Re: [Python-ideas] File system API

On 2/2/07, Eduardo EdCrypt O. Padoan <> wrote:
I think that there aready exists a proposal for an Abstract FS Layer for Python somewere.
I haven't really seen a proposal for such a thing. itools.vfs is the only actualy file-system API, or file-system abstraction layer, I know of. It is going more or less in the directions I am currently thinking of. But the fact is that it has not gained popularity makes me think that maybe the direction needs to be better thought out. And it's not really a proposal as much as a partial implementation, created mostly for the needs of the other itools modules. Most other proposals had to do with handling file-systems paths, and while some also mixed in some functionality for reading/writing files, browsing directory trees, etc., they do not provide a layer of abstraction for file-systems and file-system-like entities. This is why I think there is room for such an initiative. - Tal Einat reduce(lambda m,x:[m[i]+s[-1] for i,s in enumerate(sorted(m))], [[chr(154-ord(c)) for c in '.&-&,l.Z95193+179-']]*18)[3]

"Tal Einat" <> wrote:
Or maybe it's because not that many people need a file-system API? I would imagine that the needs of most people lie within the realm of manipulating the local filesystem, and when remote access is necessary, they choose some set of remote protocols they want to use to access remote filesystems, and just use the relevant client protocols for that. - Josiah

Josiah Carlson schrieb:
And with KDE bindings for python you have KIO in python and therefore file:/ zip:/ tar:/ (s)ftp:/ http(s):/ fish:/ (rocks!) and many others. :) Yes, it's dependent on KDE and KDE is not yet available for all platforms python is. But as sayed before, there is no big need for such an API (though it would be very nice to have one). panzi

"Tal Einat" <> wrote:
Or maybe it's because not that many people need a file-system API? I would imagine that the needs of most people lie within the realm of manipulating the local filesystem, and when remote access is necessary, they choose some set of remote protocols they want to use to access remote filesystems, and just use the relevant client protocols for that. - Josiah

Josiah Carlson schrieb:
And with KDE bindings for python you have KIO in python and therefore file:/ zip:/ tar:/ (s)ftp:/ http(s):/ fish:/ (rocks!) and many others. :) Yes, it's dependent on KDE and KDE is not yet available for all platforms python is. But as sayed before, there is no big need for such an API (though it would be very nice to have one). panzi
participants (3)
Josiah Carlson
Mathias Panzenböck
Tal Einat