.element('tableofcontents'): with x.element('section',{'page' : '10'}): x.text('Introduction') with x.element('section',{'page' : '12'}): x.text('Main topic') with x.element('section',{'page' : '14'}): x.text('Extra topic') Generates: <tableofcontents> <section page="10">Introduction</section> <section page="12">Main topic</section> <section page="14">Extra topic</section> </tableofcontents> At least in this example, it seems to me that the XML writer created more work and more complexity than it saved. Raymond

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Raymond Hettinger < raymond.hettinger@gmail.com> wrote:
At least in this example, it seems to me that the XML writer created more work and more complexity than it saved.
I agree for this example. In real code, it wouldn't all be static. It would be like: with x.element('foo'): for a in stuff: with x.element('bar'): a.render(x) I like that better than something like this: x.write(x.element('foo', [x.element('bar', a.render()) for a in stuff])) --- Bruce

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger@gmail.com> wrote:
However, appropriate use of keyword arguments would clean that up quite a bit: def toc(**kwds): return x.element('tableofcontents', kwds) def section(**kwds): return x.element('section', kwds) with toc(): with section(page='10'): x.text(intro_text) with section(page='12'): x.text(Main topic) with section(page='14'): x.text(Extra topic) The CM style also lets you do a lot of nice things like providing required-by-schema default values, as well as providing conveniences to make within-document cross references easier to create. I don't think the linked page is a particularly great exemplar of the style, but you *can* do good things with the approach. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Bruce Leban <bruce@leapyear.org> wrote:
The XML example is fine, since it is just another application of "before-and-after" coding that the with statement was designed (that kind of thing was mentioned explicitly in the PEP 343 discussions, although never elaborated to anything like that degree). The bytecode hackery involved in AnonymousBlocksInPython and the withhacks module makes for fun toys to play with, but nothing that should even be remotely contemplated for a production system. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't think it's fine. The quoted example looks like it depends too much on implicit side effects. It is possible that I still (after all these years, and after enthusiastically supporting its introduction) don't fully appreciate the with-statement. I find it useful when I can clearly visualize the alternative code, which typically involves extra flow control such as a try/finally block. In this example it looks more like the alternative is just more calls. I expect that in reality the generation of XML is much more dynamic than in the example, and that the with-statement won't provide much help (there may even be cases where it could get in the way). I was going to say that I don't have much experience with generating XML, but that's not really true -- I have plenty experience generating HTML, which is a sufficiently similar experience. In fact I just hacked together a prototype for an HTML generating library which uses nested function calls instead of nested with-statements to represent the nested structure of HTML. I think I like that approach better because it makes it easier to do some parts of the generation out of order: I can construct various sub-lists of HTML elements and then splice them together. E.g. row1 = [] row2 = [] for x in <something>: row1.append(libhtml.td(f1(x))) row2.append(libhtml.td(f2(x))) t = libhtml.table(libhtml.tr(row1), libhtml.tr(row2)) # Etc. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Carl M. Johnson wrote:>
People have made the with statement into an XML generator
I don't think it's fine. The quoted example looks like it depends too much on implicit side effects.
What side effects?
I had thought of the finally as the element-close tags...
In this example it looks more like the alternative is just more calls.
Sure, but the close tag comes arbitrarily later, just like the close of a file -- which was one of the canonical use cases.
I think the main appeal of the above library is that you *don't* have to follow this pattern -- you can create the broad outline before you have the innermost details. -jJ

Jim Jewett wrote:
I had thought of the finally as the element-close tags...
But generation of the closing tags doesn't really have to be done in a finally block, unless you're somehow wanting to support throwing an exception in the middle of your xml generation and still have it generate well-formed xml. In the absence of such a requirement, using a with-statement seems like overkill. -- Greg

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
You don't use it as a finally block for that style of thing - if you hit any exception, you just reraise it (really easy with @contextmanager - simply don't put a try/finally around the yield statement). Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

Hello, Greg Ewing dixit (2011-03-06, 12:18):
Why don't use a class decorator? E.g.: def instance(*args, **kwargs): return (lambda cls: cls(*args, **kwargs)) And then simply: @instance(...some init args...) class Wardrobe(Thing): ... Cheers. *j

On Thu, 3 Mar 2011 22:32:13 -1000 "Carl M. Johnson" <cmjohnson.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
IMO, this looks like too much magic for a stdlib class. Especially the __getitem__ which will remember any reference made from within the class definition, at the risk of surprising behaviour. Also, your notation is actually less powerful, since you can't define anything else than members with it (you can't add any methods or properties to your namedtuple-derived class, except by subclassing it even further). Regards Antoine.

On 4 Mar 2011, at 07:17, Carl M. Johnson wrote:
It reminds me that a while ago (I think at the time of python 2.4), before the introduction of namedtuple, I had my own implementation of a "struct" decorator to create named tuples that enforced DRY and didn't require any metaclass magic. It worked as follows.
As you can see it abused "def", which at the time was the only way to create decorable objects that were aware of their own name. It was implemented as follows: def struct(f): classname = f.__name__ prop_names = f.func_code.co_varnames[:f.func_code.co_argcount] def _new(cls, *args, **kwargs): return tuple.__new__(cls, f(*args, **kwargs)) def _repr(self): return '%s%s' % (type(self).__name__, tuple(self)) def prop(i): return property(lambda self: self[i]) attrs = { '__slots__': (), '__new__': _new, '__repr__': _repr, '__doc__': f.__doc__ } attrs.update((name, prop(i)) for i, name in enumerate(prop_names)) return type(classname, (tuple,), attrs) -- Arnaud

I tend to agree that the trouble with my proposed interface is that it says "class" but you can't do normal class sorts of things like create methods for the namedtuple subclass. There's also the inelegance that NamedTuple is treated as a special case by the TupleNamer metaclass, different from subclasses of NamedTuple. There's a similar issue with ORMs where normally a subclass of Table is a description of a table and its fields, but sometimes you want to actually create a new class that's like Table and you can't get that done simply by subclassing. A lot of these problems could be addressed by something like the proposed "make" keyword. Imagine if the interfaces for NamedTuple and Table were: make NamedTuple(rename=True) Point: x, y make Table() Author: firstname, lastname, DOB = Str(), Str(), Date() Those strike me as nice enough declarative syntaxes. But working out exactly how a make statement would work tends to give me a headache. I suppose at a minimum, a making-object should have a __prepare__ method and an __init__ method (or perhaps an __enter__ method, and an __exit__ method). But the more one thinks about all the aspects that would be nice for a good making-object, the more confusing it becomes... -- Carl Johnson

On Mar 4, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Carl M. Johnson wrote:
To my eyes, that doesn't even look like Python anymore. It looks a little bit like a function annotation that lost its "->" I think this thread has completely lost perspective. The problem being solved is just a minor inelegance in the signature of a factory function. That signature would be substantially the same in most commonly used languages. It's not a deep problem crying out for a syntactic atrocity to solve it. Raymond P.S. Its "namedtuple" not NamedTuple. The latter suggests a class rather than a factory function.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger@gmail.com> wrote:
P.S. Its "namedtuple" not NamedTuple. The latter suggests a class rather than a factory function.
"NamedTuple" is my name for a hypothetical replacement for namedtuple that uses Metaclasses rather than being a factory function.

Carl M. Johnson wrote:
I did some thinking about this kind of thing once when I was considering Python as a language for interactive fiction. When writing IF, you tend to have a lot of unique objects with special behaviour, and to support this, dedicated IF languages such as TADS usually have a construct that's somewhere between a class declaration and an instantiation. For Python, I postulated an "instance" statement that would be used something like this: instance Wardrobe(Thing): name = "wardrobe" description = "A nice mahogany double-door wardrobe." def take(self): print "The wardrobe is too heavy to pick up." What this would do is first create an anonymous subclass of Thing, and then instantiate that subclass. This isn't quite what we're after here, though, because for use cases such as namedtuple, we don't usually want a subclass, and we *do* usually want to pass parameters to the constructor. We'd also like it to fit on one line in simple cases. It's hard to come up with a syntax that incorporates all of these possibilites at the same time without becoming rather long and confusing. The base class list and the construction parameters both want to go in parentheses, and how do you make it obvious which is which? -- Greg

On 5 Mar 2011, at 23:18, Greg Ewing wrote:
That's interesting, I once wrote a simple IF engine in Python and I wanted to achieve this almost exactly! I solved it as follows: instances are declared as classes inheriting from their type and the special type named Instance. So the the class definition below binds "House" to an instance of Location. class House(Instance, Location): description = "a small country house" long_description = "You are in a small country house." objects = RedKey, WoodenChest, BackDoor def go_south(): if BackDoor.is_open: message('you step through the door into the garden.') location = Garden else: message("You can't go THROUGH the door, it's closed!") Instance was defined as follows: class MetaInstance(MetaObject): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): pass class Instance(object): __metaclass__ = MetaInstance @staticmethod def MetaInstance__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs): bases = list(bases) bases.remove(Instance) cls = bases.pop() return cls(**attrs) MetaInstance.__new__ = MetaInstance__new__ -- Arnaud

If you go back and re-read PEP 359, a lot of the motivating examples -- creating namespaces, setting GUI properties, templating HTML -- are still compelling. If you add in the examples of ORM tables and interactive fiction processors, I think what unites all the examples is that the make statement is a way of creating a DSL from within Python. Can using a DSL within Python be pythonic ,though? That's a difficult question to answer. But, on the other hand, just because there's no clean, non-magical way of making a DSL within Python doesn't mean people won't try and indeed, we can see the results of their trying out there today. For example, see Biwako <http://martyalchin.com/2011/jan/20/biwako/> a recent project which abuses metaclasses to create a declarative syntax for processing file formats. Here's an excerpt from that page:
So basically, the author of this project is calling GIF a "class" but it's not something that really operates the way a normal class does, because it's subclassing the magical bin.Structure class and inheriting its metaclass. With a little searching, you can find similar examples of abuse that are centered around the with statement rather than metaclasses. People have made the with statement into an XML generator <http://langexplr.blogspot.com/2009/02/writing-xml-with-ironpython-xmlwriter....> or an anonymous block handler <http://code.google.com/p/ouspg/wiki/AnonymousBlocksInPython>. Seeing examples like these make me think a re-examination of PEP 359 would be a good idea. Of course, I do think it needs a little more work (in particular, I think the make statement should have an equivalent of a __prepare__ method and should receive the BLOCK as a callback instead of automatically executing it), but the core idea is worth taking another look at. -- Carl

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Carl M. Johnson <cmjohnson.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
Hm... I find that example pretty clear and don't think it is in much need of improvement. I also don't think there's anything wrong with using class -- after all each call to GIF() returns a new object whose attributes are defined by the definition. I'd assume that adding methods to the class would just work and be utterly unsurprising to anyone familiar with basic classes.
TBH I find such abuse of 'with' much more troubling.
This I agree with. I have a feeling that last time around it sunk primarily because people were trying to pile too many different semantics onto the same syntax -- hopefully the infatuation with Ruby anonymous blocks has deflated somewhat by now. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
I'm curious if you are troubled by both of these or one more than the other. Personally, the xml writer seems like a reasonable use to me. While I really don't like the anonymous block hack (either the use or the implementation). --- Bruce

On Mar 6, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Bruce Leban wrote:
. Personally, the xml writer seems like a reasonable use to me.
I'm surprised that you like the XML writer. To me it seems much more awkward to type the python code than the XML it generates: w = XmlWriter.Create(System.Console.Out,XmlWriterSettings(Indent=True)) x = XWriter(w) with x.element('tableofcontents'): with x.element('section',{'page' : '10'}): x.text('Introduction') with x.element('section',{'page' : '12'}): x.text('Main topic') with x.element('section',{'page' : '14'}): x.text('Extra topic') Generates: <tableofcontents> <section page="10">Introduction</section> <section page="12">Main topic</section> <section page="14">Extra topic</section> </tableofcontents> At least in this example, it seems to me that the XML writer created more work and more complexity than it saved. Raymond

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Raymond Hettinger < raymond.hettinger@gmail.com> wrote:
At least in this example, it seems to me that the XML writer created more work and more complexity than it saved.
I agree for this example. In real code, it wouldn't all be static. It would be like: with x.element('foo'): for a in stuff: with x.element('bar'): a.render(x) I like that better than something like this: x.write(x.element('foo', [x.element('bar', a.render()) for a in stuff])) --- Bruce

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettinger@gmail.com> wrote:
However, appropriate use of keyword arguments would clean that up quite a bit: def toc(**kwds): return x.element('tableofcontents', kwds) def section(**kwds): return x.element('section', kwds) with toc(): with section(page='10'): x.text(intro_text) with section(page='12'): x.text(Main topic) with section(page='14'): x.text(Extra topic) The CM style also lets you do a lot of nice things like providing required-by-schema default values, as well as providing conveniences to make within-document cross references easier to create. I don't think the linked page is a particularly great exemplar of the style, but you *can* do good things with the approach. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Bruce Leban <bruce@leapyear.org> wrote:
The XML example is fine, since it is just another application of "before-and-after" coding that the with statement was designed (that kind of thing was mentioned explicitly in the PEP 343 discussions, although never elaborated to anything like that degree). The bytecode hackery involved in AnonymousBlocksInPython and the withhacks module makes for fun toys to play with, but nothing that should even be remotely contemplated for a production system. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't think it's fine. The quoted example looks like it depends too much on implicit side effects. It is possible that I still (after all these years, and after enthusiastically supporting its introduction) don't fully appreciate the with-statement. I find it useful when I can clearly visualize the alternative code, which typically involves extra flow control such as a try/finally block. In this example it looks more like the alternative is just more calls. I expect that in reality the generation of XML is much more dynamic than in the example, and that the with-statement won't provide much help (there may even be cases where it could get in the way). I was going to say that I don't have much experience with generating XML, but that's not really true -- I have plenty experience generating HTML, which is a sufficiently similar experience. In fact I just hacked together a prototype for an HTML generating library which uses nested function calls instead of nested with-statements to represent the nested structure of HTML. I think I like that approach better because it makes it easier to do some parts of the generation out of order: I can construct various sub-lists of HTML elements and then splice them together. E.g. row1 = [] row2 = [] for x in <something>: row1.append(libhtml.td(f1(x))) row2.append(libhtml.td(f2(x))) t = libhtml.table(libhtml.tr(row1), libhtml.tr(row2)) # Etc. -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM, Carl M. Johnson wrote:>
People have made the with statement into an XML generator
I don't think it's fine. The quoted example looks like it depends too much on implicit side effects.
What side effects?
I had thought of the finally as the element-close tags...
In this example it looks more like the alternative is just more calls.
Sure, but the close tag comes arbitrarily later, just like the close of a file -- which was one of the canonical use cases.
I think the main appeal of the above library is that you *don't* have to follow this pattern -- you can create the broad outline before you have the innermost details. -jJ

Jim Jewett wrote:
I had thought of the finally as the element-close tags...
But generation of the closing tags doesn't really have to be done in a finally block, unless you're somehow wanting to support throwing an exception in the middle of your xml generation and still have it generate well-formed xml. In the absence of such a requirement, using a with-statement seems like overkill. -- Greg

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
You don't use it as a finally block for that style of thing - if you hit any exception, you just reraise it (really easy with @contextmanager - simply don't put a try/finally around the yield statement). Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

Hello, Greg Ewing dixit (2011-03-06, 12:18):
Why don't use a class decorator? E.g.: def instance(*args, **kwargs): return (lambda cls: cls(*args, **kwargs)) And then simply: @instance(...some init args...) class Wardrobe(Thing): ... Cheers. *j
participants (10)
Antoine Pitrou
Arnaud Delobelle
Bruce Leban
Carl M. Johnson
Greg Ewing
Guido van Rossum
Jan Kaliszewski
Jim Jewett
Nick Coghlan
Raymond Hettinger