Re: [Python-ideas] parameter omit

Could easily incorporate, as shown here. #sample function with default args def f( a,b=None,c='abc' ): print a,b,c #customizer default= object() def call_wrapper( callable, *args, **kwargs ): args=list(args) for i,j in enumerate( args ): if j is default: offset= callable.func_code.co_argcount-\ len(callable.func_defaults) args[i]= callable.func_defaults[i-offset] return callable( *args,**kwargs ) #the uniform calls call_wrapper( f,0,default,'def' ) call_wrapper( f,0,'somebody',default ) -----Original Message----- From: Aaron Brady [] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:56 PM To: 'Aaron Brady'; 'Josiah Carlson'; '' Subject: RE: [Python-ideas] parameter omit You can almost do, b=f.func_defaults[1], but you still have to know where the defaults start. Very small what I'm missing. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Aaron Brady Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:50 PM To: 'Josiah Carlson'; Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] parameter omit No, still not uniform. Cases might be rare, even syntactic sugar maybe. if something huge: b=<def> more huge if something else: b=mything still more f(a,b,c). -----Original Message----- From: Josiah Carlson [] Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 4:51 PM To: Aaron Brady; Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] parameter omit "Aaron Brady" <> wrote:
Actually, I wanted a uniform way to call f. f(a,b,c) for both cases if b can equal <def>.
f(a, b=...) #default c f(a, c=...) #default b - Josiah
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