Accidentally responded off list.
On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 1:06 PM Андрей <> wrote:
Thank you for your comment.
This feature is very needed for
PS How to send response on this message? I don’t see this message on *
<>. *
You need to register on python's bug tracker if you want to be able to
respond to the bug report there.
And where do you find RLock?
It's in the threading package
<>. You
can use a normal Lock, it's just that I needed to be able to call this from
__del__ <>
so I needed a lock that can be re-entered.
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*От: *Matthew Einhorn <>
*Отправлено: *9 июня 2020 г. в 19:41
*Кому: *Kazantcev Andrey <>
*Тема: *Re: [Python-ideas] Add close method to queue
I was just looking for something similar, but this was already requested
and rejected for lack of use cases here:
For my own use case, a RLock with a class variable indicating the queue
was closed did the trick.
On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 8:25 AM Kazantcev Andrey <> wrote:
I have a problem with notifying all current subscribers and new
subscribers about the closure of the queue and the reason. For example, I
have a producer that reads messages from websocket or something else and
send this to a queue, and several consumers (I do not know how many). If
any exception occurred, then all current subscribers and subscribers which
will be added later should know about this error. I tried to send an
exception to a queue, but that did not help, because I have several
consumers. Also, this will not protect new consumers. I propose to add a
new close method with exc argument, which will throw an exception when
calling the get method, and also throw an exception for all current
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