Re: [Python-ideas] Updating PEP 315: do-while loops

Mike Meyer wrote:
I don't follow the distinction you draw. In what way is do-while not straight syntactic sugar? We can already express the construct with "while True: ... if not <expression>: break". There's nothing unnatural about spelling it this way, and it's worked for longer than either of us have been using Python. So, from my perspective, the proposal is *asking* for redundant syntax. And therefore describing my suggestions as "unPythonic" and "pure poison" because they're redundant is sophistry.
I don't agree with this conclusion. We're talking about "do/while", which is traditionally different from other looping structures. You call that "clashing", I call that its "raison d'etre". Having slept on it, I think we won't do any better than the usual approach for cooking up new Python syntax: view C syntax through Python-colored glasses. I claim this transformation works as follows: * Start with the C form, in K&R spelling, with curly braces. * Replace the opening curly brace with a colon. * Remove the closing curly brace entirely, and any non-newline whitespace after it. * Remove the parentheses around the conditional expression. * Remove semicolons. Applying that transformatino to C's "if", "if/else", and "while" gives us the Python syntax. And it shows us the way to write "for". So let's apply it to the C do/while loop. This: do { something(); } while (condition); As viewed through my "Python glasses" becomes this: do: something() while condition Yes, it's surprising that there's no colon on the "while" line. But we aren't indenting a new code block, so we shouldn't have a trailing colon. And Python has never used a leading colon to mean "outdent but continue the construct"; if it did we'd spell if-else as "if <condition>: ... :else:". If it looks weird to you to have a "while" not followed by a colon... good! do/while is a weird construct. We should *expect* it to look as weird in Python as it does in C. I therefore assert this syntax is optimal; certainly I doubt anyone will suggest one I'd like more. I still like "break if" and "continue if", but I now see those as separate. And I should not be surprised if they are henceforth ignored--as you point out they are wholly redundant. I think they're pleasing in their redundancy but I'm surely in the minority. /larry/
participants (1)
Larry Hastings