Type hints for functions with side-effects and for functions raising exceptions

Hi! To help automatic document generators and static type checkers reason more about the code, the possible side-effects and raised exceptions could also be annotated in a standardized way. I'll let some example code talk on my behalf. Here's a simple decorator for annotating exceptions: In [1]: import typing as t In [2]: def raises(exc: Exception) -> t.Callable: ...: def decorator(fn: t.Callable) -> t.Callable: ...: fn.__annotations__["__raises__"] = exc ...: return fn ...: return decorator ...: In [3]: @raises(ValueError) ...: def hello_if_5(x: int) -> None: ...: if x != 5: ...: raise ValueError("number other than 5 given") ...: print("Hello!") ...: In [4]: hello_if_5.__annotations__ Out[4]: {'x': int, 'return': None, '__raises__': ValueError} In [5]: hello_if_5(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-5-7fb1d79ce3f4> in <module> ----> 1 hello_if_5(1) <ipython-input-3-1084d197ce1b> in hello_if_5(x) 2 def hello_if_5(x: int) -> None: 3 if x != 5: ----> 4 raise ValueError("number other than 5 given") 5 print("Hello!") 6 ValueError: number other than 5 given In [6]: hello_if_5(5) Hello! In [7]: and here's a simple decorator for annotating side-effects: In [1]: import typing as t In [2]: def side_effect(has_side_effect: bool) -> t.Callable: ...: def decorator(fn: t.Callable) -> t.Callable: ...: fn.__annotations__["__side_effect__"] = has_side_effect ...: return fn ...: return decorator ...: In [3]: a = 10 In [4]: @side_effect(True) ...: def change_a(val: int) -> None: ...: global a ...: a = val ...: In [5]: change_a.__annotations__ Out[5]: {'val': int, 'return': None, '__side_effect__': True} In [6]: change_a(100) In [7]: a Out[7]: 100 In [8]: @side_effect(True) ...: def mutate_list(items: t.List) -> None: ...: items.append("new item") ...: In [9]: mutate_list.__annotations__ Out[9]: {'items': typing.List, 'return': None, '__side_effect__': True} In [10]: l = ["old item"] In [11]: mutate_list(l) In [12]: l Out[12]: ['old item', 'new item'] In [13]: The example implementations have some obvious limitations, such as only allowing one error type. What do you think of the idea in general? Do you feel this is something that could be included in Python? typing would probably be a good module to store such decorators, I guess… Miikka Salminen miikka.salminen@gmail.com

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:05:55PM +0200, Miikka Salminen wrote:
This is Python. Nearly everything could have side-effects or raise exceptions *wink* Despite the wink, I am actually serious. I fear that this is not compatible with duck-typing. Take this simple example: @raises(TypeError) def maximum(values:Iterable)->Any: it = iter(values) try: biggest = next(it) except StopIteration: return None for x in it: if x > biggest: biggest = x return x But in fact this code can raise anything, or have side-effects, since it calls x.__gt__ and that method could do anything. So our decoration about raising TypeError is misleading if you read it as "this is the only exception the function can raise". You should read it as "this promises to sometimes raise TypeError, but could raise any other exception as well". This pretty much shows that the idea of checked exceptions doesn't go well with Python's duck-typing. And I note that in Java, where the idea of checked exceptions originated, it turned out to be full of problems and a very bad idea. Here is your example:
In this *trivial* function, we can reason that there are no other possible exceptions (unless ValueError or print are monkey-patched or shadowed). But how many of your functions are really that simple? I would expect very few. For the vast majority of cases, any time you decorate a non-trivial function with "raises(X)", it needs to be read as "can raise X, or any other exception". And similarly with annotating functions for side-effects. I expect that most functions need to be read as "may have side-effects" even if annotated as side-effect free. So the promises made will nearly always be incredibly weak: - raises(A) means "may raise A, or any other unexpected exception" - sideeffects(True) means "may have expected side-effects" - sideeffects(False) means "may have unexpected side-effects" I don't think there is much value in a static checker trying to reason about either. (And the experience of Java tells us that checking exceptions is a bad idea even when enforced by the compiler.) If I'm right, then adding support for this to the std lib is unnecessary. But I could be wrong, and I encourage static checkers to experiment. To do so, they don't need support from the std lib. They can provide their own decorator, or use a comment: # raises ValueError, TypeError # +sideeffects def spam(): ... -- Steve

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 10:18 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Perhaps, but sometimes it's nice to know that a function is not intended to have any side effects. For instance, I'm currently working on some code that has a bunch of lines like this: type = _decode("WeaponTypes" if is_weapon else "ItemTypes") balance = _decode("BalanceDefs") brand = _decode("Manufacturers") Suppose we decide that the "balance" variable isn't being used anywhere. Is it okay to not decode the BalanceDefs? Nope, it isn't, because the decoding is done sequentially, which means that omitting one will leave all the subsequent ones desynchronized. Knowing that a function has no intentional side effects (which is weaker than declaring that it's a pure function) may well be useful when refactoring a messy codebase. (A messy codebase, such as the one that I was reading through when building that code. It's not code I'm intrinsically proud of, but I can say with confidence that it is WAY cleaner than the reference code. And if I'd been able to ascertain which functions were pure, or at least side-effect-free, it would have saved me a lot of hassle.) ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
if I'd been able to ascertain which functions were pure, or at least side-effect-free, it would have saved me a lot of hassle.)
I'm not sure how useful such annotations would be in practice, though. They're only as good as the diligence of the author in using them consistently and correctly, which makes them not much better than comments. -- Greg

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 3:19 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
And I note that in Java, where the idea of checked exceptions originated, it turned out to be full of problems and a very bad idea.
What should be the default behavior of a language when the programmer doesn't explicitly handle an error? Options include: 1. Type error (Java, ML/Haskell) 2. Ignore it (C) 3. Pass it as-is to the caller 4. "Genericize" it, e.g. wrap it in a RuntimeError, then pass to the caller The problem with the Java approach is that people don't want to think about how to properly handle every error, and just wrap their code in catch (...) {} instead. I think it works much better in ML/Haskell, though perhaps only because the average skill level of the programmers is higher. The problem with the C approach is that people don't want to think about how to properly handle every error, and just call every function in a void context. The problem with passing exceptions as-is to the caller is that they're very often implementation details. If you're lucky, they will propagate to a generic catch-all somewhere which will generate a traceback that a human may be able to use to fix the problem. If you're unlucky, the caller wrote `return d[k].frobnicate()` inside a try block and frobnicate's internal KeyError gets misinterpreted as a lookup failure in d. That problem, of an inadvertently leaked implementation detail masquerading as a proper alternate return value, used to be a huge issue with StopIteration, causing bugs that were very hard to track down, until PEP 479 fixed it by translating StopIteration into RuntimeError when it crossed an abstraction boundary. I think converting exceptions to RuntimeErrors (keeping all original information, but bypassing catch blocks intended for specific exceptions) is the best option. (Well, second best after ML/Haskell.) But to make it work you probably need to support some sort of exception specification. I'm rambling. I suppose my points are: * Error handing is inherently hard, and all approaches do badly because it's hard and programmers hate it. * Stronger typing is only bad if you just want your code to run and are tired of fixing it to be type-correct. The people who voluntarily add type annotations to Python programs probably aren't those kinds of people; they're probably much more likely than the average programmer to want checked exceptions. * Declaring that a function only raises Foo doesn't have to mean "it raises Foo, and also passes exceptions from subfunctions to the caller unchanged, no matter what they are." It could also mean "it raises Foo, and converts other exceptions into RuntimeError." This would actually be useful because it would mean that you could safely put longer expressions in try blocks, instead of defensively just putting the one method call whose KeyError you want to handle in the try: block, and moving everything else to the else: block, as I tend to do all the time because I'm paranoid and I was bitten several times by that StopIteration problem. -- Ben

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 9:09 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
That's because a generator function conceptually has three ways to provide data (yield, return, and raise), but mechanically, one of them is implemented over the other ("return" is "raise StopIteration with a value"). For other raised exceptions, this isn't a problem.
The trouble with that is that it makes refactoring very hard. You can't create a helper function without knowing exactly what it might be raising.
Well, yeah, no kidding. :)
... I was bitten several times by that StopIteration problem.
There's often a completely different approach that doesn't leak StopIteration. One of my workmates started seeing RuntimeErrors, and figured he'd need a try/except in this code: def _generator(self, left, right): while True: yield self.operator(next(left), next(right)) But instead of messing with try/except, it's much simpler to use something else - in this case, zip. Generally, it's better to keep things simple rather than to complicate them with new boundaries. Unless there's a good reason to prevent leakage, I would just let exception handling do whatever it wants to. But if you want to specifically say "this function will not raise anything other than these specific exceptions", that can be done with a decorator: def raises(*exc): """Declare and enforce what a function will raise The decorated function will not raise any Exception other than the specified ones, or RuntimeError. """ def deco(func): @functools.wraps(func) def convert_exc(*a, **kw): try: return func(*a, **kw) except exc: raise except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError from e convert_exc.may_raise = exc # in case it's wanted return convert_exc return deco This way, undecorated functions behave as normal, so refactoring isn't impacted. But if you want the help of a declared list of exceptions, you can have it. @raises(ValueError, IndexError) def frob(x): ... ChrisA

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 2:43 AM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Other functions also conceptually have three ways of returning: ordinary return with a value, a documented special return like KeyError, and pass-through exceptions. If the pass-through exception is KeyError, it gets conflated with the documented exceptional return, but correct code should handle them differently. It doesn't matter whether the syntax for the documented special return is "return x" or "raise KeyError(x)". I've never been screwed by this as badly with other exceptions as I was by StopIteration, but it's a general problem with the design of exceptions. I don't think exception specifications would solve that problem since you probably couldn't describe the KeyError's origin in the spec either. But that doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 6:51 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
Not sure what you mean here. If the documented special return is "return x", then it's a value that's being returned. That's completely different from raising some sort of exception. You have a reasonable point about raising KeyError. It's hard to catch bugs inside __getitem__ that result in the leakage of a KeyError. But it's not uncommon to implement getitem over some other object's getitem, which means that leakage is absolutely correct. I'm not sure what could really be done about that, but I'm also not sure it's necessary; those special methods tend to be very short. If you're writing a large and complex __getitem__, it might be worth adding some overhead to help with potential debugging, maybe wrapping most of your logic in a generator and having "yield" become "return", "return" become "raise KeyError", and "raise KeyError" become "raise RuntimeError". Easy enough with a decorator if you want it. Unnecessary overhead for most classes though. ChrisA

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 07:05:55PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote: [Ben]
I think I understand what Ben means, because I think I've experimented with functions which do what he may be getting at. Remember that exceptions are not necessarily errors. So you might write a function which returns a value in the standard case, but raises an exception to represent an exceptional case. If this is not an error, then the caller ought to be prepared for the exception and always catch it. This could be considered an alternative design to returning a tuple: (True, value) # standard case (False,) # or raise an exception If this seems strange, it actually isn't *that* strange. It is very similar to the way iterators yield a value in the standard case, and raise StopIteration to signal the non-standard, non-erroneous but exception case of having reached the end of the iterator. Another potential example would be searching, where "Not Found" is not necessarily an error, but it is always an exceptional case. The built-ins raise KeyError or ValueError (for str.index) but they could have just as easily raise KeyNotFound and SubstringNotFound. So exceptions do not necessarily represent errors that should bubble up to the user, to be reported as a bug. They can also represent an alternative (if slightly clumsy) mechanism for passing information to the caller. -- Steven

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:04 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Yep, I understand that part (and mention KeyError specifically). What I don't understand is the documented special return of "return x". If there's a way to return a magic value, then it's still just a value. For the rest, yeah, there's the normal Python behaviour of signalling "nope" by raising a specific exception. And yes, leaking an exception of the same type from within that function is going to be interpreted as that "nope". That's important to the ability to refactor - you can have a helper function that raises, and then the main __getitem__ or __getattr__ or whatever will just propagate the exception. That's why "leaking" is such a hard thing to pin down. ChrisA

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 11:52 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
well, I wouldn't call that three ways of returning... But yes, there is no (easy) way to distinguish an Exception raised by the function you called, and one raised somewhere deeper that. And I have been bitten by that more than once. It makes "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission" kind of tricky. But I've found that good unit tests help a lot. And Exception handling is messy -- the point made by the OP, I'm not sure there's a better way to do it. -CHB -- Christopher Barker, PhD Python Language Consulting - Teaching - Scientific Software Development - Desktop GUI and Web Development - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython

On 2019-02-21 03:09, Christopher Barker wrote:
But yes, there is no (easy) way to distinguish an Exception raised by
the function you called, and one raised somewhere deeper that.
And I have been bitten by that more than once. It makes "Easier to ask
forgiveness than permission" kind of tricky.
And Exception handling is messy -- the point made by the OP, I'm not sure there's a better way to do it.
It seems to me that exception *classes* are hardly ever required. If two methods raise the same exception type, then I contend that they are actually throwing two different types of errors (as evidenced by the difference in the message). Instead, I suggest every method emits its own exception type. By demanding support for a plethora of exception types, at least as many as there are methods, then we may have a different way of looking at exceptions: The first conclusion is, it is too expensive to make classes for every exception type, rather, exception type should be defined by the message. Exception handling is messy. I find most of my Python methods look like: | def my_method(): | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | error("some description", cause=e) I am not using Python3 everywhere yet, so maybe it should read like: | def my_method(): | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("some description") from e Let me call this pattern the Catch-It-Name-It-Chain-It-Raise-It (CNCR) pattern There are a few reasons for this. 1. I can add runtime values to the exception so I get a better sense of the program state without going to the debugger: `error("some description", {"url": url}, cause=e)` 2. I prevent exception leakage; I have no idea the diversity of exceptions my code can raise, so I CNCR. 3. Every exception is it's own unique type; I can switch on the message if I want (I rarely do this, but it happens, see below) Can Python provide better support for the CNCR pattern? If it is lightweight enough, maybe people will use it, and then we can say something useful about the (restricted) range of exceptions coming from a method: A context manager, a `with` block, could do this: | def my_method(): | with Explanation("some description"): | # do something I propose a simple line, which effectively defines a try block to the end of the current code block. Call it the `on-raises` syntax: | def my_method(): | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something It is better than the `with` block because: * it does not put code in the happy path * it has less indentation * we can conclude "some description" is the only exception raised by this method The `on-raises` need not start at the beginning of a code block, but then we can say less about what exceptions come out of `my_method`: | def my_method(): | # no exception checks here | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something Since `on-raises` can be used in any code block, we can save some indentation. Instead of | def my_method(): | with some_file: | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("some description") from e we have | def my_method(): | with some_file: | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something of course we can have nested `on-raises`, | def my_method(): | on Exception raises "bigger problem" | with some_file: | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something Plus we know only "bigger problem" exceptions can be raised. The above is the same as: | def my_method(): | try: | with some_file: | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("some description") from e | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("bigger problem") from e in the rare case we actually want to deal with an exception, we revert back to trusty old try/except: | def my_other_method(): | on Exception raises "some other description" | try: | my_method() | except "some description" as e: | # I know how to handle this case | return which is the same as: | def my_other_method(): | try: | my_method() | except Exception as e: | if "some description" in e: | # I know how to handle this case | return | error("some other description", cause=e)

On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 9:14 AM Kyle Lahnakoski <klahnakoski@mozilla.com> wrote:
The CNCR pattern, if used repeatedly, will quickly create a long chain of exceptions, where each exception represents one function call. Python already has very good support for seeing the function call history that led to the exception - it's called a traceback. You even get the full function locals as part of the exception object... and it requires no code whatsoever! Simply allowing exceptions to bubble up will have practically the same benefit. ChrisA

On 2019-02-22 17:20, Chris Angelico wrote:
I like your point that the exception chain is long, and similar to the stack: I do find that in practice. This may indicate there is an optimization in how CNCR can be handled: Maybe instantiation of CNCR exceptions can be deferred to the point where an exception handler actually does something beyond CNCR, if ever. I also agree, with a debugger at hand, we can inspect the stack trace. We can also write code that reflects on the method names in the stack trace to figure out how to handle an exception. But, I am concerned that stack trace inspection is brittle because methods can be renamed and refactored. Also, the CNCR pattern is not 1-1 with methods, there can be more than one type of CNCR exception emitted from a method. Methods could be split, so each only throws one type of exception; and then the stack trace would suffice; but that brings us back to brittle: A split method may be accidentally merged for clarity at a later time. We should also consider what happens in the case that an exception chain is not handled: It may be printed to the log: We can not reasonably print all the locals; there are many, some do not serialize, and some are sensitive. CNCR is being explicit about what locals(), if any, are important.

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 21:07, Miikka Salminen <miikka.salminen@gmail.com> wrote:
The idea about "checked exceptions" appeared several times in various places. I used to think that this would be hard to support for any realistic use cases. But now I think there may be a chance to turn this into a usable feature if one frames it correctly (e.g. the focus could be on user defined exceptions, rather than on standard ones, since there is no way we can annotate every function in typeshed). But this is probably not the best place to the start the discussion (we may come back here if we will have a proposal). I would recommend to post either on typing GitHub tracker, or mypy GitHub tracker, or on typing SIG mailing list. IMO the part about side effects is a non-starter. -- Ivan

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 6:28 PM Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi@gmail.com> wrote:
It's well documented how checked exceptions lead to bad code. That's why C#, which came after Java, didn't include them. Exceptions may be logically thought as of part of the type of a method, and of the type of the method's class, but that requires that the type catches every exception that may be raised from the implementation and either handles it, or translates it to one belonging to the type. It's a lot of work, it's cumbersome, and it is fragile, as the exception handling may need to change over minor implementation changes. If dependencies don't treat the exceptions that may escape from them as part of the type, then our own types will need to be changes every time a dependency changes its implementation. The strategy of catching only exceptions of interest and letting others pass produces less fragile and easier to test code. -- Juancarlo *Añez*

It's well documented how checked exceptions lead to bad code.
Please cite a paper. I know "everyone knows" that they're bad, but "everyone knows" a lot of things. Here's a recentish proposal by Herb Sutter to add a kind of checked exception to C++: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0709r0.pdf He talks about some of the same issues I've talked about in this thread: in particular, that the farther exceptions propagate, the less likely that they can be handled in a precise way. In practice, exceptions are either handled early or they are handled generically (e.g. by printing a traceback).
Exceptions may be logically thought as of part of the type of a method,
Yes, exceptions designed to be caught and handled by the caller are essentially alternate return values. Examples are KeyError for mapping lookups, FileNotFoundError for open(), etc. They are part of the method's interface whether they are encoded in a type system or not.
but that requires that the type catches every exception that may be raised from the implementation and either handles it, or translates it to one belonging to the type.
What you're describing is strong static typing. Yes, it is a hassle. It means you have to do a lot of up-front work proving that your program will handle *every* case before the implementation will permit you to run it on *any* case. A lot of programmers don't like that. They want to write code that works for the cases they care about in the moment, and think about the other cases "later" (which in practice often means "after the product has shipped and someone files a bug report").
It's a lot of work, it's cumbersome, and it is fragile, as the exception handling may need to change over minor implementation changes.
Yes, it's a lot of work and cumbersome. In exchange for this extra effort, you get static guarantees that make it easier to reason about the behavior of the program.
The strategy of catching only exceptions of interest and letting others pass produces less fragile and easier to test code.
It is less of a hassle to write unchecked code. I don't know if it's easier to test, but maybe. It isn't less fragile, at least not in the way I understand "fragile." Fragile code isn't code that is prone to compile-time type errors when it's changed. Fragile code is code that's prone to crashes or other broken behavior at runtime when it's changed, because of hidden constraints that weren't expressible in the type system. At least, that's what "fragile" means in "fragile base class problem."

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:34 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
This is one of the original interviews touching why checked exceptions were not made part of C#: https://www.artima.com/intv/handcuffs.html The problem is that a code fragment should only catch exceptions that it expects, because it won't know what to do anything else but to wrap the exception into one of the enclosing type. But if every type has to define a SomethingWentWrongInTypeException wrapper exception, it's logical that all of them inherit from a standard SomethingWentWrongException. Having done that, the type-specific generic exceptions are of no value, because any code wanting to guard against the unexpected will just catch SomethingWentWrongException. And that brings us back to square one, which is letting unexpected exceptions through to wherever a clean shutdown or restart of the subsystem can be done. Then, if exceptions are going to be part of a type, there should be a way to express the semantics of them (like in Eiffel), so stack.pop();stack.push(x) doesn't have to catch StackFullException. In the end, I think that allowing type-hints about exceptions that may be raised is quite useful, as long as they are not checked/enforced (in the style of Java). Many times I've missed a PyCharm hint me about the actual exceptions a given call may actually raise. Newer languages like Go and Swift shy away from exceptions because of the tendency to: try: # something except: print('oops!) -- Juancarlo *Añez*

On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 2:27 PM Juancarlo Añez <apalala@gmail.com> wrote:
Then, if exceptions are going to be part of a type, there should be a way to express the semantics of them (like in Eiffel), so stack.pop();stack.push(x) doesn't have to catch StackFullException.
That assumes atomicity. If you want an atomic "replace top of stack" that can never raise StackFullException, it's probably best to express it as stack.replacetop(x) rather than having something that might be interrupted.
People do dumb things with exceptions, yes. Why does this mean that they are bad? I don't understand this. Exception handling (and stack unwinding) gives an easy and clear way to refactor code without having to daisychain error handling everywhere. How is throwing that away going to help people write better code? But then, Golang also decided that Unicode wasn't necessary, and we should all deal with UTF-8 encoded byte sequences instead of text strings, so I'm fairly sure there are no ten foot barge poles long enough for me to touch it with. There are languages that have problems because of history (*cough*JavaScript*cough*), but for a new language to make multiple poor decisions just means it's one to avoid. ChrisA

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 11:32 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Ah! What to do with an exception in a concurrent context? Abort, or retry after a while?
For programs that are recursive or multi-layered, exceptions are a clean and efficient way to unwind. This PEG parser generator I wrote was made possible because Python exceptions are semantically clean and very efficient: https://github.com/neogeny/TatSu/blob/master/tatsu/contexts.py
The quest for a programming language in which _"anyone"_ can program, _without_ making mistakes, has never ended, and probably never will. "Alexa! Please write the software for a new Internet email system that overcomes the limitations of the current one!" Sometimes staying away is not an option. -- Juancarlo *Añez*

On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 5:32 AM Juancarlo Añez <apalala@gmail.com> wrote:
You mean in a situation where another thread might be pushing/popping on the same stack? That's up to you. Exception handling works exactly the same way with multiple threads as it does with a single thread; each context has a call stack. Things are a bit more complicated with other forms of concurrency, but at the point where there is an execution context again, that's where exceptions can start bubbling again. That's how generators work, for instance. ChrisA

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 11:05:55PM +0200, Miikka Salminen wrote:
This is Python. Nearly everything could have side-effects or raise exceptions *wink* Despite the wink, I am actually serious. I fear that this is not compatible with duck-typing. Take this simple example: @raises(TypeError) def maximum(values:Iterable)->Any: it = iter(values) try: biggest = next(it) except StopIteration: return None for x in it: if x > biggest: biggest = x return x But in fact this code can raise anything, or have side-effects, since it calls x.__gt__ and that method could do anything. So our decoration about raising TypeError is misleading if you read it as "this is the only exception the function can raise". You should read it as "this promises to sometimes raise TypeError, but could raise any other exception as well". This pretty much shows that the idea of checked exceptions doesn't go well with Python's duck-typing. And I note that in Java, where the idea of checked exceptions originated, it turned out to be full of problems and a very bad idea. Here is your example:
In this *trivial* function, we can reason that there are no other possible exceptions (unless ValueError or print are monkey-patched or shadowed). But how many of your functions are really that simple? I would expect very few. For the vast majority of cases, any time you decorate a non-trivial function with "raises(X)", it needs to be read as "can raise X, or any other exception". And similarly with annotating functions for side-effects. I expect that most functions need to be read as "may have side-effects" even if annotated as side-effect free. So the promises made will nearly always be incredibly weak: - raises(A) means "may raise A, or any other unexpected exception" - sideeffects(True) means "may have expected side-effects" - sideeffects(False) means "may have unexpected side-effects" I don't think there is much value in a static checker trying to reason about either. (And the experience of Java tells us that checking exceptions is a bad idea even when enforced by the compiler.) If I'm right, then adding support for this to the std lib is unnecessary. But I could be wrong, and I encourage static checkers to experiment. To do so, they don't need support from the std lib. They can provide their own decorator, or use a comment: # raises ValueError, TypeError # +sideeffects def spam(): ... -- Steve

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 10:18 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Perhaps, but sometimes it's nice to know that a function is not intended to have any side effects. For instance, I'm currently working on some code that has a bunch of lines like this: type = _decode("WeaponTypes" if is_weapon else "ItemTypes") balance = _decode("BalanceDefs") brand = _decode("Manufacturers") Suppose we decide that the "balance" variable isn't being used anywhere. Is it okay to not decode the BalanceDefs? Nope, it isn't, because the decoding is done sequentially, which means that omitting one will leave all the subsequent ones desynchronized. Knowing that a function has no intentional side effects (which is weaker than declaring that it's a pure function) may well be useful when refactoring a messy codebase. (A messy codebase, such as the one that I was reading through when building that code. It's not code I'm intrinsically proud of, but I can say with confidence that it is WAY cleaner than the reference code. And if I'd been able to ascertain which functions were pure, or at least side-effect-free, it would have saved me a lot of hassle.) ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
if I'd been able to ascertain which functions were pure, or at least side-effect-free, it would have saved me a lot of hassle.)
I'm not sure how useful such annotations would be in practice, though. They're only as good as the diligence of the author in using them consistently and correctly, which makes them not much better than comments. -- Greg

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 3:19 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
And I note that in Java, where the idea of checked exceptions originated, it turned out to be full of problems and a very bad idea.
What should be the default behavior of a language when the programmer doesn't explicitly handle an error? Options include: 1. Type error (Java, ML/Haskell) 2. Ignore it (C) 3. Pass it as-is to the caller 4. "Genericize" it, e.g. wrap it in a RuntimeError, then pass to the caller The problem with the Java approach is that people don't want to think about how to properly handle every error, and just wrap their code in catch (...) {} instead. I think it works much better in ML/Haskell, though perhaps only because the average skill level of the programmers is higher. The problem with the C approach is that people don't want to think about how to properly handle every error, and just call every function in a void context. The problem with passing exceptions as-is to the caller is that they're very often implementation details. If you're lucky, they will propagate to a generic catch-all somewhere which will generate a traceback that a human may be able to use to fix the problem. If you're unlucky, the caller wrote `return d[k].frobnicate()` inside a try block and frobnicate's internal KeyError gets misinterpreted as a lookup failure in d. That problem, of an inadvertently leaked implementation detail masquerading as a proper alternate return value, used to be a huge issue with StopIteration, causing bugs that were very hard to track down, until PEP 479 fixed it by translating StopIteration into RuntimeError when it crossed an abstraction boundary. I think converting exceptions to RuntimeErrors (keeping all original information, but bypassing catch blocks intended for specific exceptions) is the best option. (Well, second best after ML/Haskell.) But to make it work you probably need to support some sort of exception specification. I'm rambling. I suppose my points are: * Error handing is inherently hard, and all approaches do badly because it's hard and programmers hate it. * Stronger typing is only bad if you just want your code to run and are tired of fixing it to be type-correct. The people who voluntarily add type annotations to Python programs probably aren't those kinds of people; they're probably much more likely than the average programmer to want checked exceptions. * Declaring that a function only raises Foo doesn't have to mean "it raises Foo, and also passes exceptions from subfunctions to the caller unchanged, no matter what they are." It could also mean "it raises Foo, and converts other exceptions into RuntimeError." This would actually be useful because it would mean that you could safely put longer expressions in try blocks, instead of defensively just putting the one method call whose KeyError you want to handle in the try: block, and moving everything else to the else: block, as I tend to do all the time because I'm paranoid and I was bitten several times by that StopIteration problem. -- Ben

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 9:09 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
That's because a generator function conceptually has three ways to provide data (yield, return, and raise), but mechanically, one of them is implemented over the other ("return" is "raise StopIteration with a value"). For other raised exceptions, this isn't a problem.
The trouble with that is that it makes refactoring very hard. You can't create a helper function without knowing exactly what it might be raising.
Well, yeah, no kidding. :)
... I was bitten several times by that StopIteration problem.
There's often a completely different approach that doesn't leak StopIteration. One of my workmates started seeing RuntimeErrors, and figured he'd need a try/except in this code: def _generator(self, left, right): while True: yield self.operator(next(left), next(right)) But instead of messing with try/except, it's much simpler to use something else - in this case, zip. Generally, it's better to keep things simple rather than to complicate them with new boundaries. Unless there's a good reason to prevent leakage, I would just let exception handling do whatever it wants to. But if you want to specifically say "this function will not raise anything other than these specific exceptions", that can be done with a decorator: def raises(*exc): """Declare and enforce what a function will raise The decorated function will not raise any Exception other than the specified ones, or RuntimeError. """ def deco(func): @functools.wraps(func) def convert_exc(*a, **kw): try: return func(*a, **kw) except exc: raise except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError from e convert_exc.may_raise = exc # in case it's wanted return convert_exc return deco This way, undecorated functions behave as normal, so refactoring isn't impacted. But if you want the help of a declared list of exceptions, you can have it. @raises(ValueError, IndexError) def frob(x): ... ChrisA

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 2:43 AM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Other functions also conceptually have three ways of returning: ordinary return with a value, a documented special return like KeyError, and pass-through exceptions. If the pass-through exception is KeyError, it gets conflated with the documented exceptional return, but correct code should handle them differently. It doesn't matter whether the syntax for the documented special return is "return x" or "raise KeyError(x)". I've never been screwed by this as badly with other exceptions as I was by StopIteration, but it's a general problem with the design of exceptions. I don't think exception specifications would solve that problem since you probably couldn't describe the KeyError's origin in the spec either. But that doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 6:51 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
Not sure what you mean here. If the documented special return is "return x", then it's a value that's being returned. That's completely different from raising some sort of exception. You have a reasonable point about raising KeyError. It's hard to catch bugs inside __getitem__ that result in the leakage of a KeyError. But it's not uncommon to implement getitem over some other object's getitem, which means that leakage is absolutely correct. I'm not sure what could really be done about that, but I'm also not sure it's necessary; those special methods tend to be very short. If you're writing a large and complex __getitem__, it might be worth adding some overhead to help with potential debugging, maybe wrapping most of your logic in a generator and having "yield" become "return", "return" become "raise KeyError", and "raise KeyError" become "raise RuntimeError". Easy enough with a decorator if you want it. Unnecessary overhead for most classes though. ChrisA

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 07:05:55PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote: [Ben]
I think I understand what Ben means, because I think I've experimented with functions which do what he may be getting at. Remember that exceptions are not necessarily errors. So you might write a function which returns a value in the standard case, but raises an exception to represent an exceptional case. If this is not an error, then the caller ought to be prepared for the exception and always catch it. This could be considered an alternative design to returning a tuple: (True, value) # standard case (False,) # or raise an exception If this seems strange, it actually isn't *that* strange. It is very similar to the way iterators yield a value in the standard case, and raise StopIteration to signal the non-standard, non-erroneous but exception case of having reached the end of the iterator. Another potential example would be searching, where "Not Found" is not necessarily an error, but it is always an exceptional case. The built-ins raise KeyError or ValueError (for str.index) but they could have just as easily raise KeyNotFound and SubstringNotFound. So exceptions do not necessarily represent errors that should bubble up to the user, to be reported as a bug. They can also represent an alternative (if slightly clumsy) mechanism for passing information to the caller. -- Steven

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:04 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Yep, I understand that part (and mention KeyError specifically). What I don't understand is the documented special return of "return x". If there's a way to return a magic value, then it's still just a value. For the rest, yeah, there's the normal Python behaviour of signalling "nope" by raising a specific exception. And yes, leaking an exception of the same type from within that function is going to be interpreted as that "nope". That's important to the ability to refactor - you can have a helper function that raises, and then the main __getitem__ or __getattr__ or whatever will just propagate the exception. That's why "leaking" is such a hard thing to pin down. ChrisA

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 11:52 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
well, I wouldn't call that three ways of returning... But yes, there is no (easy) way to distinguish an Exception raised by the function you called, and one raised somewhere deeper that. And I have been bitten by that more than once. It makes "Easier to ask forgiveness than permission" kind of tricky. But I've found that good unit tests help a lot. And Exception handling is messy -- the point made by the OP, I'm not sure there's a better way to do it. -CHB -- Christopher Barker, PhD Python Language Consulting - Teaching - Scientific Software Development - Desktop GUI and Web Development - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython

On 2019-02-21 03:09, Christopher Barker wrote:
But yes, there is no (easy) way to distinguish an Exception raised by
the function you called, and one raised somewhere deeper that.
And I have been bitten by that more than once. It makes "Easier to ask
forgiveness than permission" kind of tricky.
And Exception handling is messy -- the point made by the OP, I'm not sure there's a better way to do it.
It seems to me that exception *classes* are hardly ever required. If two methods raise the same exception type, then I contend that they are actually throwing two different types of errors (as evidenced by the difference in the message). Instead, I suggest every method emits its own exception type. By demanding support for a plethora of exception types, at least as many as there are methods, then we may have a different way of looking at exceptions: The first conclusion is, it is too expensive to make classes for every exception type, rather, exception type should be defined by the message. Exception handling is messy. I find most of my Python methods look like: | def my_method(): | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | error("some description", cause=e) I am not using Python3 everywhere yet, so maybe it should read like: | def my_method(): | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("some description") from e Let me call this pattern the Catch-It-Name-It-Chain-It-Raise-It (CNCR) pattern There are a few reasons for this. 1. I can add runtime values to the exception so I get a better sense of the program state without going to the debugger: `error("some description", {"url": url}, cause=e)` 2. I prevent exception leakage; I have no idea the diversity of exceptions my code can raise, so I CNCR. 3. Every exception is it's own unique type; I can switch on the message if I want (I rarely do this, but it happens, see below) Can Python provide better support for the CNCR pattern? If it is lightweight enough, maybe people will use it, and then we can say something useful about the (restricted) range of exceptions coming from a method: A context manager, a `with` block, could do this: | def my_method(): | with Explanation("some description"): | # do something I propose a simple line, which effectively defines a try block to the end of the current code block. Call it the `on-raises` syntax: | def my_method(): | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something It is better than the `with` block because: * it does not put code in the happy path * it has less indentation * we can conclude "some description" is the only exception raised by this method The `on-raises` need not start at the beginning of a code block, but then we can say less about what exceptions come out of `my_method`: | def my_method(): | # no exception checks here | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something Since `on-raises` can be used in any code block, we can save some indentation. Instead of | def my_method(): | with some_file: | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("some description") from e we have | def my_method(): | with some_file: | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something of course we can have nested `on-raises`, | def my_method(): | on Exception raises "bigger problem" | with some_file: | on Exception raises "some description" | # do something Plus we know only "bigger problem" exceptions can be raised. The above is the same as: | def my_method(): | try: | with some_file: | try: | # do something | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("some description") from e | except Exception as e: | raise Exception("bigger problem") from e in the rare case we actually want to deal with an exception, we revert back to trusty old try/except: | def my_other_method(): | on Exception raises "some other description" | try: | my_method() | except "some description" as e: | # I know how to handle this case | return which is the same as: | def my_other_method(): | try: | my_method() | except Exception as e: | if "some description" in e: | # I know how to handle this case | return | error("some other description", cause=e)

On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 9:14 AM Kyle Lahnakoski <klahnakoski@mozilla.com> wrote:
The CNCR pattern, if used repeatedly, will quickly create a long chain of exceptions, where each exception represents one function call. Python already has very good support for seeing the function call history that led to the exception - it's called a traceback. You even get the full function locals as part of the exception object... and it requires no code whatsoever! Simply allowing exceptions to bubble up will have practically the same benefit. ChrisA

On 2019-02-22 17:20, Chris Angelico wrote:
I like your point that the exception chain is long, and similar to the stack: I do find that in practice. This may indicate there is an optimization in how CNCR can be handled: Maybe instantiation of CNCR exceptions can be deferred to the point where an exception handler actually does something beyond CNCR, if ever. I also agree, with a debugger at hand, we can inspect the stack trace. We can also write code that reflects on the method names in the stack trace to figure out how to handle an exception. But, I am concerned that stack trace inspection is brittle because methods can be renamed and refactored. Also, the CNCR pattern is not 1-1 with methods, there can be more than one type of CNCR exception emitted from a method. Methods could be split, so each only throws one type of exception; and then the stack trace would suffice; but that brings us back to brittle: A split method may be accidentally merged for clarity at a later time. We should also consider what happens in the case that an exception chain is not handled: It may be printed to the log: We can not reasonably print all the locals; there are many, some do not serialize, and some are sensitive. CNCR is being explicit about what locals(), if any, are important.

On Tue, 19 Feb 2019 at 21:07, Miikka Salminen <miikka.salminen@gmail.com> wrote:
The idea about "checked exceptions" appeared several times in various places. I used to think that this would be hard to support for any realistic use cases. But now I think there may be a chance to turn this into a usable feature if one frames it correctly (e.g. the focus could be on user defined exceptions, rather than on standard ones, since there is no way we can annotate every function in typeshed). But this is probably not the best place to the start the discussion (we may come back here if we will have a proposal). I would recommend to post either on typing GitHub tracker, or mypy GitHub tracker, or on typing SIG mailing list. IMO the part about side effects is a non-starter. -- Ivan

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 6:28 PM Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi@gmail.com> wrote:
It's well documented how checked exceptions lead to bad code. That's why C#, which came after Java, didn't include them. Exceptions may be logically thought as of part of the type of a method, and of the type of the method's class, but that requires that the type catches every exception that may be raised from the implementation and either handles it, or translates it to one belonging to the type. It's a lot of work, it's cumbersome, and it is fragile, as the exception handling may need to change over minor implementation changes. If dependencies don't treat the exceptions that may escape from them as part of the type, then our own types will need to be changes every time a dependency changes its implementation. The strategy of catching only exceptions of interest and letting others pass produces less fragile and easier to test code. -- Juancarlo *Añez*

It's well documented how checked exceptions lead to bad code.
Please cite a paper. I know "everyone knows" that they're bad, but "everyone knows" a lot of things. Here's a recentish proposal by Herb Sutter to add a kind of checked exception to C++: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0709r0.pdf He talks about some of the same issues I've talked about in this thread: in particular, that the farther exceptions propagate, the less likely that they can be handled in a precise way. In practice, exceptions are either handled early or they are handled generically (e.g. by printing a traceback).
Exceptions may be logically thought as of part of the type of a method,
Yes, exceptions designed to be caught and handled by the caller are essentially alternate return values. Examples are KeyError for mapping lookups, FileNotFoundError for open(), etc. They are part of the method's interface whether they are encoded in a type system or not.
but that requires that the type catches every exception that may be raised from the implementation and either handles it, or translates it to one belonging to the type.
What you're describing is strong static typing. Yes, it is a hassle. It means you have to do a lot of up-front work proving that your program will handle *every* case before the implementation will permit you to run it on *any* case. A lot of programmers don't like that. They want to write code that works for the cases they care about in the moment, and think about the other cases "later" (which in practice often means "after the product has shipped and someone files a bug report").
It's a lot of work, it's cumbersome, and it is fragile, as the exception handling may need to change over minor implementation changes.
Yes, it's a lot of work and cumbersome. In exchange for this extra effort, you get static guarantees that make it easier to reason about the behavior of the program.
The strategy of catching only exceptions of interest and letting others pass produces less fragile and easier to test code.
It is less of a hassle to write unchecked code. I don't know if it's easier to test, but maybe. It isn't less fragile, at least not in the way I understand "fragile." Fragile code isn't code that is prone to compile-time type errors when it's changed. Fragile code is code that's prone to crashes or other broken behavior at runtime when it's changed, because of hidden constraints that weren't expressible in the type system. At least, that's what "fragile" means in "fragile base class problem."

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:34 PM Ben Rudiak-Gould <benrudiak@gmail.com> wrote:
This is one of the original interviews touching why checked exceptions were not made part of C#: https://www.artima.com/intv/handcuffs.html The problem is that a code fragment should only catch exceptions that it expects, because it won't know what to do anything else but to wrap the exception into one of the enclosing type. But if every type has to define a SomethingWentWrongInTypeException wrapper exception, it's logical that all of them inherit from a standard SomethingWentWrongException. Having done that, the type-specific generic exceptions are of no value, because any code wanting to guard against the unexpected will just catch SomethingWentWrongException. And that brings us back to square one, which is letting unexpected exceptions through to wherever a clean shutdown or restart of the subsystem can be done. Then, if exceptions are going to be part of a type, there should be a way to express the semantics of them (like in Eiffel), so stack.pop();stack.push(x) doesn't have to catch StackFullException. In the end, I think that allowing type-hints about exceptions that may be raised is quite useful, as long as they are not checked/enforced (in the style of Java). Many times I've missed a PyCharm hint me about the actual exceptions a given call may actually raise. Newer languages like Go and Swift shy away from exceptions because of the tendency to: try: # something except: print('oops!) -- Juancarlo *Añez*

On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 2:27 PM Juancarlo Añez <apalala@gmail.com> wrote:
Then, if exceptions are going to be part of a type, there should be a way to express the semantics of them (like in Eiffel), so stack.pop();stack.push(x) doesn't have to catch StackFullException.
That assumes atomicity. If you want an atomic "replace top of stack" that can never raise StackFullException, it's probably best to express it as stack.replacetop(x) rather than having something that might be interrupted.
People do dumb things with exceptions, yes. Why does this mean that they are bad? I don't understand this. Exception handling (and stack unwinding) gives an easy and clear way to refactor code without having to daisychain error handling everywhere. How is throwing that away going to help people write better code? But then, Golang also decided that Unicode wasn't necessary, and we should all deal with UTF-8 encoded byte sequences instead of text strings, so I'm fairly sure there are no ten foot barge poles long enough for me to touch it with. There are languages that have problems because of history (*cough*JavaScript*cough*), but for a new language to make multiple poor decisions just means it's one to avoid. ChrisA

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 11:32 PM Chris Angelico <rosuav@gmail.com> wrote:
Ah! What to do with an exception in a concurrent context? Abort, or retry after a while?
For programs that are recursive or multi-layered, exceptions are a clean and efficient way to unwind. This PEG parser generator I wrote was made possible because Python exceptions are semantically clean and very efficient: https://github.com/neogeny/TatSu/blob/master/tatsu/contexts.py
The quest for a programming language in which _"anyone"_ can program, _without_ making mistakes, has never ended, and probably never will. "Alexa! Please write the software for a new Internet email system that overcomes the limitations of the current one!" Sometimes staying away is not an option. -- Juancarlo *Añez*

On Sat, Feb 23, 2019 at 5:32 AM Juancarlo Añez <apalala@gmail.com> wrote:
You mean in a situation where another thread might be pushing/popping on the same stack? That's up to you. Exception handling works exactly the same way with multiple threads as it does with a single thread; each context has a call stack. Things are a bit more complicated with other forms of concurrency, but at the point where there is an execution context again, that's where exceptions can start bubbling again. That's how generators work, for instance. ChrisA
participants (9)
Ben Rudiak-Gould
Chris Angelico
Christopher Barker
Greg Ewing
Ivan Levkivskyi
Juancarlo Añez
Kyle Lahnakoski
Miikka Salminen
Steven D'Aprano