Re: [Python-ideas] Async API

So, are threads still an option? I feel that many of these problems with generators could be solved with threads.

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Daniel Foerster <> wrote:
So, are threads still an option? I feel that many of these problems with generators could be solved with threads.
No, because available operating systems can handle a few orders of magnitude more concurrent IO operations per process than they can handle threads per process. The idea of asynchronous programming is to only use additional threads when you really need them (i.e. for blocking synchronous operations with no asynchronous equivalent), thus providing support for a far greater number of concurrent operations per process than if you rely entirely on threads for concurrency. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

Nick, On 2012-10-27, at 12:54 AM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
BTW, you've touched a very interesting subject. There are lots of potentially blocking operations that are very hard to do asynchronously without threads. Such as working with directories or even reading from files (there is aio on linux, but I haven't seen a library that supports it.) It would be great if we can address those problems with the new async API. I.e. we can use threadpools where necessary, but make the public API look fancy and yield-from-able. Same approach that Joyent uses in their libuv. And when OSes gain more advanced and wide non-blocking support we can decrease use of threads. - Yury

Yury Selivanov wrote:
This certainly seems to be the plan, though I expect the details will be determined as libraries are updated to support the async API. As long as we ensure that the API itself can support event loops and operations using threads and other OS primitives, then we don't need to specify each and every one at this stage. My design (which I'm writing up now) puts most of the responsibility on the active scheduler, which should make it much easier to have different default schedulers for each platform (and maybe specialised ones that are optimised for more limited situations) while the operations themselves can be built out of existing Python functions. I'll post more details soon, but it basically allows schedulers to optionally support some operations (such as select() or Condition.wait()) 'natively', with the operation only having to implement a fallback (presumably on a thread pool). Cheers, Steve

Yes, stacklesslib provides this functionality with the call_on_thread() api, which turns a blocking operation into a non-blocking one. This is also useful for cpu bound operations, btw. For example, in EVE, when we need to do file operations and zipping of local files, we do it using this api. K -----Original Message----- From: Python-ideas [] On Behalf Of Yury Selivanov Sent: 27. október 2012 05:07 To: Nick Coghlan Cc: Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Async API It would be great if we can address those problems with the new async API. I.e. we can use threadpools where necessary, but make the public API look fancy and yield-from-able. Same approach that Joyent uses in their libuv. And when OSes gain more advanced and wide non-blocking support we can decrease use of threads.

Yes, thread pools are unfortunately necessary evils. Twisted comes with a few tools to handle the use cases we're discussing. The 1:1 equivalent for call_on_thread would be deferToThread/deferToThreadPool (deferToThread == deferToThreadPool except with the default thread pool instead of a specific one). There are a few other tools: - spawnProcess (equiv to subprocess module, except with async communication with the subprocess) - cooperative multitasking, such (twisted.internet.task.) Cooperator and coiterate: basically resumable tasks that are explicit about where they can be paused/resumed - third party tools such as corotwine, giving stackless-style coroutines, or ampoule, giving remote subprocesses The more I learn about other stuff the more I see that everything is the same because everything is different :) On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Kristján Valur Jónsson <> wrote:
-- cheers lvh

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Daniel Foerster <>wrote:
A simple question with a multitude of answers! Presumably you are more interested in the gory details of async programming, whereas most of this discussing has been about what the code looks like. The wikipedia articles, while not fantastic, aren't terrible: Also, there's a great introduction at ; which unfortunately comes wrapped as a twisted tutorial ;) (You can stop reading a while in when it becomes twisted-specific). -- cheers lvh

Laurens Van Houtven [] wrote:
That's a great description (even the parts about Twisted ;) ) - bookmarked. Thanks! My one dislike about the general introduction is the sole focus on I/O. In its context (as a Twisted intro) this is entirely understandable, but I'm afraid some people may come away thinking that async never involves threads. (Not that waiting on a thread is any different to waiting on I/O. Thread parallelism is a completely different concept, of course.) Cheers, Steve

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Daniel Foerster <> wrote:
So, are threads still an option? I feel that many of these problems with generators could be solved with threads.
No, because available operating systems can handle a few orders of magnitude more concurrent IO operations per process than they can handle threads per process. The idea of asynchronous programming is to only use additional threads when you really need them (i.e. for blocking synchronous operations with no asynchronous equivalent), thus providing support for a far greater number of concurrent operations per process than if you rely entirely on threads for concurrency. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

Nick, On 2012-10-27, at 12:54 AM, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
BTW, you've touched a very interesting subject. There are lots of potentially blocking operations that are very hard to do asynchronously without threads. Such as working with directories or even reading from files (there is aio on linux, but I haven't seen a library that supports it.) It would be great if we can address those problems with the new async API. I.e. we can use threadpools where necessary, but make the public API look fancy and yield-from-able. Same approach that Joyent uses in their libuv. And when OSes gain more advanced and wide non-blocking support we can decrease use of threads. - Yury

Yury Selivanov wrote:
This certainly seems to be the plan, though I expect the details will be determined as libraries are updated to support the async API. As long as we ensure that the API itself can support event loops and operations using threads and other OS primitives, then we don't need to specify each and every one at this stage. My design (which I'm writing up now) puts most of the responsibility on the active scheduler, which should make it much easier to have different default schedulers for each platform (and maybe specialised ones that are optimised for more limited situations) while the operations themselves can be built out of existing Python functions. I'll post more details soon, but it basically allows schedulers to optionally support some operations (such as select() or Condition.wait()) 'natively', with the operation only having to implement a fallback (presumably on a thread pool). Cheers, Steve

Yes, stacklesslib provides this functionality with the call_on_thread() api, which turns a blocking operation into a non-blocking one. This is also useful for cpu bound operations, btw. For example, in EVE, when we need to do file operations and zipping of local files, we do it using this api. K -----Original Message----- From: Python-ideas [] On Behalf Of Yury Selivanov Sent: 27. október 2012 05:07 To: Nick Coghlan Cc: Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Async API It would be great if we can address those problems with the new async API. I.e. we can use threadpools where necessary, but make the public API look fancy and yield-from-able. Same approach that Joyent uses in their libuv. And when OSes gain more advanced and wide non-blocking support we can decrease use of threads.

Yes, thread pools are unfortunately necessary evils. Twisted comes with a few tools to handle the use cases we're discussing. The 1:1 equivalent for call_on_thread would be deferToThread/deferToThreadPool (deferToThread == deferToThreadPool except with the default thread pool instead of a specific one). There are a few other tools: - spawnProcess (equiv to subprocess module, except with async communication with the subprocess) - cooperative multitasking, such (twisted.internet.task.) Cooperator and coiterate: basically resumable tasks that are explicit about where they can be paused/resumed - third party tools such as corotwine, giving stackless-style coroutines, or ampoule, giving remote subprocesses The more I learn about other stuff the more I see that everything is the same because everything is different :) On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Kristján Valur Jónsson <> wrote:
-- cheers lvh

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Daniel Foerster <>wrote:
A simple question with a multitude of answers! Presumably you are more interested in the gory details of async programming, whereas most of this discussing has been about what the code looks like. The wikipedia articles, while not fantastic, aren't terrible: Also, there's a great introduction at ; which unfortunately comes wrapped as a twisted tutorial ;) (You can stop reading a while in when it becomes twisted-specific). -- cheers lvh

Laurens Van Houtven [] wrote:
That's a great description (even the parts about Twisted ;) ) - bookmarked. Thanks! My one dislike about the general introduction is the sole focus on I/O. In its context (as a Twisted intro) this is entirely understandable, but I'm afraid some people may come away thinking that async never involves threads. (Not that waiting on a thread is any different to waiting on I/O. Thread parallelism is a completely different concept, of course.) Cheers, Steve
participants (6)
Daniel Foerster
Kristján Valur Jónsson
Laurens Van Houtven
Nick Coghlan
Steve Dower
Yury Selivanov