Fwd: Add sorted (ordered) containers

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Марк Коренберг <socketpair@gmail.com> wrote:
Can you share more about your use cases for these containers? What are you making? Nick Coghlan gave an answer to this question on StackOverflow at http://stackoverflow.com/a/5958960/232571 The answer kind of boils down to "there should be one obvious way to do it" and existing Python features like lists, sorted, bisect, and heapq cover many use cases. I wrote the answer that is now the second highest rated for that question. I've noticed that the upvotes have been accumulating at a slightly higher rate than Nick's answer. I think that reflects an increase in interest and maybe gradual tide change of opinion.
There are many implementations in the net, like:
That's my project. I am the primary developer of the SortedContainers project. You may also be interested in the [SortedCollections](http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcollections/) module which builds atop SortedContainers with data types like ValueSortedDict and ItemSortedDict. Because it's pure-Python, SortedContainers offers a lot of opportunity for extension/customization. That's also made it easier for the API to adapt/expand over time.
I gave a talk at PyCon 2016 about Python Sorted Collections[1] that's worth watching. The first third discusses about six different implementations with different strengths and weaknesses. The choice of data type is more than implementation details. One of the biggest issues is the various tradeoffs of data types like blists, rbtrees, etc. I have been meaning to discuss sorted collections further with Raymond Hettinger (author of the Python collections module). We spoke after the PyCon talk and wanted to continue the conversation. But I had a busy summer and just a few weeks ago welcomed my first son into the world. So realistically that conversation won't happen until 2017. [1]: http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/pycon-2016-talk.html
One of Andrew Barnert's conclusions is that SortedContainers could not scale. I did a pretty rigorous performance analysis and benchmarking at http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/performance-scale.html Short answer: I scaled SortedContainers up through ten billion elements, well past the memory limits of most machines.
participants (1)
Grant Jenks