Re: [Python-ideas] Why is design-by-contracts not widely adopted?

[ munch ]
Firstly, I see a difference between rational arguments against Design By Contract (DbC) and against DbC in Python. Rejecting DbC for Python is not the same as rejecting DbC entirely. Programming languages are different, obviously. Python is not the same as C is not the same as Lisp... To me this also means that different languages are used for different problem domains, and in different styles of development. I wouldn't use DbC in programming C or assembler because it's not really helpful for the kind of low level close to the machine stuff I use C or assembler for. And I wouldn't use DbC for Python because I wouldn't find it helpful for the kind of dynamic, exploratory development I do in Python. I don't write strict contracts for Python code because in a dynamically typed, and duck typed, programming language they just don't make sense to me. Which is not to say I think Design by Contract is bad, just that it isn't good for Python. Secondly, these "obvious" benefits. If they're obvious, I want to know why aren't you using Eiffel? It's a programming language designed around DbC concepts. It's been around for three decades, at least as long as Python or longer. There's an existing base of compilers and support tools and libraries and textbooks and experienced programmers to work with. Could it be that Python has better libraries, is faster to develop for, attracts more programmers? If so, I suggest it's worth considering that this might be *because* Python doesn't have DbC. Or is this an updated version of the old saying "real programmers write FORTRAN in any language" ? If you are accustomed to Design by Contract, think of your time in the Python world as a trip to another country. Relax and try to program like the locals do. You might enjoy it. -- cheers, Hugh Fisher

Hi, Thank you for your replies, Hugh and David! Please let me address the points in serial. *Obvious benefits* You both seem to misconceive the contracts. The goal of the design-by-contract is not reduced to testing the correctness of the code, as I reiterated already a couple of times in the previous thread. The contracts document *formally* what the caller and the callee expect and need to satisfy when using a method, a function or a class. This is meant for a module that is used by multiple people which are not necessarily familiar with the code. They are *not *a niche. There are 150K projects on Each one of them would benefit if annotated with the contracts. Please do re-read my previous messages on the topic a bit more attentively. These two pages I also found informative and they are quite fast to read (<15 min): Here is a quick summary of the argument. When you are documenting a method you have the following options: 1) Write preconditions and postconditions formally and include them automatically in the documentation (*e.g., *by using icontract library). 2) Write precondtions and postconditions in docstring of the method as human text. 3) Write doctests in the docstring of the method. 4) Expect the user to read the actual implementation. 5) Expect the user to read the testing code. Here is what seems obvious to me. *Please do point me to what is not obvious to you* because that is the piece of puzzle that I am missing (*i.e. *why this is not obvious and what are the intricacies). I enumerated the statements for easier reference: a) Using 1) is the only option when you have to deal with inheritance. Other approaches can no do that *without much repetition *in practice *.* b) If you write contracts in text, they will become stale over time (*i.e. *disconnected from the implementation and *plain wrong and misleading*). It is a common problem that the comments rot over time and I hope it does not need further argument (please let me know if you really think that the comments *do not rot*). c) Using 3), doctests, means that you need mocking as soon as your method depends on non-trivial data structures. Moreover, if the output of the function is not trivial and/or long, you actually need to write the contract (as postcondition) just *after *the call in the doctest. Documenting preconditions includes writing down the error that will be thrown. Additionally, you need to write that what you are documenting actually also holds for all other examples, not just for this particular test case (*e.g.*, in human text as a separate sentence before/after the doctest in the docstring). d) Reading other people's code in 4) and 5) is not trivial in most cases and requires a lot of attention as soon as the method includes calls to submethods and functions. This is impractical in most situation*s *since *most code is non-trivial to read* and is subject to frequent changes. e) Most of the time, 5) is not even a viable option as the testing code is not even shipped with the package and includes going to github (if the package is open-sourced) and searching through the directory tree to find the test. This forces every user of a library to get familiar with the *testing code *of the library. f) 4) and 5) are *obviously* a waste of time for the user -- please do explain why this might not be the case. Whenever I use the library, I do not expect to be forced to look into its test code and its implementation. I expect to read the documentation and just use the library if I'm confident about its quality. I have rarely read the implementation of the standard libraries (notable exceptions in my case are ast and subprocess module) or any well-established third-party library I frequently use (numpy, opencv, sklearn, nltk, zmq, lmdb, sqlalchemy). If the documentation is not clear about the contracts, I use trial-and-error to figure out the contracts myself. This again is *obviously* a waste of time of the *user *and it's far easier to read the contracts directly than use trial-and-error *.* *Contracts are difficult to read.* David wrote:
To me, as I've said, DbC imposes a very large cost for both writers and readers of code.
This is again something that eludes me and I would be really thankful if you could clarify. Please consider for an example, pypackagery ( and the documentation of its function resolve_initial_paths: packagery.resolve_initial_paths(*initial_paths*) Resolve the initial paths of the dependency graph by recursively adding *.py files beneath given directories. Parameters: *initial_paths* (List[Path]) – initial paths as absolute paths Return type: List[Path] Returns: list of initial files (*i.e.* no directories) Requires: - all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in initial_paths) Ensures: - len(result) >= len(initial_paths) if initial_paths else result == [] - all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in result) - all(pth.is_file() for pth in result) How is this difficult to read, unless the reader is not familiar with formalism and has a hard time parsing the quantifiers and logic rules? Mind that all these bits are deemed *important* by the writer -- and need to be included in the function description *somehow* -- you can choose between 1)-5). 1) seems obviously best to me. 1) will be tested at least at test time*. *If I have a bug in the implementation (*e.g., *I include a directory in the result), the testing framework will notify me again. Here is what the reader would have needed to read without the formalism in the docstring as text (*i.e., *2): * All input paths must be absolute. * If the initial paths are empty, the result is an empty list. * All the paths in the result are also absolute. * The resulting paths only include files. and here is an example with doctest (3):
result = packagery.resolve_initial_paths([]) []
Now, how can reading the text (2, code rot) or reading the doctests (3, longer, includes contracts) be easier and more maintainable compared to reading the contracts? I would be really thankful for the explanation -- I feel really stupid as for me this is totally obvious and, evidently, for other people it is not. I hope we all agree that the arguments about this example (resolve_initial_paths) selected here are not particular to pypackagery, but that they generalize to most of the functions and methods out there. *Writing contracts is difficult.* David wrote:
To me, as I've said, DbC imposes a very large cost for both writers and readers of code.
The effort of writing contracts include as of now: * include icontract (or any other design-by-contract library) to (or requirements.txt), one line one-off * include sphinx-icontract to docs/source/ and docs/source/requirements.txt, two lines, one-off * write your contracts (usually one line per contract). The contracts (1) in the above-mentioned function look like this (omitting the contracts run only at test time): @icontract.pre(lambda initial_paths: all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in initial_paths)) result: all(pth.is_file() for pth in result)) result: all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in result)) initial_paths, result: len(result) >= len(initial_paths) if initial_paths else result == []) def resolve_initial_paths(initial_paths: List[pathlib.Path]) -> List[pathlib.Path]: ... Putting aside how this code could be made more succinct (use "args" or "a" argument in the condition to represent the arguments, using from ... import ..., renaming "result" argument to "r", introducing a shortcut methods slowpre and slowpost to encapsulate the slow contracts not to be executed in the production), how is this difficult to write? It's 4 lines of code. Writing text (2) is 4 lines. Writing doctests (3) is 23 lines and includes the contracts. Again, given that the writer is trained in writing formal expressions, the mental effort is the same for writing the text and writing the formal contract (in cases of non-native English speakers, I'd even argue that formal expressions are sometimes *easier* to write). *99% vs 1%*
I think that ignorance plays a major role here. Many people have misconceptions about the design-by-contract. They just use 2) for more complex methods, or 3) for rather trivial methods. They are not aware that it's easy to use the contracts (1) and fear using them for non-rational reasons (*e.g., *habits). This is also what Todd Plesel writes in : The vast majority of those developing software - even that intended to be reused - are simply ignorant of the concept. As a result they produce application programmer interfaces (APIs) that are under-specified thus passing the burden to the application programmer to discover by trial and error, the 'acceptable boundaries' of the software interface (undocumented contract's terms). But such ad-hoc operational definitions of software interface discovered through reverse-engineering are subject to change upon the next release and so offers no stable way to ensure software correctness. The fact that many people involved in writing software lack pertinent education (e.g., CS/CE degrees) and training (professional courses, read software engineering journals, attend conferences etc.) is *not* a reason they don't know about DBC since the concept is not covered adequately in such mediums anyway. That is, *ignorance of DBC extends not just throughout practitioners but also throughout educators and many industry-experts.* He lists some more factors and misconceptions that hinder the adoption. I would definitely recommend you to read at least that section if not the whole piece. The conclusion paragraph "Culture Shift: Too Soon or Too Late" was also telling:
(Emphasis mine; iContract refers to a Java design-by-contract library) Hence the salient argument is the lack of *tools* for DbC. So far, none of the existing DbC libraries in Python really have the capabilities to be included in the code base. The programmer had to duplicate the contract, the messages did not include the values involved in the condition, one could not inherit the contracts and the contracts were not included in the documentation. Some libraries supported some of these features, but none up to icontract library supported them all. icontract finally supports all these features. I have *never* seen a rational argument how writing contracts (1) is *inferior *to approaches 2-5), except that it's hard for programmers untrained in writing formal expressions and for the lack of tools. I would be really thankful if you could address these points and show me where I am wrong *given that formalism and tools are not a problem*. We can train the untrained, and we can develop tools (and put them into standard library). This will push adoption to far above 1%. Finally, it is *obvious* to me that the documentation is important. I see lacking documentation as one of the major hits in the productivity of a programmer. If there is a tool that could easily improve the documentation (*i.e. *formal contracts with one line of code per contract) and automatically keep it in sync with the code (by checking the contracts during the testing), I don't see any *rational *reason why you would dispense of such a tool. Again, please do correct me and contradict -- I don't want to sound condescending or arrogant -- I literally can't wrap my head around why *anybody* would dispense of a such an easy-to-use tool that gives you better documentation (*i.e. *superior to approaches 2-5) except for lack of formal skills and lack of supporting library. If you think that the documentation is *not *important, then please, do explain that since it goes counter to all my previous experience and intuition (which, of course, can be wrong). *Why not Eiffel?* Hugh wrote:
Python is easier to write and read, and there are no libraries which are close in quality in Eiffel space (notably, Numpy, OpenCV, nltk and sklearn). I really don't see how the quality of these libraries have anything to do with lack (or presence) of the contracts. OpenCV and Numpy have contracts all over their code (written as assertions and not documented), albeit with very non-informative violation messages. And they are great libraries. Their users would hugely benefit from a more mature and standardized contracts library with informative violation messages. *Duck Typing* Hugh wrote:
I really don't see how DbC has to do with duck typing (unless you reduce it to mere isinstance conditions, which would simply be a straw-man argument) -- could you please clarify? As soon as you need to document your code, and this is what most modules have to do in teams of more than one person (especially so if you are developing a library for a wider audience), you need to write down the contracts. Please see above where I tried to explained that 2-5) are inferior approaches to documenting contracts compared to 1). As I wrote above, I would be very, very thankful if you point me to other approaches (apart from 1-5) that are superior to contracts or state an argument why approaches 2-5) are superior to the contracts since that is what I miss to see. Cheers, Marko On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 12:34, Hugh Fisher <> wrote:

On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 at 19:47, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
You'll lose folks attention very quickly when you try to tell folk what they do and don't understand. Claiming that DbC annotations will improve the documentation of every single library on PyPI is an extraordinary claim, and such claims require extraordinary proof. I can think of many libraries where necessary pre and post conditions (such as 'self is still locked') are going to be noisy, and at risk of reducing comprehension if the DbC checks are used to enhance/extended documentation. Some of the examples you've been giving would be better expressed with a more capable type system in my view (e.g. Rust's), but I have no good idea about adding that into Python :/. Anyhow, the thing I value most about python is its pithyness: its extremely compact, allowing great developer efficiency, but the cost of testing is indeed excessive if the tests are not structured well. That said, its possible to run test suites with 10's of thousands of tests in only a few seconds, so there's plenty of headroom for most projects. -Rob

Hi Robert, You'll lose folks attention very quickly when you try to tell folk
what they do and don't understand.
I apologize if I sounded offending, that was definitely not my intention. I appreciate that you addressed that. I suppose it's cultural/language issue and the wording was probably inappropriate. Please let me clarify what I meant: there was a misconception as DbC was reduced to a tool for testing, and, in a separate message, reduced to type-checks at runtime. These are clearly misconceptions, as DbC (as origianally proposed by Hoare and later popularized by Meyer) include other relevant aspects which are essential and hence can not be overseen or simply ignored. If we are arguing about DbC without these aspects then we are simply falling pray to a straw-man fallacy. Claiming that DbC annotations will improve the documentation of every
single library on PyPI is an extraordinary claim, and such claims require extraordinary proof.
I don't know what you mean by "extraordinary" claim and "extraordinary" proof, respectively. I tried to show that DbC is a great tool and far superior to any other tools currently used to document contracts in a library, please see my message Let me re-use the enumeration I used in the message and give you a short summary. The implicit or explicit contracts are there willy-nilly. When you use a module, either you need to figure them out using trial-and-error or looking at the implementation (4), looking at the test cases and hoping that they generalize (5), write them as doctests (3) or write them in docstrings as human text (2); or you write them formally as explicit contracts (1). I could not identify any other methods that can help you with expectations when you call a function or use a class (apart from formal methods and proofs, which I omitted as they seem too esoteric for the current discussion). *Given that: * * There is no other method for representing contracts, * people are trained and can read formal statements and * there is tooling available to write, maintain and represent contracts in a nice way I see formal contracts (1) as a superior tool. The deficiencies of other approaches are: 2) Comments and docstrings inevitably rot and get disconnected from the implementation in my and many other people's experience and studies. 3) Doctests are much longer and hence more tedious to read and maintain, they need extra text to signal the intent (is it a simple test or an example how boundary conditions are handled or ...). In any non-trivial case, they need to include even the contract itself. 4) Looking at other people's code to figure out the contracts is tedious and usually difficult for any non-trivial function. 5) Test cases can be difficult to read since they include much broader testing logic (mocking, set up). Most libraries do not ship with the test code. Identifying test cases which demonstrate the contracts can be difficult. *Any* function that is used by multiple developers which operates on the restricted range of input values and gives out structured output values benefits from contracts (1) since the user of the function needs to figure them out to properly call the function and handle its results correctly. I assume that every package on pypi is published to be used by wider audience, and not the developer herself. Hence every package on pypi would benefit from formal contracts. Some predicates are hard to formulate, and we will never be able to formally write down *all* the contracts. But that doesn't imply for me to *not use contracts at all* (analogously, some functionality is untestable, but that doesn't mean that we don't test what we can). I would be very grateful if you could point me where this exposition is wrong (maybe referring to my original message,, which I spent more thought on formulating). So far, I was not confronted against nor read on the internet a plausible argument against formal contracts (the only two exceptions being lack of tools and less-skilled programmers have a hard time reading formal statements as soon as they include boolean logic and quantifiers). I'm actively working on the former, and hope that the latter would improve with time as education in computer sciences improves. Another argument, which I did read often on internet, but don't really count is that quality software is not a priority and most projects hence dispense of documentation or testing. This should, hopefully, not apply to public pypi packages and is highly impractical for any medium-size project with multiple developers (and very costly in the long run). I can think of many libraries where necessary pre and post conditions
It is up to the developer to decide which contracts are enforced during testing, production or displayed in the documentation (you can pick the subset of the three, it's not an exclusion). This feature ("enabled" argument to a contract) has been already implemented in the icontract library. Some of the examples you've been giving would be better expressed with a more capable type system in my view (e.g. Rust's), but I have no good idea about adding that into Python :/. I don't see how type system would help regardless how strict it would be? Unless *each *input and *each *output represent a special type, which would be super confusing as soon as you would put them in the containers and have to struggle with invariance, contravariance and covariance. Please see for a discussion about introducing DbC to Rust. Unfortunately, the discussion about contracts in Rust is also based on misconceptions (*e.g., *see -- there seems to be something wrong in the way anybody proposing DbC exposes contracts to the wider audience and miss to address these issues in a good way. So most people just react instinctively with "80% already covered with type systems" / "mere runtime type checks, use assert" and "that's only an extension to testing, so why bother" :(. I would now like to answer Hugh and withdraw from the discussion pro/contra formal contracts unless there is a rational, logical argument disputing the DbC in its entirety (not in one of its specific aspects or as a misconception/straw-man). A lot has been already said, many articles have been written (I linked some of the pages which I thought were short & good reads and I would gladly supply more reading material). I doubt I can find a better way to contribute to the discussion. Cheers, Marko On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 10:01, Robert Collins <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 3:19 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
An ordinary claim is like "DbC can be used to improve code and/or documentation", and requires about as much evidence as you can stuff into a single email. Simple claim, low burden of proof. An extraordinary claim is like "DbC can improve *every single project* on PyPI". That requires a TON of proof. Obviously we won't quibble if you can only demonstrate that 99.95% of them can be improved, but you have to at least show that the bulk of them can.
There are 150K projects on Each one of them would benefit if annotated with the contracts.
This is the extraordinary claim. To justify it, you have to show that virtually ANY project would benefit from contracts. So far, I haven't seen any such proof. ChrisA

Eh. It's too easy to cry "show me the facts" in any argument. To do that too often is to reduce all discussion to pendantry. That verifying data against the contract a function makes code more reliable should be self evident to anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of a function call, let alone a library or large application. It's the reason why type checking exists, and why bounds checking exists, and why unit checking exists too. On Tue, 25 Sep 2018, 20:43 Chris Angelico, <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:09 AM Lee Braiden <> wrote:
Eh. It's too easy to cry "show me the facts" in any argument. To do that too often is to reduce all discussion to pendantry.
That verifying data against the contract a function makes code more reliable should be self evident to anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of a function call, let alone a library or large application. It's the reason why type checking exists, and why bounds checking exists, and why unit checking exists too.
It's easy, but it's also often correct.
Part of the trouble is finding a concise syntax for the contracts that is still sufficiently expressive. ChrisA

On 25/09/18 21:09, Lee Braiden wrote:
Eh. It's too easy to cry "show me the facts" in any argument. To do that too often is to reduce all discussion to pendantry.
I will resist pointing out the spelling mistake... oh damn :-) The trouble with not crying "show me the facts" is that it is very easy to make beautiful sounding assertions into a vacuum that fall apart the moment you subject them to reality. I'm sure we can all think of politicians of a variety of parties and nationalities with an unfortunate habit of doing exactly that. Marko is making some very big assertions about how much of a benefit Design by Contract is. I flat-out don't believe him. It's up to him to provide some evidence, since he's the one pressing for change.
Let's assume that the contracts are meaningful and useful (which I'm pretty sure won't be 100% true; some people are bound to assume that writing contracts means they don't have to think). Assuming that you aren't doing some kind of wide-ranging static analysis (which doesn't seem to be what we're talking about), all that the contracts have bought you is the assurance that *this* invocation of the function with *these* parameters giving *this* result is what you expected. It does not say anything about the reliability of the function in general. It seems to me that a lot of the DbC philosophy seems to assume that functions are complex black-boxes whose behaviours are difficult to grasp. In my experience this is very rarely true. Most functions I write are fairly short and easily grokked, even if they do complicated things. That's part of the skill of breaking a problem down, IMHO; if the function is long and horrible-looking, I've already got it wrong and no amount of protective scaffolding like DbC is going to help.
It's the reason why type checking exists,
Except Python doesn't type check so much as try operations and see if they work.
and why bounds checking exists,
Not in C, not most of the time :-)
and why unit checking exists too.
Unit tests are good when you can do them. A fair bit of the embedded code I write isn't very susceptible to automated testing, though, not without spending twice as long writing (and testing!) the test environment as the code. -- Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 16:04, Rhodri James <> wrote:
And to be fair, he's now offered to put some time into producing such a demonstration, so asking for some facts has had a positive outcome. (As well as demonstrating that Marko is happy to back up his position and not just make unsubstantiated assertions - so that in itself is good to know). Paul

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 04:03:16PM +0100, Rhodri James wrote:
Contracts are a tool. We shouldn't refuse effective tools because some developers are too DailyWTF-worthy to use them. Why should the rest of us miss out because of their incompetence? Contracts are not rocket- science: there's nothing in them that most of us aren't already doing in an ad-hoc, clumsy manner by embedding the contracts in the docstring, inside the body of our methods, in external tests etc.
This is virtually the complete opposite of what contracts give us. What you are describing is the problem with *unit testing*, not contracts. Unit tests only tell us that our function works with the specific input the test uses. In contrast, contracts test the function with *every* input the function is invoked with. (Up to the point that you disable checking, of course. Which is under your control: you decide when you are satisfied that the software is sufficiently bug-free to risk turning off checking.) Both are a form of testing, of course. As they say, tests can only reveal the presence of bugs, they can't prove the absence of bugs. But correctness checkers are out of scope for this discussion.
I can't imagine how you draw that conclusion. That's like saying that unit tests and documentation requires the assumption that functions are complex and difficult to grasp. This introduction to DbC shows that contracts work with simple methods: and here's an example: put (x: ELEMENT; key: STRING) is -- Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key. require count <= capacity not key.empty do ... Some insertion algorithm ... ensure has (x) item (key) = x count = old count + 1 end Two pre-conditions, and three post-conditions. That's hardly complex. [Aside: and there's actually a bug in this. What if the key already exists? But this is from a tutorial, not production code. Cut them some slack.] If I were writing this in Python, I'd write something like this: def put(self, x, key): """Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key.""" # Input checks are pre-conditions! if self.count > capacity: raise DatabaseFullError if not key: raise ValueError # .. Some insertion algorithm ... and then stick the post-conditions in a unit test, usually in a completely different file: class InsertTests(TestCase): def test_return_result(self): db = SomeDatabase() db.put("value", "key") self.AssertTrue("value" in db.values()) self.AssertEqual(db["key"], "value") self.AssertEqual(db.count, 1) Notice that my unit test is not actually checking at least one of the post-conditions, but a weaker, more specific version of it. The post-condition is that the count goes up by one on each insertion. My test only checks that the count is 1 after inserting into an empty database. So what's wrong with the status quo? - The pre-condition checks are embedded right there in the method implementation, mixing up the core algorithm with the associated error checking. - Which in turn makes it hard to distinguish the checks from the implementation, and impossible to do so automatically. - Half of the checks are very far away, in a separate file, assuming I even remembered or bothered to write the test. - The post-conditions aren't checked unless I run my test suite, and then they only check the canned input in the test suite. - The pre-conditions can't be easily disabled in production. - No class invariants. - Inheritance is not handled correctly. The status quo is all so very ad-hoc and messy. Design By Contract syntax would allow (not force, allow!) us to add some structure to the code: - requirements of the function - the implementation of the function - the promise made by the function Most of us already think about these as three separate things, and document them as such. Our code should reflect the structure of how we think about the code.
That's like saying that if a function is horrible-looking, then there's no point in writing tests for it. I'm not saying that contracts are only for horrible functions, but horrible functions are the ones which probably benefit the most from specifying exactly what they promise to do, and checking on every invocation that they live up to that promise.
Python (the interpreter) does type checking. Any time you get a TypeError, that's a failed type check. And with type annotations, we can run a static type checker on our code too, which will catch many of these failures before we run the code. Python code sometimes does type checking too, usually with isinstance. That's following the principle of Fail Fast, rather than waiting for some arbitrary exception deep inside the body of your function, you should fail early on bad input. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano writes:
You can already do this: def put(self, x: Element, key: str) -> None: """Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key.""" # CHECKING PRECONDITIONS _old_count = self.count assert self.count <= self.capacity, assert key # IMPLEMENTATION ... some assertion algorithm ... # CHECKING POSTCONDITIONS assert x in self assert self[key] == x assert self.count == _old_count return I don't see a big advantage to having syntax, unless the syntax allows you to do things like turn off "expensive" contracts only. Granted, you save a little bit of typing and eye movement (you can omit "assert" and have syntax instead of an assignment for checking postconditions dependent on initial state). A document generator can look for the special comments (as with encoding cookies), and suck in all the asserts following until a non-assert line of code (or the next special comment). The assignments will need special handling, an additional special comment or something. With PEP 572, I think you could even do this: assert ((_old_count := self.count),) to get the benefit of python -O here.
But this is quite different, as I understand it. Nothing I've seen in the discussion so far suggests that a contract violation allows raising differentiated exceptions, and it seems very unlikely from the syntax in your example above. I could easily see both of these errors being retryable: for _ in range(3): try: db.put(x, key) except DatabaseFullError: db.resize(expansion_factor=1.5) db.put(x, key) except ValueError: db.put(x, alternative_key)
and then stick the post-conditions in a unit test, usually in a completely different file:
If you like the contract-writing style, why would you do either of these instead of something like the code I wrote above?
You don't need syntax to separate them, you can use a convention, as I did above.
- Which in turn makes it hard to distinguish the checks from the implementation, and impossible to do so automatically.
sed can do it, why can't we?
- Half of the checks are very far away, in a separate file, assuming I even remembered or bothered to write the test.
That was your choice. There's nothing about the assert statement that says you're not allowed to use it at the end of a definition.
- The post-conditions aren't checked unless I run my test suite, and then they only check the canned input in the test suite.
- The pre-conditions can't be easily disabled in production.
What's so hard about python -O?
- No class invariants.
- Inheritance is not handled correctly.
Examples? Mixins and classes with additional functionality should work fine AFAICS. I guess you'd have to write the contracts in each subclass of an abstract class, which is definitely a minus for some of the contracts. But I don't see offhand why you would expect that the full contract of a method of a parent class would typically make sense without change for an overriding implementation, and might not make sense for a class with restricted functionality.
Possible already as far as I can see. OK, you could have the compiler enforce the structure to some extent, but the real problem IMO is going to be like documentation and testing: programmers just won't do it regardless of syntax to make it nice and compiler checkable.
But what's the need for syntax? How about the common (in this thread) complaint that even as decorators, the contract is annoying, verbose, and distracts the reader from understanding the code? Note: I think that, as with static typing, this could be mitigated by allowing contracts to be optionally specified in a stub file. As somebody pointed out, it shouldn't be hard to write contract strippers and contract folding in many editors. (As always, we have to admit it's very difficult to get people to change their editor!)
I think you're missing the point then: ISTM that the implicit claim here is that the time spent writing contracts for a horrible function would be better spent refactoring it. As you mention in connection with the Eiffel example, it's not easy to get all the relevant contracts, and for a horrible function it's going to be hard to get some of the ones you do write correct.
But an important strength of contracts is that they are *always* run, on any input you actually give the function.

Hi, I compiled a couple of issues on github to provide a more structured ground for discussions on icontract features: (@David Maertz: I also included the issue with automatically generated __doc__ in case you are still interested in it). Cheers, Marko On Sat, 29 Sep 2018 at 17:27, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:

Hi, I'd like to share a use pattern for contracts that might have got lost in the discussion and which I personally grow to like more and more. I'm not making any claims; this use pattern work for our team and I can't judge how much of a benefit it would be to others. Imagine there are two developers, Alice working on a package A, and Betty working on a package B. Package A depends on package B. Betty tested her package B with some test data D_B. Alice tests her package A with some test data D_A. Now assume Betty did not write any contracts for her package B. When Alice tests her package, she is actually making an integration test. While she controls the inputs to B from A, she can only observe the results from B, but not whether they are correct by coincidence or B did its job correctly. Let's denote D'_B the data that is given to B from her original test data D_A during Alice's integration testing. How can she test that package B gives the correct results on D'_B ? She needs to manually record the data somehow (by dynamically mocking package B and intercepting what gets passed from A to B?). She might fetch the tests from the package B, copy/paste the test cases and append D'_B. Or she could make a pull request and provide the extra test data directly to package B. She needs to understand how Betty's unit tests work and see how D'_B fits in there and what needs to be mocked. All in all, not a trivial task if Alice is not familiar with the package B and even less so if Alice and Betty don't work in the same organization. Most of the time, Alice would not bother to test the dependencies on her testing data D_A. She would assume that her dependencies work, and just tests what comes out of them. If the results make sense, she would call it a tick on her to-do list and move on with the next task. Let's assume now that Betty wrote some contracts in her code. When Alice runs the integration test of her package A, the contracts of B are automatically verified on D'_B. While the contracts might not cover all the cases that were covered in Betty's unit tests, they still cover some of them. Alice can be a bit more confident that at least *something* was checked on D'_B. Without the contracts, she would have checked *nothing* on D'_B in most of her everyday programming. You can consider writing contracts as a matter of economy in this story. Betty might not need contracts for maintaining her package B -- she can read her code, she can extend her test cases. However, you can see contracts as a service to the package users, Alice in this case. Betty helps Alice have some integration tests free-of-charge (free for Alice; Betty of course pays the overhead of writing and maintaining the contracts). Alice does not need to understand how B can be tested nor needs to manually record data that needs to be passed to B. She merely runs her test code and the checker library will do the testing of B on D'_B automatically. The utility of this service tends to grow exponentially in cases where dependency trees grow exponentially as well. Imagine if we had Carol with the package C, with the dependencies A -> B -> C. When Carol writes contracts, she does a service not only to her direct users (Betty) but also to the users of B (Alice). I don't see how Alice could practically cover the case with dependencies A -> B -> C and test C with D'_C (*i.e. *test C with the data coming from D_A) without the contracts unless she really takes her time and gets familiar with dependencies of all here immediate dependencies. We found this pattern helpful in the team, especially during refactorings where contracts provide an additional security net. We don't have time to record and add tests of B for D'_B, and even less so of C for D'_C. The contracts work thus as a good compromise for us (marginal overhead, but better documentation and "free" integration tests rather than none). Cheers, Marko On Sun, 30 Sep 2018 at 08:17, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 7:20 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
I think Steven's is backwards in its own way. - Contracts test the space of arguments *actually used during testing period* (or during initial production if the performance hit is acceptable). - Unit tests test the space of arguments *thought of by the developers*. *A priori,* either one of those can cover cases not addressed by the other. If unit tests use the hypothesis library or similar approaches, unit tests might very well examine arguments unlikely to be encountered in real-world (or test phase) use... these are nonetheless edge cases that are important to assure correct behavior on ("correct" can mean various things, of course: exceptions, recovery, default values whatever). In contrast, contracts might well find arguments that the developers of unit tests had not thought of. I tend to think someone sitting down trying to think of edge cases is going to be able to write more thorough tests than the accident of "what did we see during this run" ... but it could go either way. Of course... my own approach to this concern would more likely be to use a logging decorator rather than a DbC one. Then collect those logs that show all the arguments that were passed to a given function during a testing period, and roll those back into the unit tests. My approach is a bit more manual work, but also more flexible and more powerful. - Half of the checks are very far away, in a separate file, assuming
I even remembered or bothered to write the test.
To me, this is the GREATEST VIRTUE of unit tests over DbC. It puts the tests far away where they don't distract from reading and understanding the function itself. I rarely want my checks proximate since I wear a very different hat when thinking about checks than when writing functionality (ideally, a lot of the time, I wear the unit test hat *before* I write the implementation; TDD is usually good practice).
- The post-conditions aren't checked unless I run my test suite, and then they only check the canned input in the test suite.
Yes, this is a great advantage of unit tests. No cost until you explicitly run them.
- No class invariants. - Inheritance is not handled correctly.
These are true. Also they are things I care very little about. -- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 10:29:50AM -0400, David Mertz wrote:
Fair point. But given that in general unit tests tend to only exercise a handful of values (have a look at the tests in the Python stdlib) I think it is fair to say that in practice unit tests typically do not have anywhere near the coverage of live data used during alpha and beta testing.
Indeed. We can consider all of these things as complementary: - doctests give us confidence that the documentation hasn't rotted; - unit tests give us confidence that corner cases are tested; - contracts give us confidence that regular and common cases are tested; - regression tests give us confidence that bugs aren't re-introduced; - smoke tests give us confidence that the software at least will run; - static type checking allows us to drop type checks from our unit tests and contracts; but of course there can be overlap. And that's perfectly fine. [...]
I'm curious. When you write a function or method, do you include input checks? Here's an example from the Python stdlib (docstring removed for brevity): # def insort_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): if lo < 0: raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative') if hi is None: hi = len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if x < a[mid]: hi = mid else: lo = mid+1 a.insert(lo, x) Do you consider that check for lo < 0 to be disruptive? How would you put that in a unit test? That check is effectively a pre-condition. Putting aside the question of which exception should be raised (AssertionError or ValueError), we could re-write that as a contract: def insort_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): require: lo >= 0 # implementation follows, as above if hi is None: hi = len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if x < a[mid]: hi = mid else: lo = mid+1 a.insert(lo, x) Do you consider that precondition check for lo >= to be disruptive? More or less disruptive than when it was in the body of the function implementation?
If you're worried about the cost of verifying your program does the right thing during testing and development, I think you're doing something wrong :-) If there are specific functions/classes where the tests are insanely expensive, that's one thing. I have some code that wants to verify that a number is prime as part of an informal post-condition check, but if it is a *big* prime that check is too costly so I skip it. But in general, if I'm testing or under active development, what do I care if the program takes 3 seconds to run instead of 2.5 seconds? Either way, its finished by the time I come back from making my coffee :-) But more seriously, fine, if a particular contract is too expensive to run, disable it or remove it and add some unit tests. And then your devs will complain that the unit tests are too slow, and stop running them, and that's why we can't have nice things... *wink* -- Steve

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 11:34 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
I still think it's a mixture. I write tests to also address "this really shouldn't happen" cases as well (often in a loop, or using a Nose class for scaffolding). There's some saying/joke about software testing along the lines of: For an argument that should be in range 1-100: try 50; try 1; try 100 try 101; try 0; try -1, try 3.14 try 1+1j; try the string "fish", try a null pointer; etc. Many of those oddball cases can easily be in a list of values to test in unit tests, but may be impossible or unlikely to make it to the function call in the normal/possible flow of the program.
I definitely put in checks like that. However, I might well write a test like: assert lo >= 0, "lo must be non-negative" That would allow disabling the check for production. However, I presume the stdlib does this for a reason; it presumably wants to allow callers to catch a specific exception. I haven't seen anything in the contract discussion that allows raising a particular exception when a contract is violated, only a general one for all contracts. The case of 'if hi is None' is different. It's remediation of a missing value where it's perfectly fine to impute an unspecified value. So that would be a poor contract. -- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On Mon, Oct 01, 2018 at 12:36:18PM -0400, David Mertz wrote:
Right. And for a *library*, you must handle out of range errors, because the library cannot trust the input passed to it by third parties. If a third party passes "fish" as an argument, that's not a bug in the library and the library cannot fix it, it should handle the error gracefully with a sensible error message. But for an *application*, the internal routines are completely under control of the one developer team. If an internal routine passes "fish", that's a bug that the dev team can and ought to fix. Once that bug is fixed, there's no need to check for "fish" in production code. Its a waste of time. (In principle at least -- it depends on how confident you or your QA team are that all the bugs are ironed out. Do you ship your apps with debugging turned off? Then you might ship with contract checking turned off, or at least dialled back to a lower level.) For an application, it doesn't matter if my function sets the computer on fire when passed the string "fish", if there is no way for the application to pass that string to the function. If it can't happen, it can't happen and there's no need to defend against it beyond a regression test. (Modulo comments about how confident you are about the software quality.) For a library, anyone can pass "fish" to anything, so you better handle it gracefully rather than setting the computer on fire. For application developers, the point of contracts is to make error conditions *impossible* rather than to just defend against them, so you can turn off the defensive error checking in production because they aren't needed.
For a library function, I would consider that an abuse of assert, since: (1) It raises the wrong exception (AssertionError); (2) It can be disabled; (3) And it sends the wrong message, telling the reader that lo is an internal implementation detail rather than part of the function's external API.
I think that the Eiffel philosophy is that all contract violations are assertion errors, but I'm not really confident in my understanding of Eiffel's exception mechanism. It doesn't have a generalised try...except statement like Python. If Python had contracts, I'd want to see: - by default, contract violations raise specific subclasses of AssertionError, e.g. RequireError, EnsureError; - but there ought to be a mechanism to allow specific errors to raise more specific exceptions. I haven't given any thought to that mechanism. It might simply be "the status quo" -- there's no reason why we *must* move defensive input checking into the (hypothetical) require block just because it is available. You can still write your test the old fashioned way in the body of the function and raise the exception of your choice.
Since the check for None is not error checking at all, I didn't talk about it or make it a precondition test. -- Steve

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 9:13 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
How many times have you written or seen a comment in code similar to "This can't possibly happen!!" ... Usually in response to a failed debugging attempt. It's really hard to understands all possible execution paths that might result from all possible inputs and program states. "Fail early and fail hard" is a good principle... And indeed one generally in a spirit compatible with DbC. Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. - Donald Knuth

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:10 PM Lee Braiden <> wrote:
It's the reason why type checking exists, and why bounds checking exists, and why unit checking exists too.
And yet Python has none of those. They all provide safety, but also place a burden on the developer. So why use Python? I’m not arguing that all those features don’t have their advantages, but I am wondering why add them all to Python, rather than using a language designed for safety? But Python has such a great ecosystem of packages! Yes, it does — but you might ask yourself why that is. All that being said — do go and make a nice DbC package for Python — maybe all us naysayers will grow to love it! But could we please stop cluttering this list with discussion of how great or not great it is? These meta-conversations are getting really tiresome. -CHB -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 5:07 AM Chris Barker <> wrote:
Type checking? Depends on your definition. Since objects are typed, Python is safe against the old "I passed an integer when it expected an array" problem (which probably would result in a junk memory read, in C), whether the function's arguments are type-checked or not. And if you want actual type checking, that's available too, just not as part of the core language (and it has language support for its syntax). Bounds checking? Most definitely exists. If you try to subscript a string or list with a value greater than its length, you get an exception. Unit checking? If that's "unit testing", that's part of the standard library, so yes, that definitely exists in Python. ChrisA

Hi Chris, An extraordinary claim is like "DbC can improve *every single project*
I tried to give the "proof" (not a formal one, though) in my previous message. The assumptions are that: * There are always contracts, they can be either implicit or explicit. You need always to figure them out before you call a function or use its result. * Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard. * The are tools for formal contracts. * The contracts written in documentation as human text inevitably rot and they are much harder to maintain than automatically verified formal contracts. * The reader is familiar with formal statements, and hence reading formal statements is faster than reading the code or trial-and-error. I then went on to show why I think, under these assumptions, that formal contracts are superior as a documentation tool and hence beneficial. Do you think that any of these assumptions are wrong? Is there a hole in my logical reasoning presented in my previous message? I would be very grateful for any pointers! If these assumptions hold and there is no mistake in my reasoning, wouldn't that qualify as a proof? Cheers, Marko On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 21:43, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 2:47 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
(Formal proof isn't necessary here; we say "extraordinary proof", but it'd be more accurate to say "extraordinary evidence".)
The assumptions are that: * There are always contracts, they can be either implicit or explicit. You need always to figure them out before you call a function or use its result.
Not all code has such contracts. You could argue that code which does not is inferior to code which does, but not everything follows a strictly-definable pattern.
* Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard.
* The are tools for formal contracts.
That's the exact point you're trying to make, so it isn't evidence for itself. Tools for formal contracts exist as third party in Python, and if that were good enough for you, we wouldn't be discussing this. There are no such tools in the standard library or language that make formal contracts easy.
* The contracts written in documentation as human text inevitably rot and they are much harder to maintain than automatically verified formal contracts.
* The reader is familiar with formal statements, and hence reading formal statements is faster than reading the code or trial-and-error.
Disagreed. I would most certainly NOT assume that every reader knows any particular syntax for such contracts. However, this is a weaker point. So I'll give you two and two halves for that. Good enough to make do.
I then went on to show why I think, under these assumptions, that formal contracts are superior as a documentation tool and hence beneficial. Do you think that any of these assumptions are wrong? Is there a hole in my logical reasoning presented in my previous message? I would be very grateful for any pointers!
If these assumptions hold and there is no mistake in my reasoning, wouldn't that qualify as a proof?
It certainly qualifies as proof that SOME code MAY benefit from contracts. It does not reach the much higher bar to support the claim that "there are X projects on PyPI and every single one of them would benefit". For instance, would youtube-dl benefit from DbC? To most people, it's an application, not a library. Even if you're invoking it from within a Python script, it's usually easiest to use the main entrypoint rather than delve into its internals. Case in point: It's actually easier to shell out to a subprocess than to call on youtube-dl as a library. Would DbC benefit youtube-dl's internal functions? Maybe, but that's for the youtube-dl people to decide; it wouldn't in the slightest benefit my app. You might argue that a large proportion of PyPI projects will be "library-style" packages, where the main purpose is to export a bunch of functions. But even then, I'm not certain that they'd all benefit from DbC. Some would, and you've definitely made the case for that; but I'm still -0.5 on adding anything of the sort to the stdlib, as I don't yet see that *enough* projects would actually benefit. People have said the same thing about type checking, too. Would *every* project on PyPI benefit from MyPy's type checks? No. Syntax for them was added, not because EVERYONE should use them, but because SOME will use them, and it's worth having some language support. You would probably do better to argue along those lines than to try to claim that every single project ought to be using contracts. ChrisA

Hi Chris,
Well, you need to know what to supply to a function and what to expect, at least subconsciously. The question is just whether you can formulate these contracts or not; and whether you do or not.
The original objection was that DbC in general is not beneficial; not that there are lacking tools for it (this probably got lost in the many messages on this thread). If you assume that there are no suitable tools for DbC, then yes, DbC is certainly *not *beneficial to any project since using it will be clumsy and difficult. It's a chicken-and-egg problem, so we need to assume that there are good tools for DbC in order for it to be beneficial. Disagreed. I would most certainly NOT assume that every reader knows
any particular syntax for such contracts. However, this is a weaker point.
The contracts are written as boolean expressions. While I agree that many programmers have a hard time with boolean expressions and quantifiers, I don't see this as a blocker to DbC. There is no other special syntax for DbC unless we decide to add it to the core language (which I don't see as probable). What I would like to have is a standard library so that inter-library interactions based on contracts are possible and an ecosystem could emerge around it. Quite some people object that DbC should be rejected as their "average programmer Joe/Jane" can't deal with the formal expressions. Some readers have problems parsing "all(i > 0 for i in result) or len(result) < 3" and can only parse "All numbers in the result are positive and/or the result has fewer than 3 items". There are also programmers who have a hard time reading "all(key == value.some_property for key, value in result.items())" and could only read "The resulting values in the dictionary are keyed by their some_property attribute.". I hope that education in computer science is improving and that soon programmers will be able to read these formal expressions. I'm also not sure if that is the case for non-English speakers. Hence I assumed that the readers of the contracts are familiar with formal boolean expressions. If you assume that readers have hard time parsing quantifiers and boolean logic then DbC is again certainly not beneficial. It would make me sad if a feature is rejected on grounds that we have to accept that many programmers don't master the basics of computer science (which I consider the boolean expressions to be). You might argue that a large proportion of PyPI projects will be
Thanks for this clarification (and the download-yt example)! I actually only had packages-as-libraries in mind, not the executable scripts; my mistake. So, yes, "any Pypi package" should be reformulated to "any library on Pypi" (meant to be used by a wider audience than the developers themselves). People have said the same thing about type checking, too. Would
I totally agree. The discussion related to DbC in my mind always revolved around these use cases where type annotations are beneficial as well. Thanks for pointing that out and I'd like to apologize for the confusion! For the future discussion, let's focus on these use cases and please do ignore the rest. I'd still say that there is a plethora of libraries published on Pypi (Is there a way to find out the stats?). but I'm still -0.5 on adding anything of the sort to the stdlib, as I
don't yet see that *enough* projects would actually benefit.
Please see my previous message -- could you maybe say what would convince you that enough projects would actually benefit from formal contracts? Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 07:40, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 5:10 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
It's easy to say that they're boolean expressions. But that's like saying that unit tests are just a bunch of boolean expressions too. Why do we have lots of different forms of test, rather than just a big fat "assert this and this and this and this and this and this"? Because the key to unit testing is not "boolean expressions", it's a language that can usefully describe what it is we're testing. Contracts aren't just boolean expressions - they're a language (or a mini-language) that lets you define WHAT the contract entails.
Okay. Even with that qualification, though, I still think that not every library will benefit from this. For example, matplotlib's method guarantees that... a plot will be shown, and the user will have dismissed it, before it returns. Unless you're inside Jupyter/iPython, in which case it's different. Or if you're in certain other environments, in which case it's different again. How do you define the contract for something that is fundamentally interactive? You can define very weak contracts. For instance, input() guarantees that its return value is a string. Great! DbC doing the job of type annotations. Can you guarantee anything else about that string? Is there anything else useful that can be spelled easily?
I totally agree. The discussion related to DbC in my mind always revolved around these use cases where type annotations are beneficial as well. Thanks for pointing that out and I'd like to apologize for the confusion! For the future discussion, let's focus on these use cases and please do ignore the rest. I'd still say that there is a plethora of libraries published on Pypi (Is there a way to find out the stats?).
Ugh.... I would love to say "yes", but I can't. I guess maybe you could look at a bunch of requirements.txt files and see which things get dragged in that way? All you'll really get is heuristics at best, and even that, I don't know how to provide. Sorry. ChrisA

Hi Chris, It's easy to say that they're boolean expressions. But that's like
Sorry, I misunderstood you. You are probably referring to knowing the terms like "preconditions, postconditions, invariants, strengthening/weakening", right? In that case, yes, I agree, I presuppose that readers are familiar with the concepts of DbC. Otherwise, of course, it makes no sense to use DbC if you assume nobody could actually figure out what it is :). But that's not the objection that is made too often -- what I really read often is that DbC is not beneficial not because people are not familiar with or can learn DbC, but really because reading boolean expressions is hard. That is what I was referring to in my original message.
In this case, no, I would not add any formal contracts to the function. Not all contracts can be formulated, and not all contracts are even meaningful. I suppose interactive functions are indeed a case that it is not possible. If any string can be returned, than the contract is empty. However, contracts can be useful when testing the GUI -- often it is difficult to script the user behavior. What many people do is record a session and re-play it. If there is a bug, fix it. Then re-record. While writing unit tests for GUI is hard since GUI changes rapidly during development and scripting formally the user behavior is tedious, DbC might be an alternative where you specify as much as you can, and then just re-run through the session. This implies, of course, a human tester. Let me take a look at matplotlib show:**args*, ***kw*)[source] <> Display a figure. When running in ipython with its pylab mode, display all figures and return to the ipython prompt. In non-interactive mode, display all figures and block until the figures have been closed; in interactive mode it has no effect unless figures were created prior to a change from non-interactive to interactive mode (not recommended). In that case it displays the figures but does not block. A single experimental keyword argument, *block*, may be set to True or False to override the blocking behavior described above. Here are the contracts as a toy example; (I'm not familiar at all with the internals of matplotlib. I haven't spent much time really parsing and analyzing the docstring -- as I'll write below, it also confuses me since the docstring is not precise enough.) * If in ipython with its pylab mode, all figures should be displayed. * If in non-interactive mode, display all figures and block I'm actually confused with what they mean with:
If only they spelled that out as a contract :) "it has no effect": What does not have effect? The call to the function? Or the setting of some parameter? Or the order of the calls? "unless interactive mode": this would be actually really more readable as a formal contract. It would imply some refactoring to add a property when a figure was created (before or after the change to interactive mode from non-interactive mode). Right now, it's not very clear how you can test that even yourself as a caller. And what does "(not recommended)" mean? Prohibited? The blocking behavior and the corresponding argument is hard to parse from the description for me. Writing it as a contract would, IMO, be much more readable. Here is my try at the contracts. Assuming that there is a list of figures and that they have a property "displayed" and that "State.blocked" global variable refers to whether the interface is blocked or not:: @post(lambda: all(figure.displayed for figure in figures) @post(lambda: not ipython.in_pylab_mode() or not State.blocked) @post(lambda: not interactive() or State.blocked) The function that actually displays the figure could ensure that the "displayed" property of the figure is set and that the window associated with the figure is visible. Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 09:19, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Let's say you want to define a precondition and postcondition for this function: def fibber(n): return n < 2 ? n : fibber(n-1) + fibber(n-2) What would you specify? Can you say, as a postcondition, that the return value must be a Fibonacci number? Can you say that, for any 'n' greater than about 30, the CPU temperature will have risen? How do you describe those as boolean expressions? The art of the contract depends on being able to adequately define the conditions.
However, contracts can be useful when testing the GUI -- often it is difficult to script the user behavior. What many people do is record a session and re-play it. If there is a bug, fix it. Then re-record. While writing unit tests for GUI is hard since GUI changes rapidly during development and scripting formally the user behavior is tedious, DbC might be an alternative where you specify as much as you can, and then just re-run through the session. This implies, of course, a human tester.
That doesn't sound like the function's contract. That sounds like a test case - of which you would have multiple, using different "scripted session" inputs and different outputs (some of success, some of expected failure).
There is no such thing as "State.blocked". It blocks. The function *does not return* until the figure has been displayed, and dismissed. There's no way to recognize that inside the function's state. Contracts are great when every function is 100% deterministic and can maintain invariants and/or transform from one set of invariants to another. Contracts are far less clear when the definitions are muddier. ChrisA

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:37 PM Chris Angelico <> wrote:
Uhhhhhhhh.... def fibber(n): return n if n < 2 else fibber(n-1) + fibber(n-2) Let's, uhh, pretend that I didn't just mix languages there. For the original, we can say: @post(raises=ProgrammerFailedSanCheckError) ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
Indeed, this is what bothers me about DbC fanaticism. It seems to have been conceived by people thinking about very computer-sciency kinds of problems, e.g. you're implenenting a data structure which has certain important invariants that can be expressed mathematically, and code can be written that checks them reasonably efficiently. All very neat and self-contained. But a lot of real-world code isn't like that -- much of the time, the correctness of a piece of code can't be tested without reference to things outside that piece of code, or even outside of the program altogether. How would you write DbC contracts for a GUI, for example? Most of the postconditions consist of "an image looking something like this appears on the screen", where "this" is a very complicated function of the previous state of the system and the user's input. IMO, the reason DbC hasn't taken off is that it assumes an idealised model of what programming consists of that doesn't match reality well enough. -- Greg

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 06:41, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
Also, the implicit contracts code currently has are typically pretty loose. What you need to "figure out" is very general. Explicit contracts are typically demonstrated as being relatively strict, and figuring out and writing such contracts is more work than writing code with loose implicit contracts. Whether the trade-off of defining tight explicit contracts once vs inferring a loose implicit contract every time you call the function is worth it, depends on how often the function is called. For most single use (or infrequently used) functions, I'd argue that the trade-off *isn't* worth it. Here's a quick example from the pip codebase: # Retry every half second for up to 3 seconds @retry(stop_max_delay=3000, wait_fixed=500) def rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=False): shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, onerror=rmtree_errorhandler) What contract would you put on this code? The things I can think of: 1. dir is a directory: obvious from the name, not worth the runtime cost of checking as shutil.rmtree will do that and we don't want to duplicate work. 2. dir is a string: covered by type declarations, if we used them. No need for contracts 3. ignore_errors is a boolean: covered by type declarations. 4. dir should exist: Checked by shutil.rmtree, don't want to duplicate work. 5. After completion, dir won't exist. Obvious unless we have doubts about what shutil.rmtree does (but that would have a contract too). Also, we don't want the runtime overhead (again). In addition, adding those contracts to the code would expand it significantly, making readability suffer (as it is, rmtree is clearly a thin wrapper around shutil.rmtree).
* Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard.
With provisos. Figuring out contracts in sufficient detail to use the code is *in many cases* simple. For harder cases, agreed. But that's why this is simply a proof that contracts *can* be useful, not that 100% of code would benefit from them.
Agreed, if contracts are automatically verified. But when runtime cost comes up, people suggest that contracts can be disabled in production code - which invalidates the "automatically verified" premise.
Depends on what "formal statement" means. If it means "short snippet of Python code", then yes, the reader will be familiar. But there's only so much you can do in a short snippet of Python, without calling out to other functions (which may or may not be "obvious" in their behavour) so whether it's easier to read a contract is somewhat in conflict with wanting strong contracts.
The argument above, if it's a valid demonstration that all code would benefit from contracts, would *also* imply that every function in the stdlib should have contracts added. Are you proposing that, too, and is your proposal not just for syntax for contracts, but *also* for wholesale addition of contracts to the stdlib? If so, you should be far more explicit that this is what you're proposing, because you'd likely get even more pushback over that sort of churn in the stdlib than over a syntax change to support contracts. Even Guido didn't push that far with type annotations...
Precisely. To answer the original question, "Why is design by contracts not widely adopted?" part of the answer is that I suspect extreme claims like this have put many people off, seeing design by contract as more of an evangelical stance than a practical tool. If it were promoted more as a potentially useful addition to the programmer's toolbox, and less of the solution to every problem, it may have gained more traction. (Similar issues are why people are skeptical of functional programming, and many other tools - even the "strong typing vs weak typing" debate can have a flavour of this "my proposal solves all the world's ills" attitude). Personally, I'm open to the benefits of design by contract. But if I need to buy into a whole philosophy to use it (or engage with its user community) I'll pass. Paul

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:36 PM Paul Moore <> wrote:
Even if they're only verified as a dedicated testing pass ("okay, let's run the unit tests, let's run the contract verifier, let's run the type checker, cool, we're good"), they're still better off than unchecked comments/documentation in terms of code rot. That said, though: the contract for a function and the documentation for the function are inextricably linked *already*, and if you let your API docs rot when you make changes that callers need to be aware of, you have failed your callers. Wholesale use of contracts would not remove the need for good documentation; what it might allow is easier version compatibility testing. It gives you a somewhat automated (or at least automatable) tool for checking if two similar libraries (eg version X.Y and version X.Y-1) are compatible with your code. That would be of some value, if it could be trusted; you could quickly run your code through a checker and say "hey, tell me what the oldest version of Python is that will run this", and get back a response without actually running a gigantic test suite - since it could check based on the *diffs* in the contracts rather than the contracts themselves. But that would require a lot of support, all up and down the stack. ChrisA

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 09:45, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
Absolutely. But if the contracts are checked at runtime, they are precisely as good as tests - they will flag violations *in any circumstances you check*. That's great, but nothing new. I understood that one of the benefits of contracts was that it would handle cases that you *forgot* to test - like assertions do, in essence - and would need to be active in production (again, like assertions, if we assume we've not explicitly chosen to run with assertions disabled) to get that benefit. There's certainly benefits for the "contracts as additional tests" viewpoint. But whenever that's proposed as what people understand by DbC, the response is "no, it's not like that at all". So going back to the "why isn't DbC more popular" question - because no-one can get a clear handle on whether they are "like tests" or "like assertions" or "something else" :-) Paul

Hi Chris and Paul, Let me please answer your messages in one go as they are related. Paul wrote:
Absolutely, I agree. If it's a single-use or infrequently used function that hardly anybody uses, it's not worth it. Moreover, if some contracts are harder to figure out than the implementation, then they are probably in most cases not worth the effort, too. Please mind that I said: any *library* would benefit from it, as in the users of any library on pipy would benefit from better, formal and more precise documentation. That doesn't imply that all the contracts need to be specified or that you have to specify the contract for *every *function, or that you omit the documentation altogether. Some contracts are simply too hard to get explicitly. Some are not meaningful even if you could write them down. Some you'd like to add, but run only at test time since too slow in production. Some run in production, but are not included in the documentation (*e.g., *to prevent the system to enter a bad state though it is not meaningful for the user to actually *read* that contract). Since contracts are formally written, they can be verified. Human text *can not*. Specifying all the contracts is in most cases *not *meaningful. In my day-to-day programming, I specify contracts on the fly and they help me express formally to the next girl/guy who will use my code what to expect or what not. That does not mean that s/he can just skip the documentation or that contracts describe fully what the function does. They merely help -- help him/her what arguments and results are expected. That *does not mean *that I fully specified all the predicates on the arguments and the result. It's merely a help à la * "Ah, this argument needs to be bigger than that argument!" * "Ah, the resulting dictionary is shorter than the input list!" * "Ah, the result does not include the input list" * "Ah, this function accepts only files (no directories) and relative paths!" * "Ah, I put the bounding box outside of the image -- something went wrong!" * "Ah, this method allows me to put the bounding box outside of the image and will fill all the outside pixels with black!" *etc.* For example, if I have an object detector operating on a region-of-interest and returning bounding boxes of the objects, the postconditions will not be: "all the bounding boxes are cars", that would impossible. But the postcondition might check that all the bounding boxes are within the region-of-interest or slightly outside, but not completely outside *etc.* Let's be careful not to make a straw-man here, *i.e. *to push DbC *ad absurdum *and then discard it that way. Also, the implicit contracts code currently has are typically pretty loose.
I don't believe such an approach would ever be pragmatical, *i.e. *automatic versioning based on the contracts. It might hint it (as a warning: you changed a contract, but did not bump the version), but relying solely on this mechanism to get the versioning would imply that you specified *all *the contracts. Though Bertrand might have always envisioned it as the best state of the world, even he himself repeatedly said that it's better to specify rather 10% than 0% contracts and 20% rather than 10% contracts. Chris wrote:
def fibber(n): return n if n < 2 else fibber(n-1) + fibber(n-2)
It depends who you are writing this function for -- for example, instead of the contract, why not just include the code implementation as the documentation? The only *meaningful* contract I could imagine: @pre n >= 0 Everything else would be just repetition of the function. If you implemented some optimized and complex fibber_optimized() function, then your contracts would probably look like: @pre n >= 0 @post (n < 2 ) or result == fibber_optimized(n-1) + fibber_optimized(n-2) @post not (n < 2) or result == n
Sorry, it has been ages that I used matplotlib. I thought it meant "blocking" as in "the drawing thread blocks". Since blocking basically means halting the execution-- then the contracts can't help. They are checked *before *and *after *the function executes. They can not solve the halting problem. For that you need formal methods (and I doubt that formal methods would ever work for matplotlib). The contracts *do not check *what happens *during *the execution of the function. They are not meant to do that. Even the invariants of the class are checked *before *and *after the call to public methods *(and the private methods are allowed to break them!). Please mind that this is actually not the argument pro/against the contracts -- you are discussing in this particular case a tool (different to DbC) which should test the behavior *during the execution *of a function. Chirs wrote:
Well, yes, you can view it as a testing technique; it assumes that scripting a session is often difficult for GUIs and sometimes harder (since combinatorial) than the implementation itself. What I saw people do is write the contracts, put the program in debug mode and let the human tester test it. Think of it as a random test where only checks are your pre/postconditions. The human annotator mimics a meaningful random walk and uses the application as s/he sees fit. I'm not championing this approach, just noting it here as a potential use case. There's certainly benefits for the "contracts as additional tests"
I think that it's a tool that you can use for many things: * verifiable documentation * deeper testing (every test case tests also other parts of the system, akin to asserts) * automatic test generation * hand-break akin to asserts I find the first one, verifiable documentation, to be the most useful one in working with my team at the moment. Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 10:59, Paul Moore <> wrote:

P.S. My offer still stands: I would be very glad to annotate with contracts a set of functions you deem representative (*e.g., *from a standard library or from some widely used library). Then we can discuss how these contracts. It would be an inaccurate estimate of the benefits of DbC in Python, but it's at least better than no estimate. We can have as little as 10 functions for the start. Hopefully a couple of other people would join, so then we can even see what the variance of contracts would look like. On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 14:40, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 13:43, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
P.S. My offer still stands: I would be very glad to annotate with contracts a set of functions you deem representative (e.g., from a standard library or from some widely used library). Then we can discuss how these contracts. It would be an inaccurate estimate of the benefits of DbC in Python, but it's at least better than no estimate. We can have as little as 10 functions for the start. Hopefully a couple of other people would join, so then we can even see what the variance of contracts would look like.
Our mails crossed in the ether, sorry. Pathlib. Paul

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 00:44, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
P.S. My offer still stands: I would be very glad to annotate with contracts a set of functions you deem representative (e.g., from a standard library or from some widely used library). Then we can discuss how these contracts. It would be an inaccurate estimate of the benefits of DbC in Python, but it's at least better than no estimate. We can have as little as 10 functions for the start. Hopefully a couple of other people would join, so then we can even see what the variance of contracts would look like.
i think requests would be a very interesting library to annotate. Just had a confused developer wondering why calling an API with, data={...some object dict here}) didn't work properly. (Solved by s/data/json), but perhaps illustrative of something this might help with? -Rob

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 8:53 AM Robert Collins <> wrote:
Not sure what you mean by not working; my suspicion is that it DID work, but didn't do what you thought it did (it would form-encode). Contracts wouldn't help there, because it's fully legal and correct. (Unless differs from, but I doubt that that'd be the case.) ChrisA

On Thu., 27 Sep. 2018, 11:00 Chris Angelico, <> wrote:
Giving post a data= results in form encoding, as you say. Giving it a json= results in json encoding. Works is a bit of a weasel word. The python code did not crash. However it did not perform as desired, either. And since that is pretty much the entire value proposition of DbC... it seems like a good case to dissect. (Unless differs from, but I doubt that
that'd be the case.)
It doesn't. Rob

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:22 AM Robert Collins <> wrote:
Okay, but what is the contract that's being violated when you use data= ? How would you define the contract that this would track? That's what I'm asking. ChrisA

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 10:07 AM Robert Collins <> wrote:
Exactly. It's the same problem as with trying to write contracts for matplotlib's - its job is fundamentally external, so you can't define preconditions and postconditions for it. This is one of the limitations of contracts, or at least that's my understanding. Maybe I can be proven wrong here? ChrisA

Chris Angelico writes:
The output is input to some other component. In production, that component would not be under your control, perhaps, but in testing it surely is. The contract would be associated with the other component, and it would be "my input is JSON". Alternatively, if "your" component is being used in a protocol that specifies JSON, the contract could be "what I post is JSON". Presumably that contract can't be checked in production, but in testing it could be. If the inputs to your component satisfy their contracts, but JSON isn't coming out, the problem is in your component. Ie, I don't see how DbC can diagnose *how* a component is broken, in general. It *can* localize the breakage, and provide some hints based on the particular contract that is "violated". I think this shows that in a broad class of cases, for existing code, DbC doesn't do much that a developer with a debugger (such as print() ;-) can't already do, and the developer can do it much more flexibly. However, getting meta, seems to be a pretty horrible API. You'd think this would either be session.post_json(..., data={...}) or, data={...}, format='json') with the former preferred (and deprecated in favor of session.form_encoded; I guess you could also use the latter and require the 'format' argument). How would this help in the DbC context? Your server (if you own it), or your mock server in the test suite, will complain that its contract "my input is JSON" is being violated, because it's explicitly an entry condition, your programmer looks at the component that's supposed to produce JSON, sees "form_encoded" either in the function name or the format argument's value, and the likelihood of confusion is small. The contribution of DbC here is not in the contract itself, but in the discipline of thinking "how would I write this contract so that its violation would point me to the coding error?", which leads to refactoring the 'post' method. Is DbC better than the server doing "assert is_valid_json(input)"? That too works best with the suggested refactoring. Evidently it's not better, but there are things that assert can't do. For example, the server might incrementally parse the JSON, yielding useful subobjects as you go along. Then you can't just assert is_valid_json at the beginning of the response generator; you need to do this at the server level. A DbC toolkit would presumably provide a way to decorate the server with try: server.accept_json_object() except JSONParseError as e: report_contract_violation(e) This is, of course, all imaginary, and I have no idea whether it would work as suggested in practice. It will be interesting to me to see, not only Marko's contracts in a DbC-ized module, but also places where he demands refactoring so that an *informative* contract can be written. Steve

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 13:40, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Whoops, I think the rules changed under me again :-( Are we talking here about coding explicit executable contracts in the source code of the library, or using (formally described in terms of (pseudo-)code) contract-style descriptions in the documentation, or simply using the ideas of contract-based thinking in designing and writing code?
For example, if I have an object detector operating on a region-of-interest and returning bounding boxes of the objects, the postconditions will not be: "all the bounding boxes are cars", that would impossible. But the postcondition might check that all the bounding boxes are within the region-of-interest or slightly outside, but not completely outside etc.
I understand that you have to pick an appropriate level of strictness when writing contracts. That's not ever been in question (at least in my mind).
Let's be careful not to make a straw-man here, i.e. to push DbC ad absurdum and then discard it that way.
I'm not trying to push DbC to that point. What I *am* trying to do is make it clear that your arguments (and in particular the fact that you keep insisting that "everything" can benefit) are absurd. If you'd tone back on the extreme claims (as Chris has also asked) then you'd be more likely to get people interested. This is why (as you originally asked) DbC is not more popular - its proponents don't seem to be able to accept that it might not be the solution to every problem. Python users are typically fairly practical, and think in terms of "if it helps in this situation, I'll use it". Expecting them to embrace an argument that demands they accept it applies to *everything* is likely to meet with resistance. You didn't address my question "does this apply to the stdlib"? If it doesn't, your argument has a huge hole - how did you decide that the solution you're describing as "beneficial to all libraries" doesn't improve the stdlib? If it does, then why not demonstrate your case? Give concrete examples - look at some module in the stdlib (for example, pathlib) and show exactly what contracts you'd add to the code, what the result would look like to the library user (who normally doesn't read the source code) and to the core dev (who does). Remember that pathlib (like all of the stdlib) doesn't use type annotations, and that is a *deliberate* choice, mandated by Guido when he first introduced type annotations. So you're not allowed to add contracts like "arg1 is a string", nor are you allowed to say that the lack of type annotations makes the exercise useless. I think I've probably said all I can usefully say here. If you do write up a DbC-enhanced pathlib, I'll be interested in seeing it and may well have more to say as a result. If not, I think I'm just going to file your arguments as "not proven". Paul

Hi Paul, Are we talking here about coding explicit executable contracts in the
The current implementation of icontract uses decorators to decorate the functions and classes (and metaclasses to support inheritance of contracts). You have an "enabled" flag which you can set on/off if you want to disable the contract in some situations. We are talking about the explicit executable contracts :). You didn't address my question "does this apply to the stdlib"? If it
Sorry, I missed that point; the messages are getting long :) Yes, the contracts would make sense in stdlib as well, I'd say. @Chris Angelico <> would annotating pathlib convince you that contracts are useful? Is it general enough to start with? On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 14:58, Paul Moore <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 11:04 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
@Chris Angelico would annotating pathlib convince you that contracts are useful? Is it general enough to start with?
I won't promise it'll convince me, but it'll certainly be a starting-point for real discussion. Also, it's a fairly coherent "library-style" module - a nice warm-up. So, when you're ready for a REAL challenge, annotate tkinter :) Actually, annotating the builtins might be worth doing too. Either instead of or after pathlib. ChrisA

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 14:04, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
@Chris Angelico would annotating pathlib convince you that contracts are useful? Is it general enough to start with?
Whoa - be careful here. No-one is saying that "contracts aren't useful" (at least not that I'd heard). We're saying that contracts *aren't a solution for every library in existence* (which was essentially your claim). Annotating pathlib can't convince anyone of that claim. At best (and this is all that I'm imagining) it might give some indication of why you have such an apparently-unreasonable level of confidence in contracts. I do not expect *ever* to believe you when you say that all projects would benefit from contracts. What I might get from such an exercise is a better understanding of what you're imagining when you talk about a real project "using contracts". Best case scenario - I might be persuaded to use them occasionally. Worst case scenario - I find them distracting and unhelpful, and we agree to differ on their value. Paul

Hi Paul, Quite a few people replied on this thread and the previous one before the fork that dbc is either useless in Python or at best useful in avionics/niche applications. I'm really only saying that contracts are a superior (complementary) tool to informal documentation, doctests, reading the implementation, reading the tests and trial-and-error. For every library that have the contracts which can be written down formally in a pragmatic way, and when the users of the library are multiple -- then these libraries would benefit from dbc. That's all that I'm saying and it might have come over as arrogant due to limits of the medium. It was not my intention to sound so. I'll have a look at pathlib then. Cheers, Marko Le mer. 26 sept. 2018 à 15:15, Paul Moore <> a écrit :

Chris Angelico wrote:
Yes, I find that documentation auto-generated from code is usually a poor substitute for human-written documentation. Dumping your formally-written contracts into the docs makes the reader reverse-engineer them to figure out what the programmer was really trying to say. Which do you find easier to grok at a glance: all(L[i] <= L[i+1] for i in range(len(L) - 1)) or # The list is now sorted -- Greg

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 3:31 PM Greg Ewing <> wrote:
Well, with that particular example, you're capitalizing on the known meaning of the English word "sorted". So to be fair, you should do the same in Python: postcondition: L == sorted(L) This would be inappropriate for an actual sorting function, but let's say you're altering the value of an item in a sorted list, and shifting it within that list to get it to the new position, or something like that.python-ideas <> But yes, in general I do agree: it's frequently cleaner to use an English word than to craft a Python equivalent. ChrisA

Paul Moore writes:
Note that that is not what Marko wrote: he wrote that 100% of projects on PyPI would benefit. Like others, I'd like to see at least a before/after on *one* whole project (that's not tiny, so it has several meaningful APIs and several calls for at least a few of them), to see *how much* of that project actually benefits, and how much of that benefit derives from "more sophisticated than assert" DbC tech. For now, I think the whole thread is technically speaking off-topic, though. Let's stipulate that DbC is a valuable technology that Python programmers should have available. (1) Why is it so valuable that it needs to be in the distribution? We already have asserts for the simplest cases. Won't PyPI do for the full-blown Meyer-style implementation? Development discussion for that implementation should take place on GitHub[1] or a similar channel, IMO. (2) We don't have an implementation to include, or if you like there are many PoCs, and there's no good reason to suppose that there will be consensus on the candidate for inclusion in this decade. Again, development discussions for those implementations should take place on GitHub before coming here to discuss (a) which is best for the stdlib, (b) whether it's good enough, and (c) whether it's needed in the stdlib at all. Is there a clear, leading candidate that could be proposed "soon", icontracts maybe? (3) The syntaxes proposed so far require inelegant constructs, like lambdas or strs, so that decorator arguments can be evaluated lazily. Lazy evaluation of arguments is something that newcomers often want after being burned by "def foo(l=[]):". But there are at least two plausible ways to handle this. One is like Lisp macros: "defmacro mfoo(not, one, of, its, args, is, evaluated)". Another would be a marker for args to be returned unevalled: "def foo(eval_me, eval_me_not: unevalled, eval_me_too)".[2] Thus, unevalled arguments *may* be a plausible syntax change that would help support DbC as well as other possibly desirable use cases, but we have no proposal to discuss. Do we? I'm not yet suggesting that this thread *should* be terminated here (and that's not to avoid charges of hypocrisy as I post to other subthreads ;-). But I think we should be continuously aware of the three questions I posed above. Footnotes: [1] Personally, I'd prefer it be GitLab. :-) [2] Yes, I'm teasing the type annotations folks, I doubt this syntax will fly.

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 12:49 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
I have to admit that I haven't kept up with the discussion today, but I was also hoping to see some proof. I'm genuinely interested in seeing if this is something that can help me and the teams I work with. I was very interested in DbC a long time ago, but never found a way to make it valuable to me. I'd like to see a project from PyPI converted to use DbC. This would make it easy to see the real world difference between an implementation developed using DbC compared to one that is well documented, tested and maybe even includes type hints. Toy or cherry-picked examples don't help me get a feel for it. -- david stanek web: twitter: linkedin:

Hi David, I'm writing contracts for pathlib as a proof-of-concept. See pypackagery for an example of a project on pypi that uses contracts: The docs with contracts are available at: Mind that the interface to icontract might change soon so I'd wait a month or two before it stabilizes. Cheers, Marko Le mer. 26 sept. 2018 à 20:12, David Stanek <> a écrit :

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 05:40:45AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
As per my previous email, I think the extraordinary claim is that there exists even a single project which wouldn't benefit from at least one contract. Honestly, you sound almost like somebody saying "Projects would benefit from getting an automated test suite? Ridiculous!" But to give you a charitable interpretation, I'll grant that given the cost to benefit ratio of code churn, human effort, refactoring etc, it is certainly possible that adding contracts to some especially mature and high-quality projects, or quick-and-dirty low-quality projects where nobody cares about bugs, would cost more than the benefit gained. There's benefit, but not *nett* benefit. That goes especially for Python code since the available interfaces for contracts are so poor. But that's why we're talking about this on Python-Ideas. I just wish we didn't have to fight so hard to justify the very idea of contracts themselves. That's like having to justify the idea of test suites, documentation and error checking. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano writes:
I just wish we didn't have to fight so hard to justify the very idea of contracts themselves.
You don't. You need to justify putting them in the stdlib. That's a pretty high bar. And as crappy as the contracts in Marko's pathlib rewrite look to me, I suspect you'll need syntactic support (eg, for "implies", see my post replying to Marko). If people want checking in production where reasonable (seems to be one of the nice things about contracts), you'll probably want a language change to support that syntax efficiently, which is usually a prohibitively high bar.

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 05:19, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Hi Robert,
Chris already addressed this.
I tried to show that DbC is a great tool and far superior to any other tools currently used to document contracts in a library, please see my message Let me re-use the enumeration I used in the message and give you a short summary.
So you can also: 0) Write clear documentation e.g. just document the method without doctests. You can write doctests in example documentation, or even in unit tests if desired: having use cases be tested is often valuable.
I would say that contracts *are* a formal method. They are machine interpretable rules about when the function may be called and about what it may do and how it must leave things. The critique I offer of DbC in a Python context is the same as for other formal methods: is the benefit worth the overhead. If you're writing a rocket controller, Python might not be the best language for it.
Any function that is used by multiple developers which operates on the restricted range of input values and gives out structured output values benefits from contracts (1) since the user of the function needs to figure them out to properly call the function and handle its results correctly. I assume that every package on pypi is published to be used by wider audience, and not the developer herself. Hence every package on pypi would benefit from formal contracts.
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there may be differences between practice and theory :). Less opaquely, you're using a model to try and extrapolate human behaviour. This is not an easy thing to do, and you are very likely to be missing factors. For instance, perhaps training affects perceived benefits. Perhaps a lack of experimental data affects uptake in more data driven groups. Perhaps increased friction in changing systems is felt to be a negative. And crucially, perhaps some of these things are true. As previously mentioned, Python has wonderful libraries; does it have more per developer than languages with DbC built in? If so then that might speak to developer productivity without these formal contracts: it may be that where the risks of failure are below the threshold that formal methods are needed, that we're better off with the tradeoff Python makes today.
Some predicates are hard to formulate, and we will never be able to formally write down all the contracts. But that doesn't imply for me to not use contracts at all (analogously, some functionality is untestable, but that doesn't mean that we don't test what we can).
I would be very grateful if you could point me where this exposition is wrong (maybe referring to my original message,, which I spent more thought on formulating).
I think the underlying problem is that you're treating this as a logic problem (what does logic say applies here), rather than an engineering problem (what can we measure and what does it tell us about whats going on). At least, thats how it appears to me.
So far, I was not confronted against nor read on the internet a plausible argument against formal contracts (the only two exceptions being lack of tools and less-skilled programmers have a hard time reading formal statements as soon as they include boolean logic and quantifiers). I'm actively working on the former, and hope that the latter would improve with time as education in computer sciences improves.
Another argument, which I did read often on internet, but don't really count is that quality software is not a priority and most projects hence dispense of documentation or testing. This should, hopefully, not apply to public pypi packages and is highly impractical for any medium-size project with multiple developers (and very costly in the long run).
I have looked for but could not find any studies into the developer productivity (and correctness) tradeoffs that DbC creates, other than stuff from 20 years ago which by its age clearly cannot contrast with modern Python/Ruby/Rust etc. Consider this: the goal of software development is to deliver features, at some level of correctness. One very useful measure of productivity then is a measure of how long it takes a given team to produce those features at that level of correctness. If DbC reduces the time it takes to get those features, it is increasing productivity. If it increases the time it takes to get those features, it is decreasing productivity, *even if it increases correctness*. Being more correct than needed is not beneficial much of the time. Does DbC deliver higher productivity @ a given correctness level? I don't know - thats why I went looking for research, but I couldn't find any (I may have missed it of course, I'd be happy to read some citations). I'm specifically looking for empirical data here, not extrapolation or rationalisations.
I don't see how type system would help regardless how strict it would be? Unless each input and each output represent a special type, which would be super confusing as soon as you would put them in the containers and have to struggle with invariance, contravariance and covariance. Please see for a discussion about introducing DbC to Rust. Unfortunately, the discussion about contracts in Rust is also based on misconceptions (e.g., see -- there seems to be something wrong in the way anybody proposing DbC exposes contracts to the wider audience and miss to address these issues in a good way. So most people just react instinctively with "80% already covered with type systems" / "mere runtime type checks, use assert" and "that's only an extension to testing, so why bother" :(.
I would now like to answer Hugh and withdraw from the discussion pro/contra formal contracts unless there is a rational, logical argument disputing the DbC in its entirety (not in one of its specific aspects or as a misconception/straw-man). A lot has been already said, many articles have been written (I linked some of the pages which I thought were short & good reads and I would gladly supply more reading material). I doubt I can find a better way to contribute to the discussion.
Sure; like I said, I think the fundamental question about DbC is actually whether it helps: a) all programs b) all nontrivial programs c) high assurance programs My suspicion, for which I have only anecdata, is that its really in c) today. Kindof where TDD was in the early 2000's (and as I understand the research, its been shown to be a wash: you do get more tests than test-last or test-during, and more tests is correlated with quality and ease of evolution, but if you add that test coverage in test-during or test-last, you end up with the same benefits). -Rob

Robert Collins writes:
Pure gold. I'm glad your name is "Robert Collins", or I would have skipped the post and just muted the thread.
That's a pretty big deal though, if it means the shop doesn't need The Big Nurse to prod you to write more tests.
"No Silver Bullet." QED I think Watts Humphrey should have titled his classic, "Any Discipline for Software Engineering", and subtitled it "'Whatever' Works, as Long as You Actually Do It".[1] All of his books on the practice of software engineering really do say that, by the way. He recommends *starting* with *his* way because it worked for him and many students, so you can just follow the cookbook until "actually doing" becomes natural. Then change to doing what comes more naturally to you. Footnotes: [1] Fred Brooks would have done that, I think. Humphrey was way too stuffy to do that. :-)

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 08:01:28PM +1200, Robert Collins wrote:
This is not a scientific paper, or an edited book. Its an email forum, and communication is not always as precise as it could be. We should read such statements charitably, not literally and pedantically. But having said that... would it be an "extraordinary claim" to state that all 150K projects on PyPI would benefit with better documentation, tests or error checking? I don't think so. I think it would be extraordinary to claim that there was even a single project that *wouldn't* benefit from at least one such patch. I'd like to see this glorious example of software perfection, and bow down in awe to its author. Contracts combine error checking, documentation and testing all in one. Ergo, if a project would benefit from any of those things, it would benefit from a contract. Anticipating an objection: like tests and documentation and error checking, contracts do not need to be "all or nothing". A contract can be incomplete and still provide benefit. We can add contracts incrementally. Even a single pre- or post-condition check is better than no check at all. So I'm with Marko here: every project on PyPI would, in principle, benefit from some contracts. I say in principle only because in practice, the available APIs for adding contracts to Python code are so clunky that the cost of contracts are excessive. We're paying a syntax tax on contracts which blows the cost all out of proportion. Just as languages like Java pay a syntax tax on static typing (compared to languages like ML and Haskell with type inference and few declarations needed), and languages like COBOL have a syntax tax on, well, everything.
So long as my editor lets me collapse the contract blocks, I don't need to read them unless I want to. And automatically generated documentation always tends towards the verbose. Just look at the output of help() in the Python REPL. We learn to skim, and dig deeper only when needed.
Indeed. A lot of things which could be preconditions in Python would be type-checks in Eiffel. With gradual typing and type annotations, we could move some pre-condition and post-condition checks into the type checker. (Static typing is another thing which doesn't need to be "all or nothing".)
Anyhow, the thing I value most about python is its pithyness: its extremely compact, allowing great developer efficiency,
None of that changes. The beauty of contracts is that you can have as many or as few as make sense for each specific class or function, or for that matter each project. If your project is sufficiently lightweight and the cost of bugs is small enough, you might not bother with tests or error checking, or contracts. -- Steve

I use DbC occasionally to clarify my thoughts during a refactoring, and then only in the places that continue to make mistakes. In general, I am not in a domain that benefits from DbC. Contracts are code: More code means more bugs. Declarative contracts are succinct, but difficult to debug when wrong; I believe this because the debugger support for contracts is poor; There is no way to step through the logic and see the intermediate reasoning in complex contracts. A contract is an incomplete duplication of what the code already does: at some level of complexity I prefer to use a duplicate independent implementation and compare inputs/outputs. Writing contracts cost time and money; and that cost should be weighed against the number and flexibility of the customers that use the code. A one-time script, a webapp for you team, an Android app for your startup, fraud software, and Facebook make different accounting decisions. I contend most code projects can not justify DbC. On 2018-09-24 03:46, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann wrote:
There are other ways to communicate how a method works. 6) The name of the method 7) How the method is called throughout the codebase 8) observing input and output values during debugging 9) observing input and output values in production 10) relying on convention inside, and outside, the application 11) Don't communicate - Sometimes <complexity>/<num_customers> is too high; code is not repaired, only replaced.
This contract does not help me: Does it work on Windows? What is_absolute()? is "file:///" absolute? How does this code fail? What does a permission access problem look like? Can initial_paths can be None? Can initial_paths be files? directories? What are the side effects? resolve_initial_path() is a piece code is better understood by looking at the callers (#7), or not exposing it publicly (#11). You can also use a different set of abstractions, to make the code easier to read: UNION(file for p in initial_paths for file in p.leaves() if file.extension=="py") At a high level, I can see the allure of DbC: Programming can be a craft, and a person can derive deep personal satisfaction from perfecting the code they work on. DbC provides you with more decoration, more elaboration, more ornamentation, more control. This is not bad, but I see all your arguments as personal ascetic sense. DbC is only appealing under certain accounting rules. Please consider the possibility that "the best code" is: low $$$, buggy, full of tangles, and mostly gets the job done. :)

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 7:59 AM Kyle Lahnakoski <> wrote:
I use DbC occasionally to clarify my thoughts during a refactoring, and then only in the places that continue to make mistakes. In general, I am not in a domain that benefits from DbC.
Contracts are code: More code means more bugs.
Contracts are executable documentation. If you can lift them directly into user-readable documentation (and by "user" here I mean the user of a library), they can save you the work of keeping your documentation accurate.
This contract does not help me:
What is_absolute()? is "file:///" absolute?
I'd have to assume that is_absolute() is defined elsewhere. Which means that the value of this contract depends entirely on having other functions, probably ALSO contractually-defined, to explain it.
How does this code fail? What does a permission access problem look like?
Probably an exception. This is Python code, and I would generally assume that problems are reported as exceptions.
Can initial_paths can be None?
This can be answered from the type declaration. It doesn't say Optional, so no, it can't be None.
Can initial_paths be files? directories?
Presumably not a question you'd get if you were actually using it; the point of the function is to "[r]esolve the initial paths of the dependency graph by recursively adding *.py files beneath given directories", so you'd call it because you have directories and want files back.
What are the side effects?
Hopefully none, other than the normal implications of hitting the file system. It's easy to show beautiful examples that may actually depend on other things. Whether that's representative of all contracts is another question. ChrisA

Hi Chris, It's easy to show beautiful examples that may actually depend on other
things. Whether that's representative of all contracts is another question.
I agree. There are also many contracts which are simply too hard to write down formally. But many are also easily captured in formal manner in my experience. The question is, of course, how many and you make a fair point there. @Chris and others requesting data: my time is way too limited to provide a large-scale code analysis of many pypi packages (family obligations with a toddler, 9-6 job). I'm not doing research, and such a study would require substantial time resources. Is there an alternative request that you think that I (and other volunteers?) could accomplish in a reasonable (free) time? Maybe you could compile a list of 100-200 (or even less) functions from representative modules and I try to annotate them with contracts and we see if that's convincing? It's up to you to pick representative functions and up to me to annotate them with contracts. That would diffuse the argument that I intentionally picked the functions whose contracts are easily and nice to annotate. Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 01:20, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

Hi Kyle, 6) The name of the method
7) How the method is called throughout the codebase
10) relying on convention inside, and outside, the application
Sorry, by formulating 2) as "docstring" I excluded names of the methods as well as variables. Please assume that 2) actually entails those as well. They are human text and hence not automatically verifiable, hence qualify as 2). 8) observing input and output values during debugging
9) observing input and output values in production
Sorry, again I implicitly subsumed 8-9 under 4), reading the implementation code (including the trial-and-error). My assumption was that it is incomparably more costly to apply trial-and-error than read the contracts given that contracts can be formulated. Of course, not all contracts can be formulated all the time. 11) Don't communicate - Sometimes <complexity>/<num_customers> is too high;
code is not repaired, only replaced.
I don't see this as an option for any publicly available, high-quality module on pypi or in any organization. As I already noted in my message to Hugh, the argument in favor of* undocumented and/or untested code* are not the arguments. I assume we want a *maintainable* and *usable* modules. I've never talked about undocumented throw-away exploratory code. Most of the Python features become futile in that case (type annotations and static type checking with mypy, to name only the few). Does it work on Windows?
This is probably impossible to write as a contract, but needs to be tested (though maybe there is a way to check it and encapsulate the check in a separate function and put it into the contract). What is_absolute()? is "file:///" absolute?
Since the type is pathlib.Path (as written in the type annotation), it's pathlib.Path.is_absolute() method. Please see At a high level, I can see the allure of DbC: Programming can be a craft,
Actually, this goes totally contrary to most of my experience. Bad code is unmaintainable and ends up being much more costly down the line. It's also what we were taught in software engineering lectures in the university (some 10-15 years ago) and I always assumed that the studies presented there were correct. Saying that writing down contracts is costly is a straw-man. It is costly if you need to examine the function and write them down. If you *are writing *the function and just keep adding the contracts as-you-go, it's basically very little overhead cost. You make an assumption of the input, and instead of just coding on, you scroll up, write it down formally, and go back where you stopped and continue the implementation. Or you think for a minute what contracts your function needs to expect/satisfy before you start writing it (or during the design). I don't see how this can be less efficient than trial-and-error and making possibly wrong assumptions based on the output that you see without any documentation by running the code of the module. Cheers, Marko On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 23:59, Kyle Lahnakoski <> wrote:

I'm not sure what to do with the repeated assurance that that various things "are obvious." It really is NOT the case that me, or Paul Moore, or Hugh Fisher, or Greg Ewing are simply too simple minded to understand what DbC is. The off-putting evangelical quality around DbC is something like the similar evangelical insistence that OOP solves all problems that one tended to hear in the late-1980s to mid-1990s especially. The fact that no one can quite pin down just *what* this special quality of DbC is doesn't help... the reality is that they really ARE NOT much different from assertions, in either practice or theory. Actually, the evangelical OOP thing connects with the evangelical DbC. One of the "advantages" of DbC is often stated as support for inheritance. But the truth is, I hardly ever use inheritance in my code, or at most very shallow inheritance in ways where invariants are mostly not preserved. My use of OOP in Python is basically mixins plus magic methods... and no, it's not because I don't understand OOP (I wrote, for example, some of the most widely read papers on metaclass programming in Python, and designed and wrote about making a—toy, admittedly—method resolution order and OOP system for R; my frequent co-author wrote the canonical paper on C3 linearization, in which I'm acknowledged for my edits, but am not an author). I also wrote an article or two about DbC in Python in the early 2000s. None of this is very new. On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 3:47 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Greg Ewing, Chris Angelica, and Paul Moore make the point very well that MOST code is simply not the sort of thing that is amenable to having contracts. What one needs to state is either Turing complete or trivially reducible to type declarations. Or the behavior is duck typed loosely enough that it can do the right thing without being able to specify the pre- and post-conditions more precisely than "do what this function does." Very often, that looseness is simply NOT a problem, and is part of what makes Python flexible and successful. *Contracts are difficult to read.*
The documentation you show below is definitely beautiful I guess that's generated by your Sphinx enhancement, right? There are similar systems for pulling things out of docstrings that follow conventions, but there's a small incremental value in making them live tests at the same time. But reading the end-user documentation is not the *reading* I'm talking about. The reading I mean is looking at the actual source code files. Stating all the invariants you want code to follow makes the definitions of functions/methods longer and more cognitive effort to parse. A ten line function body is likely to be accompanied by 15 lines of invariants that one can state about hopes for the function behavior. That's not always bad... but it's definitely not always good. This is why unit tests are often much better, organizationally. The function definitions can remain relatively concise and clean because most of the time when you are reading or modifying them you don't WANT to think about those precise contracts. Sure, maybe some tool support like folding of contracts could make the burden less; but not less than putting them in entirely separate files. Most of the time, I'd like to look at the simplest expression of the code possible. Then on a different day, or with a different set of eyes, I can look at the completely distinct file that has arbitrarily many unit tests to check invariants I'd like functions to maintain. Yes, the issues are a little bit different in classes and nested hierarchies... but like I said, I never write those, and tend not to like code that does.
It's not much work to add `import icontract` of course. But *writing contracts* is a lot of work. Usually they work best only for pure functions, and only for ones that deal with rather complex data structures (flat is better than nested). In Python, you usually simply do not have to think about the issues that contracts guard against.
Again, this evangelical spirit to "burn the heretics" really isn't going to win folks over. No one replying here is ignorant. We all do not see any "silver bullet" in DbC that you advocate. It's a moderately useful style that I wouldn't object to using if a codebase style guide demanded it. But it's rarely the tool I would reach for on my own. I just find it easier to understand and use a combination of assertions and unit tests. Neither is *exactly* the same thing as DbC, but it's pretty darn close in practice. And no, my hesitance isn't because I don't understand boolean logic. I've also studied a bit of graduate logic and model theory in a long ago life. Yours, David... -- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

David Mertz wrote:
the reality is that they really ARE NOT much different from assertions, in either practice or theory.
Seems to me that assertions is exactly what they are. Eiffel just provides some syntactic sugar for dealing with inheritance, etc. You can get the same effect in present-day Python if you're willing to write the appropriate code. -- Greg

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 08:03, Greg Ewing <> wrote:
Assertions, as far as I can see, are the underlying low level *mechanism* that contracts would use. Just like they are the low level mechanism behind unit tests (yeah, it's really exceptions, but close enough). But like unit tests, contracts seem to me to be a philosophy and a library / programming technique layered on top of that base. The problem seems to me to be that DbC proponents tend to evangelise the philosophy, and ignore requests to show the implementation (often pointing to Eiffel as an "example" rather than offering something appropriate to the language at hand). IMO, people don't tend to emphasise the "D" in DbC enough - it's a *design* approach, and more useful in that context than as a programming construct. For me, the philosophy seems like a reasonable way of thinking, but pretty old hat (I learned about invariants and pre-/post-conditions and their advantages for design when coding in PL/1 in the 1980's, about the same time as I was learning Jackson Structured Programming). I don't think in terms of contracts as often as I should - but it's unit tests that make me remember to do so. Would a dedicated "contracts" library help? Probably not much, but maybe (if it were lightweight enough) I could get used to the idea. Like David, I find that having contracts inline is the biggest problem with them. I try to keep my function definitions short, and contracts can easily add 100% overhead in terms of lines of code. I'd much prefer contracts to be in a separate file. (Which is basically what unit tests written with DbC as a principle in mind would be). If I have a function definition that's long enough to benefit from contracts, I'd usually think "I should refactor this" rather than "I should add contracts". Paul

Hi Paul, I only had a contracts library in mind (standardized so that different modules with contracts can interact and that the ecosystem for automic testing could emerge). I was never thinking about the philosophy or design methodology (where you write _all_ the contracts first and then have the implementation fulfill them). I should have clarified that more. I personally also don't think that such a methodology is practical. I really see contracts as verifiable docs that rot less fast than human text and are formally precise / less unambiguous than human text. Other aspects such as deeper tests and hand-braking (e.g., as postconditions which can't be practically implemented in python without exit stack context manager) are also nice to have. I should be done with pathlib contracts by tonight if I manage to find some spare time in the evening. Cheers, Marko Le jeu. 27 sept. 2018 à 10:43, Paul Moore <> a écrit :

Hi, I annotated pathlib with contracts: I zipped the HTML docs into, you can just unpack and view the index.html. One thing I did observe was that there were contracts written in text all over the documentation -- I tried to formulate most of them in code. Since I'm not the implementer nor very familiar with the module, please consider that many of these contracts can be definitely made more beautiful. There were some limitations to icontract-sphinx extension and icontracts which I noted at the top of the document. (Note also that I had to rename the file to avoid import conflicts.) Some of the contracts might seem trivial -- but mind that you, as a writer, want to tell the user what s/he is expected to fulfill before calling the function. For example, if you say: rmdir() Remove this directory. The directory must be empty. Requires: - not list(self.iterdir()) (??? There must be a way to check this more optimally) - self.is_dir() self.is_dir() contract might seem trivial -- but it's actually not. You actually want to convey the message: dear user, if you are iterating through a list of paths, use this function to decide if you should call rmdir() or unlink(). Analogously with the first contract: dear user, please check if the directory is empty before calling rmdir() and this is what you need to call to actually check that. I also finally assembled the puzzle. Most of you folks are all older and were exposed to DbC in the 80ies championed by DbC zealots who advertised it as *the *tool for software development. You were repulsed by their fanaticism -- the zealots also pushed for all the contracts to be defined, and none less. Either you have 100% DbC or no sane software development at all. I, on the other side, were introduced to DbC in university much later -- Betrand held most of our software engineering lectures (including introduction to programming which was in Eiffel ;)). I started going to uni in 2004; by that time there was no fanaticism about DbC around -- not even by Bertrand himself. We were taught to use it just as yet another tool in our toolbox along unit testing and formal proofs. Not as a substitute for unit testing! Just as yet another instrument for correctness. There was no 100% DbC -- and we did quite some realistic school projects such as a backend for a flight-booking website in Eiffel (with contracts ;)). I remember that we got minus points if you wrote something in the documentation that could have been easily formalized. But nobody pushed for all the contracts; everybody was pragmatic. Nobody didn't even think about proposing to abolish unit testing and staff all the tests in the contracts to be smoke-tested. While you read my proposals in the light of these 80ies style DbC proponents, I think always only about a much more minor thing: a simple tool to make *some part* of the documentation verifiable. One lesson that I learned from all these courses was to what degree our understandings (especially among non-native speakers) differ. Even simple statements such as "x must be positive" can mean x > 0 and x >= 0 to different people. For me it became obvious that "x > 0" is clearer than "x must be positive" -- and this is that "obvious" which I always refer in my posts on this list. If a statement can not be formalized easily and introduces confusion, that's a different pair of shoes. But if it can -- why shouldn't you formalize it? I still can't wrap my head around the idea that it's not obvious that you should take the formal version over the informal version *if both are equally readable*, but one is far less unambiguous. It feels natural to me that if you want to kick out one, kick out the more ambiguous informal one. What's the point of all the maths if the informal languages just do as well? And that's why I said that the libraries on pypi meant to be used by multiple people and which already have type annotations would obviously benefit from contracts -- while you were imagining that all of these libraries need to be DbC'ed 100%, I was imagining something much more humble. Thus the misunderstanding. After annotating pathlib, I find that it actually needs contracts more thain if it had type annotations. For example: stat() Return the result of the stat() system call on this path, like os.stat() does. Ensures: - result is not None ⇒ self.exists() - result is not None ⇒ os.stat(str(self)).__dict__ == result.__dict__ (??? This is probably not what it was meant with ‘like os.stat() does’?) But what does it mean "like os.stat() does"? I wrote equality over __dict__'s in the contract. That was my idea of what the implementer was trying to tell me. But is that the operator that should be applied? Sure, the contract merits a description. But without it, how am I supposed to know what "like" means? Similarly with rmdir() -- "the directory must be empty" -- but how exactly am I supposed to check that? Anyhow, please have a look at the contracts and let me know what you think. Please consider it an illustration. Try to question whether the contracts I wrote are so obvious to everybody even if they are obvious to you and keep in mind that the user does not look into the implementation. And please try to abstract away the aesthetics: neither icontract library that I wrote nor the sphinx extension are of sufficient quality. We use them for our company code base, but they still need a lot of polishing. So please try to focus only on the content. We are still talking about contracts in general, not about the concrete contract implementation. Cheers, Marko On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 11:37, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 02:24, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Thanks, for doing this! It's probably not going to result in the reaction you hoped for (see below) but I appreciate you taking the time to do it. Some of the contracts might seem trivial -- but mind that you, as a writer,
The problem (IMO) with both of these is precisely that they are written as Python expressions. Your prose descriptions of what they mean are fine, and *those* are what I would hope to see in documentation. This is far more obvious in later examples, where the code needed to check certain conditions is extremely unclear unless you spend time trying to interpret it.
Well, yes, but your claims were *precisely* the same as those I saw back then. "All projects on PyPI would benefit", "the benefits are obvious", ... As I said, DbC is a reasonable methodology, but the reason it's not more widely used is (in the first instance) because it has a *marketing* problem. Solving that with more of the same style of marketing won't help. Once you get beyond the marketing, there are *still* questions (see above and below), but if you can't even get people past the first step, you've lost.
No, I was imagining that some libraries were small, some were used by small, specialised groups, and some were immensely successful without DbC. So claiming that they would "obviously" benefit is a very strong claim.
Isn't that the whole point? The prose statement "the directory must be empty" is clear. But the exact code check isn't - and may be best handled by a series of unit tests, rather than a precondition. Anyhow, please have a look at the contracts and let me know what you think.
The thing that you didn't discuss in the above was the effect on the source code. Looking at your modified sources, I found it *significantly* harder to read your annotated version than the original. Basically every function and class was cluttered with irrelevant[1] conditions, which obscured the logic and the basic meaning of the code. [1] Irrelevant in terms of the flow of the code - I appreciate that there's value in checking preconditions in the broader sense. It's like all error handling and similar - there's a balance to be had between "normal behaviour" and handling of exceptional cases. And I feel that the contracts tip that balance too far towards making exceptional cases the focus. So ultimately this example has probably persuaded me that I *don't* want to add contract checking, except in very specific cases where the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. It's very subjective, though, so I'm fine if other people feel differently. Paul

I like this discussion. I'd like to add another theme, namely what should happen when there is an error. (This is prompted by race hazards when performing file system operations.) Suppose fn_a() calls fn_b(), and fn_b() raises an exception. What then should fn_a() do? It may be that this exception has left part or all of the system in an inconsistent (invalid) state. At this level of abstraction, it's not possible to sensibly answer this question. Sometimes the whole system should be stopped. Other times, an invalidation of an object is enough. And sometimes, a rollback of the transaction is what's wanted. Here's a well-known example (overflow exception in Ariane 5), which to me shows that these problems can be very hard to get right. According to wikipedia (above) this failure resulted in "the first example of large-scale static code analysis by abstract interpretation". I expect that in some situations design-by-contract will help here, by encouraging a focus on providing a more complete specification of behaviour. It would be good to have some real-life Python examples. I'd afraid I don't have any (although I've looked either). -- Jonathan

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 7:29 PM Jonathan Fine <> wrote:
That's why try/finally exists. You shouldn't have to worry about contracts for that. (Similarly, context managers, which are a way of wrapping up try/finally into a convenient package.) ChrisA

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 10:37, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
However, a contract would need to be able to express "Returns a fully initialised widget or raises a BrokenWidget exception". Unit tests do this sort of thing all the time. Paul

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018, 4:38 AM Paul Moore <> wrote:
My reaction was just the same as Paul's. I read the modified source, and found that the invariant declarations made it *dramatically* harder to read. The ratio was almost exactly as I characterized in a recent note: 15 lines of pre/post-conditions on a 10 like function. Like Paul, I understand the documentation and testing value of these, but they were highly disruptive to the readability of the functions themselves. As a result of reading the example, I'd be somewhat less likely to use a DbC library, and much more strongly opposed to having one in the standards library (and aghast at the idea of dedicated syntax)

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 11:25 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
You do a lot of contracts that involve is_absolute and other checks. But the postcondition on is_absolute merely says: not result or self.root != "" (Also: I'm not sure, but I think maybe that should be _root?? Leaving that aside.) So I'm not sure how much you can really ascertain about absolute paths. You guarantee that is_absolute will return something plausible, but unless you guarantee that it's returning the correct value, depending on it for your preconditions seems dubious. A buggy is_absolute could break basically everything, and your contracts wouldn't notice. It is still fundamentally difficult to make assertions about the file system as pre/post contracts. Are you becoming aware of this? Contracts, as has been stated multiple times, look great for mathematically pure functions that have no state outside of their own parameters and return values (and 'self', where applicable), but are just poor versions of unit tests when there's anything external to consider. ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
It is still fundamentally difficult to make assertions about the file system as pre/post contracts.
When you consider race conditions, I'd say it's impossible. A postcondition check involving the file system could fail even if the function does its job perfectly. -- Greg

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 7:19 AM Greg Ewing <> wrote:
I guess that depends on the meaning of "contract". If it means "there is a guarantee that this is true after this function returns", then yes, the race condition means it's impossible. But as a part of the function's declared intent, it's fine to have a postcondition of "the directory will be empty" even though something could drop a file into it. But if it's the latter... contracts are just a different way of defining unit tests.... and we're right back where we started. ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
If you only intend the contract to serve as documentation, I suppose that's okay, but it means you can't turn on runtime checking of contracts, otherwise your program could suffer spurious failures. -- Greg

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 12:30:45PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
If your code can cope with a particular file system state ("directory isn't empty") then you don't need to specify it as a precondition. If it can't cope, then it isn't a spurious failure, its a real failure. You either get an error when the condition is checked, up front, or you get an error in the middle of processing the directory. Of course for many things (especially file system operations) you need to be prepared to handle I/O errors *even if the precondition passed*. So what? That hasn't changed, and nobody said that contracts were a cure for Time Of Check To Time Of Use bugs. Contracts are a tool to help developers write better code, not a magic wand. You still need to write your code in a way which isn't vulnerable to TOCTTOU failures, contracts or not. Anticipating an objection: why bother with the precondition check if the code has to handle an error anyway? Because it is better to get an upfront error than an error halfway through processing. In general you get a better, more informative error message, closer to the place where it matters, if you fail fast. Yes yes yes, in theory you might have a precondition requirement which would fail up front but resolve itself before it matters: directory not empty start running your program precondition check fails ... later directory is emptied by another process your program actually needs to use the empty directory but do you really think it is good practice to design your code on the basis of that? Better to write your code conservatively: if the directory isn't empty up front, don't hope it will empty itself, fail fast, but be prepared to handle the error case as well. -- Steve

On 9/28/18 8:12 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
At the risk of pedantry (on a Python list? I'm *shocked*): I call BS on any contract that requires on entry or guarantees on exit the state of the file system. At best, a function can guarantee that it will make (or made) a request to the OS, and that the OS returned "success" before the function continued. Then again, a function that guarantees to work in a particular way based on some condition of the file system would be okay. For example, a function might claim to create a temporary file with some content *if* some directory exists when the function tries to create the temporary file. But as I think both of you are claiming, the best that function can guarantee on exit is that it asked the OS to write to the file, and that the OS agreed to do so. The function cannot guarantee that the file or the content still exists when the function finally returns.

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 9:25 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
I had missed this comment, but this seems to be the biggest disconnect, or talking past each other. I'm a user of many libraries. I USUALLY look at the implementation when in doubt about a function. If contracts are meant only for users who don't look at code, the detrimental effect on code readability is mitigated. The other place I look, if not the actual implementation, is at the docstring. I don't remember if icontracts patches the docstring when it decorates a function. If not, that would be very helpful. I agree that all the Sphinx documentation examples shown are very nice. Prose descriptions would often be nicer still, but the Boolean expressions are helpful for those unusual cases where I don't want to look at the code.

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 13:23, David Mertz <> wrote:
I agree that all the Sphinx documentation examples shown are very nice. Prose descriptions would often be nicer still, but the Boolean expressions are helpful for those unusual cases where I don't want to look at the code.
I'm ambivalent about the Sphinx examples. I find the highly detailed code needed to express a condition fairly unreadable (and I'm an experienced Python programmer). For example @pre(lambda args, result: not any(Path(arg).is_absolute() for arg in args) or (result == [pth for arg in args for pth in [Path(arg)] if pth.is_absolute()][-1]), "When several absolute paths are given, the last is taken as an anchor (mimicking os.path.join()’s behaviour)") The only way I'd read that is by looking at the summary text - I'd never get the sense of what was going on from the code alone. There's clearly a number of trade-offs going on here: * Conditions should be short, to avoid clutter * Writing helper functions that are *only* used in conditions is more code to test or get wrong * Sometimes it's just plain hard to express a verbal constraint in code * Marko isn't that familiar with the codebase, so there may be better ways to express certain things But given that *all* the examples I've seen of contracts have this issue (difficult to read expressions) I suspect the problem is inherent. Another thing that I haven't yet seen clearly explained. How do these contracts get *run*? Are they checked on every call to the function, even in production code? Is there a means to turn them off? What's the runtime overhead of a "turned off" contract (even if it's just an if-test per condition, that can still add up)? And what happens if a contract fails - is it an exception/traceback (which is often unacceptable in production code such as services)? The lack of any clear feel for the cost of adding contracts is part of what makes people reluctant to use them (particularly in the face of the unfortunately still common assertion that "Python is slow" :-() Paul

Hi, (Posting from work, so sorry for the short response.) @Paul Moore <> icontract.pre/post/inv have the enabled argument; if not enabled, the contract is ignored. Similarly with rmdir() -- "the directory must be empty" -- but how exactly
I meant "check" as a user, not as a developer. As in "What did the implementer think -- how am I supposed to check that the directory is empty?" A la: "Dear user, if you want to rmdir, here is what you need to check that it is indeed a dir, and here is what you need to check that it is empty. If both checks pass, run me." @David patching __doc__ automatically is on the short-term todo list. I suppose we'll just add sphinx directives (:requires:, :ensures: etc.) * Marko isn't that familiar with the codebase, so there may be better
ways to express certain things
This is true :) * Sometimes it's just plain hard to express a verbal constraint in code
In these cases you simply don't express it in code. Why would you? If it's complex code, possibility that you have an error is probably equal or higher than that your comment rots. @pre(lambda args, result: not any(Path(arg).is_absolute() for arg in args)
I'm really not familiar with the code base nor with how to write stuff nice and succinct in python. This particular contract was hard to define because there were no last() and no arg_is_absolute() functions. Otherwise, it would have read: @pre(lambda args, result: not any(arg_is_absolute(arg) for arg in args) or result == Path(last(arg for arg in args if arg_is_absolute(arg))) When rendered, this wouldn't look too bad to read. @Chris
I never thought of these particular contracts as running in the production. I would set them to run only in testing and only on part of the tests where they are safe from race conditions (e.g., setting enabled=test_pathlib.SERIAL; toggling mechanism is something I haven't spent too much thought about either and would also need to be discussed/implemented.). I really thought about them as documentation, not for correctness (or at best deeper tests during the testing in a "safe" local environment, for example when you want to check if all the contracts also hold on situations in *my *testsuite, not only during the test suite of pathlib). In the end, I'm calling it the day. I really got tired in the last few days. Standardizing contracts for python is not worth the pain. We'll continue to develop icontract for our internal needs and keep it open source, so anybody who's interested can have a look. Thank you all for a very lively discussions! Cheers, Marko On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 14:49, Paul Moore <> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 01:49:01PM +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
This is no different from any other refactoring. If you have a function that checks its input: def spam(arg): if condition(arg) and other_condition(arg) or alt_condition(arg): raise ValueError and refactor it to a helper: def invalid(arg): return condition(arg) and other_condition(arg) or alt_condition(arg) def spam(arg): if invalid(arg): raise ValueError how is that a bad thing just because we call it a "precondition" instead of calling it "error checking"? Of course we don't necessarily want the proliferation of masses and masses of tiny helper functions, but nor should we fear them. Helpers should carry their own weight, and if they do, we should use them. Whether they are used for contracts or not makes zero difference.
* Sometimes it's just plain hard to express a verbal constraint in code
Indeed. People seem to be arguing against some strawman of "Design By Contract is a magic bullet that solves every imaginable problem". Of course it doesn't. Some constraints are too hard to specify as code. Okay, then don't do that. DbC isn't "all or nothing". If you can't write a contract for something, don't. You still get value from the contracts you do write. [...]
Are you specifically talking about *Python* examples? Or contracts in general? I don't know Eiffel very well, but I find this easy to read and understand (almost as easy as Python). The trickiest thing is the implicit "self". put (x: ELEMENT; key: STRING) is -- Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key. require count <= capacity not key.empty do ... Some insertion algorithm ... ensure has (x) item (key) = x count = old count + 1 end Here are a couple of examples from Cobra: def fraction( numer as int, denom as int) as float require numer > 0 denom <> 0 body ... def bumpState( incr as int) as int require incr > 0 ensure result >= incr .state = old.state + incr body .state += incr return .state If you find them difficult to read, I don't know what to say :-)
Another thing that I haven't yet seen clearly explained. How do these contracts get *run*? Are they checked on every call to the function,
Yes, that's the point of them. In development they're always on. Every time you run your dev code, it tests itself.
even in production code?
That's up to you, but typical practice is to check pre-conditions (your input) but not post-conditions (your output) in production.
Other languages may offer different options, but in Eiffel, contracts checking can be set to: no: assertions have no run-time effect. require: monitor preconditions only, on routine entry. ensure: preconditions on entry, postconditions on exit. invariant: same as ensure, plus class invariant on both entry and exit for qualified calls. all: same as invariant, plus check instructions, loop invariants and loop variants. You can set the checking level globally, or class-by-class. The default is to check only preconditions. That is, for methods to validate their inputs. Quoting from the Eiffel docs: When releasing the final version of a system, it is usually appropriate to turn off assertion monitoring, or bring it down to the ``require`` level. The exact policy depends on the circumstances; it is a trade off between efficiency considerations, the potential cost of mistakes, and how much the developers and quality assurance team trust the product. When developing the software, however, you should always assume -- to avoid loosening your guard -- that in the end monitoring will be turned off. The intention for Python would be similar: - we ought to be able disable contract checking globally; - and preferrably on a case-by-case basis; - a disabled contact ought to be like a disabled assertion, that is, completely gone with no runtime effect at all; - but due to the nature of Python's execution model, there will probably be some (small) overhead at the time the function is created, but not when the function is called. Of course the overhead will depend on the implementation.
What happens when any piece of error checking code fails and raises an exception? In the case of Python, a failed contract would be an exception. What you do with the exception is up to you. The *intention* is that a failed contract is a bug, so what you *ought to do* is fix the bug. But you could catch it, retry the operation, restart the service, or whatever. That's worth repeating: *contracts aren't for testing end-user input* but for checking internal program state. A failed contract ought to be considered a bug. Any *expected error state* (such as a missing file, or bad user input, or a network outage) shouldn't be treated as a contract. -- Steve

On 2018-09-28 05:23, David Mertz wrote:
I agree with you that this seems to be a major disconnect in the discussion here. However, on the issue itself, I quite agree with Marko that it is *much* more important for the documentation to be readable than for the function to be readable. I too read the source of functions sometimes, and whenever I find myself having to do so, I grouse at the authors of whatever libraries I'm using for not making the documentation more clear. Ideally, no user should *ever* have to read the function source code, because the documentation should make it completely clear how to use the function without knowing *anything* about how it is implemented. Of course, this ideal will never be achieved, but I think it's something to aim towards, and the idea that adding a few lines of DbC decorators makes the source code too cluttered seems quite incorrect to me. I glanced through the source code and didn't find it hard to read at all. The contracts are all cleanly separated from the function bodies because they're in decorators up front. I'm frankly quite baffled that other people on this thread find that hard to read. The problem with reading the source code is that you can't tell what parts of the behavior are specified and which are implementation details. The appeal of something like DbC is that it encourages (some might say painfully forces) programmers to be very explicit about what behavior they want to guarantee. Whether writing these guarantees as Python expressions is better than writing them as prose is another matter. Personally I do see some value in the modifications that Marko made to pathlib. In a sense, writing "documentation as Python code" is like annotating the source code to mark which specific parts of the implementation are guarantees and which may be implementation details. I think there is significant value in knowing precisely what an API allows, in an explicit and verifiable form such as that provided by DbC, rather than using human language, which is much less precise, can leave room for misinterpretation, and, perhaps most importantly, is harder to verify automatically. Ultimately, I'm firmly of the opinion that, in publicly distributed code, the function *IS* its documentation, not its source code. When a function's actual behavior conflicts with its documented behavior, that is a bug. When meaningful aspects of a functions behavior are not specified in the documentation, that is also a bug. These may be bugs in the documentation or in the behavior, but either way the point is that reading the source code is not an acceptable substitute for making the documentation a complete and self-sufficient vehicle for total understanding of the function's behavior. It doesn't matter if the function behaves as the author intended; it only matters if it behaves as documented. -- Brendan Barnwell "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail." --author unknown

Many editors highlight decorators in a different color that makes it easier to ignore and can also fold decorators. Contracts can also sometimes actively improve the flow of code. I personally find a formal contract easier to read than informal documentation. It also reduces the times where you need to spend time figuring out if documentation actually accurate and up to date

Marko Ristin-Kaufmann writes:
I annotated pathlib with contracts: I zipped the HTML docs
Thank your for completing this task so quickly. I'm sorry, but I didn't find it convincing. I'll leave others to discuss the docs, as they are clearly "proof of concept" and I expect will be improved greatly. Part of the problem is the style of contracts, which can probably be improved with syntactic support. For example, the many double negatives of the form "not (not (X)) or Y". I guess the idea is to express all implications "X implies Y" in the equivalent form "not X or Y". I tried a few in the form "Y if X else True" but didn't find that persuasive. I also found the lambdas annoying. I conclude that there's good reason to prefer the style where the condition is expressed as a str, and eval'ed by the contract machinery. This would get rid of the lambdas, and allow writing a contract parser so you could write implications in a more natural form. I haven't tried rewriting that way, and of course, I don't have a parser to actually run stuff.
- not list(self.iterdir()) (??? There must be a way to check this more optimally)
You might define a function like this: def is_empty_dir(d): for _ in os.scandir(d): return False return True or the function could catch the StopIteration from next() directly (but I think that's considered bad style). I don't think there's any way to do this without a function call. Note that the implementation of iterdir calls os.listdir, so this function isn't necessarily much more efficient than "not list(self.iterdir())". (I'm pretty sure that in this case the iterator keeps a copy of the list internally, and listification probably involves object creation overhead, a memory allocation and a machine-language block copy.) I'm not sure whether scandir is any better. And I don't know how big a directory needs to be before the overhead of function call and exception handling become great enough to make it worthwhile.
I don't understand this logic. I don't think I'd be looking at random contracts for individual to learn how to handle filesystem objects. I'd be more likely to do this kind of thing in most of my code: def rmtree(path: Path) -> None: try: path.unlink() except PermissionError: for p in path.iterdir(): rmtree(p) path.rmdir() I wrote all of that without being a Path user and without checking docs. (I cheated on PermissionError by testing in the interpreter, I'd probably just use Exception if I didn't have an interpreter to hand already.) Note that this function is incorrect: PermissionError could occur because I don't have write permission on the parent directory. I also don't learn anything about PermissionError from your code, so your contract is incomplete. *DbC is just not a guarantee of anything* -- if there's a guarantee, it derives from the quality of the development organization that uses DbC.
Please don't make statements that require mind-reading. You do not know that (I for example am 60, and have *heard of* design-by-contract before but this is the first time I've seen it *seriously proposed for use* or implementation in any project I participate in). More important, several posters have explained why they don't see a need for DbC in Python. Two common themes are proliferation of conditions making both code and documentation hard to read, and already using methods of similar power such as TDD or other systems using unit tests. It's bad form to discount such explicit statements.
No, the misunderstanding is caused by your wording and by your lack of attention to the costs of writing contracts. Criticizing yourself is a much more effective strategy: you can control your words, but not how others understand them. Your best bet is to choose words that are hard to misunderstand.
Similarly with rmdir() -- "the directory must be empty" -- but how exactly am I supposed to check that?
There's no reason to suppose the contract is a good place to look for that. "not list(path.iterdir())" is the obvious and easy-to-read test (but in your style, a nonempty condition would be "not not list(path.iterdir()", which is not not not the way to do it in code ;-). But this may not be efficient for "large enough" directories. However, if contracts are expected to be disabled in production code, there's strong reason to write readable rather than efficient code for contracts. Please trim unneeded text. Fixed it for you this time.

On 9/24/2018 3:46 AM, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann wrote: I am responding to your request "Please do point me to what is not obvious to you". I think some of your claims are not only not obvious, but are wrong. I have read some (probably less than half) of the responses and avoid saying what I know others have covered adequately. A mathematical function is defined or specified by a input domain, output range, and a mapping from inputs to outputs. The mapping can be defined either by an explicit listing of input-output pairs or by a rule specifying either a) the process, what is done to inputs to produce outputs or, b) the result, how the output relates to the input. defines contracts as "precise (legally unambiguous) specifications" (5.2 Business Contracting/Sub-contracting Metaphor) It is not obvious to me that the metaphor of contracts adds anything worthwhile to the idea of 'function'. 1. Only a small sliver of human interactions are governed by formal legal contracts read, understood, and agreed to by both (all) parties. 2. The idealized definition is naive in practice. Most legal contracts, unlike the example in the link article, are written in language that most people cannot read. Many contracts are imprecise and legally ambiguous, which is why we have contract dispute courts. And even then, the expense means that most people who feel violated in a transaction do not use courts. Post-conditions specify a function by result. I claim that this is not always sensible. I said above that functions may be specified by process rather than result. Ironically, the contract metaphor reinforces my claim. Many contracts, such as in teaching and medicine, only specify process and explicitly disclaim any particular result of concern to the client.
b)//If you write contracts in text, they will become stale over time
Not true for good docstrings. We very seldom change the essential meaning of public functions. How has "Return the sine of x (measured in radians).", for math.sin, become stale? Why would it ever? What formal executable post condition would help someone who does not understand 'sine', or 'sine of x'? The function is only useful for someone who either understands 'sine' or is copying a formula written elsewhere without needing to understand it. Or consider "Stable sort *IN PLACE*." for list.sort. A formal executable post-condition for this *can* be written. But for someone who understands the words 'stable', 'sort', and 'in place', this compact English post condition is much more readable than any formal version could be. More over, that addition of 'stable', when we were ready to do so, did not make "Sort *IN PLACE*" stale in any sense of being wrong. I said above that functions definitions and contracts can specify the process rather than the result. For functions, the code is the process, and the code may then be the specification and the contract. For instance, def append_first(seq): "Append seq[0] to seq." So seq must have a first element accessed as seq[0] and an append method that accepts the first element as an argument. One might guess the minimal body. return seq.append(seq[0]) The pre-condition here is that the return value can be calculated as specified. Whenever this is true, python is already testing pre-conditions, as efficiently as possible. We could elaborate the body as try: return seq.append(seq[0]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('raised ' + repr(e)[0]) and add 'Raise ValueError with explanation on bad input' to the doc string. If the domain were restricted to lists, we could write a post-condition, and use that in a list-based unittest. However, it likely be less readable than the docstring, and would execute in O(n) time (for an O(1) function). The latter is acceptable for unittests, which will use short tests, but not for production. But with duck-typing, no post condition is possible. Neither is a generic unittest. The code *is* the contract. This is generally true of duck-typed Python code. -- Terry Jan Reedy

Hi Terry, I would encourage you to read all the messages on the thread. The points you raised were actually already discussed: * Using formal contracts in the code does not imply that you must specify *all* the contracts; you specify what you consider meaningful. * Distinction of result/process (the example that was already discussed was related to GUIs and pathlib standard library)
In my team, we have a stale docstring once every two weeks or even more often. If it weren't for doctests and contracts, I could imagine we would have them even more often :) I suppose good docstrings require many reviewers and slow refactoring processes. Our public interfaces are changing daily and there is one reviewer per pull request. If github/bitbucket allowed for better highlighting of docstrings in code reviews (*e.g., *if it highlighted the docstring of every function that changed), the miss rate would be probably lower. I'm always happy to hear other experiences how people dealt with requirements changing at a fast pace and how they dealt with code rot in a team of limited size and time resources. I agree with you that a good docstring is not stale by definition. I have just never experienced a team that had good docstrings in my career. Cheers, Marko On Sun, 7 Oct 2018 at 22:25, Terry Reedy <> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 4:26 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
In other words, you change the *public interface* of your functions all the time? How do you not have massive breakage all the time? ChrisA

Hi Chris, In other words, you change the *public interface* of your functions
all the time? How do you not have massive breakage all the time?
I suppose that Pycharm helps the most with its refactoring tools. We use type annotations, contracts, static checks (mypy, pylint, pydocstyle) and unit, integration and end-to-end tests, so actually unexpected breakages in production are not that frequent. What does happen often, though, is that documentation gets stale. Cheers, Marko On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 07:29, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 04:29:34PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
"At Resolver we've found it useful to short-circuit any doubt and just refer to comments in code as 'lies'. " --Michael Foord paraphrases Christian Muirhead on python-dev, 2009-03-22
I can't comment about Marko's actual use-case, but *in general* contracts are aimed at application *internal* interfaces, not so much library *public* interfaces. That's not to say that contracts can't be used for libraries at all, but they're not so useful for public interfaces that could be called by arbitrary third-parties. They are more useful for internal interfaces, where you don't break anyone's code but your own if you change the API. Think about it this way: you probably wouldn't hesitate much to change the interface of a _private method or function, aside from discussing it with your dev team. Sure it will break some code, but you have tests to identify the breakage, and maybe refactoring tools to help. And of course the contracts themselves are de facto tests. Such changes are manageable. And since its a private function, nobody outside of your team need care. Same with contracts. (At least in the ideal case.) -- Steve

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 9:26 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Yet we keep having use-cases shown to us involving one person with one module, and another person with another module, and the interaction between the two. Which way is it? Do the contracts change frequently or not? Are they public or not? How are we supposed to understand the point of contracts if the use-cases being shown all involve bad code and/or bad coding practices? Contracts, apparently, allow people to violate versioning expectations and feel good about it. (Am I really exaggerating all that much here?) ChrisA

Hi Crhis,
Sorry, I might have misunderstood the question -- I was referring to modules used within the company, not outside. Of course, public libraries put on pypi don't change their interfaces weekly. Just to clear the confusion, both Steve and I would claim that the contracts do count as part of the interface. For everything internal, we make changes frequently (including the interface) and more often than not, the docstring is not updated when the implementation of the function is. Contracts help our team catch breaking changes more easily. When we change the behavior of the function, we use "Find usage" in Pycharm, fix manually what we can obviously see that was affected by the changed implementation, then statically check with mypy that the changed return type did not affect the callers, and contracts (of other functions!) catch some of the bugs during testing that we missed when we changed the implementation. End-to-end test with testing contracts turned off catch some more bugs on the real data, and then it goes into production where hopefully we see no errors. Cheers, Marko On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 12:32, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 09:32:23PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
Do we? I haven't noticed anything that matches that description, although I admit I haven't read every single post in these threads religiously. But "application" != "one module" or "one developer". I fail to see the contradiction. An application can be split over dozens of modules, written by teams of developers. Whether one or a dozen modules, it still has no public interface that third-party code can call. It is *all* internal. Obviously if you are using contracts in public library code, the way you will manage them is different from the way you would manage them if you are using them for private or internal code. That's no different from (say) docstrings and doctests: there are implied stability promises for those in *some* functions (the public ones) but not *other* functions (the private ones). Of course some devs don't believe in stability promises, and treat all APIs as unstable. So what? That has nothing to do with contracts. People can "move fast and break everything" in any programming style they like.
Which way is it? Do the contracts change frequently or not?
"Mu." They change as frequently as you, the developer writing them, chooses to change them. Just like your tests, your type annotations, your doc strings, and every other part of your code.
Are they public or not?
That's up to you. Contracts were originally designed for application development, where the concept of "public" versus "private" is meaningless. The philosophy of DbC is always going to be biased towards that mind-set. Nevertheless, people can choose to use them for library code where there is a meaningful distinction. If they do so, then how they choose to manage the contracts is up to them. If you want to make a contract a public part of the interface, then you can (but that would rule out disabling that specific contract, at least for pre-conditions). If you only want to use it for internal interfaces, you can do that too. If you want to mix and match and make some contracts internal and some public, there is no DbC Police to tell you that you can't.
How are we supposed to understand the point of contracts
You could start by reading the explanations given on the Eiffel page, which I've linked to about a bazillion times. Then you could read about another bazillion blog posts and discussions that describe it (some pro, some con, some mixed). And you can read the Wikipedia page that shows how DbC is supported natively by at least 17 languages (not just Eiffel) and via libraries in at least 15 others. Not just new experimental languages, but old, established and conservative languages like Java, C and Ada. There are heaps of discussions on DbC on Stackoverflow: and a good page on wiki.c2: TIL: Pre- and postconditions were first supported natively Barbara Liskov's CLU in the 1970s. This is not some "weird bizarre Eiffel thing", as people seem to believe. If it hasn't quite gone mainstream, it is surely at least as common as functional programming style. It has been around for over forty years in one way or another, not four weeks, and is a standard, well-established if minority programming style and development process. Of course it is always valid to debate the pros and cons of DbC versus other development paradigms, but questioning the very basis of DbC as people here keep doing is as ludicrous and annoying as questioning the basis of OOP or FP or TDD would be. Just as functional programming is a paradigm that says (among other things) "no side effects", "no global variables holding state" etc, and we can choose to apply that paradigm even in non-FP languages, so DbC is in part a paradigm that tells you how to design the internals of your application. We can apply the same design concepts to any code we want, even if we're not buying into the whole Contract metaphor: - pre-conditions can be considered argument validation; - post-conditions can be considered a kind of test; - class invariants can be considered a kind of defensive assertion.
if the use-cases being shown all involve bad code and/or bad coding practices?
How do you draw that conclusion?
"Exaggerating" is not the word I would choose to use. "Talking utter bollocks" is probably more accurate *grin* -- Steve

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 11:11 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Try this: On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 5:11 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Alice tests her package A with some test data D_A. Now assume Betty did not write any contracts for her package B. When Alice tests her package, she is actually making an integration test. While she controls the inputs to B from A, she can only observe the results from B, but not whether they are correct by coincidence or B did its job correctly. Let's denote D'_B the data that is given to B from her original test data D_A during Alice's integration testing.
If you're regularly changing your function contracts, such that you need to continually test in case something in the other package changed, then yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I'm tired of debating this. Have fun. If you love contracts so much, marry them. I'm not interested in using them, because nothing in any of these threads has shown me any good use-cases that aren't just highlighting bad coding practices. ChrisA

On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 01:21:57AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
Thanks for the example, that's from one of the posts I haven't read.
Presumably you're opposed to continuous integration testing too.
I'm tired of debating this.
Is that what you were doing? I had wondered. *wink* -- Steve

Hi Chris, I hope you don't mind me responding though you would like to stop participating. This message is meant for other readers in case they are interested.
The user story I put above had nothing to do with change. I was telling how manually performing integration tests between A and B is tedious for us (since it involves some form or the other of manual recording of input/outputs to the module B and adapting unit tests of B) while contracts are much better (*for us*) since they incur little overhead (write them once for B, anybody runs them automatically). I did not want to highlight the *change* in my user story, but the ease of integration tests with contracts. If it were not for contracts, we would have never performed them. Cheers, Marko On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 16:22, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 07, 2018 at 04:24:58PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Most code does not define pure mathematical functions, unless you're writing in Haskall :-)
You are quoting that out of context. The full context says (emphasis added): IN THE BUSINESS WORLD, contracts are precise (legally unambiguous) specifications that define the obligations and benefits of the (usually two) parties involved. and later goes on to say: How does this apply to software correctness? Consider the execution of a routine. The called routine provides a service - it is a supplier. The caller is the client that is requesting the service. We can impose a contract that spells out precisely the obligations and benefits of both the caller (client) and the callee (supplier). This contract SERVES AS THE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION FOR THE ROUTINE. (I would add *executable* interface specification.)
It doesn't. That's not what the metaphor is for. Design By Contract is not a redefinition of "function", it is a software methodology, a paradigm for helping programmers reason better about functions and specify the interface so that bugs are discovered earlier.
1. Only a small sliver of human interactions are governed by formal legal contracts read, understood, and agreed to by both (all) parties.
Irrelevant. Dicts aren't actual paper books filled with definitions of words, floats don't actually float, neural nets are not made of neurons nor can you catch fish in them, and software contracts are code, not legally binding contracts. It is a *metaphor*.
Is this a critique of the legal system? What relevance does it have to Design By Contract? Honestly Terry, you seem to be arguing: "Hiring a lawyer is too expensive, and that's why Design By Contract doesn't work as a software methodology."
Post-conditions specify a function by result. I claim that this is not always sensible.
In this context, "result" can mean either "the value returned by the function" OR "the action performed by the function (its side-effect)". Post-conditions can check both.
I said above that functions may be specified by process rather than result.
Fine. What of it? Can you describe what the function does? "It sorts the list in place." "It deletes the given record from the database." "It deducts the given amount from Account A and transfers it to Account B, guaranteeing that either both transactions occur or neither of them, but never one and not the other." These are all post-conditions. Write them as code, and they are contracts. If you can't write them as code, okay, move on to the next function. (By the way, since you started off talking about mathematical functions, functions which perform a process rather than return a result aren't mathematical functions.)
What about public functions while they are still under active development with an unstable interface?
How has "Return the sine of x (measured in radians).", for math.sin, become stale? Why would it ever?
Of course a stable function with a fixed API is unlikely to change. What's your point? The sin() function implementation on many platforms probably hasn't changed in 10 or even 20 years. (It probably just calls the hardware routines.) Should we conclude that unit testing is therefore bunk and nobody needs to write unit tests?
What formal executable post condition would help someone who does not understand 'sine', or 'sine of x'?
Does x have to be a float? A number? (Decimal, Fraction, int, complex?) What if x is an INF or NAN? Can sin(x) return -0.0 rather than 0.0? Let's consider some related functions... Will tan(x) ever return NAN or INF? What does sqrt(x) do if x is negative? Will it raise? What are the possible valid arguments for the three-value form of pow(a, b, c)? [...]
Not everybody knows what those terms mean. And even if they can read the comment, it is a comment, and therefore a lie until proven different. Post-conditions can be checked. Comments can't.
More over, that addition of 'stable', when we were ready to do so, did not make "Sort *IN PLACE*" stale in any sense of being wrong.
I don't understand what point you think you are making here. It is still stale -- the documentation is incomplete. Whether that is "wrong" or merely "stale" is a matter of how fine a line we wish to draw. (Is a *partially* true but incomplete statement right, or wrong?)
That's incorrect. def append_first(seq): require: len(seq) > 0 hasattr(seq, "append") ensure: len(seq) == len(OLD.seq) + 1 seq[0] == seq[-1] Nothing in the above requires seq to be a specific type. It just needs to support the len, append and getitem interfaces. If one wanted to be *really* pedantic, we could add a O(N) check as well, requiring only slicing and equality: seq[0:-1] == OLD.seq but just because we CAN write a condition, doesn't mean we MUST write the condition. You still get to choose whether to check that as a contract, or a test, or both, or neither. -- Steve

On 10/8/2018 10:26 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Sun, Oct 07, 2018 at 04:24:58PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
This is silly. Every quote that is not complete is literally 'out of context'. However, 'quoting out of context', in the colloquial sense, means selectively quoting so as to distort the original meaning, whereas I attempted to focus on the core meaning I was about to discuss. Marko asked an honest question about why things obvious to him are not obvious to others. I attempted to give an honest answer. If my answer suggested that I have not undertstood Marko properly, as is likely, he can use it as a hint as to how communicate his position better.
These are all post-conditions.
No they are not. They are descriptions of the process. Additional mental work is required to turn them into formal descriptions of the result that can be coded. Marko appears to claim that such coded formal descriptions are easier to read and understand than the short English description. I disagree. It is therefore not obvious to me that the extra work is worthwhile.
The snipped body (revised to omit irrelevant 'return') seq.append(seq[0])
seq does not neccessarily have a __len__ method
hasattr(seq, "append")
The actual precondition is that seq[0] be in the domain of seq.append. The only absolutely sure way to test this is to run the code body. Or one could run seq[0] and check it against the preconditions, if formally specified, of seq.append.
Not even all sequences implement negative indexing. This is true for lists, as I said, but not for every object the meets the preconditions. As others have said, duck typing means that we don't know what unexpected things methods of user-defined classes might do. class Unexpected(): def __init__(self, first): self.first = first def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 0: return self.first else: raise ValueError(f'key {key} does not equal 0') def append(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): self.last = item else: raise TypeError(f'item {item} is not an int') def append_first(seq): seq.append(seq[0]) x = Unexpected(42) append_first(x) print(x.first, x.last) # 42 42 A more realistic example: def add(a, b): return a + b The simplified precondition is that a.__add__ exists and applies to b or that b.__radd__ exists and applies to a. I see no point in formally specifying this as part of 'def add' as it is part of the language definition. It is not just laziness that makes me averse to such redundancy. Even ignoring user classes, a *useful* post-condition that applies to both numbers and sequences is hard to write. I believe + is distributive for both, so that a + (b + b) = (a + b) + b, but -- Terry Jan Reedy

On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 03:34:51PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Yes they are; they are textual descriptions of the post-condition, not executable code, but since software contracts are both specification and code, they certainly count as post-conditions. By the way, you seem to have deleted one of my examples, leaving only the two relatively simple ones. I don't understand why you deleted the example, but here it is again: "It deducts the given amount from Account A and transfers it to Account B, guaranteeing that either both transactions occur or neither of them, but never one and not the other."
Yes. That's called "programming". You might have done it from time to time :-)
What does "sort in place"? *Precisely*? How do you know if the software *actually does* sort in place? They are not rhetorical questions. You can document that the function sorts in place, but if it actually reverses a copy of the list, how would you know? How do we know the software meets the specified requirements if you haven't nailed down the specification, and if the specification exists only in documentation and is never checked in the code? Design By Contract is a methodology that helps ensure that the specification is (1) nailed down and (2) actually checked.
It is therefore not obvious to me that the extra work is worthwhile.
Tell me how you, personally, would find out whether or not the function actually sorts the list in place. What process would YOU do? As I see it, you either have to take it on trust, or you have to write tests. Would you argue that the "extra work" to write tests are not worthwhile?
Yes it must, because I wrote the specification and I demand that it must support len. You lost your opportunity to write the spec yourself when you wrongly said no post-condition is possible. I just showed that post-conditions ARE possible, by writing some. We could debate what those conditions are: can we just test for the Sequence interface, using isinstance() and the Sequence ABC? Do I need to bother checking that seq supports __getitem__? But I'm not really interested in getting bogged down in the minutia of what specific post-conditions need to go with this toy function. Its a made-up example, so who cares? In practice, you specify in as much detail as you need. You can always come back and add more detail later.
hasattr(seq, "append")
The actual precondition is that seq[0] be in the domain of seq.append.
That is not part of the contract of the append_first function. It doesn't care about any domain limits of seq. If an object could be appended into seq[0] in the first place, surely it can append again later. We don't have to try to detect every imaginable bizarre weird piece of code intentionally written to perplex us.
The only absolutely sure way to test this is to run the code body.
Sure. So what? The code body does actually get run you know. If it raises an exception because seq can't append seq[0] to itself, that's a bug that needs to be fixed.
That is not the responsibility of the append_first function.
I don't care. Since I wrote the spec, I demand that only those which meet my requirements are used. But okay, fine, I'll re-write it: seq[0] == seq[len(seq)-1] and then you can tell me off for writing un-Pythonic code, and then I'll change it back.
That's not how we use duck-typing. When I call len(obj), I don't expect that it will format my hard drive, even though obj.__len__ might do that, and if it did, I would treat it as a bug. Why am I passing such an object as input? That makes no sense. I *don't want* that behaviour, so why would I pass an object that does that? I wouldn't say "Oh well, that means that formatting my head drive must be the correct behaviour for my application, good thing I have backups." I would say "That's a bug. Fix it." Here is the scenario: I am writing an application that has some specific purpose. I don't know, let's say it is a payroll application. It talks to a database and generates payroll reports or something. Whatever. The point is it has some *concrete* purpose, it's not just Mickey Mouse toy functions. As part of that application, I need (for some unspecified reason!) to take a sequence, extract the first item, and append it to the end of the sequence. Hence you append_first function. Why? Who knows. Let's say it makes sense in context. I trust you. In context, the sequence I pass to that function is not going to be "some arbitrary object that could do absolutely anything". It is going to be from a tiny subset of *useful* sequences, specifically the ones which actually do append the first item to the end of sequence. Why would I write, and then use, a class that does something unhelpful? Am I a malicious coder trying to get myself fired? The purpose of the contract is to detect ACCIDENTAL bugs early, not to defend against intentional self-sabotage. -- Steve

I'm not sure how you get from the lack of DbC being a feature to python's success. I use DbC in my python code via the asserts and its been very useful in my experience. If there was a nice way to get better then the assert method I'd use it. Like Angus's PoC. I assume that developers that are not interesting in DbC would simply not use any library/syntax that supported it. Barry

Hi, Thank you for your replies, Hugh and David! Please let me address the points in serial. *Obvious benefits* You both seem to misconceive the contracts. The goal of the design-by-contract is not reduced to testing the correctness of the code, as I reiterated already a couple of times in the previous thread. The contracts document *formally* what the caller and the callee expect and need to satisfy when using a method, a function or a class. This is meant for a module that is used by multiple people which are not necessarily familiar with the code. They are *not *a niche. There are 150K projects on Each one of them would benefit if annotated with the contracts. Please do re-read my previous messages on the topic a bit more attentively. These two pages I also found informative and they are quite fast to read (<15 min): Here is a quick summary of the argument. When you are documenting a method you have the following options: 1) Write preconditions and postconditions formally and include them automatically in the documentation (*e.g., *by using icontract library). 2) Write precondtions and postconditions in docstring of the method as human text. 3) Write doctests in the docstring of the method. 4) Expect the user to read the actual implementation. 5) Expect the user to read the testing code. Here is what seems obvious to me. *Please do point me to what is not obvious to you* because that is the piece of puzzle that I am missing (*i.e. *why this is not obvious and what are the intricacies). I enumerated the statements for easier reference: a) Using 1) is the only option when you have to deal with inheritance. Other approaches can no do that *without much repetition *in practice *.* b) If you write contracts in text, they will become stale over time (*i.e. *disconnected from the implementation and *plain wrong and misleading*). It is a common problem that the comments rot over time and I hope it does not need further argument (please let me know if you really think that the comments *do not rot*). c) Using 3), doctests, means that you need mocking as soon as your method depends on non-trivial data structures. Moreover, if the output of the function is not trivial and/or long, you actually need to write the contract (as postcondition) just *after *the call in the doctest. Documenting preconditions includes writing down the error that will be thrown. Additionally, you need to write that what you are documenting actually also holds for all other examples, not just for this particular test case (*e.g.*, in human text as a separate sentence before/after the doctest in the docstring). d) Reading other people's code in 4) and 5) is not trivial in most cases and requires a lot of attention as soon as the method includes calls to submethods and functions. This is impractical in most situation*s *since *most code is non-trivial to read* and is subject to frequent changes. e) Most of the time, 5) is not even a viable option as the testing code is not even shipped with the package and includes going to github (if the package is open-sourced) and searching through the directory tree to find the test. This forces every user of a library to get familiar with the *testing code *of the library. f) 4) and 5) are *obviously* a waste of time for the user -- please do explain why this might not be the case. Whenever I use the library, I do not expect to be forced to look into its test code and its implementation. I expect to read the documentation and just use the library if I'm confident about its quality. I have rarely read the implementation of the standard libraries (notable exceptions in my case are ast and subprocess module) or any well-established third-party library I frequently use (numpy, opencv, sklearn, nltk, zmq, lmdb, sqlalchemy). If the documentation is not clear about the contracts, I use trial-and-error to figure out the contracts myself. This again is *obviously* a waste of time of the *user *and it's far easier to read the contracts directly than use trial-and-error *.* *Contracts are difficult to read.* David wrote:
To me, as I've said, DbC imposes a very large cost for both writers and readers of code.
This is again something that eludes me and I would be really thankful if you could clarify. Please consider for an example, pypackagery ( and the documentation of its function resolve_initial_paths: packagery.resolve_initial_paths(*initial_paths*) Resolve the initial paths of the dependency graph by recursively adding *.py files beneath given directories. Parameters: *initial_paths* (List[Path]) – initial paths as absolute paths Return type: List[Path] Returns: list of initial files (*i.e.* no directories) Requires: - all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in initial_paths) Ensures: - len(result) >= len(initial_paths) if initial_paths else result == [] - all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in result) - all(pth.is_file() for pth in result) How is this difficult to read, unless the reader is not familiar with formalism and has a hard time parsing the quantifiers and logic rules? Mind that all these bits are deemed *important* by the writer -- and need to be included in the function description *somehow* -- you can choose between 1)-5). 1) seems obviously best to me. 1) will be tested at least at test time*. *If I have a bug in the implementation (*e.g., *I include a directory in the result), the testing framework will notify me again. Here is what the reader would have needed to read without the formalism in the docstring as text (*i.e., *2): * All input paths must be absolute. * If the initial paths are empty, the result is an empty list. * All the paths in the result are also absolute. * The resulting paths only include files. and here is an example with doctest (3):
result = packagery.resolve_initial_paths([]) []
Now, how can reading the text (2, code rot) or reading the doctests (3, longer, includes contracts) be easier and more maintainable compared to reading the contracts? I would be really thankful for the explanation -- I feel really stupid as for me this is totally obvious and, evidently, for other people it is not. I hope we all agree that the arguments about this example (resolve_initial_paths) selected here are not particular to pypackagery, but that they generalize to most of the functions and methods out there. *Writing contracts is difficult.* David wrote:
To me, as I've said, DbC imposes a very large cost for both writers and readers of code.
The effort of writing contracts include as of now: * include icontract (or any other design-by-contract library) to (or requirements.txt), one line one-off * include sphinx-icontract to docs/source/ and docs/source/requirements.txt, two lines, one-off * write your contracts (usually one line per contract). The contracts (1) in the above-mentioned function look like this (omitting the contracts run only at test time): @icontract.pre(lambda initial_paths: all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in initial_paths)) result: all(pth.is_file() for pth in result)) result: all(pth.is_absolute() for pth in result)) initial_paths, result: len(result) >= len(initial_paths) if initial_paths else result == []) def resolve_initial_paths(initial_paths: List[pathlib.Path]) -> List[pathlib.Path]: ... Putting aside how this code could be made more succinct (use "args" or "a" argument in the condition to represent the arguments, using from ... import ..., renaming "result" argument to "r", introducing a shortcut methods slowpre and slowpost to encapsulate the slow contracts not to be executed in the production), how is this difficult to write? It's 4 lines of code. Writing text (2) is 4 lines. Writing doctests (3) is 23 lines and includes the contracts. Again, given that the writer is trained in writing formal expressions, the mental effort is the same for writing the text and writing the formal contract (in cases of non-native English speakers, I'd even argue that formal expressions are sometimes *easier* to write). *99% vs 1%*
I think that ignorance plays a major role here. Many people have misconceptions about the design-by-contract. They just use 2) for more complex methods, or 3) for rather trivial methods. They are not aware that it's easy to use the contracts (1) and fear using them for non-rational reasons (*e.g., *habits). This is also what Todd Plesel writes in : The vast majority of those developing software - even that intended to be reused - are simply ignorant of the concept. As a result they produce application programmer interfaces (APIs) that are under-specified thus passing the burden to the application programmer to discover by trial and error, the 'acceptable boundaries' of the software interface (undocumented contract's terms). But such ad-hoc operational definitions of software interface discovered through reverse-engineering are subject to change upon the next release and so offers no stable way to ensure software correctness. The fact that many people involved in writing software lack pertinent education (e.g., CS/CE degrees) and training (professional courses, read software engineering journals, attend conferences etc.) is *not* a reason they don't know about DBC since the concept is not covered adequately in such mediums anyway. That is, *ignorance of DBC extends not just throughout practitioners but also throughout educators and many industry-experts.* He lists some more factors and misconceptions that hinder the adoption. I would definitely recommend you to read at least that section if not the whole piece. The conclusion paragraph "Culture Shift: Too Soon or Too Late" was also telling:
(Emphasis mine; iContract refers to a Java design-by-contract library) Hence the salient argument is the lack of *tools* for DbC. So far, none of the existing DbC libraries in Python really have the capabilities to be included in the code base. The programmer had to duplicate the contract, the messages did not include the values involved in the condition, one could not inherit the contracts and the contracts were not included in the documentation. Some libraries supported some of these features, but none up to icontract library supported them all. icontract finally supports all these features. I have *never* seen a rational argument how writing contracts (1) is *inferior *to approaches 2-5), except that it's hard for programmers untrained in writing formal expressions and for the lack of tools. I would be really thankful if you could address these points and show me where I am wrong *given that formalism and tools are not a problem*. We can train the untrained, and we can develop tools (and put them into standard library). This will push adoption to far above 1%. Finally, it is *obvious* to me that the documentation is important. I see lacking documentation as one of the major hits in the productivity of a programmer. If there is a tool that could easily improve the documentation (*i.e. *formal contracts with one line of code per contract) and automatically keep it in sync with the code (by checking the contracts during the testing), I don't see any *rational *reason why you would dispense of such a tool. Again, please do correct me and contradict -- I don't want to sound condescending or arrogant -- I literally can't wrap my head around why *anybody* would dispense of a such an easy-to-use tool that gives you better documentation (*i.e. *superior to approaches 2-5) except for lack of formal skills and lack of supporting library. If you think that the documentation is *not *important, then please, do explain that since it goes counter to all my previous experience and intuition (which, of course, can be wrong). *Why not Eiffel?* Hugh wrote:
Python is easier to write and read, and there are no libraries which are close in quality in Eiffel space (notably, Numpy, OpenCV, nltk and sklearn). I really don't see how the quality of these libraries have anything to do with lack (or presence) of the contracts. OpenCV and Numpy have contracts all over their code (written as assertions and not documented), albeit with very non-informative violation messages. And they are great libraries. Their users would hugely benefit from a more mature and standardized contracts library with informative violation messages. *Duck Typing* Hugh wrote:
I really don't see how DbC has to do with duck typing (unless you reduce it to mere isinstance conditions, which would simply be a straw-man argument) -- could you please clarify? As soon as you need to document your code, and this is what most modules have to do in teams of more than one person (especially so if you are developing a library for a wider audience), you need to write down the contracts. Please see above where I tried to explained that 2-5) are inferior approaches to documenting contracts compared to 1). As I wrote above, I would be very, very thankful if you point me to other approaches (apart from 1-5) that are superior to contracts or state an argument why approaches 2-5) are superior to the contracts since that is what I miss to see. Cheers, Marko On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 12:34, Hugh Fisher <> wrote:

On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 at 19:47, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
You'll lose folks attention very quickly when you try to tell folk what they do and don't understand. Claiming that DbC annotations will improve the documentation of every single library on PyPI is an extraordinary claim, and such claims require extraordinary proof. I can think of many libraries where necessary pre and post conditions (such as 'self is still locked') are going to be noisy, and at risk of reducing comprehension if the DbC checks are used to enhance/extended documentation. Some of the examples you've been giving would be better expressed with a more capable type system in my view (e.g. Rust's), but I have no good idea about adding that into Python :/. Anyhow, the thing I value most about python is its pithyness: its extremely compact, allowing great developer efficiency, but the cost of testing is indeed excessive if the tests are not structured well. That said, its possible to run test suites with 10's of thousands of tests in only a few seconds, so there's plenty of headroom for most projects. -Rob

Hi Robert, You'll lose folks attention very quickly when you try to tell folk
what they do and don't understand.
I apologize if I sounded offending, that was definitely not my intention. I appreciate that you addressed that. I suppose it's cultural/language issue and the wording was probably inappropriate. Please let me clarify what I meant: there was a misconception as DbC was reduced to a tool for testing, and, in a separate message, reduced to type-checks at runtime. These are clearly misconceptions, as DbC (as origianally proposed by Hoare and later popularized by Meyer) include other relevant aspects which are essential and hence can not be overseen or simply ignored. If we are arguing about DbC without these aspects then we are simply falling pray to a straw-man fallacy. Claiming that DbC annotations will improve the documentation of every
single library on PyPI is an extraordinary claim, and such claims require extraordinary proof.
I don't know what you mean by "extraordinary" claim and "extraordinary" proof, respectively. I tried to show that DbC is a great tool and far superior to any other tools currently used to document contracts in a library, please see my message Let me re-use the enumeration I used in the message and give you a short summary. The implicit or explicit contracts are there willy-nilly. When you use a module, either you need to figure them out using trial-and-error or looking at the implementation (4), looking at the test cases and hoping that they generalize (5), write them as doctests (3) or write them in docstrings as human text (2); or you write them formally as explicit contracts (1). I could not identify any other methods that can help you with expectations when you call a function or use a class (apart from formal methods and proofs, which I omitted as they seem too esoteric for the current discussion). *Given that: * * There is no other method for representing contracts, * people are trained and can read formal statements and * there is tooling available to write, maintain and represent contracts in a nice way I see formal contracts (1) as a superior tool. The deficiencies of other approaches are: 2) Comments and docstrings inevitably rot and get disconnected from the implementation in my and many other people's experience and studies. 3) Doctests are much longer and hence more tedious to read and maintain, they need extra text to signal the intent (is it a simple test or an example how boundary conditions are handled or ...). In any non-trivial case, they need to include even the contract itself. 4) Looking at other people's code to figure out the contracts is tedious and usually difficult for any non-trivial function. 5) Test cases can be difficult to read since they include much broader testing logic (mocking, set up). Most libraries do not ship with the test code. Identifying test cases which demonstrate the contracts can be difficult. *Any* function that is used by multiple developers which operates on the restricted range of input values and gives out structured output values benefits from contracts (1) since the user of the function needs to figure them out to properly call the function and handle its results correctly. I assume that every package on pypi is published to be used by wider audience, and not the developer herself. Hence every package on pypi would benefit from formal contracts. Some predicates are hard to formulate, and we will never be able to formally write down *all* the contracts. But that doesn't imply for me to *not use contracts at all* (analogously, some functionality is untestable, but that doesn't mean that we don't test what we can). I would be very grateful if you could point me where this exposition is wrong (maybe referring to my original message,, which I spent more thought on formulating). So far, I was not confronted against nor read on the internet a plausible argument against formal contracts (the only two exceptions being lack of tools and less-skilled programmers have a hard time reading formal statements as soon as they include boolean logic and quantifiers). I'm actively working on the former, and hope that the latter would improve with time as education in computer sciences improves. Another argument, which I did read often on internet, but don't really count is that quality software is not a priority and most projects hence dispense of documentation or testing. This should, hopefully, not apply to public pypi packages and is highly impractical for any medium-size project with multiple developers (and very costly in the long run). I can think of many libraries where necessary pre and post conditions
It is up to the developer to decide which contracts are enforced during testing, production or displayed in the documentation (you can pick the subset of the three, it's not an exclusion). This feature ("enabled" argument to a contract) has been already implemented in the icontract library. Some of the examples you've been giving would be better expressed with a more capable type system in my view (e.g. Rust's), but I have no good idea about adding that into Python :/. I don't see how type system would help regardless how strict it would be? Unless *each *input and *each *output represent a special type, which would be super confusing as soon as you would put them in the containers and have to struggle with invariance, contravariance and covariance. Please see for a discussion about introducing DbC to Rust. Unfortunately, the discussion about contracts in Rust is also based on misconceptions (*e.g., *see -- there seems to be something wrong in the way anybody proposing DbC exposes contracts to the wider audience and miss to address these issues in a good way. So most people just react instinctively with "80% already covered with type systems" / "mere runtime type checks, use assert" and "that's only an extension to testing, so why bother" :(. I would now like to answer Hugh and withdraw from the discussion pro/contra formal contracts unless there is a rational, logical argument disputing the DbC in its entirety (not in one of its specific aspects or as a misconception/straw-man). A lot has been already said, many articles have been written (I linked some of the pages which I thought were short & good reads and I would gladly supply more reading material). I doubt I can find a better way to contribute to the discussion. Cheers, Marko On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 10:01, Robert Collins <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 3:19 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
An ordinary claim is like "DbC can be used to improve code and/or documentation", and requires about as much evidence as you can stuff into a single email. Simple claim, low burden of proof. An extraordinary claim is like "DbC can improve *every single project* on PyPI". That requires a TON of proof. Obviously we won't quibble if you can only demonstrate that 99.95% of them can be improved, but you have to at least show that the bulk of them can.
There are 150K projects on Each one of them would benefit if annotated with the contracts.
This is the extraordinary claim. To justify it, you have to show that virtually ANY project would benefit from contracts. So far, I haven't seen any such proof. ChrisA

Eh. It's too easy to cry "show me the facts" in any argument. To do that too often is to reduce all discussion to pendantry. That verifying data against the contract a function makes code more reliable should be self evident to anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of a function call, let alone a library or large application. It's the reason why type checking exists, and why bounds checking exists, and why unit checking exists too. On Tue, 25 Sep 2018, 20:43 Chris Angelico, <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:09 AM Lee Braiden <> wrote:
Eh. It's too easy to cry "show me the facts" in any argument. To do that too often is to reduce all discussion to pendantry.
That verifying data against the contract a function makes code more reliable should be self evident to anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of a function call, let alone a library or large application. It's the reason why type checking exists, and why bounds checking exists, and why unit checking exists too.
It's easy, but it's also often correct.
Part of the trouble is finding a concise syntax for the contracts that is still sufficiently expressive. ChrisA

On 25/09/18 21:09, Lee Braiden wrote:
Eh. It's too easy to cry "show me the facts" in any argument. To do that too often is to reduce all discussion to pendantry.
I will resist pointing out the spelling mistake... oh damn :-) The trouble with not crying "show me the facts" is that it is very easy to make beautiful sounding assertions into a vacuum that fall apart the moment you subject them to reality. I'm sure we can all think of politicians of a variety of parties and nationalities with an unfortunate habit of doing exactly that. Marko is making some very big assertions about how much of a benefit Design by Contract is. I flat-out don't believe him. It's up to him to provide some evidence, since he's the one pressing for change.
Let's assume that the contracts are meaningful and useful (which I'm pretty sure won't be 100% true; some people are bound to assume that writing contracts means they don't have to think). Assuming that you aren't doing some kind of wide-ranging static analysis (which doesn't seem to be what we're talking about), all that the contracts have bought you is the assurance that *this* invocation of the function with *these* parameters giving *this* result is what you expected. It does not say anything about the reliability of the function in general. It seems to me that a lot of the DbC philosophy seems to assume that functions are complex black-boxes whose behaviours are difficult to grasp. In my experience this is very rarely true. Most functions I write are fairly short and easily grokked, even if they do complicated things. That's part of the skill of breaking a problem down, IMHO; if the function is long and horrible-looking, I've already got it wrong and no amount of protective scaffolding like DbC is going to help.
It's the reason why type checking exists,
Except Python doesn't type check so much as try operations and see if they work.
and why bounds checking exists,
Not in C, not most of the time :-)
and why unit checking exists too.
Unit tests are good when you can do them. A fair bit of the embedded code I write isn't very susceptible to automated testing, though, not without spending twice as long writing (and testing!) the test environment as the code. -- Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 16:04, Rhodri James <> wrote:
And to be fair, he's now offered to put some time into producing such a demonstration, so asking for some facts has had a positive outcome. (As well as demonstrating that Marko is happy to back up his position and not just make unsubstantiated assertions - so that in itself is good to know). Paul

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 04:03:16PM +0100, Rhodri James wrote:
Contracts are a tool. We shouldn't refuse effective tools because some developers are too DailyWTF-worthy to use them. Why should the rest of us miss out because of their incompetence? Contracts are not rocket- science: there's nothing in them that most of us aren't already doing in an ad-hoc, clumsy manner by embedding the contracts in the docstring, inside the body of our methods, in external tests etc.
This is virtually the complete opposite of what contracts give us. What you are describing is the problem with *unit testing*, not contracts. Unit tests only tell us that our function works with the specific input the test uses. In contrast, contracts test the function with *every* input the function is invoked with. (Up to the point that you disable checking, of course. Which is under your control: you decide when you are satisfied that the software is sufficiently bug-free to risk turning off checking.) Both are a form of testing, of course. As they say, tests can only reveal the presence of bugs, they can't prove the absence of bugs. But correctness checkers are out of scope for this discussion.
I can't imagine how you draw that conclusion. That's like saying that unit tests and documentation requires the assumption that functions are complex and difficult to grasp. This introduction to DbC shows that contracts work with simple methods: and here's an example: put (x: ELEMENT; key: STRING) is -- Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key. require count <= capacity not key.empty do ... Some insertion algorithm ... ensure has (x) item (key) = x count = old count + 1 end Two pre-conditions, and three post-conditions. That's hardly complex. [Aside: and there's actually a bug in this. What if the key already exists? But this is from a tutorial, not production code. Cut them some slack.] If I were writing this in Python, I'd write something like this: def put(self, x, key): """Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key.""" # Input checks are pre-conditions! if self.count > capacity: raise DatabaseFullError if not key: raise ValueError # .. Some insertion algorithm ... and then stick the post-conditions in a unit test, usually in a completely different file: class InsertTests(TestCase): def test_return_result(self): db = SomeDatabase() db.put("value", "key") self.AssertTrue("value" in db.values()) self.AssertEqual(db["key"], "value") self.AssertEqual(db.count, 1) Notice that my unit test is not actually checking at least one of the post-conditions, but a weaker, more specific version of it. The post-condition is that the count goes up by one on each insertion. My test only checks that the count is 1 after inserting into an empty database. So what's wrong with the status quo? - The pre-condition checks are embedded right there in the method implementation, mixing up the core algorithm with the associated error checking. - Which in turn makes it hard to distinguish the checks from the implementation, and impossible to do so automatically. - Half of the checks are very far away, in a separate file, assuming I even remembered or bothered to write the test. - The post-conditions aren't checked unless I run my test suite, and then they only check the canned input in the test suite. - The pre-conditions can't be easily disabled in production. - No class invariants. - Inheritance is not handled correctly. The status quo is all so very ad-hoc and messy. Design By Contract syntax would allow (not force, allow!) us to add some structure to the code: - requirements of the function - the implementation of the function - the promise made by the function Most of us already think about these as three separate things, and document them as such. Our code should reflect the structure of how we think about the code.
That's like saying that if a function is horrible-looking, then there's no point in writing tests for it. I'm not saying that contracts are only for horrible functions, but horrible functions are the ones which probably benefit the most from specifying exactly what they promise to do, and checking on every invocation that they live up to that promise.
Python (the interpreter) does type checking. Any time you get a TypeError, that's a failed type check. And with type annotations, we can run a static type checker on our code too, which will catch many of these failures before we run the code. Python code sometimes does type checking too, usually with isinstance. That's following the principle of Fail Fast, rather than waiting for some arbitrary exception deep inside the body of your function, you should fail early on bad input. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano writes:
You can already do this: def put(self, x: Element, key: str) -> None: """Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key.""" # CHECKING PRECONDITIONS _old_count = self.count assert self.count <= self.capacity, assert key # IMPLEMENTATION ... some assertion algorithm ... # CHECKING POSTCONDITIONS assert x in self assert self[key] == x assert self.count == _old_count return I don't see a big advantage to having syntax, unless the syntax allows you to do things like turn off "expensive" contracts only. Granted, you save a little bit of typing and eye movement (you can omit "assert" and have syntax instead of an assignment for checking postconditions dependent on initial state). A document generator can look for the special comments (as with encoding cookies), and suck in all the asserts following until a non-assert line of code (or the next special comment). The assignments will need special handling, an additional special comment or something. With PEP 572, I think you could even do this: assert ((_old_count := self.count),) to get the benefit of python -O here.
But this is quite different, as I understand it. Nothing I've seen in the discussion so far suggests that a contract violation allows raising differentiated exceptions, and it seems very unlikely from the syntax in your example above. I could easily see both of these errors being retryable: for _ in range(3): try: db.put(x, key) except DatabaseFullError: db.resize(expansion_factor=1.5) db.put(x, key) except ValueError: db.put(x, alternative_key)
and then stick the post-conditions in a unit test, usually in a completely different file:
If you like the contract-writing style, why would you do either of these instead of something like the code I wrote above?
You don't need syntax to separate them, you can use a convention, as I did above.
- Which in turn makes it hard to distinguish the checks from the implementation, and impossible to do so automatically.
sed can do it, why can't we?
- Half of the checks are very far away, in a separate file, assuming I even remembered or bothered to write the test.
That was your choice. There's nothing about the assert statement that says you're not allowed to use it at the end of a definition.
- The post-conditions aren't checked unless I run my test suite, and then they only check the canned input in the test suite.
- The pre-conditions can't be easily disabled in production.
What's so hard about python -O?
- No class invariants.
- Inheritance is not handled correctly.
Examples? Mixins and classes with additional functionality should work fine AFAICS. I guess you'd have to write the contracts in each subclass of an abstract class, which is definitely a minus for some of the contracts. But I don't see offhand why you would expect that the full contract of a method of a parent class would typically make sense without change for an overriding implementation, and might not make sense for a class with restricted functionality.
Possible already as far as I can see. OK, you could have the compiler enforce the structure to some extent, but the real problem IMO is going to be like documentation and testing: programmers just won't do it regardless of syntax to make it nice and compiler checkable.
But what's the need for syntax? How about the common (in this thread) complaint that even as decorators, the contract is annoying, verbose, and distracts the reader from understanding the code? Note: I think that, as with static typing, this could be mitigated by allowing contracts to be optionally specified in a stub file. As somebody pointed out, it shouldn't be hard to write contract strippers and contract folding in many editors. (As always, we have to admit it's very difficult to get people to change their editor!)
I think you're missing the point then: ISTM that the implicit claim here is that the time spent writing contracts for a horrible function would be better spent refactoring it. As you mention in connection with the Eiffel example, it's not easy to get all the relevant contracts, and for a horrible function it's going to be hard to get some of the ones you do write correct.
But an important strength of contracts is that they are *always* run, on any input you actually give the function.

Hi, I compiled a couple of issues on github to provide a more structured ground for discussions on icontract features: (@David Maertz: I also included the issue with automatically generated __doc__ in case you are still interested in it). Cheers, Marko On Sat, 29 Sep 2018 at 17:27, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:

Hi, I'd like to share a use pattern for contracts that might have got lost in the discussion and which I personally grow to like more and more. I'm not making any claims; this use pattern work for our team and I can't judge how much of a benefit it would be to others. Imagine there are two developers, Alice working on a package A, and Betty working on a package B. Package A depends on package B. Betty tested her package B with some test data D_B. Alice tests her package A with some test data D_A. Now assume Betty did not write any contracts for her package B. When Alice tests her package, she is actually making an integration test. While she controls the inputs to B from A, she can only observe the results from B, but not whether they are correct by coincidence or B did its job correctly. Let's denote D'_B the data that is given to B from her original test data D_A during Alice's integration testing. How can she test that package B gives the correct results on D'_B ? She needs to manually record the data somehow (by dynamically mocking package B and intercepting what gets passed from A to B?). She might fetch the tests from the package B, copy/paste the test cases and append D'_B. Or she could make a pull request and provide the extra test data directly to package B. She needs to understand how Betty's unit tests work and see how D'_B fits in there and what needs to be mocked. All in all, not a trivial task if Alice is not familiar with the package B and even less so if Alice and Betty don't work in the same organization. Most of the time, Alice would not bother to test the dependencies on her testing data D_A. She would assume that her dependencies work, and just tests what comes out of them. If the results make sense, she would call it a tick on her to-do list and move on with the next task. Let's assume now that Betty wrote some contracts in her code. When Alice runs the integration test of her package A, the contracts of B are automatically verified on D'_B. While the contracts might not cover all the cases that were covered in Betty's unit tests, they still cover some of them. Alice can be a bit more confident that at least *something* was checked on D'_B. Without the contracts, she would have checked *nothing* on D'_B in most of her everyday programming. You can consider writing contracts as a matter of economy in this story. Betty might not need contracts for maintaining her package B -- she can read her code, she can extend her test cases. However, you can see contracts as a service to the package users, Alice in this case. Betty helps Alice have some integration tests free-of-charge (free for Alice; Betty of course pays the overhead of writing and maintaining the contracts). Alice does not need to understand how B can be tested nor needs to manually record data that needs to be passed to B. She merely runs her test code and the checker library will do the testing of B on D'_B automatically. The utility of this service tends to grow exponentially in cases where dependency trees grow exponentially as well. Imagine if we had Carol with the package C, with the dependencies A -> B -> C. When Carol writes contracts, she does a service not only to her direct users (Betty) but also to the users of B (Alice). I don't see how Alice could practically cover the case with dependencies A -> B -> C and test C with D'_C (*i.e. *test C with the data coming from D_A) without the contracts unless she really takes her time and gets familiar with dependencies of all here immediate dependencies. We found this pattern helpful in the team, especially during refactorings where contracts provide an additional security net. We don't have time to record and add tests of B for D'_B, and even less so of C for D'_C. The contracts work thus as a good compromise for us (marginal overhead, but better documentation and "free" integration tests rather than none). Cheers, Marko On Sun, 30 Sep 2018 at 08:17, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 7:20 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
I think Steven's is backwards in its own way. - Contracts test the space of arguments *actually used during testing period* (or during initial production if the performance hit is acceptable). - Unit tests test the space of arguments *thought of by the developers*. *A priori,* either one of those can cover cases not addressed by the other. If unit tests use the hypothesis library or similar approaches, unit tests might very well examine arguments unlikely to be encountered in real-world (or test phase) use... these are nonetheless edge cases that are important to assure correct behavior on ("correct" can mean various things, of course: exceptions, recovery, default values whatever). In contrast, contracts might well find arguments that the developers of unit tests had not thought of. I tend to think someone sitting down trying to think of edge cases is going to be able to write more thorough tests than the accident of "what did we see during this run" ... but it could go either way. Of course... my own approach to this concern would more likely be to use a logging decorator rather than a DbC one. Then collect those logs that show all the arguments that were passed to a given function during a testing period, and roll those back into the unit tests. My approach is a bit more manual work, but also more flexible and more powerful. - Half of the checks are very far away, in a separate file, assuming
I even remembered or bothered to write the test.
To me, this is the GREATEST VIRTUE of unit tests over DbC. It puts the tests far away where they don't distract from reading and understanding the function itself. I rarely want my checks proximate since I wear a very different hat when thinking about checks than when writing functionality (ideally, a lot of the time, I wear the unit test hat *before* I write the implementation; TDD is usually good practice).
- The post-conditions aren't checked unless I run my test suite, and then they only check the canned input in the test suite.
Yes, this is a great advantage of unit tests. No cost until you explicitly run them.
- No class invariants. - Inheritance is not handled correctly.
These are true. Also they are things I care very little about. -- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 10:29:50AM -0400, David Mertz wrote:
Fair point. But given that in general unit tests tend to only exercise a handful of values (have a look at the tests in the Python stdlib) I think it is fair to say that in practice unit tests typically do not have anywhere near the coverage of live data used during alpha and beta testing.
Indeed. We can consider all of these things as complementary: - doctests give us confidence that the documentation hasn't rotted; - unit tests give us confidence that corner cases are tested; - contracts give us confidence that regular and common cases are tested; - regression tests give us confidence that bugs aren't re-introduced; - smoke tests give us confidence that the software at least will run; - static type checking allows us to drop type checks from our unit tests and contracts; but of course there can be overlap. And that's perfectly fine. [...]
I'm curious. When you write a function or method, do you include input checks? Here's an example from the Python stdlib (docstring removed for brevity): # def insort_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): if lo < 0: raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative') if hi is None: hi = len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if x < a[mid]: hi = mid else: lo = mid+1 a.insert(lo, x) Do you consider that check for lo < 0 to be disruptive? How would you put that in a unit test? That check is effectively a pre-condition. Putting aside the question of which exception should be raised (AssertionError or ValueError), we could re-write that as a contract: def insort_right(a, x, lo=0, hi=None): require: lo >= 0 # implementation follows, as above if hi is None: hi = len(a) while lo < hi: mid = (lo+hi)//2 if x < a[mid]: hi = mid else: lo = mid+1 a.insert(lo, x) Do you consider that precondition check for lo >= to be disruptive? More or less disruptive than when it was in the body of the function implementation?
If you're worried about the cost of verifying your program does the right thing during testing and development, I think you're doing something wrong :-) If there are specific functions/classes where the tests are insanely expensive, that's one thing. I have some code that wants to verify that a number is prime as part of an informal post-condition check, but if it is a *big* prime that check is too costly so I skip it. But in general, if I'm testing or under active development, what do I care if the program takes 3 seconds to run instead of 2.5 seconds? Either way, its finished by the time I come back from making my coffee :-) But more seriously, fine, if a particular contract is too expensive to run, disable it or remove it and add some unit tests. And then your devs will complain that the unit tests are too slow, and stop running them, and that's why we can't have nice things... *wink* -- Steve

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 11:34 AM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
I still think it's a mixture. I write tests to also address "this really shouldn't happen" cases as well (often in a loop, or using a Nose class for scaffolding). There's some saying/joke about software testing along the lines of: For an argument that should be in range 1-100: try 50; try 1; try 100 try 101; try 0; try -1, try 3.14 try 1+1j; try the string "fish", try a null pointer; etc. Many of those oddball cases can easily be in a list of values to test in unit tests, but may be impossible or unlikely to make it to the function call in the normal/possible flow of the program.
I definitely put in checks like that. However, I might well write a test like: assert lo >= 0, "lo must be non-negative" That would allow disabling the check for production. However, I presume the stdlib does this for a reason; it presumably wants to allow callers to catch a specific exception. I haven't seen anything in the contract discussion that allows raising a particular exception when a contract is violated, only a general one for all contracts. The case of 'if hi is None' is different. It's remediation of a missing value where it's perfectly fine to impute an unspecified value. So that would be a poor contract. -- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On Mon, Oct 01, 2018 at 12:36:18PM -0400, David Mertz wrote:
Right. And for a *library*, you must handle out of range errors, because the library cannot trust the input passed to it by third parties. If a third party passes "fish" as an argument, that's not a bug in the library and the library cannot fix it, it should handle the error gracefully with a sensible error message. But for an *application*, the internal routines are completely under control of the one developer team. If an internal routine passes "fish", that's a bug that the dev team can and ought to fix. Once that bug is fixed, there's no need to check for "fish" in production code. Its a waste of time. (In principle at least -- it depends on how confident you or your QA team are that all the bugs are ironed out. Do you ship your apps with debugging turned off? Then you might ship with contract checking turned off, or at least dialled back to a lower level.) For an application, it doesn't matter if my function sets the computer on fire when passed the string "fish", if there is no way for the application to pass that string to the function. If it can't happen, it can't happen and there's no need to defend against it beyond a regression test. (Modulo comments about how confident you are about the software quality.) For a library, anyone can pass "fish" to anything, so you better handle it gracefully rather than setting the computer on fire. For application developers, the point of contracts is to make error conditions *impossible* rather than to just defend against them, so you can turn off the defensive error checking in production because they aren't needed.
For a library function, I would consider that an abuse of assert, since: (1) It raises the wrong exception (AssertionError); (2) It can be disabled; (3) And it sends the wrong message, telling the reader that lo is an internal implementation detail rather than part of the function's external API.
I think that the Eiffel philosophy is that all contract violations are assertion errors, but I'm not really confident in my understanding of Eiffel's exception mechanism. It doesn't have a generalised try...except statement like Python. If Python had contracts, I'd want to see: - by default, contract violations raise specific subclasses of AssertionError, e.g. RequireError, EnsureError; - but there ought to be a mechanism to allow specific errors to raise more specific exceptions. I haven't given any thought to that mechanism. It might simply be "the status quo" -- there's no reason why we *must* move defensive input checking into the (hypothetical) require block just because it is available. You can still write your test the old fashioned way in the body of the function and raise the exception of your choice.
Since the check for None is not error checking at all, I didn't talk about it or make it a precondition test. -- Steve

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 9:13 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
How many times have you written or seen a comment in code similar to "This can't possibly happen!!" ... Usually in response to a failed debugging attempt. It's really hard to understands all possible execution paths that might result from all possible inputs and program states. "Fail early and fail hard" is a good principle... And indeed one generally in a spirit compatible with DbC. Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. - Donald Knuth

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:10 PM Lee Braiden <> wrote:
It's the reason why type checking exists, and why bounds checking exists, and why unit checking exists too.
And yet Python has none of those. They all provide safety, but also place a burden on the developer. So why use Python? I’m not arguing that all those features don’t have their advantages, but I am wondering why add them all to Python, rather than using a language designed for safety? But Python has such a great ecosystem of packages! Yes, it does — but you might ask yourself why that is. All that being said — do go and make a nice DbC package for Python — maybe all us naysayers will grow to love it! But could we please stop cluttering this list with discussion of how great or not great it is? These meta-conversations are getting really tiresome. -CHB -- Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer Emergency Response Division NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 5:07 AM Chris Barker <> wrote:
Type checking? Depends on your definition. Since objects are typed, Python is safe against the old "I passed an integer when it expected an array" problem (which probably would result in a junk memory read, in C), whether the function's arguments are type-checked or not. And if you want actual type checking, that's available too, just not as part of the core language (and it has language support for its syntax). Bounds checking? Most definitely exists. If you try to subscript a string or list with a value greater than its length, you get an exception. Unit checking? If that's "unit testing", that's part of the standard library, so yes, that definitely exists in Python. ChrisA

Hi Chris, An extraordinary claim is like "DbC can improve *every single project*
I tried to give the "proof" (not a formal one, though) in my previous message. The assumptions are that: * There are always contracts, they can be either implicit or explicit. You need always to figure them out before you call a function or use its result. * Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard. * The are tools for formal contracts. * The contracts written in documentation as human text inevitably rot and they are much harder to maintain than automatically verified formal contracts. * The reader is familiar with formal statements, and hence reading formal statements is faster than reading the code or trial-and-error. I then went on to show why I think, under these assumptions, that formal contracts are superior as a documentation tool and hence beneficial. Do you think that any of these assumptions are wrong? Is there a hole in my logical reasoning presented in my previous message? I would be very grateful for any pointers! If these assumptions hold and there is no mistake in my reasoning, wouldn't that qualify as a proof? Cheers, Marko On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 21:43, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 2:47 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
(Formal proof isn't necessary here; we say "extraordinary proof", but it'd be more accurate to say "extraordinary evidence".)
The assumptions are that: * There are always contracts, they can be either implicit or explicit. You need always to figure them out before you call a function or use its result.
Not all code has such contracts. You could argue that code which does not is inferior to code which does, but not everything follows a strictly-definable pattern.
* Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard.
* The are tools for formal contracts.
That's the exact point you're trying to make, so it isn't evidence for itself. Tools for formal contracts exist as third party in Python, and if that were good enough for you, we wouldn't be discussing this. There are no such tools in the standard library or language that make formal contracts easy.
* The contracts written in documentation as human text inevitably rot and they are much harder to maintain than automatically verified formal contracts.
* The reader is familiar with formal statements, and hence reading formal statements is faster than reading the code or trial-and-error.
Disagreed. I would most certainly NOT assume that every reader knows any particular syntax for such contracts. However, this is a weaker point. So I'll give you two and two halves for that. Good enough to make do.
I then went on to show why I think, under these assumptions, that formal contracts are superior as a documentation tool and hence beneficial. Do you think that any of these assumptions are wrong? Is there a hole in my logical reasoning presented in my previous message? I would be very grateful for any pointers!
If these assumptions hold and there is no mistake in my reasoning, wouldn't that qualify as a proof?
It certainly qualifies as proof that SOME code MAY benefit from contracts. It does not reach the much higher bar to support the claim that "there are X projects on PyPI and every single one of them would benefit". For instance, would youtube-dl benefit from DbC? To most people, it's an application, not a library. Even if you're invoking it from within a Python script, it's usually easiest to use the main entrypoint rather than delve into its internals. Case in point: It's actually easier to shell out to a subprocess than to call on youtube-dl as a library. Would DbC benefit youtube-dl's internal functions? Maybe, but that's for the youtube-dl people to decide; it wouldn't in the slightest benefit my app. You might argue that a large proportion of PyPI projects will be "library-style" packages, where the main purpose is to export a bunch of functions. But even then, I'm not certain that they'd all benefit from DbC. Some would, and you've definitely made the case for that; but I'm still -0.5 on adding anything of the sort to the stdlib, as I don't yet see that *enough* projects would actually benefit. People have said the same thing about type checking, too. Would *every* project on PyPI benefit from MyPy's type checks? No. Syntax for them was added, not because EVERYONE should use them, but because SOME will use them, and it's worth having some language support. You would probably do better to argue along those lines than to try to claim that every single project ought to be using contracts. ChrisA

Hi Chris,
Well, you need to know what to supply to a function and what to expect, at least subconsciously. The question is just whether you can formulate these contracts or not; and whether you do or not.
The original objection was that DbC in general is not beneficial; not that there are lacking tools for it (this probably got lost in the many messages on this thread). If you assume that there are no suitable tools for DbC, then yes, DbC is certainly *not *beneficial to any project since using it will be clumsy and difficult. It's a chicken-and-egg problem, so we need to assume that there are good tools for DbC in order for it to be beneficial. Disagreed. I would most certainly NOT assume that every reader knows
any particular syntax for such contracts. However, this is a weaker point.
The contracts are written as boolean expressions. While I agree that many programmers have a hard time with boolean expressions and quantifiers, I don't see this as a blocker to DbC. There is no other special syntax for DbC unless we decide to add it to the core language (which I don't see as probable). What I would like to have is a standard library so that inter-library interactions based on contracts are possible and an ecosystem could emerge around it. Quite some people object that DbC should be rejected as their "average programmer Joe/Jane" can't deal with the formal expressions. Some readers have problems parsing "all(i > 0 for i in result) or len(result) < 3" and can only parse "All numbers in the result are positive and/or the result has fewer than 3 items". There are also programmers who have a hard time reading "all(key == value.some_property for key, value in result.items())" and could only read "The resulting values in the dictionary are keyed by their some_property attribute.". I hope that education in computer science is improving and that soon programmers will be able to read these formal expressions. I'm also not sure if that is the case for non-English speakers. Hence I assumed that the readers of the contracts are familiar with formal boolean expressions. If you assume that readers have hard time parsing quantifiers and boolean logic then DbC is again certainly not beneficial. It would make me sad if a feature is rejected on grounds that we have to accept that many programmers don't master the basics of computer science (which I consider the boolean expressions to be). You might argue that a large proportion of PyPI projects will be
Thanks for this clarification (and the download-yt example)! I actually only had packages-as-libraries in mind, not the executable scripts; my mistake. So, yes, "any Pypi package" should be reformulated to "any library on Pypi" (meant to be used by a wider audience than the developers themselves). People have said the same thing about type checking, too. Would
I totally agree. The discussion related to DbC in my mind always revolved around these use cases where type annotations are beneficial as well. Thanks for pointing that out and I'd like to apologize for the confusion! For the future discussion, let's focus on these use cases and please do ignore the rest. I'd still say that there is a plethora of libraries published on Pypi (Is there a way to find out the stats?). but I'm still -0.5 on adding anything of the sort to the stdlib, as I
don't yet see that *enough* projects would actually benefit.
Please see my previous message -- could you maybe say what would convince you that enough projects would actually benefit from formal contracts? Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 07:40, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 5:10 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
It's easy to say that they're boolean expressions. But that's like saying that unit tests are just a bunch of boolean expressions too. Why do we have lots of different forms of test, rather than just a big fat "assert this and this and this and this and this and this"? Because the key to unit testing is not "boolean expressions", it's a language that can usefully describe what it is we're testing. Contracts aren't just boolean expressions - they're a language (or a mini-language) that lets you define WHAT the contract entails.
Okay. Even with that qualification, though, I still think that not every library will benefit from this. For example, matplotlib's method guarantees that... a plot will be shown, and the user will have dismissed it, before it returns. Unless you're inside Jupyter/iPython, in which case it's different. Or if you're in certain other environments, in which case it's different again. How do you define the contract for something that is fundamentally interactive? You can define very weak contracts. For instance, input() guarantees that its return value is a string. Great! DbC doing the job of type annotations. Can you guarantee anything else about that string? Is there anything else useful that can be spelled easily?
I totally agree. The discussion related to DbC in my mind always revolved around these use cases where type annotations are beneficial as well. Thanks for pointing that out and I'd like to apologize for the confusion! For the future discussion, let's focus on these use cases and please do ignore the rest. I'd still say that there is a plethora of libraries published on Pypi (Is there a way to find out the stats?).
Ugh.... I would love to say "yes", but I can't. I guess maybe you could look at a bunch of requirements.txt files and see which things get dragged in that way? All you'll really get is heuristics at best, and even that, I don't know how to provide. Sorry. ChrisA

Hi Chris, It's easy to say that they're boolean expressions. But that's like
Sorry, I misunderstood you. You are probably referring to knowing the terms like "preconditions, postconditions, invariants, strengthening/weakening", right? In that case, yes, I agree, I presuppose that readers are familiar with the concepts of DbC. Otherwise, of course, it makes no sense to use DbC if you assume nobody could actually figure out what it is :). But that's not the objection that is made too often -- what I really read often is that DbC is not beneficial not because people are not familiar with or can learn DbC, but really because reading boolean expressions is hard. That is what I was referring to in my original message.
In this case, no, I would not add any formal contracts to the function. Not all contracts can be formulated, and not all contracts are even meaningful. I suppose interactive functions are indeed a case that it is not possible. If any string can be returned, than the contract is empty. However, contracts can be useful when testing the GUI -- often it is difficult to script the user behavior. What many people do is record a session and re-play it. If there is a bug, fix it. Then re-record. While writing unit tests for GUI is hard since GUI changes rapidly during development and scripting formally the user behavior is tedious, DbC might be an alternative where you specify as much as you can, and then just re-run through the session. This implies, of course, a human tester. Let me take a look at matplotlib show:**args*, ***kw*)[source] <> Display a figure. When running in ipython with its pylab mode, display all figures and return to the ipython prompt. In non-interactive mode, display all figures and block until the figures have been closed; in interactive mode it has no effect unless figures were created prior to a change from non-interactive to interactive mode (not recommended). In that case it displays the figures but does not block. A single experimental keyword argument, *block*, may be set to True or False to override the blocking behavior described above. Here are the contracts as a toy example; (I'm not familiar at all with the internals of matplotlib. I haven't spent much time really parsing and analyzing the docstring -- as I'll write below, it also confuses me since the docstring is not precise enough.) * If in ipython with its pylab mode, all figures should be displayed. * If in non-interactive mode, display all figures and block I'm actually confused with what they mean with:
If only they spelled that out as a contract :) "it has no effect": What does not have effect? The call to the function? Or the setting of some parameter? Or the order of the calls? "unless interactive mode": this would be actually really more readable as a formal contract. It would imply some refactoring to add a property when a figure was created (before or after the change to interactive mode from non-interactive mode). Right now, it's not very clear how you can test that even yourself as a caller. And what does "(not recommended)" mean? Prohibited? The blocking behavior and the corresponding argument is hard to parse from the description for me. Writing it as a contract would, IMO, be much more readable. Here is my try at the contracts. Assuming that there is a list of figures and that they have a property "displayed" and that "State.blocked" global variable refers to whether the interface is blocked or not:: @post(lambda: all(figure.displayed for figure in figures) @post(lambda: not ipython.in_pylab_mode() or not State.blocked) @post(lambda: not interactive() or State.blocked) The function that actually displays the figure could ensure that the "displayed" property of the figure is set and that the window associated with the figure is visible. Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 09:19, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 5:51 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Let's say you want to define a precondition and postcondition for this function: def fibber(n): return n < 2 ? n : fibber(n-1) + fibber(n-2) What would you specify? Can you say, as a postcondition, that the return value must be a Fibonacci number? Can you say that, for any 'n' greater than about 30, the CPU temperature will have risen? How do you describe those as boolean expressions? The art of the contract depends on being able to adequately define the conditions.
However, contracts can be useful when testing the GUI -- often it is difficult to script the user behavior. What many people do is record a session and re-play it. If there is a bug, fix it. Then re-record. While writing unit tests for GUI is hard since GUI changes rapidly during development and scripting formally the user behavior is tedious, DbC might be an alternative where you specify as much as you can, and then just re-run through the session. This implies, of course, a human tester.
That doesn't sound like the function's contract. That sounds like a test case - of which you would have multiple, using different "scripted session" inputs and different outputs (some of success, some of expected failure).
There is no such thing as "State.blocked". It blocks. The function *does not return* until the figure has been displayed, and dismissed. There's no way to recognize that inside the function's state. Contracts are great when every function is 100% deterministic and can maintain invariants and/or transform from one set of invariants to another. Contracts are far less clear when the definitions are muddier. ChrisA

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:37 PM Chris Angelico <> wrote:
Uhhhhhhhh.... def fibber(n): return n if n < 2 else fibber(n-1) + fibber(n-2) Let's, uhh, pretend that I didn't just mix languages there. For the original, we can say: @post(raises=ProgrammerFailedSanCheckError) ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
Indeed, this is what bothers me about DbC fanaticism. It seems to have been conceived by people thinking about very computer-sciency kinds of problems, e.g. you're implenenting a data structure which has certain important invariants that can be expressed mathematically, and code can be written that checks them reasonably efficiently. All very neat and self-contained. But a lot of real-world code isn't like that -- much of the time, the correctness of a piece of code can't be tested without reference to things outside that piece of code, or even outside of the program altogether. How would you write DbC contracts for a GUI, for example? Most of the postconditions consist of "an image looking something like this appears on the screen", where "this" is a very complicated function of the previous state of the system and the user's input. IMO, the reason DbC hasn't taken off is that it assumes an idealised model of what programming consists of that doesn't match reality well enough. -- Greg

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 06:41, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
Also, the implicit contracts code currently has are typically pretty loose. What you need to "figure out" is very general. Explicit contracts are typically demonstrated as being relatively strict, and figuring out and writing such contracts is more work than writing code with loose implicit contracts. Whether the trade-off of defining tight explicit contracts once vs inferring a loose implicit contract every time you call the function is worth it, depends on how often the function is called. For most single use (or infrequently used) functions, I'd argue that the trade-off *isn't* worth it. Here's a quick example from the pip codebase: # Retry every half second for up to 3 seconds @retry(stop_max_delay=3000, wait_fixed=500) def rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=False): shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, onerror=rmtree_errorhandler) What contract would you put on this code? The things I can think of: 1. dir is a directory: obvious from the name, not worth the runtime cost of checking as shutil.rmtree will do that and we don't want to duplicate work. 2. dir is a string: covered by type declarations, if we used them. No need for contracts 3. ignore_errors is a boolean: covered by type declarations. 4. dir should exist: Checked by shutil.rmtree, don't want to duplicate work. 5. After completion, dir won't exist. Obvious unless we have doubts about what shutil.rmtree does (but that would have a contract too). Also, we don't want the runtime overhead (again). In addition, adding those contracts to the code would expand it significantly, making readability suffer (as it is, rmtree is clearly a thin wrapper around shutil.rmtree).
* Figuring out contracts by trial-and-error and reading the code (the implementation or the test code) is time consuming and hard.
With provisos. Figuring out contracts in sufficient detail to use the code is *in many cases* simple. For harder cases, agreed. But that's why this is simply a proof that contracts *can* be useful, not that 100% of code would benefit from them.
Agreed, if contracts are automatically verified. But when runtime cost comes up, people suggest that contracts can be disabled in production code - which invalidates the "automatically verified" premise.
Depends on what "formal statement" means. If it means "short snippet of Python code", then yes, the reader will be familiar. But there's only so much you can do in a short snippet of Python, without calling out to other functions (which may or may not be "obvious" in their behavour) so whether it's easier to read a contract is somewhat in conflict with wanting strong contracts.
The argument above, if it's a valid demonstration that all code would benefit from contracts, would *also* imply that every function in the stdlib should have contracts added. Are you proposing that, too, and is your proposal not just for syntax for contracts, but *also* for wholesale addition of contracts to the stdlib? If so, you should be far more explicit that this is what you're proposing, because you'd likely get even more pushback over that sort of churn in the stdlib than over a syntax change to support contracts. Even Guido didn't push that far with type annotations...
Precisely. To answer the original question, "Why is design by contracts not widely adopted?" part of the answer is that I suspect extreme claims like this have put many people off, seeing design by contract as more of an evangelical stance than a practical tool. If it were promoted more as a potentially useful addition to the programmer's toolbox, and less of the solution to every problem, it may have gained more traction. (Similar issues are why people are skeptical of functional programming, and many other tools - even the "strong typing vs weak typing" debate can have a flavour of this "my proposal solves all the world's ills" attitude). Personally, I'm open to the benefits of design by contract. But if I need to buy into a whole philosophy to use it (or engage with its user community) I'll pass. Paul

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 6:36 PM Paul Moore <> wrote:
Even if they're only verified as a dedicated testing pass ("okay, let's run the unit tests, let's run the contract verifier, let's run the type checker, cool, we're good"), they're still better off than unchecked comments/documentation in terms of code rot. That said, though: the contract for a function and the documentation for the function are inextricably linked *already*, and if you let your API docs rot when you make changes that callers need to be aware of, you have failed your callers. Wholesale use of contracts would not remove the need for good documentation; what it might allow is easier version compatibility testing. It gives you a somewhat automated (or at least automatable) tool for checking if two similar libraries (eg version X.Y and version X.Y-1) are compatible with your code. That would be of some value, if it could be trusted; you could quickly run your code through a checker and say "hey, tell me what the oldest version of Python is that will run this", and get back a response without actually running a gigantic test suite - since it could check based on the *diffs* in the contracts rather than the contracts themselves. But that would require a lot of support, all up and down the stack. ChrisA

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 09:45, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
Absolutely. But if the contracts are checked at runtime, they are precisely as good as tests - they will flag violations *in any circumstances you check*. That's great, but nothing new. I understood that one of the benefits of contracts was that it would handle cases that you *forgot* to test - like assertions do, in essence - and would need to be active in production (again, like assertions, if we assume we've not explicitly chosen to run with assertions disabled) to get that benefit. There's certainly benefits for the "contracts as additional tests" viewpoint. But whenever that's proposed as what people understand by DbC, the response is "no, it's not like that at all". So going back to the "why isn't DbC more popular" question - because no-one can get a clear handle on whether they are "like tests" or "like assertions" or "something else" :-) Paul

Hi Chris and Paul, Let me please answer your messages in one go as they are related. Paul wrote:
Absolutely, I agree. If it's a single-use or infrequently used function that hardly anybody uses, it's not worth it. Moreover, if some contracts are harder to figure out than the implementation, then they are probably in most cases not worth the effort, too. Please mind that I said: any *library* would benefit from it, as in the users of any library on pipy would benefit from better, formal and more precise documentation. That doesn't imply that all the contracts need to be specified or that you have to specify the contract for *every *function, or that you omit the documentation altogether. Some contracts are simply too hard to get explicitly. Some are not meaningful even if you could write them down. Some you'd like to add, but run only at test time since too slow in production. Some run in production, but are not included in the documentation (*e.g., *to prevent the system to enter a bad state though it is not meaningful for the user to actually *read* that contract). Since contracts are formally written, they can be verified. Human text *can not*. Specifying all the contracts is in most cases *not *meaningful. In my day-to-day programming, I specify contracts on the fly and they help me express formally to the next girl/guy who will use my code what to expect or what not. That does not mean that s/he can just skip the documentation or that contracts describe fully what the function does. They merely help -- help him/her what arguments and results are expected. That *does not mean *that I fully specified all the predicates on the arguments and the result. It's merely a help à la * "Ah, this argument needs to be bigger than that argument!" * "Ah, the resulting dictionary is shorter than the input list!" * "Ah, the result does not include the input list" * "Ah, this function accepts only files (no directories) and relative paths!" * "Ah, I put the bounding box outside of the image -- something went wrong!" * "Ah, this method allows me to put the bounding box outside of the image and will fill all the outside pixels with black!" *etc.* For example, if I have an object detector operating on a region-of-interest and returning bounding boxes of the objects, the postconditions will not be: "all the bounding boxes are cars", that would impossible. But the postcondition might check that all the bounding boxes are within the region-of-interest or slightly outside, but not completely outside *etc.* Let's be careful not to make a straw-man here, *i.e. *to push DbC *ad absurdum *and then discard it that way. Also, the implicit contracts code currently has are typically pretty loose.
I don't believe such an approach would ever be pragmatical, *i.e. *automatic versioning based on the contracts. It might hint it (as a warning: you changed a contract, but did not bump the version), but relying solely on this mechanism to get the versioning would imply that you specified *all *the contracts. Though Bertrand might have always envisioned it as the best state of the world, even he himself repeatedly said that it's better to specify rather 10% than 0% contracts and 20% rather than 10% contracts. Chris wrote:
def fibber(n): return n if n < 2 else fibber(n-1) + fibber(n-2)
It depends who you are writing this function for -- for example, instead of the contract, why not just include the code implementation as the documentation? The only *meaningful* contract I could imagine: @pre n >= 0 Everything else would be just repetition of the function. If you implemented some optimized and complex fibber_optimized() function, then your contracts would probably look like: @pre n >= 0 @post (n < 2 ) or result == fibber_optimized(n-1) + fibber_optimized(n-2) @post not (n < 2) or result == n
Sorry, it has been ages that I used matplotlib. I thought it meant "blocking" as in "the drawing thread blocks". Since blocking basically means halting the execution-- then the contracts can't help. They are checked *before *and *after *the function executes. They can not solve the halting problem. For that you need formal methods (and I doubt that formal methods would ever work for matplotlib). The contracts *do not check *what happens *during *the execution of the function. They are not meant to do that. Even the invariants of the class are checked *before *and *after the call to public methods *(and the private methods are allowed to break them!). Please mind that this is actually not the argument pro/against the contracts -- you are discussing in this particular case a tool (different to DbC) which should test the behavior *during the execution *of a function. Chirs wrote:
Well, yes, you can view it as a testing technique; it assumes that scripting a session is often difficult for GUIs and sometimes harder (since combinatorial) than the implementation itself. What I saw people do is write the contracts, put the program in debug mode and let the human tester test it. Think of it as a random test where only checks are your pre/postconditions. The human annotator mimics a meaningful random walk and uses the application as s/he sees fit. I'm not championing this approach, just noting it here as a potential use case. There's certainly benefits for the "contracts as additional tests"
I think that it's a tool that you can use for many things: * verifiable documentation * deeper testing (every test case tests also other parts of the system, akin to asserts) * automatic test generation * hand-break akin to asserts I find the first one, verifiable documentation, to be the most useful one in working with my team at the moment. Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 10:59, Paul Moore <> wrote:

P.S. My offer still stands: I would be very glad to annotate with contracts a set of functions you deem representative (*e.g., *from a standard library or from some widely used library). Then we can discuss how these contracts. It would be an inaccurate estimate of the benefits of DbC in Python, but it's at least better than no estimate. We can have as little as 10 functions for the start. Hopefully a couple of other people would join, so then we can even see what the variance of contracts would look like. On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 14:40, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 13:43, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
P.S. My offer still stands: I would be very glad to annotate with contracts a set of functions you deem representative (e.g., from a standard library or from some widely used library). Then we can discuss how these contracts. It would be an inaccurate estimate of the benefits of DbC in Python, but it's at least better than no estimate. We can have as little as 10 functions for the start. Hopefully a couple of other people would join, so then we can even see what the variance of contracts would look like.
Our mails crossed in the ether, sorry. Pathlib. Paul

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 00:44, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
P.S. My offer still stands: I would be very glad to annotate with contracts a set of functions you deem representative (e.g., from a standard library or from some widely used library). Then we can discuss how these contracts. It would be an inaccurate estimate of the benefits of DbC in Python, but it's at least better than no estimate. We can have as little as 10 functions for the start. Hopefully a couple of other people would join, so then we can even see what the variance of contracts would look like.
i think requests would be a very interesting library to annotate. Just had a confused developer wondering why calling an API with, data={...some object dict here}) didn't work properly. (Solved by s/data/json), but perhaps illustrative of something this might help with? -Rob

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 8:53 AM Robert Collins <> wrote:
Not sure what you mean by not working; my suspicion is that it DID work, but didn't do what you thought it did (it would form-encode). Contracts wouldn't help there, because it's fully legal and correct. (Unless differs from, but I doubt that that'd be the case.) ChrisA

On Thu., 27 Sep. 2018, 11:00 Chris Angelico, <> wrote:
Giving post a data= results in form encoding, as you say. Giving it a json= results in json encoding. Works is a bit of a weasel word. The python code did not crash. However it did not perform as desired, either. And since that is pretty much the entire value proposition of DbC... it seems like a good case to dissect. (Unless differs from, but I doubt that
that'd be the case.)
It doesn't. Rob

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 9:22 AM Robert Collins <> wrote:
Okay, but what is the contract that's being violated when you use data= ? How would you define the contract that this would track? That's what I'm asking. ChrisA

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 10:07 AM Robert Collins <> wrote:
Exactly. It's the same problem as with trying to write contracts for matplotlib's - its job is fundamentally external, so you can't define preconditions and postconditions for it. This is one of the limitations of contracts, or at least that's my understanding. Maybe I can be proven wrong here? ChrisA

Chris Angelico writes:
The output is input to some other component. In production, that component would not be under your control, perhaps, but in testing it surely is. The contract would be associated with the other component, and it would be "my input is JSON". Alternatively, if "your" component is being used in a protocol that specifies JSON, the contract could be "what I post is JSON". Presumably that contract can't be checked in production, but in testing it could be. If the inputs to your component satisfy their contracts, but JSON isn't coming out, the problem is in your component. Ie, I don't see how DbC can diagnose *how* a component is broken, in general. It *can* localize the breakage, and provide some hints based on the particular contract that is "violated". I think this shows that in a broad class of cases, for existing code, DbC doesn't do much that a developer with a debugger (such as print() ;-) can't already do, and the developer can do it much more flexibly. However, getting meta, seems to be a pretty horrible API. You'd think this would either be session.post_json(..., data={...}) or, data={...}, format='json') with the former preferred (and deprecated in favor of session.form_encoded; I guess you could also use the latter and require the 'format' argument). How would this help in the DbC context? Your server (if you own it), or your mock server in the test suite, will complain that its contract "my input is JSON" is being violated, because it's explicitly an entry condition, your programmer looks at the component that's supposed to produce JSON, sees "form_encoded" either in the function name or the format argument's value, and the likelihood of confusion is small. The contribution of DbC here is not in the contract itself, but in the discipline of thinking "how would I write this contract so that its violation would point me to the coding error?", which leads to refactoring the 'post' method. Is DbC better than the server doing "assert is_valid_json(input)"? That too works best with the suggested refactoring. Evidently it's not better, but there are things that assert can't do. For example, the server might incrementally parse the JSON, yielding useful subobjects as you go along. Then you can't just assert is_valid_json at the beginning of the response generator; you need to do this at the server level. A DbC toolkit would presumably provide a way to decorate the server with try: server.accept_json_object() except JSONParseError as e: report_contract_violation(e) This is, of course, all imaginary, and I have no idea whether it would work as suggested in practice. It will be interesting to me to see, not only Marko's contracts in a DbC-ized module, but also places where he demands refactoring so that an *informative* contract can be written. Steve

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 13:40, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Whoops, I think the rules changed under me again :-( Are we talking here about coding explicit executable contracts in the source code of the library, or using (formally described in terms of (pseudo-)code) contract-style descriptions in the documentation, or simply using the ideas of contract-based thinking in designing and writing code?
For example, if I have an object detector operating on a region-of-interest and returning bounding boxes of the objects, the postconditions will not be: "all the bounding boxes are cars", that would impossible. But the postcondition might check that all the bounding boxes are within the region-of-interest or slightly outside, but not completely outside etc.
I understand that you have to pick an appropriate level of strictness when writing contracts. That's not ever been in question (at least in my mind).
Let's be careful not to make a straw-man here, i.e. to push DbC ad absurdum and then discard it that way.
I'm not trying to push DbC to that point. What I *am* trying to do is make it clear that your arguments (and in particular the fact that you keep insisting that "everything" can benefit) are absurd. If you'd tone back on the extreme claims (as Chris has also asked) then you'd be more likely to get people interested. This is why (as you originally asked) DbC is not more popular - its proponents don't seem to be able to accept that it might not be the solution to every problem. Python users are typically fairly practical, and think in terms of "if it helps in this situation, I'll use it". Expecting them to embrace an argument that demands they accept it applies to *everything* is likely to meet with resistance. You didn't address my question "does this apply to the stdlib"? If it doesn't, your argument has a huge hole - how did you decide that the solution you're describing as "beneficial to all libraries" doesn't improve the stdlib? If it does, then why not demonstrate your case? Give concrete examples - look at some module in the stdlib (for example, pathlib) and show exactly what contracts you'd add to the code, what the result would look like to the library user (who normally doesn't read the source code) and to the core dev (who does). Remember that pathlib (like all of the stdlib) doesn't use type annotations, and that is a *deliberate* choice, mandated by Guido when he first introduced type annotations. So you're not allowed to add contracts like "arg1 is a string", nor are you allowed to say that the lack of type annotations makes the exercise useless. I think I've probably said all I can usefully say here. If you do write up a DbC-enhanced pathlib, I'll be interested in seeing it and may well have more to say as a result. If not, I think I'm just going to file your arguments as "not proven". Paul

Hi Paul, Are we talking here about coding explicit executable contracts in the
The current implementation of icontract uses decorators to decorate the functions and classes (and metaclasses to support inheritance of contracts). You have an "enabled" flag which you can set on/off if you want to disable the contract in some situations. We are talking about the explicit executable contracts :). You didn't address my question "does this apply to the stdlib"? If it
Sorry, I missed that point; the messages are getting long :) Yes, the contracts would make sense in stdlib as well, I'd say. @Chris Angelico <> would annotating pathlib convince you that contracts are useful? Is it general enough to start with? On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 14:58, Paul Moore <> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 11:04 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
@Chris Angelico would annotating pathlib convince you that contracts are useful? Is it general enough to start with?
I won't promise it'll convince me, but it'll certainly be a starting-point for real discussion. Also, it's a fairly coherent "library-style" module - a nice warm-up. So, when you're ready for a REAL challenge, annotate tkinter :) Actually, annotating the builtins might be worth doing too. Either instead of or after pathlib. ChrisA

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 14:04, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
@Chris Angelico would annotating pathlib convince you that contracts are useful? Is it general enough to start with?
Whoa - be careful here. No-one is saying that "contracts aren't useful" (at least not that I'd heard). We're saying that contracts *aren't a solution for every library in existence* (which was essentially your claim). Annotating pathlib can't convince anyone of that claim. At best (and this is all that I'm imagining) it might give some indication of why you have such an apparently-unreasonable level of confidence in contracts. I do not expect *ever* to believe you when you say that all projects would benefit from contracts. What I might get from such an exercise is a better understanding of what you're imagining when you talk about a real project "using contracts". Best case scenario - I might be persuaded to use them occasionally. Worst case scenario - I find them distracting and unhelpful, and we agree to differ on their value. Paul

Hi Paul, Quite a few people replied on this thread and the previous one before the fork that dbc is either useless in Python or at best useful in avionics/niche applications. I'm really only saying that contracts are a superior (complementary) tool to informal documentation, doctests, reading the implementation, reading the tests and trial-and-error. For every library that have the contracts which can be written down formally in a pragmatic way, and when the users of the library are multiple -- then these libraries would benefit from dbc. That's all that I'm saying and it might have come over as arrogant due to limits of the medium. It was not my intention to sound so. I'll have a look at pathlib then. Cheers, Marko Le mer. 26 sept. 2018 à 15:15, Paul Moore <> a écrit :

Chris Angelico wrote:
Yes, I find that documentation auto-generated from code is usually a poor substitute for human-written documentation. Dumping your formally-written contracts into the docs makes the reader reverse-engineer them to figure out what the programmer was really trying to say. Which do you find easier to grok at a glance: all(L[i] <= L[i+1] for i in range(len(L) - 1)) or # The list is now sorted -- Greg

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 3:31 PM Greg Ewing <> wrote:
Well, with that particular example, you're capitalizing on the known meaning of the English word "sorted". So to be fair, you should do the same in Python: postcondition: L == sorted(L) This would be inappropriate for an actual sorting function, but let's say you're altering the value of an item in a sorted list, and shifting it within that list to get it to the new position, or something like that.python-ideas <> But yes, in general I do agree: it's frequently cleaner to use an English word than to craft a Python equivalent. ChrisA

Paul Moore writes:
Note that that is not what Marko wrote: he wrote that 100% of projects on PyPI would benefit. Like others, I'd like to see at least a before/after on *one* whole project (that's not tiny, so it has several meaningful APIs and several calls for at least a few of them), to see *how much* of that project actually benefits, and how much of that benefit derives from "more sophisticated than assert" DbC tech. For now, I think the whole thread is technically speaking off-topic, though. Let's stipulate that DbC is a valuable technology that Python programmers should have available. (1) Why is it so valuable that it needs to be in the distribution? We already have asserts for the simplest cases. Won't PyPI do for the full-blown Meyer-style implementation? Development discussion for that implementation should take place on GitHub[1] or a similar channel, IMO. (2) We don't have an implementation to include, or if you like there are many PoCs, and there's no good reason to suppose that there will be consensus on the candidate for inclusion in this decade. Again, development discussions for those implementations should take place on GitHub before coming here to discuss (a) which is best for the stdlib, (b) whether it's good enough, and (c) whether it's needed in the stdlib at all. Is there a clear, leading candidate that could be proposed "soon", icontracts maybe? (3) The syntaxes proposed so far require inelegant constructs, like lambdas or strs, so that decorator arguments can be evaluated lazily. Lazy evaluation of arguments is something that newcomers often want after being burned by "def foo(l=[]):". But there are at least two plausible ways to handle this. One is like Lisp macros: "defmacro mfoo(not, one, of, its, args, is, evaluated)". Another would be a marker for args to be returned unevalled: "def foo(eval_me, eval_me_not: unevalled, eval_me_too)".[2] Thus, unevalled arguments *may* be a plausible syntax change that would help support DbC as well as other possibly desirable use cases, but we have no proposal to discuss. Do we? I'm not yet suggesting that this thread *should* be terminated here (and that's not to avoid charges of hypocrisy as I post to other subthreads ;-). But I think we should be continuously aware of the three questions I posed above. Footnotes: [1] Personally, I'd prefer it be GitLab. :-) [2] Yes, I'm teasing the type annotations folks, I doubt this syntax will fly.

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 12:49 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
I have to admit that I haven't kept up with the discussion today, but I was also hoping to see some proof. I'm genuinely interested in seeing if this is something that can help me and the teams I work with. I was very interested in DbC a long time ago, but never found a way to make it valuable to me. I'd like to see a project from PyPI converted to use DbC. This would make it easy to see the real world difference between an implementation developed using DbC compared to one that is well documented, tested and maybe even includes type hints. Toy or cherry-picked examples don't help me get a feel for it. -- david stanek web: twitter: linkedin:

Hi David, I'm writing contracts for pathlib as a proof-of-concept. See pypackagery for an example of a project on pypi that uses contracts: The docs with contracts are available at: Mind that the interface to icontract might change soon so I'd wait a month or two before it stabilizes. Cheers, Marko Le mer. 26 sept. 2018 à 20:12, David Stanek <> a écrit :

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 05:40:45AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
As per my previous email, I think the extraordinary claim is that there exists even a single project which wouldn't benefit from at least one contract. Honestly, you sound almost like somebody saying "Projects would benefit from getting an automated test suite? Ridiculous!" But to give you a charitable interpretation, I'll grant that given the cost to benefit ratio of code churn, human effort, refactoring etc, it is certainly possible that adding contracts to some especially mature and high-quality projects, or quick-and-dirty low-quality projects where nobody cares about bugs, would cost more than the benefit gained. There's benefit, but not *nett* benefit. That goes especially for Python code since the available interfaces for contracts are so poor. But that's why we're talking about this on Python-Ideas. I just wish we didn't have to fight so hard to justify the very idea of contracts themselves. That's like having to justify the idea of test suites, documentation and error checking. -- Steve

Steven D'Aprano writes:
I just wish we didn't have to fight so hard to justify the very idea of contracts themselves.
You don't. You need to justify putting them in the stdlib. That's a pretty high bar. And as crappy as the contracts in Marko's pathlib rewrite look to me, I suspect you'll need syntactic support (eg, for "implies", see my post replying to Marko). If people want checking in production where reasonable (seems to be one of the nice things about contracts), you'll probably want a language change to support that syntax efficiently, which is usually a prohibitively high bar.

On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 05:19, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Hi Robert,
Chris already addressed this.
I tried to show that DbC is a great tool and far superior to any other tools currently used to document contracts in a library, please see my message Let me re-use the enumeration I used in the message and give you a short summary.
So you can also: 0) Write clear documentation e.g. just document the method without doctests. You can write doctests in example documentation, or even in unit tests if desired: having use cases be tested is often valuable.
I would say that contracts *are* a formal method. They are machine interpretable rules about when the function may be called and about what it may do and how it must leave things. The critique I offer of DbC in a Python context is the same as for other formal methods: is the benefit worth the overhead. If you're writing a rocket controller, Python might not be the best language for it.
Any function that is used by multiple developers which operates on the restricted range of input values and gives out structured output values benefits from contracts (1) since the user of the function needs to figure them out to properly call the function and handle its results correctly. I assume that every package on pypi is published to be used by wider audience, and not the developer herself. Hence every package on pypi would benefit from formal contracts.
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there may be differences between practice and theory :). Less opaquely, you're using a model to try and extrapolate human behaviour. This is not an easy thing to do, and you are very likely to be missing factors. For instance, perhaps training affects perceived benefits. Perhaps a lack of experimental data affects uptake in more data driven groups. Perhaps increased friction in changing systems is felt to be a negative. And crucially, perhaps some of these things are true. As previously mentioned, Python has wonderful libraries; does it have more per developer than languages with DbC built in? If so then that might speak to developer productivity without these formal contracts: it may be that where the risks of failure are below the threshold that formal methods are needed, that we're better off with the tradeoff Python makes today.
Some predicates are hard to formulate, and we will never be able to formally write down all the contracts. But that doesn't imply for me to not use contracts at all (analogously, some functionality is untestable, but that doesn't mean that we don't test what we can).
I would be very grateful if you could point me where this exposition is wrong (maybe referring to my original message,, which I spent more thought on formulating).
I think the underlying problem is that you're treating this as a logic problem (what does logic say applies here), rather than an engineering problem (what can we measure and what does it tell us about whats going on). At least, thats how it appears to me.
So far, I was not confronted against nor read on the internet a plausible argument against formal contracts (the only two exceptions being lack of tools and less-skilled programmers have a hard time reading formal statements as soon as they include boolean logic and quantifiers). I'm actively working on the former, and hope that the latter would improve with time as education in computer sciences improves.
Another argument, which I did read often on internet, but don't really count is that quality software is not a priority and most projects hence dispense of documentation or testing. This should, hopefully, not apply to public pypi packages and is highly impractical for any medium-size project with multiple developers (and very costly in the long run).
I have looked for but could not find any studies into the developer productivity (and correctness) tradeoffs that DbC creates, other than stuff from 20 years ago which by its age clearly cannot contrast with modern Python/Ruby/Rust etc. Consider this: the goal of software development is to deliver features, at some level of correctness. One very useful measure of productivity then is a measure of how long it takes a given team to produce those features at that level of correctness. If DbC reduces the time it takes to get those features, it is increasing productivity. If it increases the time it takes to get those features, it is decreasing productivity, *even if it increases correctness*. Being more correct than needed is not beneficial much of the time. Does DbC deliver higher productivity @ a given correctness level? I don't know - thats why I went looking for research, but I couldn't find any (I may have missed it of course, I'd be happy to read some citations). I'm specifically looking for empirical data here, not extrapolation or rationalisations.
I don't see how type system would help regardless how strict it would be? Unless each input and each output represent a special type, which would be super confusing as soon as you would put them in the containers and have to struggle with invariance, contravariance and covariance. Please see for a discussion about introducing DbC to Rust. Unfortunately, the discussion about contracts in Rust is also based on misconceptions (e.g., see -- there seems to be something wrong in the way anybody proposing DbC exposes contracts to the wider audience and miss to address these issues in a good way. So most people just react instinctively with "80% already covered with type systems" / "mere runtime type checks, use assert" and "that's only an extension to testing, so why bother" :(.
I would now like to answer Hugh and withdraw from the discussion pro/contra formal contracts unless there is a rational, logical argument disputing the DbC in its entirety (not in one of its specific aspects or as a misconception/straw-man). A lot has been already said, many articles have been written (I linked some of the pages which I thought were short & good reads and I would gladly supply more reading material). I doubt I can find a better way to contribute to the discussion.
Sure; like I said, I think the fundamental question about DbC is actually whether it helps: a) all programs b) all nontrivial programs c) high assurance programs My suspicion, for which I have only anecdata, is that its really in c) today. Kindof where TDD was in the early 2000's (and as I understand the research, its been shown to be a wash: you do get more tests than test-last or test-during, and more tests is correlated with quality and ease of evolution, but if you add that test coverage in test-during or test-last, you end up with the same benefits). -Rob

Robert Collins writes:
Pure gold. I'm glad your name is "Robert Collins", or I would have skipped the post and just muted the thread.
That's a pretty big deal though, if it means the shop doesn't need The Big Nurse to prod you to write more tests.
"No Silver Bullet." QED I think Watts Humphrey should have titled his classic, "Any Discipline for Software Engineering", and subtitled it "'Whatever' Works, as Long as You Actually Do It".[1] All of his books on the practice of software engineering really do say that, by the way. He recommends *starting* with *his* way because it worked for him and many students, so you can just follow the cookbook until "actually doing" becomes natural. Then change to doing what comes more naturally to you. Footnotes: [1] Fred Brooks would have done that, I think. Humphrey was way too stuffy to do that. :-)

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 08:01:28PM +1200, Robert Collins wrote:
This is not a scientific paper, or an edited book. Its an email forum, and communication is not always as precise as it could be. We should read such statements charitably, not literally and pedantically. But having said that... would it be an "extraordinary claim" to state that all 150K projects on PyPI would benefit with better documentation, tests or error checking? I don't think so. I think it would be extraordinary to claim that there was even a single project that *wouldn't* benefit from at least one such patch. I'd like to see this glorious example of software perfection, and bow down in awe to its author. Contracts combine error checking, documentation and testing all in one. Ergo, if a project would benefit from any of those things, it would benefit from a contract. Anticipating an objection: like tests and documentation and error checking, contracts do not need to be "all or nothing". A contract can be incomplete and still provide benefit. We can add contracts incrementally. Even a single pre- or post-condition check is better than no check at all. So I'm with Marko here: every project on PyPI would, in principle, benefit from some contracts. I say in principle only because in practice, the available APIs for adding contracts to Python code are so clunky that the cost of contracts are excessive. We're paying a syntax tax on contracts which blows the cost all out of proportion. Just as languages like Java pay a syntax tax on static typing (compared to languages like ML and Haskell with type inference and few declarations needed), and languages like COBOL have a syntax tax on, well, everything.
So long as my editor lets me collapse the contract blocks, I don't need to read them unless I want to. And automatically generated documentation always tends towards the verbose. Just look at the output of help() in the Python REPL. We learn to skim, and dig deeper only when needed.
Indeed. A lot of things which could be preconditions in Python would be type-checks in Eiffel. With gradual typing and type annotations, we could move some pre-condition and post-condition checks into the type checker. (Static typing is another thing which doesn't need to be "all or nothing".)
Anyhow, the thing I value most about python is its pithyness: its extremely compact, allowing great developer efficiency,
None of that changes. The beauty of contracts is that you can have as many or as few as make sense for each specific class or function, or for that matter each project. If your project is sufficiently lightweight and the cost of bugs is small enough, you might not bother with tests or error checking, or contracts. -- Steve

I use DbC occasionally to clarify my thoughts during a refactoring, and then only in the places that continue to make mistakes. In general, I am not in a domain that benefits from DbC. Contracts are code: More code means more bugs. Declarative contracts are succinct, but difficult to debug when wrong; I believe this because the debugger support for contracts is poor; There is no way to step through the logic and see the intermediate reasoning in complex contracts. A contract is an incomplete duplication of what the code already does: at some level of complexity I prefer to use a duplicate independent implementation and compare inputs/outputs. Writing contracts cost time and money; and that cost should be weighed against the number and flexibility of the customers that use the code. A one-time script, a webapp for you team, an Android app for your startup, fraud software, and Facebook make different accounting decisions. I contend most code projects can not justify DbC. On 2018-09-24 03:46, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann wrote:
There are other ways to communicate how a method works. 6) The name of the method 7) How the method is called throughout the codebase 8) observing input and output values during debugging 9) observing input and output values in production 10) relying on convention inside, and outside, the application 11) Don't communicate - Sometimes <complexity>/<num_customers> is too high; code is not repaired, only replaced.
This contract does not help me: Does it work on Windows? What is_absolute()? is "file:///" absolute? How does this code fail? What does a permission access problem look like? Can initial_paths can be None? Can initial_paths be files? directories? What are the side effects? resolve_initial_path() is a piece code is better understood by looking at the callers (#7), or not exposing it publicly (#11). You can also use a different set of abstractions, to make the code easier to read: UNION(file for p in initial_paths for file in p.leaves() if file.extension=="py") At a high level, I can see the allure of DbC: Programming can be a craft, and a person can derive deep personal satisfaction from perfecting the code they work on. DbC provides you with more decoration, more elaboration, more ornamentation, more control. This is not bad, but I see all your arguments as personal ascetic sense. DbC is only appealing under certain accounting rules. Please consider the possibility that "the best code" is: low $$$, buggy, full of tangles, and mostly gets the job done. :)

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 7:59 AM Kyle Lahnakoski <> wrote:
I use DbC occasionally to clarify my thoughts during a refactoring, and then only in the places that continue to make mistakes. In general, I am not in a domain that benefits from DbC.
Contracts are code: More code means more bugs.
Contracts are executable documentation. If you can lift them directly into user-readable documentation (and by "user" here I mean the user of a library), they can save you the work of keeping your documentation accurate.
This contract does not help me:
What is_absolute()? is "file:///" absolute?
I'd have to assume that is_absolute() is defined elsewhere. Which means that the value of this contract depends entirely on having other functions, probably ALSO contractually-defined, to explain it.
How does this code fail? What does a permission access problem look like?
Probably an exception. This is Python code, and I would generally assume that problems are reported as exceptions.
Can initial_paths can be None?
This can be answered from the type declaration. It doesn't say Optional, so no, it can't be None.
Can initial_paths be files? directories?
Presumably not a question you'd get if you were actually using it; the point of the function is to "[r]esolve the initial paths of the dependency graph by recursively adding *.py files beneath given directories", so you'd call it because you have directories and want files back.
What are the side effects?
Hopefully none, other than the normal implications of hitting the file system. It's easy to show beautiful examples that may actually depend on other things. Whether that's representative of all contracts is another question. ChrisA

Hi Chris, It's easy to show beautiful examples that may actually depend on other
things. Whether that's representative of all contracts is another question.
I agree. There are also many contracts which are simply too hard to write down formally. But many are also easily captured in formal manner in my experience. The question is, of course, how many and you make a fair point there. @Chris and others requesting data: my time is way too limited to provide a large-scale code analysis of many pypi packages (family obligations with a toddler, 9-6 job). I'm not doing research, and such a study would require substantial time resources. Is there an alternative request that you think that I (and other volunteers?) could accomplish in a reasonable (free) time? Maybe you could compile a list of 100-200 (or even less) functions from representative modules and I try to annotate them with contracts and we see if that's convincing? It's up to you to pick representative functions and up to me to annotate them with contracts. That would diffuse the argument that I intentionally picked the functions whose contracts are easily and nice to annotate. Cheers, Marko On Wed, 26 Sep 2018 at 01:20, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

Hi Kyle, 6) The name of the method
7) How the method is called throughout the codebase
10) relying on convention inside, and outside, the application
Sorry, by formulating 2) as "docstring" I excluded names of the methods as well as variables. Please assume that 2) actually entails those as well. They are human text and hence not automatically verifiable, hence qualify as 2). 8) observing input and output values during debugging
9) observing input and output values in production
Sorry, again I implicitly subsumed 8-9 under 4), reading the implementation code (including the trial-and-error). My assumption was that it is incomparably more costly to apply trial-and-error than read the contracts given that contracts can be formulated. Of course, not all contracts can be formulated all the time. 11) Don't communicate - Sometimes <complexity>/<num_customers> is too high;
code is not repaired, only replaced.
I don't see this as an option for any publicly available, high-quality module on pypi or in any organization. As I already noted in my message to Hugh, the argument in favor of* undocumented and/or untested code* are not the arguments. I assume we want a *maintainable* and *usable* modules. I've never talked about undocumented throw-away exploratory code. Most of the Python features become futile in that case (type annotations and static type checking with mypy, to name only the few). Does it work on Windows?
This is probably impossible to write as a contract, but needs to be tested (though maybe there is a way to check it and encapsulate the check in a separate function and put it into the contract). What is_absolute()? is "file:///" absolute?
Since the type is pathlib.Path (as written in the type annotation), it's pathlib.Path.is_absolute() method. Please see At a high level, I can see the allure of DbC: Programming can be a craft,
Actually, this goes totally contrary to most of my experience. Bad code is unmaintainable and ends up being much more costly down the line. It's also what we were taught in software engineering lectures in the university (some 10-15 years ago) and I always assumed that the studies presented there were correct. Saying that writing down contracts is costly is a straw-man. It is costly if you need to examine the function and write them down. If you *are writing *the function and just keep adding the contracts as-you-go, it's basically very little overhead cost. You make an assumption of the input, and instead of just coding on, you scroll up, write it down formally, and go back where you stopped and continue the implementation. Or you think for a minute what contracts your function needs to expect/satisfy before you start writing it (or during the design). I don't see how this can be less efficient than trial-and-error and making possibly wrong assumptions based on the output that you see without any documentation by running the code of the module. Cheers, Marko On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 23:59, Kyle Lahnakoski <> wrote:

I'm not sure what to do with the repeated assurance that that various things "are obvious." It really is NOT the case that me, or Paul Moore, or Hugh Fisher, or Greg Ewing are simply too simple minded to understand what DbC is. The off-putting evangelical quality around DbC is something like the similar evangelical insistence that OOP solves all problems that one tended to hear in the late-1980s to mid-1990s especially. The fact that no one can quite pin down just *what* this special quality of DbC is doesn't help... the reality is that they really ARE NOT much different from assertions, in either practice or theory. Actually, the evangelical OOP thing connects with the evangelical DbC. One of the "advantages" of DbC is often stated as support for inheritance. But the truth is, I hardly ever use inheritance in my code, or at most very shallow inheritance in ways where invariants are mostly not preserved. My use of OOP in Python is basically mixins plus magic methods... and no, it's not because I don't understand OOP (I wrote, for example, some of the most widely read papers on metaclass programming in Python, and designed and wrote about making a—toy, admittedly—method resolution order and OOP system for R; my frequent co-author wrote the canonical paper on C3 linearization, in which I'm acknowledged for my edits, but am not an author). I also wrote an article or two about DbC in Python in the early 2000s. None of this is very new. On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 3:47 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Greg Ewing, Chris Angelica, and Paul Moore make the point very well that MOST code is simply not the sort of thing that is amenable to having contracts. What one needs to state is either Turing complete or trivially reducible to type declarations. Or the behavior is duck typed loosely enough that it can do the right thing without being able to specify the pre- and post-conditions more precisely than "do what this function does." Very often, that looseness is simply NOT a problem, and is part of what makes Python flexible and successful. *Contracts are difficult to read.*
The documentation you show below is definitely beautiful I guess that's generated by your Sphinx enhancement, right? There are similar systems for pulling things out of docstrings that follow conventions, but there's a small incremental value in making them live tests at the same time. But reading the end-user documentation is not the *reading* I'm talking about. The reading I mean is looking at the actual source code files. Stating all the invariants you want code to follow makes the definitions of functions/methods longer and more cognitive effort to parse. A ten line function body is likely to be accompanied by 15 lines of invariants that one can state about hopes for the function behavior. That's not always bad... but it's definitely not always good. This is why unit tests are often much better, organizationally. The function definitions can remain relatively concise and clean because most of the time when you are reading or modifying them you don't WANT to think about those precise contracts. Sure, maybe some tool support like folding of contracts could make the burden less; but not less than putting them in entirely separate files. Most of the time, I'd like to look at the simplest expression of the code possible. Then on a different day, or with a different set of eyes, I can look at the completely distinct file that has arbitrarily many unit tests to check invariants I'd like functions to maintain. Yes, the issues are a little bit different in classes and nested hierarchies... but like I said, I never write those, and tend not to like code that does.
It's not much work to add `import icontract` of course. But *writing contracts* is a lot of work. Usually they work best only for pure functions, and only for ones that deal with rather complex data structures (flat is better than nested). In Python, you usually simply do not have to think about the issues that contracts guard against.
Again, this evangelical spirit to "burn the heretics" really isn't going to win folks over. No one replying here is ignorant. We all do not see any "silver bullet" in DbC that you advocate. It's a moderately useful style that I wouldn't object to using if a codebase style guide demanded it. But it's rarely the tool I would reach for on my own. I just find it easier to understand and use a combination of assertions and unit tests. Neither is *exactly* the same thing as DbC, but it's pretty darn close in practice. And no, my hesitance isn't because I don't understand boolean logic. I've also studied a bit of graduate logic and model theory in a long ago life. Yours, David... -- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

David Mertz wrote:
the reality is that they really ARE NOT much different from assertions, in either practice or theory.
Seems to me that assertions is exactly what they are. Eiffel just provides some syntactic sugar for dealing with inheritance, etc. You can get the same effect in present-day Python if you're willing to write the appropriate code. -- Greg

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 08:03, Greg Ewing <> wrote:
Assertions, as far as I can see, are the underlying low level *mechanism* that contracts would use. Just like they are the low level mechanism behind unit tests (yeah, it's really exceptions, but close enough). But like unit tests, contracts seem to me to be a philosophy and a library / programming technique layered on top of that base. The problem seems to me to be that DbC proponents tend to evangelise the philosophy, and ignore requests to show the implementation (often pointing to Eiffel as an "example" rather than offering something appropriate to the language at hand). IMO, people don't tend to emphasise the "D" in DbC enough - it's a *design* approach, and more useful in that context than as a programming construct. For me, the philosophy seems like a reasonable way of thinking, but pretty old hat (I learned about invariants and pre-/post-conditions and their advantages for design when coding in PL/1 in the 1980's, about the same time as I was learning Jackson Structured Programming). I don't think in terms of contracts as often as I should - but it's unit tests that make me remember to do so. Would a dedicated "contracts" library help? Probably not much, but maybe (if it were lightweight enough) I could get used to the idea. Like David, I find that having contracts inline is the biggest problem with them. I try to keep my function definitions short, and contracts can easily add 100% overhead in terms of lines of code. I'd much prefer contracts to be in a separate file. (Which is basically what unit tests written with DbC as a principle in mind would be). If I have a function definition that's long enough to benefit from contracts, I'd usually think "I should refactor this" rather than "I should add contracts". Paul

Hi Paul, I only had a contracts library in mind (standardized so that different modules with contracts can interact and that the ecosystem for automic testing could emerge). I was never thinking about the philosophy or design methodology (where you write _all_ the contracts first and then have the implementation fulfill them). I should have clarified that more. I personally also don't think that such a methodology is practical. I really see contracts as verifiable docs that rot less fast than human text and are formally precise / less unambiguous than human text. Other aspects such as deeper tests and hand-braking (e.g., as postconditions which can't be practically implemented in python without exit stack context manager) are also nice to have. I should be done with pathlib contracts by tonight if I manage to find some spare time in the evening. Cheers, Marko Le jeu. 27 sept. 2018 à 10:43, Paul Moore <> a écrit :

Hi, I annotated pathlib with contracts: I zipped the HTML docs into, you can just unpack and view the index.html. One thing I did observe was that there were contracts written in text all over the documentation -- I tried to formulate most of them in code. Since I'm not the implementer nor very familiar with the module, please consider that many of these contracts can be definitely made more beautiful. There were some limitations to icontract-sphinx extension and icontracts which I noted at the top of the document. (Note also that I had to rename the file to avoid import conflicts.) Some of the contracts might seem trivial -- but mind that you, as a writer, want to tell the user what s/he is expected to fulfill before calling the function. For example, if you say: rmdir() Remove this directory. The directory must be empty. Requires: - not list(self.iterdir()) (??? There must be a way to check this more optimally) - self.is_dir() self.is_dir() contract might seem trivial -- but it's actually not. You actually want to convey the message: dear user, if you are iterating through a list of paths, use this function to decide if you should call rmdir() or unlink(). Analogously with the first contract: dear user, please check if the directory is empty before calling rmdir() and this is what you need to call to actually check that. I also finally assembled the puzzle. Most of you folks are all older and were exposed to DbC in the 80ies championed by DbC zealots who advertised it as *the *tool for software development. You were repulsed by their fanaticism -- the zealots also pushed for all the contracts to be defined, and none less. Either you have 100% DbC or no sane software development at all. I, on the other side, were introduced to DbC in university much later -- Betrand held most of our software engineering lectures (including introduction to programming which was in Eiffel ;)). I started going to uni in 2004; by that time there was no fanaticism about DbC around -- not even by Bertrand himself. We were taught to use it just as yet another tool in our toolbox along unit testing and formal proofs. Not as a substitute for unit testing! Just as yet another instrument for correctness. There was no 100% DbC -- and we did quite some realistic school projects such as a backend for a flight-booking website in Eiffel (with contracts ;)). I remember that we got minus points if you wrote something in the documentation that could have been easily formalized. But nobody pushed for all the contracts; everybody was pragmatic. Nobody didn't even think about proposing to abolish unit testing and staff all the tests in the contracts to be smoke-tested. While you read my proposals in the light of these 80ies style DbC proponents, I think always only about a much more minor thing: a simple tool to make *some part* of the documentation verifiable. One lesson that I learned from all these courses was to what degree our understandings (especially among non-native speakers) differ. Even simple statements such as "x must be positive" can mean x > 0 and x >= 0 to different people. For me it became obvious that "x > 0" is clearer than "x must be positive" -- and this is that "obvious" which I always refer in my posts on this list. If a statement can not be formalized easily and introduces confusion, that's a different pair of shoes. But if it can -- why shouldn't you formalize it? I still can't wrap my head around the idea that it's not obvious that you should take the formal version over the informal version *if both are equally readable*, but one is far less unambiguous. It feels natural to me that if you want to kick out one, kick out the more ambiguous informal one. What's the point of all the maths if the informal languages just do as well? And that's why I said that the libraries on pypi meant to be used by multiple people and which already have type annotations would obviously benefit from contracts -- while you were imagining that all of these libraries need to be DbC'ed 100%, I was imagining something much more humble. Thus the misunderstanding. After annotating pathlib, I find that it actually needs contracts more thain if it had type annotations. For example: stat() Return the result of the stat() system call on this path, like os.stat() does. Ensures: - result is not None ⇒ self.exists() - result is not None ⇒ os.stat(str(self)).__dict__ == result.__dict__ (??? This is probably not what it was meant with ‘like os.stat() does’?) But what does it mean "like os.stat() does"? I wrote equality over __dict__'s in the contract. That was my idea of what the implementer was trying to tell me. But is that the operator that should be applied? Sure, the contract merits a description. But without it, how am I supposed to know what "like" means? Similarly with rmdir() -- "the directory must be empty" -- but how exactly am I supposed to check that? Anyhow, please have a look at the contracts and let me know what you think. Please consider it an illustration. Try to question whether the contracts I wrote are so obvious to everybody even if they are obvious to you and keep in mind that the user does not look into the implementation. And please try to abstract away the aesthetics: neither icontract library that I wrote nor the sphinx extension are of sufficient quality. We use them for our company code base, but they still need a lot of polishing. So please try to focus only on the content. We are still talking about contracts in general, not about the concrete contract implementation. Cheers, Marko On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 11:37, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 02:24, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Thanks, for doing this! It's probably not going to result in the reaction you hoped for (see below) but I appreciate you taking the time to do it. Some of the contracts might seem trivial -- but mind that you, as a writer,
The problem (IMO) with both of these is precisely that they are written as Python expressions. Your prose descriptions of what they mean are fine, and *those* are what I would hope to see in documentation. This is far more obvious in later examples, where the code needed to check certain conditions is extremely unclear unless you spend time trying to interpret it.
Well, yes, but your claims were *precisely* the same as those I saw back then. "All projects on PyPI would benefit", "the benefits are obvious", ... As I said, DbC is a reasonable methodology, but the reason it's not more widely used is (in the first instance) because it has a *marketing* problem. Solving that with more of the same style of marketing won't help. Once you get beyond the marketing, there are *still* questions (see above and below), but if you can't even get people past the first step, you've lost.
No, I was imagining that some libraries were small, some were used by small, specialised groups, and some were immensely successful without DbC. So claiming that they would "obviously" benefit is a very strong claim.
Isn't that the whole point? The prose statement "the directory must be empty" is clear. But the exact code check isn't - and may be best handled by a series of unit tests, rather than a precondition. Anyhow, please have a look at the contracts and let me know what you think.
The thing that you didn't discuss in the above was the effect on the source code. Looking at your modified sources, I found it *significantly* harder to read your annotated version than the original. Basically every function and class was cluttered with irrelevant[1] conditions, which obscured the logic and the basic meaning of the code. [1] Irrelevant in terms of the flow of the code - I appreciate that there's value in checking preconditions in the broader sense. It's like all error handling and similar - there's a balance to be had between "normal behaviour" and handling of exceptional cases. And I feel that the contracts tip that balance too far towards making exceptional cases the focus. So ultimately this example has probably persuaded me that I *don't* want to add contract checking, except in very specific cases where the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. It's very subjective, though, so I'm fine if other people feel differently. Paul

I like this discussion. I'd like to add another theme, namely what should happen when there is an error. (This is prompted by race hazards when performing file system operations.) Suppose fn_a() calls fn_b(), and fn_b() raises an exception. What then should fn_a() do? It may be that this exception has left part or all of the system in an inconsistent (invalid) state. At this level of abstraction, it's not possible to sensibly answer this question. Sometimes the whole system should be stopped. Other times, an invalidation of an object is enough. And sometimes, a rollback of the transaction is what's wanted. Here's a well-known example (overflow exception in Ariane 5), which to me shows that these problems can be very hard to get right. According to wikipedia (above) this failure resulted in "the first example of large-scale static code analysis by abstract interpretation". I expect that in some situations design-by-contract will help here, by encouraging a focus on providing a more complete specification of behaviour. It would be good to have some real-life Python examples. I'd afraid I don't have any (although I've looked either). -- Jonathan

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 7:29 PM Jonathan Fine <> wrote:
That's why try/finally exists. You shouldn't have to worry about contracts for that. (Similarly, context managers, which are a way of wrapping up try/finally into a convenient package.) ChrisA

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 10:37, Chris Angelico <> wrote:
However, a contract would need to be able to express "Returns a fully initialised widget or raises a BrokenWidget exception". Unit tests do this sort of thing all the time. Paul

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018, 4:38 AM Paul Moore <> wrote:
My reaction was just the same as Paul's. I read the modified source, and found that the invariant declarations made it *dramatically* harder to read. The ratio was almost exactly as I characterized in a recent note: 15 lines of pre/post-conditions on a 10 like function. Like Paul, I understand the documentation and testing value of these, but they were highly disruptive to the readability of the functions themselves. As a result of reading the example, I'd be somewhat less likely to use a DbC library, and much more strongly opposed to having one in the standards library (and aghast at the idea of dedicated syntax)

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 11:25 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
You do a lot of contracts that involve is_absolute and other checks. But the postcondition on is_absolute merely says: not result or self.root != "" (Also: I'm not sure, but I think maybe that should be _root?? Leaving that aside.) So I'm not sure how much you can really ascertain about absolute paths. You guarantee that is_absolute will return something plausible, but unless you guarantee that it's returning the correct value, depending on it for your preconditions seems dubious. A buggy is_absolute could break basically everything, and your contracts wouldn't notice. It is still fundamentally difficult to make assertions about the file system as pre/post contracts. Are you becoming aware of this? Contracts, as has been stated multiple times, look great for mathematically pure functions that have no state outside of their own parameters and return values (and 'self', where applicable), but are just poor versions of unit tests when there's anything external to consider. ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
It is still fundamentally difficult to make assertions about the file system as pre/post contracts.
When you consider race conditions, I'd say it's impossible. A postcondition check involving the file system could fail even if the function does its job perfectly. -- Greg

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 7:19 AM Greg Ewing <> wrote:
I guess that depends on the meaning of "contract". If it means "there is a guarantee that this is true after this function returns", then yes, the race condition means it's impossible. But as a part of the function's declared intent, it's fine to have a postcondition of "the directory will be empty" even though something could drop a file into it. But if it's the latter... contracts are just a different way of defining unit tests.... and we're right back where we started. ChrisA

Chris Angelico wrote:
If you only intend the contract to serve as documentation, I suppose that's okay, but it means you can't turn on runtime checking of contracts, otherwise your program could suffer spurious failures. -- Greg

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 12:30:45PM +1200, Greg Ewing wrote:
If your code can cope with a particular file system state ("directory isn't empty") then you don't need to specify it as a precondition. If it can't cope, then it isn't a spurious failure, its a real failure. You either get an error when the condition is checked, up front, or you get an error in the middle of processing the directory. Of course for many things (especially file system operations) you need to be prepared to handle I/O errors *even if the precondition passed*. So what? That hasn't changed, and nobody said that contracts were a cure for Time Of Check To Time Of Use bugs. Contracts are a tool to help developers write better code, not a magic wand. You still need to write your code in a way which isn't vulnerable to TOCTTOU failures, contracts or not. Anticipating an objection: why bother with the precondition check if the code has to handle an error anyway? Because it is better to get an upfront error than an error halfway through processing. In general you get a better, more informative error message, closer to the place where it matters, if you fail fast. Yes yes yes, in theory you might have a precondition requirement which would fail up front but resolve itself before it matters: directory not empty start running your program precondition check fails ... later directory is emptied by another process your program actually needs to use the empty directory but do you really think it is good practice to design your code on the basis of that? Better to write your code conservatively: if the directory isn't empty up front, don't hope it will empty itself, fail fast, but be prepared to handle the error case as well. -- Steve

On 9/28/18 8:12 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
At the risk of pedantry (on a Python list? I'm *shocked*): I call BS on any contract that requires on entry or guarantees on exit the state of the file system. At best, a function can guarantee that it will make (or made) a request to the OS, and that the OS returned "success" before the function continued. Then again, a function that guarantees to work in a particular way based on some condition of the file system would be okay. For example, a function might claim to create a temporary file with some content *if* some directory exists when the function tries to create the temporary file. But as I think both of you are claiming, the best that function can guarantee on exit is that it asked the OS to write to the file, and that the OS agreed to do so. The function cannot guarantee that the file or the content still exists when the function finally returns.

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 9:25 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
I had missed this comment, but this seems to be the biggest disconnect, or talking past each other. I'm a user of many libraries. I USUALLY look at the implementation when in doubt about a function. If contracts are meant only for users who don't look at code, the detrimental effect on code readability is mitigated. The other place I look, if not the actual implementation, is at the docstring. I don't remember if icontracts patches the docstring when it decorates a function. If not, that would be very helpful. I agree that all the Sphinx documentation examples shown are very nice. Prose descriptions would often be nicer still, but the Boolean expressions are helpful for those unusual cases where I don't want to look at the code.

On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 13:23, David Mertz <> wrote:
I agree that all the Sphinx documentation examples shown are very nice. Prose descriptions would often be nicer still, but the Boolean expressions are helpful for those unusual cases where I don't want to look at the code.
I'm ambivalent about the Sphinx examples. I find the highly detailed code needed to express a condition fairly unreadable (and I'm an experienced Python programmer). For example @pre(lambda args, result: not any(Path(arg).is_absolute() for arg in args) or (result == [pth for arg in args for pth in [Path(arg)] if pth.is_absolute()][-1]), "When several absolute paths are given, the last is taken as an anchor (mimicking os.path.join()’s behaviour)") The only way I'd read that is by looking at the summary text - I'd never get the sense of what was going on from the code alone. There's clearly a number of trade-offs going on here: * Conditions should be short, to avoid clutter * Writing helper functions that are *only* used in conditions is more code to test or get wrong * Sometimes it's just plain hard to express a verbal constraint in code * Marko isn't that familiar with the codebase, so there may be better ways to express certain things But given that *all* the examples I've seen of contracts have this issue (difficult to read expressions) I suspect the problem is inherent. Another thing that I haven't yet seen clearly explained. How do these contracts get *run*? Are they checked on every call to the function, even in production code? Is there a means to turn them off? What's the runtime overhead of a "turned off" contract (even if it's just an if-test per condition, that can still add up)? And what happens if a contract fails - is it an exception/traceback (which is often unacceptable in production code such as services)? The lack of any clear feel for the cost of adding contracts is part of what makes people reluctant to use them (particularly in the face of the unfortunately still common assertion that "Python is slow" :-() Paul

Hi, (Posting from work, so sorry for the short response.) @Paul Moore <> icontract.pre/post/inv have the enabled argument; if not enabled, the contract is ignored. Similarly with rmdir() -- "the directory must be empty" -- but how exactly
I meant "check" as a user, not as a developer. As in "What did the implementer think -- how am I supposed to check that the directory is empty?" A la: "Dear user, if you want to rmdir, here is what you need to check that it is indeed a dir, and here is what you need to check that it is empty. If both checks pass, run me." @David patching __doc__ automatically is on the short-term todo list. I suppose we'll just add sphinx directives (:requires:, :ensures: etc.) * Marko isn't that familiar with the codebase, so there may be better
ways to express certain things
This is true :) * Sometimes it's just plain hard to express a verbal constraint in code
In these cases you simply don't express it in code. Why would you? If it's complex code, possibility that you have an error is probably equal or higher than that your comment rots. @pre(lambda args, result: not any(Path(arg).is_absolute() for arg in args)
I'm really not familiar with the code base nor with how to write stuff nice and succinct in python. This particular contract was hard to define because there were no last() and no arg_is_absolute() functions. Otherwise, it would have read: @pre(lambda args, result: not any(arg_is_absolute(arg) for arg in args) or result == Path(last(arg for arg in args if arg_is_absolute(arg))) When rendered, this wouldn't look too bad to read. @Chris
I never thought of these particular contracts as running in the production. I would set them to run only in testing and only on part of the tests where they are safe from race conditions (e.g., setting enabled=test_pathlib.SERIAL; toggling mechanism is something I haven't spent too much thought about either and would also need to be discussed/implemented.). I really thought about them as documentation, not for correctness (or at best deeper tests during the testing in a "safe" local environment, for example when you want to check if all the contracts also hold on situations in *my *testsuite, not only during the test suite of pathlib). In the end, I'm calling it the day. I really got tired in the last few days. Standardizing contracts for python is not worth the pain. We'll continue to develop icontract for our internal needs and keep it open source, so anybody who's interested can have a look. Thank you all for a very lively discussions! Cheers, Marko On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 at 14:49, Paul Moore <> wrote:

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 01:49:01PM +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
This is no different from any other refactoring. If you have a function that checks its input: def spam(arg): if condition(arg) and other_condition(arg) or alt_condition(arg): raise ValueError and refactor it to a helper: def invalid(arg): return condition(arg) and other_condition(arg) or alt_condition(arg) def spam(arg): if invalid(arg): raise ValueError how is that a bad thing just because we call it a "precondition" instead of calling it "error checking"? Of course we don't necessarily want the proliferation of masses and masses of tiny helper functions, but nor should we fear them. Helpers should carry their own weight, and if they do, we should use them. Whether they are used for contracts or not makes zero difference.
* Sometimes it's just plain hard to express a verbal constraint in code
Indeed. People seem to be arguing against some strawman of "Design By Contract is a magic bullet that solves every imaginable problem". Of course it doesn't. Some constraints are too hard to specify as code. Okay, then don't do that. DbC isn't "all or nothing". If you can't write a contract for something, don't. You still get value from the contracts you do write. [...]
Are you specifically talking about *Python* examples? Or contracts in general? I don't know Eiffel very well, but I find this easy to read and understand (almost as easy as Python). The trickiest thing is the implicit "self". put (x: ELEMENT; key: STRING) is -- Insert x so that it will be retrievable through key. require count <= capacity not key.empty do ... Some insertion algorithm ... ensure has (x) item (key) = x count = old count + 1 end Here are a couple of examples from Cobra: def fraction( numer as int, denom as int) as float require numer > 0 denom <> 0 body ... def bumpState( incr as int) as int require incr > 0 ensure result >= incr .state = old.state + incr body .state += incr return .state If you find them difficult to read, I don't know what to say :-)
Another thing that I haven't yet seen clearly explained. How do these contracts get *run*? Are they checked on every call to the function,
Yes, that's the point of them. In development they're always on. Every time you run your dev code, it tests itself.
even in production code?
That's up to you, but typical practice is to check pre-conditions (your input) but not post-conditions (your output) in production.
Other languages may offer different options, but in Eiffel, contracts checking can be set to: no: assertions have no run-time effect. require: monitor preconditions only, on routine entry. ensure: preconditions on entry, postconditions on exit. invariant: same as ensure, plus class invariant on both entry and exit for qualified calls. all: same as invariant, plus check instructions, loop invariants and loop variants. You can set the checking level globally, or class-by-class. The default is to check only preconditions. That is, for methods to validate their inputs. Quoting from the Eiffel docs: When releasing the final version of a system, it is usually appropriate to turn off assertion monitoring, or bring it down to the ``require`` level. The exact policy depends on the circumstances; it is a trade off between efficiency considerations, the potential cost of mistakes, and how much the developers and quality assurance team trust the product. When developing the software, however, you should always assume -- to avoid loosening your guard -- that in the end monitoring will be turned off. The intention for Python would be similar: - we ought to be able disable contract checking globally; - and preferrably on a case-by-case basis; - a disabled contact ought to be like a disabled assertion, that is, completely gone with no runtime effect at all; - but due to the nature of Python's execution model, there will probably be some (small) overhead at the time the function is created, but not when the function is called. Of course the overhead will depend on the implementation.
What happens when any piece of error checking code fails and raises an exception? In the case of Python, a failed contract would be an exception. What you do with the exception is up to you. The *intention* is that a failed contract is a bug, so what you *ought to do* is fix the bug. But you could catch it, retry the operation, restart the service, or whatever. That's worth repeating: *contracts aren't for testing end-user input* but for checking internal program state. A failed contract ought to be considered a bug. Any *expected error state* (such as a missing file, or bad user input, or a network outage) shouldn't be treated as a contract. -- Steve

On 2018-09-28 05:23, David Mertz wrote:
I agree with you that this seems to be a major disconnect in the discussion here. However, on the issue itself, I quite agree with Marko that it is *much* more important for the documentation to be readable than for the function to be readable. I too read the source of functions sometimes, and whenever I find myself having to do so, I grouse at the authors of whatever libraries I'm using for not making the documentation more clear. Ideally, no user should *ever* have to read the function source code, because the documentation should make it completely clear how to use the function without knowing *anything* about how it is implemented. Of course, this ideal will never be achieved, but I think it's something to aim towards, and the idea that adding a few lines of DbC decorators makes the source code too cluttered seems quite incorrect to me. I glanced through the source code and didn't find it hard to read at all. The contracts are all cleanly separated from the function bodies because they're in decorators up front. I'm frankly quite baffled that other people on this thread find that hard to read. The problem with reading the source code is that you can't tell what parts of the behavior are specified and which are implementation details. The appeal of something like DbC is that it encourages (some might say painfully forces) programmers to be very explicit about what behavior they want to guarantee. Whether writing these guarantees as Python expressions is better than writing them as prose is another matter. Personally I do see some value in the modifications that Marko made to pathlib. In a sense, writing "documentation as Python code" is like annotating the source code to mark which specific parts of the implementation are guarantees and which may be implementation details. I think there is significant value in knowing precisely what an API allows, in an explicit and verifiable form such as that provided by DbC, rather than using human language, which is much less precise, can leave room for misinterpretation, and, perhaps most importantly, is harder to verify automatically. Ultimately, I'm firmly of the opinion that, in publicly distributed code, the function *IS* its documentation, not its source code. When a function's actual behavior conflicts with its documented behavior, that is a bug. When meaningful aspects of a functions behavior are not specified in the documentation, that is also a bug. These may be bugs in the documentation or in the behavior, but either way the point is that reading the source code is not an acceptable substitute for making the documentation a complete and self-sufficient vehicle for total understanding of the function's behavior. It doesn't matter if the function behaves as the author intended; it only matters if it behaves as documented. -- Brendan Barnwell "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail." --author unknown

Many editors highlight decorators in a different color that makes it easier to ignore and can also fold decorators. Contracts can also sometimes actively improve the flow of code. I personally find a formal contract easier to read than informal documentation. It also reduces the times where you need to spend time figuring out if documentation actually accurate and up to date

Marko Ristin-Kaufmann writes:
I annotated pathlib with contracts: I zipped the HTML docs
Thank your for completing this task so quickly. I'm sorry, but I didn't find it convincing. I'll leave others to discuss the docs, as they are clearly "proof of concept" and I expect will be improved greatly. Part of the problem is the style of contracts, which can probably be improved with syntactic support. For example, the many double negatives of the form "not (not (X)) or Y". I guess the idea is to express all implications "X implies Y" in the equivalent form "not X or Y". I tried a few in the form "Y if X else True" but didn't find that persuasive. I also found the lambdas annoying. I conclude that there's good reason to prefer the style where the condition is expressed as a str, and eval'ed by the contract machinery. This would get rid of the lambdas, and allow writing a contract parser so you could write implications in a more natural form. I haven't tried rewriting that way, and of course, I don't have a parser to actually run stuff.
- not list(self.iterdir()) (??? There must be a way to check this more optimally)
You might define a function like this: def is_empty_dir(d): for _ in os.scandir(d): return False return True or the function could catch the StopIteration from next() directly (but I think that's considered bad style). I don't think there's any way to do this without a function call. Note that the implementation of iterdir calls os.listdir, so this function isn't necessarily much more efficient than "not list(self.iterdir())". (I'm pretty sure that in this case the iterator keeps a copy of the list internally, and listification probably involves object creation overhead, a memory allocation and a machine-language block copy.) I'm not sure whether scandir is any better. And I don't know how big a directory needs to be before the overhead of function call and exception handling become great enough to make it worthwhile.
I don't understand this logic. I don't think I'd be looking at random contracts for individual to learn how to handle filesystem objects. I'd be more likely to do this kind of thing in most of my code: def rmtree(path: Path) -> None: try: path.unlink() except PermissionError: for p in path.iterdir(): rmtree(p) path.rmdir() I wrote all of that without being a Path user and without checking docs. (I cheated on PermissionError by testing in the interpreter, I'd probably just use Exception if I didn't have an interpreter to hand already.) Note that this function is incorrect: PermissionError could occur because I don't have write permission on the parent directory. I also don't learn anything about PermissionError from your code, so your contract is incomplete. *DbC is just not a guarantee of anything* -- if there's a guarantee, it derives from the quality of the development organization that uses DbC.
Please don't make statements that require mind-reading. You do not know that (I for example am 60, and have *heard of* design-by-contract before but this is the first time I've seen it *seriously proposed for use* or implementation in any project I participate in). More important, several posters have explained why they don't see a need for DbC in Python. Two common themes are proliferation of conditions making both code and documentation hard to read, and already using methods of similar power such as TDD or other systems using unit tests. It's bad form to discount such explicit statements.
No, the misunderstanding is caused by your wording and by your lack of attention to the costs of writing contracts. Criticizing yourself is a much more effective strategy: you can control your words, but not how others understand them. Your best bet is to choose words that are hard to misunderstand.
Similarly with rmdir() -- "the directory must be empty" -- but how exactly am I supposed to check that?
There's no reason to suppose the contract is a good place to look for that. "not list(path.iterdir())" is the obvious and easy-to-read test (but in your style, a nonempty condition would be "not not list(path.iterdir()", which is not not not the way to do it in code ;-). But this may not be efficient for "large enough" directories. However, if contracts are expected to be disabled in production code, there's strong reason to write readable rather than efficient code for contracts. Please trim unneeded text. Fixed it for you this time.

On 9/24/2018 3:46 AM, Marko Ristin-Kaufmann wrote: I am responding to your request "Please do point me to what is not obvious to you". I think some of your claims are not only not obvious, but are wrong. I have read some (probably less than half) of the responses and avoid saying what I know others have covered adequately. A mathematical function is defined or specified by a input domain, output range, and a mapping from inputs to outputs. The mapping can be defined either by an explicit listing of input-output pairs or by a rule specifying either a) the process, what is done to inputs to produce outputs or, b) the result, how the output relates to the input. defines contracts as "precise (legally unambiguous) specifications" (5.2 Business Contracting/Sub-contracting Metaphor) It is not obvious to me that the metaphor of contracts adds anything worthwhile to the idea of 'function'. 1. Only a small sliver of human interactions are governed by formal legal contracts read, understood, and agreed to by both (all) parties. 2. The idealized definition is naive in practice. Most legal contracts, unlike the example in the link article, are written in language that most people cannot read. Many contracts are imprecise and legally ambiguous, which is why we have contract dispute courts. And even then, the expense means that most people who feel violated in a transaction do not use courts. Post-conditions specify a function by result. I claim that this is not always sensible. I said above that functions may be specified by process rather than result. Ironically, the contract metaphor reinforces my claim. Many contracts, such as in teaching and medicine, only specify process and explicitly disclaim any particular result of concern to the client.
b)//If you write contracts in text, they will become stale over time
Not true for good docstrings. We very seldom change the essential meaning of public functions. How has "Return the sine of x (measured in radians).", for math.sin, become stale? Why would it ever? What formal executable post condition would help someone who does not understand 'sine', or 'sine of x'? The function is only useful for someone who either understands 'sine' or is copying a formula written elsewhere without needing to understand it. Or consider "Stable sort *IN PLACE*." for list.sort. A formal executable post-condition for this *can* be written. But for someone who understands the words 'stable', 'sort', and 'in place', this compact English post condition is much more readable than any formal version could be. More over, that addition of 'stable', when we were ready to do so, did not make "Sort *IN PLACE*" stale in any sense of being wrong. I said above that functions definitions and contracts can specify the process rather than the result. For functions, the code is the process, and the code may then be the specification and the contract. For instance, def append_first(seq): "Append seq[0] to seq." So seq must have a first element accessed as seq[0] and an append method that accepts the first element as an argument. One might guess the minimal body. return seq.append(seq[0]) The pre-condition here is that the return value can be calculated as specified. Whenever this is true, python is already testing pre-conditions, as efficiently as possible. We could elaborate the body as try: return seq.append(seq[0]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('raised ' + repr(e)[0]) and add 'Raise ValueError with explanation on bad input' to the doc string. If the domain were restricted to lists, we could write a post-condition, and use that in a list-based unittest. However, it likely be less readable than the docstring, and would execute in O(n) time (for an O(1) function). The latter is acceptable for unittests, which will use short tests, but not for production. But with duck-typing, no post condition is possible. Neither is a generic unittest. The code *is* the contract. This is generally true of duck-typed Python code. -- Terry Jan Reedy

Hi Terry, I would encourage you to read all the messages on the thread. The points you raised were actually already discussed: * Using formal contracts in the code does not imply that you must specify *all* the contracts; you specify what you consider meaningful. * Distinction of result/process (the example that was already discussed was related to GUIs and pathlib standard library)
In my team, we have a stale docstring once every two weeks or even more often. If it weren't for doctests and contracts, I could imagine we would have them even more often :) I suppose good docstrings require many reviewers and slow refactoring processes. Our public interfaces are changing daily and there is one reviewer per pull request. If github/bitbucket allowed for better highlighting of docstrings in code reviews (*e.g., *if it highlighted the docstring of every function that changed), the miss rate would be probably lower. I'm always happy to hear other experiences how people dealt with requirements changing at a fast pace and how they dealt with code rot in a team of limited size and time resources. I agree with you that a good docstring is not stale by definition. I have just never experienced a team that had good docstrings in my career. Cheers, Marko On Sun, 7 Oct 2018 at 22:25, Terry Reedy <> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 4:26 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
In other words, you change the *public interface* of your functions all the time? How do you not have massive breakage all the time? ChrisA

Hi Chris, In other words, you change the *public interface* of your functions
all the time? How do you not have massive breakage all the time?
I suppose that Pycharm helps the most with its refactoring tools. We use type annotations, contracts, static checks (mypy, pylint, pydocstyle) and unit, integration and end-to-end tests, so actually unexpected breakages in production are not that frequent. What does happen often, though, is that documentation gets stale. Cheers, Marko On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 07:29, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 04:29:34PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
"At Resolver we've found it useful to short-circuit any doubt and just refer to comments in code as 'lies'. " --Michael Foord paraphrases Christian Muirhead on python-dev, 2009-03-22
I can't comment about Marko's actual use-case, but *in general* contracts are aimed at application *internal* interfaces, not so much library *public* interfaces. That's not to say that contracts can't be used for libraries at all, but they're not so useful for public interfaces that could be called by arbitrary third-parties. They are more useful for internal interfaces, where you don't break anyone's code but your own if you change the API. Think about it this way: you probably wouldn't hesitate much to change the interface of a _private method or function, aside from discussing it with your dev team. Sure it will break some code, but you have tests to identify the breakage, and maybe refactoring tools to help. And of course the contracts themselves are de facto tests. Such changes are manageable. And since its a private function, nobody outside of your team need care. Same with contracts. (At least in the ideal case.) -- Steve

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 9:26 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Yet we keep having use-cases shown to us involving one person with one module, and another person with another module, and the interaction between the two. Which way is it? Do the contracts change frequently or not? Are they public or not? How are we supposed to understand the point of contracts if the use-cases being shown all involve bad code and/or bad coding practices? Contracts, apparently, allow people to violate versioning expectations and feel good about it. (Am I really exaggerating all that much here?) ChrisA

Hi Crhis,
Sorry, I might have misunderstood the question -- I was referring to modules used within the company, not outside. Of course, public libraries put on pypi don't change their interfaces weekly. Just to clear the confusion, both Steve and I would claim that the contracts do count as part of the interface. For everything internal, we make changes frequently (including the interface) and more often than not, the docstring is not updated when the implementation of the function is. Contracts help our team catch breaking changes more easily. When we change the behavior of the function, we use "Find usage" in Pycharm, fix manually what we can obviously see that was affected by the changed implementation, then statically check with mypy that the changed return type did not affect the callers, and contracts (of other functions!) catch some of the bugs during testing that we missed when we changed the implementation. End-to-end test with testing contracts turned off catch some more bugs on the real data, and then it goes into production where hopefully we see no errors. Cheers, Marko On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 12:32, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 09:32:23PM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
Do we? I haven't noticed anything that matches that description, although I admit I haven't read every single post in these threads religiously. But "application" != "one module" or "one developer". I fail to see the contradiction. An application can be split over dozens of modules, written by teams of developers. Whether one or a dozen modules, it still has no public interface that third-party code can call. It is *all* internal. Obviously if you are using contracts in public library code, the way you will manage them is different from the way you would manage them if you are using them for private or internal code. That's no different from (say) docstrings and doctests: there are implied stability promises for those in *some* functions (the public ones) but not *other* functions (the private ones). Of course some devs don't believe in stability promises, and treat all APIs as unstable. So what? That has nothing to do with contracts. People can "move fast and break everything" in any programming style they like.
Which way is it? Do the contracts change frequently or not?
"Mu." They change as frequently as you, the developer writing them, chooses to change them. Just like your tests, your type annotations, your doc strings, and every other part of your code.
Are they public or not?
That's up to you. Contracts were originally designed for application development, where the concept of "public" versus "private" is meaningless. The philosophy of DbC is always going to be biased towards that mind-set. Nevertheless, people can choose to use them for library code where there is a meaningful distinction. If they do so, then how they choose to manage the contracts is up to them. If you want to make a contract a public part of the interface, then you can (but that would rule out disabling that specific contract, at least for pre-conditions). If you only want to use it for internal interfaces, you can do that too. If you want to mix and match and make some contracts internal and some public, there is no DbC Police to tell you that you can't.
How are we supposed to understand the point of contracts
You could start by reading the explanations given on the Eiffel page, which I've linked to about a bazillion times. Then you could read about another bazillion blog posts and discussions that describe it (some pro, some con, some mixed). And you can read the Wikipedia page that shows how DbC is supported natively by at least 17 languages (not just Eiffel) and via libraries in at least 15 others. Not just new experimental languages, but old, established and conservative languages like Java, C and Ada. There are heaps of discussions on DbC on Stackoverflow: and a good page on wiki.c2: TIL: Pre- and postconditions were first supported natively Barbara Liskov's CLU in the 1970s. This is not some "weird bizarre Eiffel thing", as people seem to believe. If it hasn't quite gone mainstream, it is surely at least as common as functional programming style. It has been around for over forty years in one way or another, not four weeks, and is a standard, well-established if minority programming style and development process. Of course it is always valid to debate the pros and cons of DbC versus other development paradigms, but questioning the very basis of DbC as people here keep doing is as ludicrous and annoying as questioning the basis of OOP or FP or TDD would be. Just as functional programming is a paradigm that says (among other things) "no side effects", "no global variables holding state" etc, and we can choose to apply that paradigm even in non-FP languages, so DbC is in part a paradigm that tells you how to design the internals of your application. We can apply the same design concepts to any code we want, even if we're not buying into the whole Contract metaphor: - pre-conditions can be considered argument validation; - post-conditions can be considered a kind of test; - class invariants can be considered a kind of defensive assertion.
if the use-cases being shown all involve bad code and/or bad coding practices?
How do you draw that conclusion?
"Exaggerating" is not the word I would choose to use. "Talking utter bollocks" is probably more accurate *grin* -- Steve

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 11:11 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Try this: On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 5:11 PM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann <> wrote:
Alice tests her package A with some test data D_A. Now assume Betty did not write any contracts for her package B. When Alice tests her package, she is actually making an integration test. While she controls the inputs to B from A, she can only observe the results from B, but not whether they are correct by coincidence or B did its job correctly. Let's denote D'_B the data that is given to B from her original test data D_A during Alice's integration testing.
If you're regularly changing your function contracts, such that you need to continually test in case something in the other package changed, then yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I'm tired of debating this. Have fun. If you love contracts so much, marry them. I'm not interested in using them, because nothing in any of these threads has shown me any good use-cases that aren't just highlighting bad coding practices. ChrisA

On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 01:21:57AM +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
Thanks for the example, that's from one of the posts I haven't read.
Presumably you're opposed to continuous integration testing too.
I'm tired of debating this.
Is that what you were doing? I had wondered. *wink* -- Steve

Hi Chris, I hope you don't mind me responding though you would like to stop participating. This message is meant for other readers in case they are interested.
The user story I put above had nothing to do with change. I was telling how manually performing integration tests between A and B is tedious for us (since it involves some form or the other of manual recording of input/outputs to the module B and adapting unit tests of B) while contracts are much better (*for us*) since they incur little overhead (write them once for B, anybody runs them automatically). I did not want to highlight the *change* in my user story, but the ease of integration tests with contracts. If it were not for contracts, we would have never performed them. Cheers, Marko On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 16:22, Chris Angelico <> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 07, 2018 at 04:24:58PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Most code does not define pure mathematical functions, unless you're writing in Haskall :-)
You are quoting that out of context. The full context says (emphasis added): IN THE BUSINESS WORLD, contracts are precise (legally unambiguous) specifications that define the obligations and benefits of the (usually two) parties involved. and later goes on to say: How does this apply to software correctness? Consider the execution of a routine. The called routine provides a service - it is a supplier. The caller is the client that is requesting the service. We can impose a contract that spells out precisely the obligations and benefits of both the caller (client) and the callee (supplier). This contract SERVES AS THE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION FOR THE ROUTINE. (I would add *executable* interface specification.)
It doesn't. That's not what the metaphor is for. Design By Contract is not a redefinition of "function", it is a software methodology, a paradigm for helping programmers reason better about functions and specify the interface so that bugs are discovered earlier.
1. Only a small sliver of human interactions are governed by formal legal contracts read, understood, and agreed to by both (all) parties.
Irrelevant. Dicts aren't actual paper books filled with definitions of words, floats don't actually float, neural nets are not made of neurons nor can you catch fish in them, and software contracts are code, not legally binding contracts. It is a *metaphor*.
Is this a critique of the legal system? What relevance does it have to Design By Contract? Honestly Terry, you seem to be arguing: "Hiring a lawyer is too expensive, and that's why Design By Contract doesn't work as a software methodology."
Post-conditions specify a function by result. I claim that this is not always sensible.
In this context, "result" can mean either "the value returned by the function" OR "the action performed by the function (its side-effect)". Post-conditions can check both.
I said above that functions may be specified by process rather than result.
Fine. What of it? Can you describe what the function does? "It sorts the list in place." "It deletes the given record from the database." "It deducts the given amount from Account A and transfers it to Account B, guaranteeing that either both transactions occur or neither of them, but never one and not the other." These are all post-conditions. Write them as code, and they are contracts. If you can't write them as code, okay, move on to the next function. (By the way, since you started off talking about mathematical functions, functions which perform a process rather than return a result aren't mathematical functions.)
What about public functions while they are still under active development with an unstable interface?
How has "Return the sine of x (measured in radians).", for math.sin, become stale? Why would it ever?
Of course a stable function with a fixed API is unlikely to change. What's your point? The sin() function implementation on many platforms probably hasn't changed in 10 or even 20 years. (It probably just calls the hardware routines.) Should we conclude that unit testing is therefore bunk and nobody needs to write unit tests?
What formal executable post condition would help someone who does not understand 'sine', or 'sine of x'?
Does x have to be a float? A number? (Decimal, Fraction, int, complex?) What if x is an INF or NAN? Can sin(x) return -0.0 rather than 0.0? Let's consider some related functions... Will tan(x) ever return NAN or INF? What does sqrt(x) do if x is negative? Will it raise? What are the possible valid arguments for the three-value form of pow(a, b, c)? [...]
Not everybody knows what those terms mean. And even if they can read the comment, it is a comment, and therefore a lie until proven different. Post-conditions can be checked. Comments can't.
More over, that addition of 'stable', when we were ready to do so, did not make "Sort *IN PLACE*" stale in any sense of being wrong.
I don't understand what point you think you are making here. It is still stale -- the documentation is incomplete. Whether that is "wrong" or merely "stale" is a matter of how fine a line we wish to draw. (Is a *partially* true but incomplete statement right, or wrong?)
That's incorrect. def append_first(seq): require: len(seq) > 0 hasattr(seq, "append") ensure: len(seq) == len(OLD.seq) + 1 seq[0] == seq[-1] Nothing in the above requires seq to be a specific type. It just needs to support the len, append and getitem interfaces. If one wanted to be *really* pedantic, we could add a O(N) check as well, requiring only slicing and equality: seq[0:-1] == OLD.seq but just because we CAN write a condition, doesn't mean we MUST write the condition. You still get to choose whether to check that as a contract, or a test, or both, or neither. -- Steve

On 10/8/2018 10:26 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Sun, Oct 07, 2018 at 04:24:58PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
This is silly. Every quote that is not complete is literally 'out of context'. However, 'quoting out of context', in the colloquial sense, means selectively quoting so as to distort the original meaning, whereas I attempted to focus on the core meaning I was about to discuss. Marko asked an honest question about why things obvious to him are not obvious to others. I attempted to give an honest answer. If my answer suggested that I have not undertstood Marko properly, as is likely, he can use it as a hint as to how communicate his position better.
These are all post-conditions.
No they are not. They are descriptions of the process. Additional mental work is required to turn them into formal descriptions of the result that can be coded. Marko appears to claim that such coded formal descriptions are easier to read and understand than the short English description. I disagree. It is therefore not obvious to me that the extra work is worthwhile.
The snipped body (revised to omit irrelevant 'return') seq.append(seq[0])
seq does not neccessarily have a __len__ method
hasattr(seq, "append")
The actual precondition is that seq[0] be in the domain of seq.append. The only absolutely sure way to test this is to run the code body. Or one could run seq[0] and check it against the preconditions, if formally specified, of seq.append.
Not even all sequences implement negative indexing. This is true for lists, as I said, but not for every object the meets the preconditions. As others have said, duck typing means that we don't know what unexpected things methods of user-defined classes might do. class Unexpected(): def __init__(self, first): self.first = first def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 0: return self.first else: raise ValueError(f'key {key} does not equal 0') def append(self, item): if isinstance(item, int): self.last = item else: raise TypeError(f'item {item} is not an int') def append_first(seq): seq.append(seq[0]) x = Unexpected(42) append_first(x) print(x.first, x.last) # 42 42 A more realistic example: def add(a, b): return a + b The simplified precondition is that a.__add__ exists and applies to b or that b.__radd__ exists and applies to a. I see no point in formally specifying this as part of 'def add' as it is part of the language definition. It is not just laziness that makes me averse to such redundancy. Even ignoring user classes, a *useful* post-condition that applies to both numbers and sequences is hard to write. I believe + is distributive for both, so that a + (b + b) = (a + b) + b, but -- Terry Jan Reedy

On Mon, Oct 08, 2018 at 03:34:51PM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Yes they are; they are textual descriptions of the post-condition, not executable code, but since software contracts are both specification and code, they certainly count as post-conditions. By the way, you seem to have deleted one of my examples, leaving only the two relatively simple ones. I don't understand why you deleted the example, but here it is again: "It deducts the given amount from Account A and transfers it to Account B, guaranteeing that either both transactions occur or neither of them, but never one and not the other."
Yes. That's called "programming". You might have done it from time to time :-)
What does "sort in place"? *Precisely*? How do you know if the software *actually does* sort in place? They are not rhetorical questions. You can document that the function sorts in place, but if it actually reverses a copy of the list, how would you know? How do we know the software meets the specified requirements if you haven't nailed down the specification, and if the specification exists only in documentation and is never checked in the code? Design By Contract is a methodology that helps ensure that the specification is (1) nailed down and (2) actually checked.
It is therefore not obvious to me that the extra work is worthwhile.
Tell me how you, personally, would find out whether or not the function actually sorts the list in place. What process would YOU do? As I see it, you either have to take it on trust, or you have to write tests. Would you argue that the "extra work" to write tests are not worthwhile?
Yes it must, because I wrote the specification and I demand that it must support len. You lost your opportunity to write the spec yourself when you wrongly said no post-condition is possible. I just showed that post-conditions ARE possible, by writing some. We could debate what those conditions are: can we just test for the Sequence interface, using isinstance() and the Sequence ABC? Do I need to bother checking that seq supports __getitem__? But I'm not really interested in getting bogged down in the minutia of what specific post-conditions need to go with this toy function. Its a made-up example, so who cares? In practice, you specify in as much detail as you need. You can always come back and add more detail later.
hasattr(seq, "append")
The actual precondition is that seq[0] be in the domain of seq.append.
That is not part of the contract of the append_first function. It doesn't care about any domain limits of seq. If an object could be appended into seq[0] in the first place, surely it can append again later. We don't have to try to detect every imaginable bizarre weird piece of code intentionally written to perplex us.
The only absolutely sure way to test this is to run the code body.
Sure. So what? The code body does actually get run you know. If it raises an exception because seq can't append seq[0] to itself, that's a bug that needs to be fixed.
That is not the responsibility of the append_first function.
I don't care. Since I wrote the spec, I demand that only those which meet my requirements are used. But okay, fine, I'll re-write it: seq[0] == seq[len(seq)-1] and then you can tell me off for writing un-Pythonic code, and then I'll change it back.
That's not how we use duck-typing. When I call len(obj), I don't expect that it will format my hard drive, even though obj.__len__ might do that, and if it did, I would treat it as a bug. Why am I passing such an object as input? That makes no sense. I *don't want* that behaviour, so why would I pass an object that does that? I wouldn't say "Oh well, that means that formatting my head drive must be the correct behaviour for my application, good thing I have backups." I would say "That's a bug. Fix it." Here is the scenario: I am writing an application that has some specific purpose. I don't know, let's say it is a payroll application. It talks to a database and generates payroll reports or something. Whatever. The point is it has some *concrete* purpose, it's not just Mickey Mouse toy functions. As part of that application, I need (for some unspecified reason!) to take a sequence, extract the first item, and append it to the end of the sequence. Hence you append_first function. Why? Who knows. Let's say it makes sense in context. I trust you. In context, the sequence I pass to that function is not going to be "some arbitrary object that could do absolutely anything". It is going to be from a tiny subset of *useful* sequences, specifically the ones which actually do append the first item to the end of sequence. Why would I write, and then use, a class that does something unhelpful? Am I a malicious coder trying to get myself fired? The purpose of the contract is to detect ACCIDENTAL bugs early, not to defend against intentional self-sabotage. -- Steve

I'm not sure how you get from the lack of DbC being a feature to python's success. I use DbC in my python code via the asserts and its been very useful in my experience. If there was a nice way to get better then the assert method I'd use it. Like Angus's PoC. I assume that developers that are not interesting in DbC would simply not use any library/syntax that supported it. Barry
participants (20)
Barry Scott
Brendan Barnwell
Chris Angelico
Chris Barker
Dan Sommers
David Mertz
David Stanek
Greg Ewing
Hugh Fisher
James Lu
Jonathan Fine
Kyle Lahnakoski
Lee Braiden
Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Paul Moore
Rhodri James
Robert Collins
Stephen J. Turnbull
Steven D'Aprano
Terry Reedy