As MRAB noticed, my suggested alias 'matchSpan' is flawed because the word
span is already in use. As spir pointed out, 'snippet' would be a better
name for the alias to group().
However, isn't it group() alone, without 0?
Both group() and group(0) have the same effect.
Of course, this convenience would introduce a bit of complexity to the
codebase, so it may or may not be worth it to add an alias to group(0).
What do people think?
At first sight, does not seem that complicated (also, the code exist for
group()). How clear is the existing implementation?
The existing implementation is clear enough and the alias would not add
much complexity. I meant that any alias is a source of complexity and the
tradeoff at hand is for convenience.
On 26 November 2013 17:52, <> wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Using yield inside a comprehension. (Nick Coghlan)
2. Improving Clarity of re Module (Alex Seewald)
3. Re: Improving Clarity of re Module (MRAB)
4. Re: Improving Clarity of re Module (spir)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 08:01:46 +1000
From: Nick Coghlan <>
To: Jonathan Slenders <>
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Using yield inside a comprehension.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Futher, there is a really weird constructs possible:
list((yield x) for x in range(10))
[0, None, 1, None, 2, None, 3, None, 4, None, 5, None, 6, None, 7, None,
8, None, 9, None]
It's a logical consequence from the translation, but I don't get the
On 27 Nov 2013 01:35, "Jonathan Slenders" <> wrote:
Can't we create a local namespace, without wrapping it in a function?
That was the original implementation I tried, and it turned out to be
inordinately difficult to get the semantics right for lambda expressions
that referenced iteration variables from inside the comprehension. There
are also some ugly edge cases involving the locals() builtin that would
need to have their semantics defined. Switching to a full lexical scope
instead turned out to be much easier to implement while still providing
closure semantics that matched those of generator expressions, so that's
what I ended up implementing. This approach also resolved the "How does
locals() work in a 3.x comprehension?" question in favour of making it work
the same way it does in a generator expression.
As others have noted, this approach of using an implicit function
definition also results in the behaviour of yield expressions inside
comprehensions being entirely consistent with their behaviour inside def
statements and lambda expressions - it turns an ordinary function into a
generator function. Is this particularly useful? Not that I've seen (while
you can do some kinda neat one-liner hacks with it, they're basically
incomprehensible to the reader). It's just a natural consequence of making
comprehension semantics more consistent with those of generator expressions
(which were already consistent with nested def statements and lambda
expressions), and there's no compelling justification to disallow it.
Regarding the PEP question, there's no dedicated PEP for the change, just a
line item in PEP 3100 to make comprehensions more like generator
expressions by hiding the iteration variable. There's probably a thread or
two on the old python-3000 list about using a full function scope to do it,
though (I seem to recall posting about it after my original pseudo-scope
based approach failed to handle closures properly).
2013/11/26 Andrew Barnert <>
On Nov 26, 2013, at 6:32, Oscar Benjamin <>
On 26 November 2013 13:54, Jonathan Slenders <>
Where do I find the PEP that describes that the following statement
a generator object to `values`?
I don't think there was a PEP for this but it's a consequence of the
change to binding in list comprehensions introduced in Python 3.x
which is mentioned here:
Essentially this:
values = [ (yield x) for x in range(10) ]
Translates to the following in Python 2.x:
_tmp = []
for x in range(10):
_tmp.append((yield x))
values = _tmp
However in 3.x it translates to something like:
def _tmpfunc():
_tmp = []
for x in range(10):
_tmp.append((yield x))
return _tmp
values = _tmpfunc()
This change was made to prevent the comprehension variable from
leaking to the enclosing scope, but as you say if the code is nested
in a function then it affects which function contains the yield
statement and the presence of a yield statement radically alters the
behaviour of a function. So in 2.x the enclosing function must become
a generator function. However in 3.x the function that is supposed to
implement the list comprehension is changed into a generator function
$ python3
Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 16 2013, 00:03:43) [MSC v.1600
32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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> values = [(yield x) for x in range(10)]
> values
<generator object <listcomp> at 0x00E24508>
> def _tmpfunc():
... _tmp = []
... for x in range(10):
... _tmp.append((yield x))
... return _tmp
> values = _tmpfunc()
> values
<generator object _tmpfunc at 0x00E2F7B0>
I assume it's equivalent to the following:
values = (x for x in range(10))
It will yield the same values but it will also build a list of Nones
and attach it to StopIteration:
Unless you call .send on it, in which case it'll build a list of the
values you send it and attach _that_ to StopIteration, of course.
So I suppose you could use it as a coroutine version of the list
function. Except that the number of values it takes is specified on the
wrong end.
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