venv.EnvBuilder environmental variable hooks

Currently EnvBuilder allows for a number of customizations of virtual environments, changing which python is used, automatically installing libraries, etc... However, it does not allow for any modifications of the activate script itself (unless one wants to rewrite it completely). However, a fairly common requirement for python packages is to edit some environmental variable e.g., DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=<settings>. Which leaves developers with two options set the variables globally or manually edit the activate script. Granted the activate script has been fairly static for the past few years, so a patch file can be used after manually editing once but its not the most elegant solution. Further, there is no guarantee that activate script will be static going forward. In my mind there is a very simple solution, allow EnvBuilder to extend the set of variables which are set and restored on activate / deactivate (or more generally have activate / deactivate hooks). In the cpython implementation of venv there is a number of template parameters in the skeleton activate scripts which are filled by the EnvBuilder (__VENV_DIR__, __VENV_NAME__, ...). A simple solution would be to extend these with __VENV_ACTIVATE_EXTRAS__ and __VENV_DEACTIVATE_EXTRAS__ where by default ``` #Let env_vars: Dict[str, str] be the custom environmental variables __VENV_ACTIVATE_EXTRAS__ = ''.join(f''' _OLD_VIRTUAL_{key}="${key}" {key}="{value}" export {key} ''' for key,value in env_vars.items()) __VENV_DEACTIVATE_EXTRAS__ = ''.join(f''' if [ -n "${{_OLD_VIRTUAL_{key}:-}}" ] ; then {key}="${{_OLD_VIRTUAL_{key}:-}}" export {key} unset _OLD_VIRTUAL_{key} fi ''' for key in env_vars) ``` With __VENV_ACTIVATE_EXTRAS__ at and __VENV_DEACTIVATE_EXTRAS__ at Full activate / deactivate hooks could be achieved by setting __VENV_*_EXTRAS__ to be arbitrary shell commands. Caleb Donovick
participants (2)
Brett Cannon
Caleb Donovick