Hi, I was wondering if the following idea would be a useful addition to the Python language and if it could use a new PEP. I personally find myself often looking into the documentation & implementation of libraries I use to try and figure out what exceptions a function may raise. In the same vein as adding type annotations to code, I think it'd be very useful to have exception "raises" annotations, i.e. a way to annotate what exceptions a function raises. Again, like type annotations, it shouldn't be mandatory nor actually be enforced at runtime. It would purely serve as a feature that IDEs can make use of. An example of how it may look: def divide(numerator: float, denominator: float) raises [ZeroDivisionError] -> float: return numerator / denominator I'd love to know if this is an idea you'd be interested in having added to the language. Kind regards, Sergio Fenoll

I like the idea. In python 3.9 you could actually experiment with implementing something like this yourself using the new Annotated type introduced in PEP 593: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/typing.html#typing.Annotated https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0593/ Maybe create a raises helper type and write your annotation like this? from typing import Annotated def divide(numerator: float, denominator: float) -> Annotated[float, raises [ZeroDivisionError]]: return numerator / denominator --- Ricky. "I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home or actually going home." - Happy Chandler On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 8:45 AM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:

Sergio Fenoll writes:
I think you need to explain the use cases in more detail. You mention IDEs, but they can already grovel through the source code and work out exactly what exceptions each function explicitly raises, and keep a database for builtins and the stdlib, which could easily be updated by the user by running the groveler on Python itself. 3rd party imports, ditto. This would allow far more accurate inference of possible exceptions than an optional 'raises' annotation would. Even a closed-source vendor removing the .py wouldn't stop a truly dedicated groveler, I believe. Because of the way exceptions are created, there'd be a trace in a namespace in the .pyc or even in a DLL.

O 25/09/20 ás 06:23, Stephen J. Turnbull escribiu:
I'm no expert so I'm not sure how IDEs currently handle typing annotations, I assume they make use of the built-in language features for that as opposed to some proprietary solution that every IDE would have to re-implement? If that is the case, i.e. they use a built-in language feature, I think it'd be beneficial to have exception annotations as part of the language as well. Also, if you had a dunder like __raises__ for functions (like you have __annotations__) you could write some cool (and possibly useful?) introspective code.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 01:23:01PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote: pyntch (currently ready for Python 2) can already tell us about exceptions. Do you know about other tools? A tiny example: l=[0,1,2] with open('f') as fh: a = int(fh.read()) print(1 / l[a]) command (after fixing option hangling in tchecker.py): tchecker.py -C show_all_exceptions=True -C raise_uncertain=True p.py output: loading: 'p.py' as 'p' processing: 322 161 processing: 324 6 processing: 328 8 processing: 328 4 processing: 329 2 processing: 332 2 processing: 332 1 processing: 333 2 processing: 333 2 total files=1, lines=4 in 0.05sec [p (p.py)] a = <int> fh = <file> l = [<int>] raises IOError: cannot open a file at p:2 raises EOFError: end of file at p:3 raises IndexError: index out of range at p:4 ZeroDivisionError is missing there, however, it couldbe seen as a space for improvement. David Kolovratník

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 10:47:21AM +0200, Sergio Fenoll wrote:
I think that it's a truism that any function written in Python could raise any exception :-) In practice, though, I think it is reasonable to say that functions will *typically* but not necessarily exclusively raise a certain set of exceptions. What you seem to be describing is similar to Java's "Checked Exceptions", which are widely agreed to be an failure. Can you explain why this would be more successful? The last thing I want to see is people being encouraged to write code like this: def demo(arg)->Something: # Raises ValueError try: processing... except ValueError: raise except: # Any other unexpected error. raise ValueError('something unexpected') just to ensure that the declared exception is correct.
How would an IDE make use of this?
If either argument is a subclass of float, this could raise any exception. -- Steve

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:38 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Another thing I don't want to see is: def demo(arg): try: some_func() # declared to raise ValueError, TypeError, and TimeoutError return 42 except ValueError: return 0 except TypeError # Shouldn't happen, just return whatever return -1 except TimeoutError # I have no idea why this would happen! Just return zero and hope # for the best. TODO: Figure out a better return value. return 0 where people feel they HAVE to catch everything that a function could raise. (Which, btw, still ignores the fact that basically any code could raise MemoryError, KeyboardInterrupt, etc.) Only catch those exceptions that you can actually handle. Otherwise, it's irrelevant what the function might raise. ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:38 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Chris Angelico follows up:
I'm -1 on this because I don't see how it could possibly be more useful than a tool that greps all the class and def statements (to identify functions) and all the raises (and presumably caches at least the builtin and stdlib raise information), and then tells your IDE about it. But "encouraging people to write bad code" seems a bit unfair, and probably invalidated in practice by the experience with mypy annotations (and certainly mitigated by the fact that a lot of annotations end up in stub files that only mypy users care much about).
Only catch those exceptions that you can actually handle. Otherwise, it's irrelevant what the function might raise.
This is a good rule. It seems to me that this proposal is intended to address the question: how do you know what subset of exceptions you can handle (and care to do so) are raised? This is why I don't see this proposal as useful to me. It leaves it up to the writer of the function to decide what exceptions interest me. Will the list be sufficiently complete from my point of view? Will it be correctly updated in new versions?

O 25/09/20 ás 07:37, Steven D'Aprano escribiu: throw, or explicitly throw anything you haven't handled. I do agree that such an approach wouldn't be great for Python. I don't think (but don't quote me on that) that introducing this idea of annotating exceptions would lead people to writing code like the above (in the same way introducing typing annotations didn't lead to people checking all function argument types in every function :-P ). After all, there wouldn't be any runtime checks to make sure you handled any raisable exceptions.
import requests try: requests.get('https://python.org') except WhateverExceptionTheRequestsLibraryRaises: pass And I remember having to dive into the documentation of the library to figure out what exception was actually raised by this method, and what the base class of said exception was. Whereas, IMO, it would be a lot nicer to have a built-in way to know what exceptions may be raised by a function call. the function will (probably) want to handle.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:09 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Don't think in terms of "expected exceptions". That's the mentality that leads to coding styles where you try to catch every exception the function can raise, which is the wrong way to think about it. Instead, think in terms of "exceptions that I can handle". ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 6:14 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
There's the shallow "exceptions that I expect to raise", which is those explicitly listed within the function as raise statements; but that's not the whole story, since exceptions can be raised by anything that the function calls. So, no, I don't think the callee should have a notion of "exceptions that I or anyone I call might raise". ChrisA

O 25/09/20 ás 10:56, Chris Angelico escribiu:
I don't understand the need of talking about "exceptions that something I call might raise" (from the POV of the callee) though, to me they are irrelevant in this discussion. When you implement a function, you are handling all/some/none exceptions and letting all/some/nonebubble up and be handled by whatever called you, right? Somewhere, be it in a docstring, some manual, external documentation, ... you write down what exceptions you expect to raise, be it explicit or implicit (e.g. by letting a known exception bubble up without explicitly raising it yourself). I'm basically only talking about those kinds of exceptions here, because in my experience those are the exceptions I'm most often having to try-except. Sure, as a caller you may want to handle more exceptions than what the callee sees as "expected exceptions", but nothing will stop you from doing that just as you do it now. I don't see how having these exceptions be annotated in the code makes anything worse. From my perspective it just makes the most common try-except you'll write easier to implement without having to leave the IDE and check external documentation.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:19 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Look at your own code. Do you know what EVERY function you call could raise? If not, then your code could raise those exceptions. It's not about "letting a known exception bubble up". It's the *normal behaviour* of letting all exceptions bubble up unless explicitly caught. Don't think in terms of knowing every exception that could be raised. That simply doesn't work, and it leads to faulty logic like this. ChrisA

O 25/09/20 ás 11:34, Chris Angelico escribiu:
I'm really failing to see what part of my logic is faulty. I know that any exception that isn't handled can be raised. I know that is the expected behaviour. I don't expect every function to exhaustively document every single exception it may raise (because as you and others have said, that would include things like MemoryErrors and KeyboardInterrupts). All I'm saying is that *some* exceptions are "expected" by whomever implemented the function. To bring it back to my earlier example, requests.get() raises a ConnectionError if it can't connect to the url you pass it. It would be super useful as a caller of that function to have this information *inside your IDE*. I really don't understand why it's faulty logic to want to have at least *some* information about the exceptions a function *may* raise.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:46 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
But requests.get() doesn't have a single raise statement anywhere in it. And if you dig through the entire source code for the requests package, you'll still only find a small number of the exceptions that might be raised. Errors come from anywhere, and if you're not handling them, you will simply let them bubble; is it your responsibility to document that? No. It's just the normal thing to do. When you want to catch an exception, don't look at the function to see what it's documented as raising. Look at its behaviour and see what it does that you can cope with. You're looking at things backwards and that's why you're wanting a list of possible things to catch. Instead, look at your program WITHOUT any exception handling, and see what exceptions are happening. Those are the ones to look at. ChrisA

O 25/09/20 ás 11:52, Chris Angelico escribiu:
Surely there has to be a better way of programming than running stuff, watching it fail, and then keeping track of how it fails so you can later handle that failure? Don't get me wrong, it's what I've been doing with Python up until now because there's no way around it (other than hoping the library documents how and when common exceptions are raised), but I can't say it I've really *enjoyed* it. I hope I'm not the only person who sees this as a suboptimal approach? Of course, I could be the weird one out but I frankly doubt it.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:59 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Why? Do you really think you can enumerate EVERY possible way that something might fail? Think, instead, about all the possible problems that you can actually cope with. That way, you have a finite - and usually small - set of things to deal with, instead of an infinite field of "well this could go wrong, but we can't do anything about that". In the list of all possible failures, will you include MemoryError? What would you do if one got raised? If the answer is "nothing, just let it propagate", then it doesn't need to be in the list. Same goes for every other exception ever invented. ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 14:15, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Why? Do you really think you can enumerate EVERY possible way that something might fail?
Rust does a surprisingly good job of that, actually. But the point is that Python is not Rust, and the infrastructure Rust uses to allow it to manage code safety is baked into the language core at a very fundamental level. Enumerating the exceptions that a piece of code can raise is impractical and unhelpful in Python. But that may not be immediately obvious to someone coming from a different language. That's why it's important to understand Python properly before proposing new features that work in other languages. (I don't think that's what the OP is doing here, to be clear, but the discussion is drifting in that direction, with Rust's Result type having been mentioned). **In Python**, writing code from the perspective of "what can I handle at this point" is the right approach. Deferring unexpected exceptions to your caller is the default behaviour, and results in a clean, natural style *for Python*. The proposal here is basically in direct contradiction to that style. Paul

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 15:57, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
I do agree but maybe that suggests a different role for annotated exceptions in Python. Rather than attempting to enumerate all possible exceptions annotations could be used to document in a statically analysable way what the "expected" exceptions are. A type checker could use those to check whether a caller is handling the *expected* exceptions rather than to verify that the list of *all* exceptions possibly raised is exhaustive. Consider an example: def inverse(M: Matrix) -> Matrix: raises(NotInvertibleError) if determinant(M) == 0: raise NotInvertibleError rows, cols = M.shape for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): ... Here the function is expected to raise NotInvertibleError for some inputs. It is also possible that the subsequent code could raise an exception e.g. AttributeError, TypeError etc and it's not necessarily possible to enumerate or exhaustively rule out what those possibilities might be. If we wanted to annotate this with raises(NotInvertibleError) then it would be very hard or perhaps entirely impossible for a type checker to verify that no other exception can be raised. Or maybe even the type checker could easily come up with a large list of possibilities that you would never want to annotate your code with. Maybe that's not what the purpose of the annotation is though. What the type checker can do is check whether a caller of this function handles NotInvertibleError after seeing the *explicit* type hint. A function that calls inverse without catching the exception can also be considered as raises(NotInvertibleError). You might want to enforce in your codebase that the caller should catch and suppress the expected exception or should itself have a compatible raises annotation indicating that it can also be expected to raise the same exception e.g. either of these is fine: def some_calc(M: Matrix): raises(NotInvertibleError) A = inverse(M) ... def some_calc(M: Matrix): try: A = inverse(M) except NotInvertibleError # do something else ... Perhaps rather than requiring all exceptions to be annotated everywhere you could allow the raises type hints to propagate implicitly and only verify them where there is another explicit type hint: def some_calc(M): # no hint but checker infers this raises NotInvertibleError A = inverse(M) def other_func(M): raises(ZeroError) # checker gives an error for this # because the raises should include NotInvertibleError B = some_calc(M) You could then have an explicit hint for the type checker to say that a function is not expected to raise any exceptions maybe like this: def main(args): raises(None) ... The intent of this would be that the type checker could then follow the chain of all functions called by main to verify that any exceptions that were expected to raise had been handled somewhere. This wouldn't verify all of the exceptions that could possibly be raised by any line of code. It could verify that for those exceptions that have been explicitly annotated. Oscar

I strongly disagree that it's useless to document which Exceptions a function could raise; even in Python (which, for a few reasons, is not a language that's considered for safety-critical application). In Python, it is common practice to - at a high level in the call stack - trap Exceptions that can occur anywhere like KeyboardInterrupt and MemoryError (and separately specify signal handler callbacks). A high-level catchall (except for KeyboardInterrupt) and restart may be the best way to handle exceptions in Python. Safe coding styles (in other languages) do specify that *there may not be any unhandled exceptions*. Other languages made the specific decision to omit exceptions entirely: developers should return `retval, err := func(arg)` and handle every value of err. Python has Exceptions and it's helpful to document what exceptions a function might `raise` (even though it is possible to parse the AST to find the `raise` statements within a callable and any callables it may or may not handle). There are a few useful ideas for checking Exception annotations at compile-time in this thread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling#Static_checking_of_exceptio... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling#Dynamic_checking_of_excepti... We could pick one or more of the software safety standards listed here and quote and cite our favs: https://awesome-safety-critical.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#software-safety-st... ## Exception docstrings You can specify Exceptions in all formats of sphinx docstrings: ### Sphinx-style docstrings: ```python """ :raises: AttributeError: The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface. :raises: ValueError: If `param2` is equal to `param1`. """ ``` ### Google-style docstrings: ```python """ Raises: AttributeError: The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface. ValueError: If `param2` is equal to `param1`. """ ``` ###Numpy-style docstrings: ```python """ Raises ------ AttributeError The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface. ValueError If `param2` is equal to `param1`. """ ``` https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html#... https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_numpy.html#e... ## Design-by-contracts FWICS, neither e.g. icontract nor zope.interface support Exception contracts. How could that work. ## Awesome-safety-critical https://awesome-safety-critical.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#software-safety-st... On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 12:34 PM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:

On 26/09/20 5:27 am, Wes Turner wrote:
Safe coding styles (in other languages) do specify that *there may not be any unhandled exceptions*.
I don't think a blind rule like that actually makes a program any safer. It encourages a coding style that covers up problems and carries on to produce garbage, rather than bringing the problem to someone's attention. The Ariane V incident is sometimes cited as an example of what can happen if you fail to handle exceptions. But "handling" the exception in that case wouldn't have helped -- the program was being fed invalid inputs, and whatever it did, some kind of disaster would have occurred. -- Greg

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 18:59, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Why would anyone be forced to "handle" the exceptions? The suggestion (which you've snipped away) was not that it would be a type-checking error to call the inverse function without catching the exception. It only becomes a type-checking error if a function calls the inverse function and claims not to raise the exception. The checker just verifies the consistency of the different claims about what is raised. Oscar

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 5:27 AM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:
Forcing people to declare it is exactly the same as forcing them to handle it every other way. There are many MANY bad ways this can go, most of which have been mentioned already: 1) Catching exceptions and doing nothing, just so your linter shuts up 2) Catching exceptions and raising a generic "something went wrong" error so that's the only thing you have to declare 3) Declaring that you could raise BaseException, thus adding useless and meaningless boilerplate to your functions 4) Redeclaring every exception all the way up the chain, and having to edit them every time something changes 5) Copying and pasting a gigantic list of exceptions onto every function's signature And what are the possible *good* ways to use this? What do you actually gain? So far, the only use-case I've heard is "IDEs might help you tab-complete an except clause". That's only going to be useful if the exception tracking is accurate all the way up and down the tree, and that's only going to happen if it's done by analysis, NOT by forcing people to declare them. I've worked with Java's checked exceptions, which is what you're getting at here. They're terrible. The best way to handle them is to ensure that all your exceptions are RuntimeErrors so they don't get checked by the compiler. ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 20:36, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
I wouldn't suggest that a declaration be forced but rather that a false declaration be disallowed. More below...
I'm sure those things would happen sometimes. At least all of these things are very visible in the diff so a reviewer can at least see what's going on. The tricky thing with exceptions is the action at a distance effect so that it's not always obvious what the effect of a change is so when you see a diff like: - x = f() + x = g() you would potentially need to trawl a lot of code to see how that affects what exceptions might be raised.
I can tell you what I would use a feature like this for (if it is implemented in a useful way) which is cleaning up the exception handling in the sympy codebase. It's a large codebase with thousands of raises and excepts: $ git grep raise | wc -l 8186 $ git grep except | wc -l 1657 There are many common bugs that arise as a result of exceptions that are overlooked. There are also often simple ways to rewrite the code so that it becomes exception free. For example in sympy: if x.is_positive: # never raises (excepting bugs) - False if indeterminate if x > 0: # raises if indeterminate That distinction is not understood by many contributors to sympy but is easy to explain during code review. That's an easy example but others are not so easy.
My understanding of the situation in Java although I don't have much experience of it as that checked exceptions must *always* be declared so e.g. (in hypothetical Python syntax): def f(): raises FooError ... def g(): f() # <--- typecheck error because g does not declare FooError That is *not* what I am suggesting. Rather only an explicit raises hint could give an error so the above is fine. The type checker knows that g might raise FooError but there's nothing wrong with raising an error without any declaration. However the type checker *would* complain about this: def f(): raises FooError ... def g(): raises None f() # <--- typecheck error because g claims that it does not raise I'm sure that there would be some cases of the problems you describe (as there always will be around exceptions). However I don't think it would need to work out the way that it does in Java. Oscar

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 6:56 AM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:
The novice believes that his ultimate goal is to stop the program from crashing. If "exception free" is your goal, then sure, this feature will certainly help you. I don't want Python to have language support for something that is primarily aimed at helping novices to remain forever novices.
Okay. So what exceptions can a "raises None" function raise? Or if it "raises FooError", then what, other than FooError, can it raise? If this is to have the blessing of the language, there needs to be an absolutely 100% consistent answer to that question. And there's only one valid answer that will always be correct, and it's the useless one: BaseException. ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 22:05, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, because real professionals write applications that spew out tracebacks to their users for perfectly valid inputs and real users love that :) There are good reasons for writing your code in such a way that it handles all cases rather than blowing up. Of course if you can't handle all cases then that's one good reason for raising an exception. Raising an exception just because you wrote your code in slightly the wrong way is obviously something to avoid though. A tool that helps you to see non-obvious ways that exceptions can be raised can be very useful.
The way that I would propose is this: Yes, g can possibly raise any exception class. As you say it's not generally possible to verify that arbitrary Python code can not raise any exception outside of a nontrivial set (BaseException). However g can not raise any exception from a function that was explicitly annotated as raising that exception. If some function h is annotated as raising FooError then a FooError from h will not arise from calling g. Oscar

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 8:48 AM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:
That's something you do at a single location, usually - an error boundary. There are points in the code where it's correct to absorb and log all errors, but what that really means is that you're handling Exception (or BaseException) - you still don't need to enumerate every possible exception and you don't want to. I still don't know of ANY situation in Python where I have wanted a full list of every exception something might raise.
I'm not sure I follow. Maybe some example code? Are you saying that, if g calls h and h is declared as raising FooError, g must be declared as raising FooError or must catch it, but any other exception is fair game? Very confused and still don't see any benefit here. ChrisA

On 26/09/20 4:32 am, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
But that would be inappropriate. Even if an exception is "expected" (assuming for a moment we agree on what that means), the immediate caller is *not* obliged to handle it. Just as with any other exception, it's perfectly fine to let it propagate up to a level where something sensible can be done with it. Treating this as an error would be more annoying than helpful in most situations, I think. There are a few cases where it *might* make sense, such as StopIteration, which is pretty much part of the function's API and letting it escape is probably a mistake. But such cases are very rare and probably not worth adding a new language mechanism for. -- Greg

Search upwards for what (if anything) is going to catch an Exception would be a mighty useful static/dynamic analysis thing. Is there anything that can do this? I'd hazard to guess that *most* apps will just crash and expect the process spawner (e.g. systemd, supervisord, not sysV init) to re-spawn the crashed process after the unhandled fault? https://github.com/analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis#python https://github.com/analysis-tools-dev/dynamic-analysis#python https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python#code-analysis On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 8:35 PM Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

On 2020-09-26 01:23, Greg Ewing wrote:
An "expected" exception would be one that could be regarded as part of the interface/API, e.g. json.load raising JSONDecodeError on malformed JSON. Other exceptions could also be raised, if you, for example, you didn't pass in a file, or there's an I/O error, or you run out of memory.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 11:14:01PM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:59 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Nobody is demanding that "EVERY possible way" is handled -- but if you need to, then Python lets you do so: # Please don't do this. try: something() except: # handle EVERY error Of course this is nearly always the wrong choice. "What can I cope with" is easy: it's always *everything*, if you define "cope with" as just suppressing the error.
The problem here is that you can't decide what you can deal with in isolation. I can deal with UnicodeEncodeError easily: try again with a different encoding, or with a different error handler, easy-peasy. But if I'm doing `y = x + 1` and it somehow raised UnicodeEncodeError, what do I do? I'm stuck. In order to tell what you can deal with, you need to know the circumstances of the error, and why it occurred. In other words, you need to understand the operation being called, in particular, what exceptions it might raise under normal circumstances. I'm pretty confident that most people, unless they are TDD zealots, start by using either their pre-existing knowledge of the operation, or reading the documentation, to find out what exceptions are likely under normal circumstances, and *only then* start to think about how to deal with such exceptions. The alternative is to waste time and mental energy thinking about how to deal with exceptions that you will probably never get in real life: "Well, if I get an import error, I can add some more directories to sys.path and try adding the values again, that might fix it..." Who does that? Not me. And I bet you don't either. So I think that most of us: - start with documented or well-known exceptions; - and only then decide whether or not we can deal with them. Of course rare or unusual exceptions probably won't be discovered without a lot of testing, including stress testing, or not until the code goes out into production. That's okay. And I think that is Sergio's point: it would be good to have a standard, consistent place for functions to document which exceptions they are likely to raise under normal circumstances, and one which is available to IDEs and runtime inspection. Annotations. Of course we can inspect the docstring of the function, but it's hard for an automated tool to distinguish: This will raise WidgetExplosionError if the widget explodes. from: This is guaranteed to never raise WidgetExplosionError even if the widget explodes. There may be practical difficulties in sticking exceptions into annotations. Annotations already can be pretty long and bulky. But if you are okay with functions documenting that they might raise a certain exception, then *in principle* you should be okay with moving that into an annotation rather than the docstring. Annotations are just a form of documentation in a consistent standard format to make it easy for IDEs to read them.
In the list of all possible failures, will you include MemoryError?
Sure, if I'm writing some sort of ultra-high availability server application that is expected to run 24/7 for months at a time. while memory_in_reserve(): try: something() break except MemoryError: release_rainy_day_fund() # Frees some emergency memory. Or perhaps I'll catch the exception and try to bail out safely after writing out data files etc. Or maybe: try: fast_but_fat() except MemoryError: slow_but_lean() -- Steve

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 3:42 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
But if you DON'T have code like that, will you declare that your function might raise MemoryError? Just because it might be raised doesn't mean it's part of what needs to be documented. Nor because it might be caught. The problem with a proposal like this is that it is impossible to determine which exceptions make sense to document. My alarm script attempts to query upcoming events, and it catches ssl.SSLError, OSError, IOError, socket.error, and googleapiclient.http.HttpError. Should my upcoming_events function (a call to which is the only line in the 'try' block) be declared as raising all of those? Are there any other exceptions that I should declare? How would I know what set of exceptions is relevant to my caller? Only my caller knows what's relevant, so that's where the list of exceptions belongs: in the try/except block itself. Oh, I just discovered that that function can raise OverflowError if the script is run with --days=99999999999999999999999999999 - should I add that to the annotated list of exceptions? Is it relevant? How would I know? ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 18:42, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Expressed that way, it's a reasonable argument. And to the extent that we're talking about a way for functions to note what exceptions the developer feels are worth mentioning, having a language construct to do this would be OK. But in reality, people would treat the annotation as more definitive than it is. And people would feel pressure to "stick to the contract" when writing the annotated code. And style guides (which like it or not are sometimes written by people who are *not* experienced developers) will appear which state rules rather than allowing for nuanced interpretation. All of which might not be how the feature was intended to be used. I know, why assume the worst? But in contrast, what's the *best* outcome? My problem with the proposal is that it's about adding a mechanism, without any clear statement of how that mechanism is intended to be used. And there's so much scope for misguided use, and so few clear benefits, that it feels like a bad trade-off at the moment. (For the record, I'm not convinced by the IDE argument. I use Vim, which is relentlessly primitive in its basic form, and wouldn't use anything like this, and VS Code, which is so clever that it seems like magic most of the time, and I'm pretty certain that if people wanted it, VS Code could include "exception autocompletion" even without explicit annotation like this). Paul

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:03 PM Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
Exception docstrings contain the Exception type and the explanation str: (type, docstr) Exception annotations as proposed contain the Exception type: (type) and presumably then docstrings would also be expected to contain (type, docstr); which isn't DRY. But annotations are parseable and more commonly linted.
LSP servers and clients: https://langserver.org/ - https://github.com/microsoft/python-language-server - https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-extensions/programmatic-language-... - AFAIU, there's not yet anything in any LSP Language Extensions for statically or dynamically discovering exceptions from the DFS of all references to types and callables of a callable (Type) Annotation type inference tools: pytype (Google) [1], PyAnnotate (Dropbox) [2], and MonkeyType (Instagram)

Depth-first-search for every callable, [property] descriptor, operator, __getitem__ On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 4:36 PM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
What static and/or dynamic analysis tools can find all handled and unhandled exceptions in every transitive {callable, [property] descriptor, operator, __getitem__} given a callable? def find_all_exceptions(callable): """ Args: callable (callable): callable to traverse from in search of handled and unhandled exceptions Returns: list: nested lists of items [exception, [exception_locations], [exception_handler_locations]] (?) """ What subset of these exceptions would a code annotation and/or docstring happen to helpfully contain? - AFAIU, there's not yet anything in any LSP Language Extensions for
I haven't realized that I had need for a tool that does this either; but I guess I've effectively just manually searched for `raise` and `except` (and failed to sufficiently fuzz with every possible combination of user-supplied inputs)

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 08:01:39PM +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
Indeed. But the practical difficulties aren't trivial. There's the issue of mere ackwardness: there's already a tonne of information in a complex function signature, adding annotations pretty much doubles that, and adding exceptions could easily increase that again by fifty percent. More importantly, attempts in other languages to declare exceptions have been unsuccessful, if not counter-productive, for reasons that Chris explains. On the other hand, for many years before mypy came on the scene, IDEs parsed docstrings for parameter information, with at least four different standards for declaring parameters: - Epydoc - ReST format - Google's format - Numpydoc format https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898572/what-is-the-standard-python-docs... There may be others, and all of these seem to have support for declaring the raised exception types, so presumably IDEs have been able to make use of this information for a decade or more and the world hasn't ended.
Yes, Chris does a good job of explaning the problems, and I'm not going to repeat them here. And the benefit seems small: so your IDE will autocomplete the exceptions for you. I think this may come down to this: - people who use IDEs think that autocompletion in general is a great feature and may want want to extend that to exceptions; - people who don't use IDEs think autocomplete is a very weak reason for adding a feature to the language. My own personal feeling is "so I don't have to look up the docs" is a weak feature, especially given that an abbreviated version of the docs are available from the interactive interpreter: help(some_function) The bottom line is that I think any impetus for this feature would have to come from the mypy and other static tools community. Can they use it? I don't think it's far wrong to say that if Guido and the mypy devs want this, they will probably get it, and if they don't, you probably won't convince them to add it just for the sake of autocomplete. -- Steve

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:43 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
"Defensive programming" / "Offensive programming" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_programming ... Tacking additional information onto the exception and re-raising may be the helpful thing to do; though that's still not handling the situation. Recently I learned about the `raise _ from _` syntax (when writing an example implementation for "[Python-ideas] f-strings as assignment targets": """ def cast_match_groupdict(matchobj, typemap): matchdict = matchobj.groupdict() if not typemap: return matchdict for attr, castfunc in typemap.items(): try: matchdict[attr] = castfunc(matchdict[attr]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(("attr", attr), ("rgx", matchobj.re)) from e return matchdict """
While there are plenty of ways to debug in production, debugging in production is a bad idea and is not allowed (because: __, __, __) : log the exception with necessary details (traceback, exception attrs, <full stack frame>) but exclude sensitive information that shouldn't be leaking into the logging system. Catching exceptions early is easier when: - TDD / test coverage are emphasized - fuzzing is incorporated into the release process (fuzzing is easier with parameterized test cases) - unit/functional/integration testing in a copy of production (sufficient DevOps/DevSecOps) - the coding safety guide says that all exceptions must be handled
Annotation: (type) Docstring: (type, docstr)
Linting and parsing docstrings that contain per-exception ReST docstrs would be real nice and DRY. https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ says:
Python 2/3 compatible annotations aren’t currently supported by Sphinx and won’t show up in the docs.
Is that still the case?

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 7:05 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you plan for every possible exception from every possible line of code? Really? Okay, show me something that catches ImportError from "import math" then. What's in your except clause?
That IS debugging in production. I don't understand why you say that that's a bad thing. ChrisA

(Executing arbitrary code on a production server is debugging in production. Logging (additional information added to exceptions with 'raise _ from _`) may assist with root cause analysis and debugging on a different instance but IMHO logging is not debugging.) On Fri, Sep 25, 2020, 5:18 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 7:25 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
(Executing arbitrary code on a production server is debugging in production.
Logging (additional information added to exceptions with 'raise _ from _`) may assist with root cause analysis and debugging on a different instance but IMHO logging is not debugging.)
Uhh... okay.... sure. What if you add instrumentation to the live server specifically so that it can log useful exceptions as you're trying to probe a bug that shows up only in prod and only once every two weeks? Is that debugging in prod, or is that logging? Or... does the distinction really even matter, and "debugging in prod" is just part of life? ChrisA

What a worthless semantic distinction. You don't want to be executing code to determine why an Exception occurred because you do not trust support devs to access all of the data in the production system. "Exceptions happen" is true, but that's not satisfactory in an organization focused on quality. On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:38 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 8:17 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
.... wut? I don't understand what you mean here. Sometimes a traceback isn't all the information, and you need to add code to something to figure out the cause. Are you implying that, because I actually put effort into tracking bugs down, I am clearly not focused on quality?? I'll just go ahead and repeat myself: "what?" ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 8:09 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
- The context of this tangent was ~"[Exceptions happen in production] and that's okay". - Looseness with exception handling is entirely unacceptable for safety-critical and high availability applications. - *Interactive debugging* is fine for many non-production applications. - Yup, the process spawner is going to reap and restart when the process fails due to an unhandled Exception, but data loss due to unhandled exceptions (and non-transactional data persistence) is a real problem - "It's just going to raise whatever sometimes and you can just pdb it every time" - You can add information to exceptions and preserve the traceback with `raise _ from _` I have nothing further to add about this non-personal tangent.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 10:19 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
Okay, I can see what's happening. You're assuming that "debugging" means "interactive debugging in a specialized harness". I consider "debugging" to be "anything done with a view to removing a bug". So by my definition, debugging in production is normal, and by yours, it's impossible/unwise. I think we're just arguing terminology here, and either way, checked exceptions won't really help. There's nothing further to debate - we just use the word "debugging" differently. :) ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 04:58:00PM -0400, Wes Turner wrote:
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:43 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I hear you about sensitive information leaking into the logging system. But production code is not necessarily used by a third party where such leaks are a concern. In a perfect world, our code would be 100% bug-free when we release it into production. And we have some strategies aimed to help approach that: TDD, fuzzing, test coverage metrics, etc. If we are writing software that could kill people if we get it wrong: https://hackaday.com/2015/10/26/killed-by-a-machine-the-therac-25/ this level of care is justified. But under normal circumstances, don't let the perfect get in the way of the good. "Good enough" depends on what the code does and the consequences of a failure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good In practice, we have a number of competing desires. We want the software for a reason, and we might not want to wait for it to be absolutely 100% bug free before actually using it in production. (Especially since we can never be sure that it is bug-free.) So we have to expect some bugs will be reported from production. This is fine. We shouldn't let purists bully or shame us into thinking that this is necessarily the wrong thing. Sometimes "good enough, right now" is better than "perfect, in three years". -- Steve

I think it'd be very useful to have exception "raises"
annotations, i.e. a way to annotate what exceptions a function raises. I personally think this would be wonderful, I've been meaning to suggest it here for some time, but haven't got around to it. I first found myself wanting this when I came back to python having been writing rust. The Result type in rust is somewhat similar to what's being suggested here. See https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/ This could be initially implemented as a decorator, without any special syntax required, in fact to avoid excessive line length, decorators might be the best way to describe what exceptions can be raised by a function in the long term. Using a decorator, this could be implemented as a separate project (and/or extension to mypy) without any changes to the standard library. it would obviously be a massive piece of work to build a database of all the exceptions which could be raised by all standard library functions, let alone 3rd party libraries. However you could aid 90% of code by covering 10% of methods (or insert your own 80/20, 99/1 ratio). The point is that the library could be useful long before it was complete or 100% correct. In this regard I see a lot of similarities with type hints and typeshed. Anyway, thank you Sergio for suggesting this. I really hope it comes to fruition somehow. -- Samuel Colvin

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 11:58, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
I do not know Rust and I'm not sure I understood 100% the code. But, if I'm not wrong, Rust does not use try-catch, but pattern matching. It seems to me that Rust has a good exception handling system, but Python does not (yet) have pattern matching. The main question here is why using a hint or a decorator should be better than a simple documentation. If the goal is to force people to manage the exception, no, thanks. As Serhiy Storchaka already said, it was historically proven as bad. And even if I've not a great knowledge in Java (3 years), I can assure you checked exceptions are a really bad idea.

Sorry I probably wasn't clear enough in what I was suggesting.
The main question here is why using a hint or a decorator should be better than a simple documentation.
For the same reason type hints are better than documentation - 1. static analysis can catch a multitude of potential errors that humans often miss. 2. type hints stay with code in a way documentation often doesn't 3. developers are often forced to keep type hints up to date to get tests to pass the same is very rarely true of documentation, this would apply to "exceptions raised" too. If the goal is to force people to manage the exception, no, thanks. Total agree. Here we can take some lessons from rust, but not try to make python into something it's not (a system language). I would suggest: 1. "possible exceptions" information should be for static analysis only - so it would only come into play if you used a static analysis tool anyway, like type hints. 2. We should have some easy way to say "let this error propagate", rust uses very nice question mark at the end of a line syntax, python could use something similar one day, until then a magic comment, wrapper function or context function could be used. -- Samuel Colvin

On 2020-09-25 at 13:44:36 +0100, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
In Python, the way to say "let this error propagate" is not to say anything at all. y = f(x) says (and very concisely, I might add) "if f raises an exception, or propagates some exception from some other place, then let that exception propagate."

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 13:46, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
Type hints were largely driven by developers of type checking software. Is there interest from the mypy developers in this sort of exception annotation? From any other static checking tool? If there's no-one proposing to actually use the proposed feature in a tool, it's not clear how the cost of implementing it is justified. You;ve discounted runtime checking (and everyone hates that anyway), and no type checkers have spoken up saying they want it. You mention IDEs, but if you look at the history of suggestions intended to support IDEs in this list, you'll find that they very rarely go anywhere. A significant proportion of Python users don't use an IDE. And generally, IDE developers don't seem interested in pushing new language features that they can use - I don't recall ever seeing an IDE developer speak up to say how much a proposed feature will help them. In practice, I think IDEs tend to work with heuristics or what they can do with the language as it is, and aren't really interested in shaping the language to be "IDE-friendly". But that's just my impression. There's also the problem that you've explicitly acknowledged, that exception hints are *always* going to be inaccurate, in stark contrast to type hints which are expected to be correct when used. Enumerating all possible exceptions is impossible, and (as Java's checked exceptions shows) typically does more harm than good. No exception hints is where we are now. You're suggesting a feature that lets people list "some" exceptions - somewhere in the spectrum between "all" and "none" - but it's completely unspecified what exceptions need to be included and what don't. "Whatever the developer feels is appropriate" is basically useless - there's no way any tool or user can usefully interpret what an exception hint means if things are this wide open. I can't see how anything could make any practical use of the data the proposal offers... Paul

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 14:44, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
Type hints help an IDE to check if you're potentially passing a bad parameter to your function. What does an "exception hint" will do in an IDE? Alerts you that you are not catching that exception, and, if you really want it to bubble up, silencing that warning? Again, no thanks :-)

24.09.20 11:47, Sergio Fenoll пише:
Did not the experience of C++ show that exceptions declaration was a bad idea? In C++ it was optional and is abandoned now. Java developers still suffer from necessary to declare all raised exception, or just declare the most general exception class, that makes the feature useless. This may be especially bad for Python where virtually every line of code can raise arbitrary exception. KeybordInterrupt and MemoryError are most common examples, but in rare cases which usually are not covered by tests it can be also UnicodeError, NameError, AttributeError, TypeError, BufferError, etc.

I like the idea. In python 3.9 you could actually experiment with implementing something like this yourself using the new Annotated type introduced in PEP 593: https://docs.python.org/3.9/library/typing.html#typing.Annotated https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0593/ Maybe create a raises helper type and write your annotation like this? from typing import Annotated def divide(numerator: float, denominator: float) -> Annotated[float, raises [ZeroDivisionError]]: return numerator / denominator --- Ricky. "I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home or actually going home." - Happy Chandler On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 8:45 AM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:

Sergio Fenoll writes:
I think you need to explain the use cases in more detail. You mention IDEs, but they can already grovel through the source code and work out exactly what exceptions each function explicitly raises, and keep a database for builtins and the stdlib, which could easily be updated by the user by running the groveler on Python itself. 3rd party imports, ditto. This would allow far more accurate inference of possible exceptions than an optional 'raises' annotation would. Even a closed-source vendor removing the .py wouldn't stop a truly dedicated groveler, I believe. Because of the way exceptions are created, there'd be a trace in a namespace in the .pyc or even in a DLL.

O 25/09/20 ás 06:23, Stephen J. Turnbull escribiu:
I'm no expert so I'm not sure how IDEs currently handle typing annotations, I assume they make use of the built-in language features for that as opposed to some proprietary solution that every IDE would have to re-implement? If that is the case, i.e. they use a built-in language feature, I think it'd be beneficial to have exception annotations as part of the language as well. Also, if you had a dunder like __raises__ for functions (like you have __annotations__) you could write some cool (and possibly useful?) introspective code.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 01:23:01PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote: pyntch (currently ready for Python 2) can already tell us about exceptions. Do you know about other tools? A tiny example: l=[0,1,2] with open('f') as fh: a = int(fh.read()) print(1 / l[a]) command (after fixing option hangling in tchecker.py): tchecker.py -C show_all_exceptions=True -C raise_uncertain=True p.py output: loading: 'p.py' as 'p' processing: 322 161 processing: 324 6 processing: 328 8 processing: 328 4 processing: 329 2 processing: 332 2 processing: 332 1 processing: 333 2 processing: 333 2 total files=1, lines=4 in 0.05sec [p (p.py)] a = <int> fh = <file> l = [<int>] raises IOError: cannot open a file at p:2 raises EOFError: end of file at p:3 raises IndexError: index out of range at p:4 ZeroDivisionError is missing there, however, it couldbe seen as a space for improvement. David Kolovratník

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 10:47:21AM +0200, Sergio Fenoll wrote:
I think that it's a truism that any function written in Python could raise any exception :-) In practice, though, I think it is reasonable to say that functions will *typically* but not necessarily exclusively raise a certain set of exceptions. What you seem to be describing is similar to Java's "Checked Exceptions", which are widely agreed to be an failure. Can you explain why this would be more successful? The last thing I want to see is people being encouraged to write code like this: def demo(arg)->Something: # Raises ValueError try: processing... except ValueError: raise except: # Any other unexpected error. raise ValueError('something unexpected') just to ensure that the declared exception is correct.
How would an IDE make use of this?
If either argument is a subclass of float, this could raise any exception. -- Steve

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:38 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Another thing I don't want to see is: def demo(arg): try: some_func() # declared to raise ValueError, TypeError, and TimeoutError return 42 except ValueError: return 0 except TypeError # Shouldn't happen, just return whatever return -1 except TimeoutError # I have no idea why this would happen! Just return zero and hope # for the best. TODO: Figure out a better return value. return 0 where people feel they HAVE to catch everything that a function could raise. (Which, btw, still ignores the fact that basically any code could raise MemoryError, KeyboardInterrupt, etc.) Only catch those exceptions that you can actually handle. Otherwise, it's irrelevant what the function might raise. ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:38 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Chris Angelico follows up:
I'm -1 on this because I don't see how it could possibly be more useful than a tool that greps all the class and def statements (to identify functions) and all the raises (and presumably caches at least the builtin and stdlib raise information), and then tells your IDE about it. But "encouraging people to write bad code" seems a bit unfair, and probably invalidated in practice by the experience with mypy annotations (and certainly mitigated by the fact that a lot of annotations end up in stub files that only mypy users care much about).
Only catch those exceptions that you can actually handle. Otherwise, it's irrelevant what the function might raise.
This is a good rule. It seems to me that this proposal is intended to address the question: how do you know what subset of exceptions you can handle (and care to do so) are raised? This is why I don't see this proposal as useful to me. It leaves it up to the writer of the function to decide what exceptions interest me. Will the list be sufficiently complete from my point of view? Will it be correctly updated in new versions?

O 25/09/20 ás 07:37, Steven D'Aprano escribiu: throw, or explicitly throw anything you haven't handled. I do agree that such an approach wouldn't be great for Python. I don't think (but don't quote me on that) that introducing this idea of annotating exceptions would lead people to writing code like the above (in the same way introducing typing annotations didn't lead to people checking all function argument types in every function :-P ). After all, there wouldn't be any runtime checks to make sure you handled any raisable exceptions.
import requests try: requests.get('https://python.org') except WhateverExceptionTheRequestsLibraryRaises: pass And I remember having to dive into the documentation of the library to figure out what exception was actually raised by this method, and what the base class of said exception was. Whereas, IMO, it would be a lot nicer to have a built-in way to know what exceptions may be raised by a function call. the function will (probably) want to handle.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:09 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Don't think in terms of "expected exceptions". That's the mentality that leads to coding styles where you try to catch every exception the function can raise, which is the wrong way to think about it. Instead, think in terms of "exceptions that I can handle". ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 6:14 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
There's the shallow "exceptions that I expect to raise", which is those explicitly listed within the function as raise statements; but that's not the whole story, since exceptions can be raised by anything that the function calls. So, no, I don't think the callee should have a notion of "exceptions that I or anyone I call might raise". ChrisA

O 25/09/20 ás 10:56, Chris Angelico escribiu:
I don't understand the need of talking about "exceptions that something I call might raise" (from the POV of the callee) though, to me they are irrelevant in this discussion. When you implement a function, you are handling all/some/none exceptions and letting all/some/nonebubble up and be handled by whatever called you, right? Somewhere, be it in a docstring, some manual, external documentation, ... you write down what exceptions you expect to raise, be it explicit or implicit (e.g. by letting a known exception bubble up without explicitly raising it yourself). I'm basically only talking about those kinds of exceptions here, because in my experience those are the exceptions I'm most often having to try-except. Sure, as a caller you may want to handle more exceptions than what the callee sees as "expected exceptions", but nothing will stop you from doing that just as you do it now. I don't see how having these exceptions be annotated in the code makes anything worse. From my perspective it just makes the most common try-except you'll write easier to implement without having to leave the IDE and check external documentation.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:19 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Look at your own code. Do you know what EVERY function you call could raise? If not, then your code could raise those exceptions. It's not about "letting a known exception bubble up". It's the *normal behaviour* of letting all exceptions bubble up unless explicitly caught. Don't think in terms of knowing every exception that could be raised. That simply doesn't work, and it leads to faulty logic like this. ChrisA

O 25/09/20 ás 11:34, Chris Angelico escribiu:
I'm really failing to see what part of my logic is faulty. I know that any exception that isn't handled can be raised. I know that is the expected behaviour. I don't expect every function to exhaustively document every single exception it may raise (because as you and others have said, that would include things like MemoryErrors and KeyboardInterrupts). All I'm saying is that *some* exceptions are "expected" by whomever implemented the function. To bring it back to my earlier example, requests.get() raises a ConnectionError if it can't connect to the url you pass it. It would be super useful as a caller of that function to have this information *inside your IDE*. I really don't understand why it's faulty logic to want to have at least *some* information about the exceptions a function *may* raise.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:46 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
But requests.get() doesn't have a single raise statement anywhere in it. And if you dig through the entire source code for the requests package, you'll still only find a small number of the exceptions that might be raised. Errors come from anywhere, and if you're not handling them, you will simply let them bubble; is it your responsibility to document that? No. It's just the normal thing to do. When you want to catch an exception, don't look at the function to see what it's documented as raising. Look at its behaviour and see what it does that you can cope with. You're looking at things backwards and that's why you're wanting a list of possible things to catch. Instead, look at your program WITHOUT any exception handling, and see what exceptions are happening. Those are the ones to look at. ChrisA

O 25/09/20 ás 11:52, Chris Angelico escribiu:
Surely there has to be a better way of programming than running stuff, watching it fail, and then keeping track of how it fails so you can later handle that failure? Don't get me wrong, it's what I've been doing with Python up until now because there's no way around it (other than hoping the library documents how and when common exceptions are raised), but I can't say it I've really *enjoyed* it. I hope I'm not the only person who sees this as a suboptimal approach? Of course, I could be the weird one out but I frankly doubt it.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:59 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Why? Do you really think you can enumerate EVERY possible way that something might fail? Think, instead, about all the possible problems that you can actually cope with. That way, you have a finite - and usually small - set of things to deal with, instead of an infinite field of "well this could go wrong, but we can't do anything about that". In the list of all possible failures, will you include MemoryError? What would you do if one got raised? If the answer is "nothing, just let it propagate", then it doesn't need to be in the list. Same goes for every other exception ever invented. ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 14:15, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Why? Do you really think you can enumerate EVERY possible way that something might fail?
Rust does a surprisingly good job of that, actually. But the point is that Python is not Rust, and the infrastructure Rust uses to allow it to manage code safety is baked into the language core at a very fundamental level. Enumerating the exceptions that a piece of code can raise is impractical and unhelpful in Python. But that may not be immediately obvious to someone coming from a different language. That's why it's important to understand Python properly before proposing new features that work in other languages. (I don't think that's what the OP is doing here, to be clear, but the discussion is drifting in that direction, with Rust's Result type having been mentioned). **In Python**, writing code from the perspective of "what can I handle at this point" is the right approach. Deferring unexpected exceptions to your caller is the default behaviour, and results in a clean, natural style *for Python*. The proposal here is basically in direct contradiction to that style. Paul

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 15:57, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
I do agree but maybe that suggests a different role for annotated exceptions in Python. Rather than attempting to enumerate all possible exceptions annotations could be used to document in a statically analysable way what the "expected" exceptions are. A type checker could use those to check whether a caller is handling the *expected* exceptions rather than to verify that the list of *all* exceptions possibly raised is exhaustive. Consider an example: def inverse(M: Matrix) -> Matrix: raises(NotInvertibleError) if determinant(M) == 0: raise NotInvertibleError rows, cols = M.shape for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): ... Here the function is expected to raise NotInvertibleError for some inputs. It is also possible that the subsequent code could raise an exception e.g. AttributeError, TypeError etc and it's not necessarily possible to enumerate or exhaustively rule out what those possibilities might be. If we wanted to annotate this with raises(NotInvertibleError) then it would be very hard or perhaps entirely impossible for a type checker to verify that no other exception can be raised. Or maybe even the type checker could easily come up with a large list of possibilities that you would never want to annotate your code with. Maybe that's not what the purpose of the annotation is though. What the type checker can do is check whether a caller of this function handles NotInvertibleError after seeing the *explicit* type hint. A function that calls inverse without catching the exception can also be considered as raises(NotInvertibleError). You might want to enforce in your codebase that the caller should catch and suppress the expected exception or should itself have a compatible raises annotation indicating that it can also be expected to raise the same exception e.g. either of these is fine: def some_calc(M: Matrix): raises(NotInvertibleError) A = inverse(M) ... def some_calc(M: Matrix): try: A = inverse(M) except NotInvertibleError # do something else ... Perhaps rather than requiring all exceptions to be annotated everywhere you could allow the raises type hints to propagate implicitly and only verify them where there is another explicit type hint: def some_calc(M): # no hint but checker infers this raises NotInvertibleError A = inverse(M) def other_func(M): raises(ZeroError) # checker gives an error for this # because the raises should include NotInvertibleError B = some_calc(M) You could then have an explicit hint for the type checker to say that a function is not expected to raise any exceptions maybe like this: def main(args): raises(None) ... The intent of this would be that the type checker could then follow the chain of all functions called by main to verify that any exceptions that were expected to raise had been handled somewhere. This wouldn't verify all of the exceptions that could possibly be raised by any line of code. It could verify that for those exceptions that have been explicitly annotated. Oscar

I strongly disagree that it's useless to document which Exceptions a function could raise; even in Python (which, for a few reasons, is not a language that's considered for safety-critical application). In Python, it is common practice to - at a high level in the call stack - trap Exceptions that can occur anywhere like KeyboardInterrupt and MemoryError (and separately specify signal handler callbacks). A high-level catchall (except for KeyboardInterrupt) and restart may be the best way to handle exceptions in Python. Safe coding styles (in other languages) do specify that *there may not be any unhandled exceptions*. Other languages made the specific decision to omit exceptions entirely: developers should return `retval, err := func(arg)` and handle every value of err. Python has Exceptions and it's helpful to document what exceptions a function might `raise` (even though it is possible to parse the AST to find the `raise` statements within a callable and any callables it may or may not handle). There are a few useful ideas for checking Exception annotations at compile-time in this thread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling#Static_checking_of_exceptio... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling#Dynamic_checking_of_excepti... We could pick one or more of the software safety standards listed here and quote and cite our favs: https://awesome-safety-critical.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#software-safety-st... ## Exception docstrings You can specify Exceptions in all formats of sphinx docstrings: ### Sphinx-style docstrings: ```python """ :raises: AttributeError: The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface. :raises: ValueError: If `param2` is equal to `param1`. """ ``` ### Google-style docstrings: ```python """ Raises: AttributeError: The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface. ValueError: If `param2` is equal to `param1`. """ ``` ###Numpy-style docstrings: ```python """ Raises ------ AttributeError The ``Raises`` section is a list of all exceptions that are relevant to the interface. ValueError If `param2` is equal to `param1`. """ ``` https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html#... https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_numpy.html#e... ## Design-by-contracts FWICS, neither e.g. icontract nor zope.interface support Exception contracts. How could that work. ## Awesome-safety-critical https://awesome-safety-critical.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#software-safety-st... On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 12:34 PM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:

On 26/09/20 5:27 am, Wes Turner wrote:
Safe coding styles (in other languages) do specify that *there may not be any unhandled exceptions*.
I don't think a blind rule like that actually makes a program any safer. It encourages a coding style that covers up problems and carries on to produce garbage, rather than bringing the problem to someone's attention. The Ariane V incident is sometimes cited as an example of what can happen if you fail to handle exceptions. But "handling" the exception in that case wouldn't have helped -- the program was being fed invalid inputs, and whatever it did, some kind of disaster would have occurred. -- Greg

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 18:59, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Why would anyone be forced to "handle" the exceptions? The suggestion (which you've snipped away) was not that it would be a type-checking error to call the inverse function without catching the exception. It only becomes a type-checking error if a function calls the inverse function and claims not to raise the exception. The checker just verifies the consistency of the different claims about what is raised. Oscar

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 5:27 AM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:
Forcing people to declare it is exactly the same as forcing them to handle it every other way. There are many MANY bad ways this can go, most of which have been mentioned already: 1) Catching exceptions and doing nothing, just so your linter shuts up 2) Catching exceptions and raising a generic "something went wrong" error so that's the only thing you have to declare 3) Declaring that you could raise BaseException, thus adding useless and meaningless boilerplate to your functions 4) Redeclaring every exception all the way up the chain, and having to edit them every time something changes 5) Copying and pasting a gigantic list of exceptions onto every function's signature And what are the possible *good* ways to use this? What do you actually gain? So far, the only use-case I've heard is "IDEs might help you tab-complete an except clause". That's only going to be useful if the exception tracking is accurate all the way up and down the tree, and that's only going to happen if it's done by analysis, NOT by forcing people to declare them. I've worked with Java's checked exceptions, which is what you're getting at here. They're terrible. The best way to handle them is to ensure that all your exceptions are RuntimeErrors so they don't get checked by the compiler. ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 20:36, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
I wouldn't suggest that a declaration be forced but rather that a false declaration be disallowed. More below...
I'm sure those things would happen sometimes. At least all of these things are very visible in the diff so a reviewer can at least see what's going on. The tricky thing with exceptions is the action at a distance effect so that it's not always obvious what the effect of a change is so when you see a diff like: - x = f() + x = g() you would potentially need to trawl a lot of code to see how that affects what exceptions might be raised.
I can tell you what I would use a feature like this for (if it is implemented in a useful way) which is cleaning up the exception handling in the sympy codebase. It's a large codebase with thousands of raises and excepts: $ git grep raise | wc -l 8186 $ git grep except | wc -l 1657 There are many common bugs that arise as a result of exceptions that are overlooked. There are also often simple ways to rewrite the code so that it becomes exception free. For example in sympy: if x.is_positive: # never raises (excepting bugs) - False if indeterminate if x > 0: # raises if indeterminate That distinction is not understood by many contributors to sympy but is easy to explain during code review. That's an easy example but others are not so easy.
My understanding of the situation in Java although I don't have much experience of it as that checked exceptions must *always* be declared so e.g. (in hypothetical Python syntax): def f(): raises FooError ... def g(): f() # <--- typecheck error because g does not declare FooError That is *not* what I am suggesting. Rather only an explicit raises hint could give an error so the above is fine. The type checker knows that g might raise FooError but there's nothing wrong with raising an error without any declaration. However the type checker *would* complain about this: def f(): raises FooError ... def g(): raises None f() # <--- typecheck error because g claims that it does not raise I'm sure that there would be some cases of the problems you describe (as there always will be around exceptions). However I don't think it would need to work out the way that it does in Java. Oscar

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 6:56 AM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:
The novice believes that his ultimate goal is to stop the program from crashing. If "exception free" is your goal, then sure, this feature will certainly help you. I don't want Python to have language support for something that is primarily aimed at helping novices to remain forever novices.
Okay. So what exceptions can a "raises None" function raise? Or if it "raises FooError", then what, other than FooError, can it raise? If this is to have the blessing of the language, there needs to be an absolutely 100% consistent answer to that question. And there's only one valid answer that will always be correct, and it's the useless one: BaseException. ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 22:05, Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, because real professionals write applications that spew out tracebacks to their users for perfectly valid inputs and real users love that :) There are good reasons for writing your code in such a way that it handles all cases rather than blowing up. Of course if you can't handle all cases then that's one good reason for raising an exception. Raising an exception just because you wrote your code in slightly the wrong way is obviously something to avoid though. A tool that helps you to see non-obvious ways that exceptions can be raised can be very useful.
The way that I would propose is this: Yes, g can possibly raise any exception class. As you say it's not generally possible to verify that arbitrary Python code can not raise any exception outside of a nontrivial set (BaseException). However g can not raise any exception from a function that was explicitly annotated as raising that exception. If some function h is annotated as raising FooError then a FooError from h will not arise from calling g. Oscar

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 8:48 AM Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin@gmail.com> wrote:
That's something you do at a single location, usually - an error boundary. There are points in the code where it's correct to absorb and log all errors, but what that really means is that you're handling Exception (or BaseException) - you still don't need to enumerate every possible exception and you don't want to. I still don't know of ANY situation in Python where I have wanted a full list of every exception something might raise.
I'm not sure I follow. Maybe some example code? Are you saying that, if g calls h and h is declared as raising FooError, g must be declared as raising FooError or must catch it, but any other exception is fair game? Very confused and still don't see any benefit here. ChrisA

On 26/09/20 4:32 am, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
But that would be inappropriate. Even if an exception is "expected" (assuming for a moment we agree on what that means), the immediate caller is *not* obliged to handle it. Just as with any other exception, it's perfectly fine to let it propagate up to a level where something sensible can be done with it. Treating this as an error would be more annoying than helpful in most situations, I think. There are a few cases where it *might* make sense, such as StopIteration, which is pretty much part of the function's API and letting it escape is probably a mistake. But such cases are very rare and probably not worth adding a new language mechanism for. -- Greg

Search upwards for what (if anything) is going to catch an Exception would be a mighty useful static/dynamic analysis thing. Is there anything that can do this? I'd hazard to guess that *most* apps will just crash and expect the process spawner (e.g. systemd, supervisord, not sysV init) to re-spawn the crashed process after the unhandled fault? https://github.com/analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis#python https://github.com/analysis-tools-dev/dynamic-analysis#python https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python#code-analysis On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 8:35 PM Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

On 2020-09-26 01:23, Greg Ewing wrote:
An "expected" exception would be one that could be regarded as part of the interface/API, e.g. json.load raising JSONDecodeError on malformed JSON. Other exceptions could also be raised, if you, for example, you didn't pass in a file, or there's an I/O error, or you run out of memory.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 11:14:01PM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 7:59 PM Sergio Fenoll <sergio@fenoll.be> wrote:
Nobody is demanding that "EVERY possible way" is handled -- but if you need to, then Python lets you do so: # Please don't do this. try: something() except: # handle EVERY error Of course this is nearly always the wrong choice. "What can I cope with" is easy: it's always *everything*, if you define "cope with" as just suppressing the error.
The problem here is that you can't decide what you can deal with in isolation. I can deal with UnicodeEncodeError easily: try again with a different encoding, or with a different error handler, easy-peasy. But if I'm doing `y = x + 1` and it somehow raised UnicodeEncodeError, what do I do? I'm stuck. In order to tell what you can deal with, you need to know the circumstances of the error, and why it occurred. In other words, you need to understand the operation being called, in particular, what exceptions it might raise under normal circumstances. I'm pretty confident that most people, unless they are TDD zealots, start by using either their pre-existing knowledge of the operation, or reading the documentation, to find out what exceptions are likely under normal circumstances, and *only then* start to think about how to deal with such exceptions. The alternative is to waste time and mental energy thinking about how to deal with exceptions that you will probably never get in real life: "Well, if I get an import error, I can add some more directories to sys.path and try adding the values again, that might fix it..." Who does that? Not me. And I bet you don't either. So I think that most of us: - start with documented or well-known exceptions; - and only then decide whether or not we can deal with them. Of course rare or unusual exceptions probably won't be discovered without a lot of testing, including stress testing, or not until the code goes out into production. That's okay. And I think that is Sergio's point: it would be good to have a standard, consistent place for functions to document which exceptions they are likely to raise under normal circumstances, and one which is available to IDEs and runtime inspection. Annotations. Of course we can inspect the docstring of the function, but it's hard for an automated tool to distinguish: This will raise WidgetExplosionError if the widget explodes. from: This is guaranteed to never raise WidgetExplosionError even if the widget explodes. There may be practical difficulties in sticking exceptions into annotations. Annotations already can be pretty long and bulky. But if you are okay with functions documenting that they might raise a certain exception, then *in principle* you should be okay with moving that into an annotation rather than the docstring. Annotations are just a form of documentation in a consistent standard format to make it easy for IDEs to read them.
In the list of all possible failures, will you include MemoryError?
Sure, if I'm writing some sort of ultra-high availability server application that is expected to run 24/7 for months at a time. while memory_in_reserve(): try: something() break except MemoryError: release_rainy_day_fund() # Frees some emergency memory. Or perhaps I'll catch the exception and try to bail out safely after writing out data files etc. Or maybe: try: fast_but_fat() except MemoryError: slow_but_lean() -- Steve

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 3:42 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
But if you DON'T have code like that, will you declare that your function might raise MemoryError? Just because it might be raised doesn't mean it's part of what needs to be documented. Nor because it might be caught. The problem with a proposal like this is that it is impossible to determine which exceptions make sense to document. My alarm script attempts to query upcoming events, and it catches ssl.SSLError, OSError, IOError, socket.error, and googleapiclient.http.HttpError. Should my upcoming_events function (a call to which is the only line in the 'try' block) be declared as raising all of those? Are there any other exceptions that I should declare? How would I know what set of exceptions is relevant to my caller? Only my caller knows what's relevant, so that's where the list of exceptions belongs: in the try/except block itself. Oh, I just discovered that that function can raise OverflowError if the script is run with --days=99999999999999999999999999999 - should I add that to the annotated list of exceptions? Is it relevant? How would I know? ChrisA

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 18:42, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Expressed that way, it's a reasonable argument. And to the extent that we're talking about a way for functions to note what exceptions the developer feels are worth mentioning, having a language construct to do this would be OK. But in reality, people would treat the annotation as more definitive than it is. And people would feel pressure to "stick to the contract" when writing the annotated code. And style guides (which like it or not are sometimes written by people who are *not* experienced developers) will appear which state rules rather than allowing for nuanced interpretation. All of which might not be how the feature was intended to be used. I know, why assume the worst? But in contrast, what's the *best* outcome? My problem with the proposal is that it's about adding a mechanism, without any clear statement of how that mechanism is intended to be used. And there's so much scope for misguided use, and so few clear benefits, that it feels like a bad trade-off at the moment. (For the record, I'm not convinced by the IDE argument. I use Vim, which is relentlessly primitive in its basic form, and wouldn't use anything like this, and VS Code, which is so clever that it seems like magic most of the time, and I'm pretty certain that if people wanted it, VS Code could include "exception autocompletion" even without explicit annotation like this). Paul

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 3:03 PM Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
Exception docstrings contain the Exception type and the explanation str: (type, docstr) Exception annotations as proposed contain the Exception type: (type) and presumably then docstrings would also be expected to contain (type, docstr); which isn't DRY. But annotations are parseable and more commonly linted.
LSP servers and clients: https://langserver.org/ - https://github.com/microsoft/python-language-server - https://code.visualstudio.com/api/language-extensions/programmatic-language-... - AFAIU, there's not yet anything in any LSP Language Extensions for statically or dynamically discovering exceptions from the DFS of all references to types and callables of a callable (Type) Annotation type inference tools: pytype (Google) [1], PyAnnotate (Dropbox) [2], and MonkeyType (Instagram)

Depth-first-search for every callable, [property] descriptor, operator, __getitem__ On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 4:36 PM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
What static and/or dynamic analysis tools can find all handled and unhandled exceptions in every transitive {callable, [property] descriptor, operator, __getitem__} given a callable? def find_all_exceptions(callable): """ Args: callable (callable): callable to traverse from in search of handled and unhandled exceptions Returns: list: nested lists of items [exception, [exception_locations], [exception_handler_locations]] (?) """ What subset of these exceptions would a code annotation and/or docstring happen to helpfully contain? - AFAIU, there's not yet anything in any LSP Language Extensions for
I haven't realized that I had need for a tool that does this either; but I guess I've effectively just manually searched for `raise` and `except` (and failed to sufficiently fuzz with every possible combination of user-supplied inputs)

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 08:01:39PM +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
Indeed. But the practical difficulties aren't trivial. There's the issue of mere ackwardness: there's already a tonne of information in a complex function signature, adding annotations pretty much doubles that, and adding exceptions could easily increase that again by fifty percent. More importantly, attempts in other languages to declare exceptions have been unsuccessful, if not counter-productive, for reasons that Chris explains. On the other hand, for many years before mypy came on the scene, IDEs parsed docstrings for parameter information, with at least four different standards for declaring parameters: - Epydoc - ReST format - Google's format - Numpydoc format https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898572/what-is-the-standard-python-docs... There may be others, and all of these seem to have support for declaring the raised exception types, so presumably IDEs have been able to make use of this information for a decade or more and the world hasn't ended.
Yes, Chris does a good job of explaning the problems, and I'm not going to repeat them here. And the benefit seems small: so your IDE will autocomplete the exceptions for you. I think this may come down to this: - people who use IDEs think that autocompletion in general is a great feature and may want want to extend that to exceptions; - people who don't use IDEs think autocomplete is a very weak reason for adding a feature to the language. My own personal feeling is "so I don't have to look up the docs" is a weak feature, especially given that an abbreviated version of the docs are available from the interactive interpreter: help(some_function) The bottom line is that I think any impetus for this feature would have to come from the mypy and other static tools community. Can they use it? I don't think it's far wrong to say that if Guido and the mypy devs want this, they will probably get it, and if they don't, you probably won't convince them to add it just for the sake of autocomplete. -- Steve

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:43 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
"Defensive programming" / "Offensive programming" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_programming ... Tacking additional information onto the exception and re-raising may be the helpful thing to do; though that's still not handling the situation. Recently I learned about the `raise _ from _` syntax (when writing an example implementation for "[Python-ideas] f-strings as assignment targets": """ def cast_match_groupdict(matchobj, typemap): matchdict = matchobj.groupdict() if not typemap: return matchdict for attr, castfunc in typemap.items(): try: matchdict[attr] = castfunc(matchdict[attr]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(("attr", attr), ("rgx", matchobj.re)) from e return matchdict """
While there are plenty of ways to debug in production, debugging in production is a bad idea and is not allowed (because: __, __, __) : log the exception with necessary details (traceback, exception attrs, <full stack frame>) but exclude sensitive information that shouldn't be leaking into the logging system. Catching exceptions early is easier when: - TDD / test coverage are emphasized - fuzzing is incorporated into the release process (fuzzing is easier with parameterized test cases) - unit/functional/integration testing in a copy of production (sufficient DevOps/DevSecOps) - the coding safety guide says that all exceptions must be handled
Annotation: (type) Docstring: (type, docstr)
Linting and parsing docstrings that contain per-exception ReST docstrs would be real nice and DRY. https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ says:
Python 2/3 compatible annotations aren’t currently supported by Sphinx and won’t show up in the docs.
Is that still the case?

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 7:05 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you plan for every possible exception from every possible line of code? Really? Okay, show me something that catches ImportError from "import math" then. What's in your except clause?
That IS debugging in production. I don't understand why you say that that's a bad thing. ChrisA

(Executing arbitrary code on a production server is debugging in production. Logging (additional information added to exceptions with 'raise _ from _`) may assist with root cause analysis and debugging on a different instance but IMHO logging is not debugging.) On Fri, Sep 25, 2020, 5:18 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 7:25 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
(Executing arbitrary code on a production server is debugging in production.
Logging (additional information added to exceptions with 'raise _ from _`) may assist with root cause analysis and debugging on a different instance but IMHO logging is not debugging.)
Uhh... okay.... sure. What if you add instrumentation to the live server specifically so that it can log useful exceptions as you're trying to probe a bug that shows up only in prod and only once every two weeks? Is that debugging in prod, or is that logging? Or... does the distinction really even matter, and "debugging in prod" is just part of life? ChrisA

What a worthless semantic distinction. You don't want to be executing code to determine why an Exception occurred because you do not trust support devs to access all of the data in the production system. "Exceptions happen" is true, but that's not satisfactory in an organization focused on quality. On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:38 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 8:17 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
.... wut? I don't understand what you mean here. Sometimes a traceback isn't all the information, and you need to add code to something to figure out the cause. Are you implying that, because I actually put effort into tracking bugs down, I am clearly not focused on quality?? I'll just go ahead and repeat myself: "what?" ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 8:09 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
- The context of this tangent was ~"[Exceptions happen in production] and that's okay". - Looseness with exception handling is entirely unacceptable for safety-critical and high availability applications. - *Interactive debugging* is fine for many non-production applications. - Yup, the process spawner is going to reap and restart when the process fails due to an unhandled Exception, but data loss due to unhandled exceptions (and non-transactional data persistence) is a real problem - "It's just going to raise whatever sometimes and you can just pdb it every time" - You can add information to exceptions and preserve the traceback with `raise _ from _` I have nothing further to add about this non-personal tangent.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 10:19 AM Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com> wrote:
Okay, I can see what's happening. You're assuming that "debugging" means "interactive debugging in a specialized harness". I consider "debugging" to be "anything done with a view to removing a bug". So by my definition, debugging in production is normal, and by yours, it's impossible/unwise. I think we're just arguing terminology here, and either way, checked exceptions won't really help. There's nothing further to debate - we just use the word "debugging" differently. :) ChrisA

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 04:58:00PM -0400, Wes Turner wrote:
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 1:43 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I hear you about sensitive information leaking into the logging system. But production code is not necessarily used by a third party where such leaks are a concern. In a perfect world, our code would be 100% bug-free when we release it into production. And we have some strategies aimed to help approach that: TDD, fuzzing, test coverage metrics, etc. If we are writing software that could kill people if we get it wrong: https://hackaday.com/2015/10/26/killed-by-a-machine-the-therac-25/ this level of care is justified. But under normal circumstances, don't let the perfect get in the way of the good. "Good enough" depends on what the code does and the consequences of a failure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good In practice, we have a number of competing desires. We want the software for a reason, and we might not want to wait for it to be absolutely 100% bug free before actually using it in production. (Especially since we can never be sure that it is bug-free.) So we have to expect some bugs will be reported from production. This is fine. We shouldn't let purists bully or shame us into thinking that this is necessarily the wrong thing. Sometimes "good enough, right now" is better than "perfect, in three years". -- Steve

I think it'd be very useful to have exception "raises"
annotations, i.e. a way to annotate what exceptions a function raises. I personally think this would be wonderful, I've been meaning to suggest it here for some time, but haven't got around to it. I first found myself wanting this when I came back to python having been writing rust. The Result type in rust is somewhat similar to what's being suggested here. See https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/ This could be initially implemented as a decorator, without any special syntax required, in fact to avoid excessive line length, decorators might be the best way to describe what exceptions can be raised by a function in the long term. Using a decorator, this could be implemented as a separate project (and/or extension to mypy) without any changes to the standard library. it would obviously be a massive piece of work to build a database of all the exceptions which could be raised by all standard library functions, let alone 3rd party libraries. However you could aid 90% of code by covering 10% of methods (or insert your own 80/20, 99/1 ratio). The point is that the library could be useful long before it was complete or 100% correct. In this regard I see a lot of similarities with type hints and typeshed. Anyway, thank you Sergio for suggesting this. I really hope it comes to fruition somehow. -- Samuel Colvin

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 11:58, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
I do not know Rust and I'm not sure I understood 100% the code. But, if I'm not wrong, Rust does not use try-catch, but pattern matching. It seems to me that Rust has a good exception handling system, but Python does not (yet) have pattern matching. The main question here is why using a hint or a decorator should be better than a simple documentation. If the goal is to force people to manage the exception, no, thanks. As Serhiy Storchaka already said, it was historically proven as bad. And even if I've not a great knowledge in Java (3 years), I can assure you checked exceptions are a really bad idea.

Sorry I probably wasn't clear enough in what I was suggesting.
The main question here is why using a hint or a decorator should be better than a simple documentation.
For the same reason type hints are better than documentation - 1. static analysis can catch a multitude of potential errors that humans often miss. 2. type hints stay with code in a way documentation often doesn't 3. developers are often forced to keep type hints up to date to get tests to pass the same is very rarely true of documentation, this would apply to "exceptions raised" too. If the goal is to force people to manage the exception, no, thanks. Total agree. Here we can take some lessons from rust, but not try to make python into something it's not (a system language). I would suggest: 1. "possible exceptions" information should be for static analysis only - so it would only come into play if you used a static analysis tool anyway, like type hints. 2. We should have some easy way to say "let this error propagate", rust uses very nice question mark at the end of a line syntax, python could use something similar one day, until then a magic comment, wrapper function or context function could be used. -- Samuel Colvin

On 2020-09-25 at 13:44:36 +0100, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
In Python, the way to say "let this error propagate" is not to say anything at all. y = f(x) says (and very concisely, I might add) "if f raises an exception, or propagates some exception from some other place, then let that exception propagate."

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 13:46, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
Type hints were largely driven by developers of type checking software. Is there interest from the mypy developers in this sort of exception annotation? From any other static checking tool? If there's no-one proposing to actually use the proposed feature in a tool, it's not clear how the cost of implementing it is justified. You;ve discounted runtime checking (and everyone hates that anyway), and no type checkers have spoken up saying they want it. You mention IDEs, but if you look at the history of suggestions intended to support IDEs in this list, you'll find that they very rarely go anywhere. A significant proportion of Python users don't use an IDE. And generally, IDE developers don't seem interested in pushing new language features that they can use - I don't recall ever seeing an IDE developer speak up to say how much a proposed feature will help them. In practice, I think IDEs tend to work with heuristics or what they can do with the language as it is, and aren't really interested in shaping the language to be "IDE-friendly". But that's just my impression. There's also the problem that you've explicitly acknowledged, that exception hints are *always* going to be inaccurate, in stark contrast to type hints which are expected to be correct when used. Enumerating all possible exceptions is impossible, and (as Java's checked exceptions shows) typically does more harm than good. No exception hints is where we are now. You're suggesting a feature that lets people list "some" exceptions - somewhere in the spectrum between "all" and "none" - but it's completely unspecified what exceptions need to be included and what don't. "Whatever the developer feels is appropriate" is basically useless - there's no way any tool or user can usefully interpret what an exception hint means if things are this wide open. I can't see how anything could make any practical use of the data the proposal offers... Paul

On Fri, 25 Sep 2020 at 14:44, Samuel Colvin <samcolvin@gmail.com> wrote:
Type hints help an IDE to check if you're potentially passing a bad parameter to your function. What does an "exception hint" will do in an IDE? Alerts you that you are not catching that exception, and, if you really want it to bubble up, silencing that warning? Again, no thanks :-)

24.09.20 11:47, Sergio Fenoll пише:
Did not the experience of C++ show that exceptions declaration was a bad idea? In C++ it was optional and is abandoned now. Java developers still suffer from necessary to declare all raised exception, or just declare the most general exception class, that makes the feature useless. This may be especially bad for Python where virtually every line of code can raise arbitrary exception. KeybordInterrupt and MemoryError are most common examples, but in rare cases which usually are not covered by tests it can be also UnicodeError, NameError, AttributeError, TypeError, BufferError, etc.
participants (15)
Chris Angelico
David Kolovratník
Greg Ewing
Marco Sulla
Oscar Benjamin
Paul Moore
Ricky Teachey
Samuel Colvin
Sergio Fenoll
Serhiy Storchaka
Stephen J. Turnbull
Steven D'Aprano
Wes Turner