Attribute docstrings [was: One-line abstractmethod function?]

Reply-To set to Terry Reedy writes:
Aside: Properties are which? Data, or method? It's also not clear to me that "def first (self): return self.values[0]" is unlikely to be used for completely different purposes than getting the head of a list. I conclude the considerations above are mostly red herrings. The important thing, I suppose, is that the names of attributes defined in a class are not mutable. This means that their docstrings can be kept in a completely separate dict (or other string -> string mapping), which could even be stored in a separate file. (Emacs Lisp uses this to good effect. The DOC file for XEmacs is 1.6MB; for GNU Emacs it's 2.4MB.) Of course it has its problems, but they're pretty minor.
participants (1)
Stephen J. Turnbull