Thanks for the reply. CC'ing the mailing list.
On 9 Apr 2017, at 10:05, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
On 9 April 2017 at 16:13, Victor Varvariuc <> wrote:
I think there are can be several ways to achieve the result.
The question is if what I've presented is a valid concern. I think this would make the language more consistent and help reducing number of errors related to import without breaking old code.
May I create an issue in the bug tracker?
Aye, go ahead - I would previously have advised against it, but given
at least one relatively low impact path to resolution, it's worth
filing it as an enhancement request.
Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia
Begin forwarded message:
From: Nick Coghlan <>
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Make `import a.b.c as m` is equivalent to `m = sys.modules['a.b.c']`
Date: 9 April 2017 at 08:33:43 GMT+3
To: Victor Varvariuc <>
On 8 April 2017 at 22:57, Victor Varvariuc <> wrote:
Thanks, Nick, for the thorough explanation.
changing those semantics isn't as
simple as just having the compiler reinterpret "import x.y.z as m" as
"from x.y import z as m"
I don't think this is a solution.
The solution, IMO, is to treat `import x.y.z as m` as `m =
__import__('x.y.z')` (or similar, IIRC).
That's not quite how the `__import__` hook works: when the fromlist is
empty, it returns the *base* module, not the most resolved one.
<module 'unittest' from '/usr/lib64/python3.5/unittest/'>
However, the idea does indicate a potential resolution, which would be
to add a new IMPORT_ATTR opcode with roughly the following semantics:
_op_result = getattr(obj, ATTR)
except AttributeError:
_package_name = obj.__package__
if not _package_name:
_op_result = sys.modules[_package_name + "." + ATTR]
And then have the import statement unconditionally emit IMPORT_ATTR
instead of LOAD_ATTR for the "import x.* as y" case.
Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia