Re: [Python-ideas] textFromMap(seq , map=None , sep='' , ldelim='', rdelim='')

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 12:24 AM, Boris Borcic <> wrote:
Indeed, I realised my comment was slightly ambigous some time after I posted it. "the other way around" refers to the English sentence, not to the Python parameter order (i.e. join makes sense for arbitrary sequences, not just strings). If you're looking for the relevant piece of the Zen here, it's "practicality beats purity". string.join used to be used primarily as a function, but people had trouble remembering the parameter order. Locking it in as a str method on the separator made the argument order easier to remember at the cost of making it somewhat unintuitive to learn in the first place (making it a method of the sequence being joined was not an option, since join accepts arbitrary iterables). Absolutely nothing has changed in the intervening years to affect the rationale of that decision, so you can rail against it all you want (with some justification) but you aren't going to change it. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia
participants (1)
Nick Coghlan