Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ:

You don't have to: use the break statement, that's what it's for. About people teaching students not to use it: the existence of bad teachers teaching silly ideas is not a reason to add syntax to Python. --Ned. On 6/25/2013 10:46 AM, wrote:

That's a break.... -----Original Message----- From: Shane Green <> To: Ned Batchelder <> Cc: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 1:13 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: [x for x in l if x < 10 else break]? On Jun 25, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Ned Batchelder <> wrote: You don't have to: use the break statement, that's what it's for. About people teaching students not to use it: the existence of bad teachers teaching silly ideas is not a reason to add syntax to Python. --Ned. On 6/25/2013 10:46 AM, wrote: You shouldn't have to invoke takewhile and a lambda just to break out of for loop.
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Shane Green writes:
[x for x in l if x < 10 else break]?
That's currently invalid syntax: break is a statement. I think a while clause (as suggested by David Mertz) would be a more plausible extension of syntax. I do think extending generator/comprehension syntax is much more plausible than extending for loop syntax (for one thing, "just use break" is not an answer here!)

On 26/06/13 04:12, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Comprehensions in Clojure have this feature. ;; :when continues through the collection even if some have the ;; condition evaluate to false, like filter user=> (for [x (range 3 33 2) :when (prime? x)] x) (3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31) ;; :while stops at the first collection element that evaluates to ;; false, like take-while user=> (for [x (range 3 33 2) :while (prime? x)] x) (3 5 7) (expr for x in seq while cond) is not expandable into a for loop in quite the same way as (expr for x in seq if cond) is: result = [] for x in seq: if cond: result.append(expr) vs result = [] for x in seq: if cond: result.append(expr) else: break but I think it is a natural extension to the generator syntax that fills a real need (or is at least frequently requested), is understandable, and has precedent in at least one other language. But Nick Coghlan has ruled it's not going to happen, although I don't understand what he had against it. -- Steven

On 26 Jun 2013 12:20, "Steven D'Aprano" <> wrote:
the same way as (expr for x in seq if cond) is:
a real need (or is at least frequently requested), is understandable, and has precedent in at least one other language. But Nick Coghlan has ruled it's not going to happen, although I don't understand what he had against it. Comprehensions are currently just syntactic sugar for particular kinds of explicit loop, with a relatively straightforward mechanical translation from the expression form to the statement form. That's an essential property that helps keep Python's expression level and suite level flow control constructs from diverging into two independent languages that happen to share some keywords. I would vastly prefer implementing PEP 403 to allow the iterable in a comprehension to be a full generator function over any of the proposals to add yet *more* statement like functionality to expressions. Cheers, Nick.

On 6/26/2013 12:45 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
I think there are two points about comprehensions that people miss when they use it as justification to proposed that their personal favorite composition be built in to the language. 1. Comprehensions compose at least three statements, and not just two. 2. Comprehensions embody and implement a basic concept and tool of thought -- defining a class or collection by rule, which is complementary to defining such by roster. The former is probably more common in everyday life and definitely so in law. A statement form of itertools.takewhile is not in the same ballpark. -- Displays are also 'just syntactic sugar for particular kinds of ... loop' -- but with the loop written in the imterpreter implementation language. nums = [1,2,3] is equivalent to nums = [] nums.append(1) nums.append(2) nums.append(3) and in CPython implemented as the internal equivalent of nums = [i for i in <1,2,3>] where <1,2,3> is a sequence of stack values. Tuples are preallocated to their final size and filled in by index.
I would vastly prefer implementing PEP 403 to allow the iterable in a comprehension to be a full generator function
I do not understand what you mean here. PEP 403 is about a new decorator clause, whereas the iterable in comprehension can already be the return from a generator function. -- Terry Jan Reedy

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote:
This will only work in generator comprehensions. The reasons are obvious if you think about it. But it isn't too ugly as a technique, IMO. I still like the 'while' clause in generators (notwithstanding the fact it doesn't translate straightforwardly to an "unrolled block"), but this is sort of nice (and maybe I'll start using it):
dict((i,i*2) for i in range(10) if i < 3 or stop()) {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4}
Even though this happens:
-- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On 27 Jun 2013 08:57, "David Mertz" <> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote: like the 'while' clause in generators (notwithstanding the fact it doesn't translate straightforwardly to an "unrolled block"), but this is sort of nice (and maybe I'll start using it):
dict((i,i*2) for i in range(10) if i < 3 or stop()) {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4}
I'm personally not opposed to allowing "else break" after the if clause as a way of terminating iteration early in comprehensions and generator expressions, as it's consistent with the existing translation to an explicit loop: {i:i*2 for i in range(10) if i<3 else break} I'd even be OK with the use of an "else" clause to define alternative entries to use when the condition is false: {i:i*2 for i in range(10) if i<3 else i:i} A reasonable constraint on the complexity may be to disallow mixing this extended conditional form with the nested loop form. I suspect Guido still won't be a fan either way, though :) Cheers, Nick.

On 27 June 2013 00:20, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
For reference this was discussed 6 months ago in the thread starting here:
If I remember there was an objection to using "else break" in preference for "else return" as it was deemed (by some) that it wasn't clear which loop the break applied to in the case where there were nested loops. The "else return" version still makes sense when unrolled if the intention is to terminate all the loops.
You can use ternary if/else in the expression rather than the if clause: {i:i*2 if i < 3 else i for i in range(10)} I think that's clearer in this case. This always works for list/set comprehensions and for generators. For dict comprehensions it works but it's less good if you need to use it for both key and value, i.e. {i*2: i*3 for i in range(10) if i < 3 else i:i} would become {i*2 if i < 3 else i: i*3 if i < 3 else i for i in range(10)}
A reasonable constraint on the complexity may be to disallow mixing this extended conditional form with the nested loop form.
I would welcome an addition along these lines with that constraint. I rarely use nested loops in comprehensions and often find myself writing simple while loops in situations that would be covered by a comprehension that used "else break". Oscar

On 06/26/2013 06:20 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
The 'else' in these cases is tricky... And may make the whole expression look too much like a if-else expression. [See last example]
This already works.
{i:(i*2 if i<3 else i) for i in range(10)} {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9}
And this:
[x if x<5 else 0 for x in range(10)] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
These take care of all one to one mapping of values. The 'if' after the iterator handles the selection of values. Given that, it makes sense to allow flow control statements after the last if, but not expressions effecting the values. (Not ... else i:i) Here are some examples of how I thinking about this... This includes values less than limit. [x for x in range(n) if x<limit] is the same as... (*) [x for x in range(n) if x<limit pass else continue] (*we don't need this one, because the above already works this way.) The reverse would be... [x for x in range(n) if x<=limit continue] And to stop early... [x for x in range(n) if x>=limit break] If we included else break, it would need to be spelled... [x for x in range(n) if x<limit pass else break] But this.... when an else immediately follows the condition... [x for x in range(n) if x>limit else break] Resembles an if-else expression too much... Parentheses for clarity. result = [(x for x in range(n)) if (x<limit) else (break)] I don't think we want that. (?) Cheers, Ron

From: Ron Adam <> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:44 PM
First, why restrict break to the last if clause? Saying it can't go in a for clause or in the controlled expression I understand, but… currently, there's nothing special about the last clause (or any other clause, except for the first, in genexps only), and it seems odd to change that. But meanwhile, your description made me realize exactly what feels weird about the whole idea. A comprehension doesn't have flow control statements. It has _clauses_. Obviously they're related things; there's a mapping that's rigorously definable and intuitively clear. But they don't have a colon and a suite. (They don't even take the same set of expressions, but that's not important here.) Intuitively, that's because the whole point of a comprehension is that the rest of the comprehension, especially including the core expression, is the suite. Adding a suite breaks that. Forget that break means the flow control is no longer always downward-local. It also completely turns the meaning of the controlling if statement around. Instead of "if this: the rest of the expression" it's "if this: the suite, else: the rest of the expression". On top of that, the clauses map to nested statements. You can't nest break statements. All of this becomes more obvious if you try to describe things rigorously. Let's rewrite to explain the semantics of break. In order to make the issues more obvious, I'm going to ignore continue, use your "only at the end" restriction, and not add a rule saying that the break has to be controlled by an if. (If you want to write [x for subiter in iter for x in subiter break], fine, you get back []—this actually won't be interpretable for a genexp with only one clause, but let that be an error because it translates to an error.) I don't think changing any of those would solve any of the problems, they'd just make things more complicated and harder to see. First, add the new syntax. There are two obvious ways to do it: comp_if ::= "if" comp_if_body expression_nocond ["break" | comp_iter] Or: comp_iter ::= comp_for | comp_if | comp_break comp_break ::= "break" If you keep the existing semantics, this: x = [value for value in iter if pred(value) break] … maps to: x = [] for value in iter: if pred(value): break x.append(value) Or maybe the append is a sibling of the break rather than a child? Either way, it makes no sense. It has to map to something like this: x = [] for value in iter: if pred(value): break x.append(value) Which means the clauses are no longer nested, so the simple explanation no longer works. Instead, you need something more convoluted, like: The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause, zero or more for or if clauses, and zero or one break clause. In this case, the elements of the new container are those that would be produced by considering each of the for or if clauses a block, nesting from left to right, and the break clause, if present, a simple statement, and evaluating the expression to produce an element each time the innermost block that does not directly contain a break is entered and a block directly containing a break, if any, is not entered. I think you can make it a little less convoluted by using the concept of exiting a block (which is well-defined, thanks to with statements), but I think that just makes it even less intuitive: The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause, zero or more for or if clauses, and zero or one break clause. In this case, the elements of the new container are those that would be produced by considering each of the for or if clauses a block, nesting from left to right, and the break clause, if present, a simple statement, and evaluating the expression to produce an element each time the innermost block is exited without executing a break. There's no way to explain this simply, because it's no longer simple. As a side note:
[x for x in range(n) if x<limit pass else continue]
This is already hard to distinguish from a ternary expression, even without the other stuff you bring in later. Compare:
[x for x in range(n) if n<10 else range(10)]
I don't think that's valid (although I'm not sure without testing). And I'm not sure if it would be as hard for the parser to deal with as it is for a human. But really, if a human can't parse it, it's meaningless.

Let me try to gather together all of the possibilities that have been discussed in this and the two previous threads, plus a couple of obvious ones nobody's mentioned. Unless I'm missing a good idea, or someone can explain why one of these isn't as bad as it seems, I don't like any of them. Some of them are ugly right off the bat. The rest are deceptively appealing until you think them through, but then they're even worse than the obviously bad ones. I'll try to put them in order from least bad to most horrid. (I'm +0.25 on #1, but not until Python 4; -0 on #2; -1 on #3, and it's all downhill from there.) 1. Redefine comprehensions on top of generator expressions instead of defining them in terms of nested blocks. def stop(): raise StopIteration x = [value if pred(value) else stop() for value in iterable] This would make the implementation of Python simpler. It also makes the language conceptually simpler. The subtle differences between [x for x in foo] and list(x for x in foo) are gone. And it's actually a pretty small change to the official semantics. Just replace the last two paragraphs of 6.2.4 with "The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause and zero or more for or if clauses. In this case, the expression and clauses are interpreted as if they were a generator expression, and the elements of the new container are those yielded by that generator expression consumed to completion." (It also makes it easier to fix the messy definition of dict comprehensions, if anyone cares.) Unlike #5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, but like #2, 3, 4, and 9, this only allows you to break out of one for clause, not any. But that's exactly the same as break only being able to break out of one for loop. Nobody complains that Python doesn't have "break 2" or "break :label", right? The real downside is that this is a very radical change. People may sometimes rely on the differences between listcomps and genexps, maybe even without realizing they're doing so. Code that's worked unchanged from 2.0 to 3.3 might break. Also, the obvious implementation would make listcomps about 25-50% slower, and trying to tweak the existing optimized comprehension code to work as-if wrapping a generator (and writing tests for all of the edge cases) sounds like a lot of work. And at best it would still be at least a _little_ slower (handling StopIteration, handling errors in the outer for clause differently from other clauses, etc. aren't free). Still, I could get behind this for Python 4.0. 2. Just require comprehensions to handle StopIteration. The main cost and benefit are the same as #1. However, it makes the language and implementation more complex, rather than simpler. Also, the effects of this less radical change (you can no longer pass StopIteration through a comprehension) seem like they might be harder to explain to people than the more radical one. And, worse, they less radical effects would probably cause more subtle bugs. Which implies a few versions where passing StopIteration through a comprehension triggers a warning. 3. Turn break from a statement into an expression. x = [value if pred(value) else break for value in iterable] The break expression, when evaluated, would have the exact same effect as executing the statement today (including being an error if it's not nested syntactically under a loop or inside a comprehension). This would be trivial to implement, document, and teach. But I don't think anyone wants an expression that inherently has no value. Python doesn't have any such expressions today. (Yes, you can write a function call that never returns normally—like sys.exit()—but that still has a return, it just never gets there.) Also, today, Python gets a lot of mileage out of separating statements and expressions. You can see the flow at a glance, and there's exactly one side-effect per line. If we're going to lose that, I'd rather get something a lot cooler in exchange. 4. Add a break expression that's only allowed inside a comprehension expression. Basically the same as #3 with less wide-reaching effects… but harder to describe. (How would you write the grammar? Duplicate every expression node: comp_conditional_expression, comp_lambda_form, …? Allow break as an expression syntactically, but make it an error semantically except directly in an expression_stmt or comprehension?) And of course it makes the language less consistent. I'd rather have #3, and just say "don't use break as an expression except in comprehensions" in PEP 8 and in linters. 5. Add a new until statement, and a corresponding until clause to comprehensions. x = [value for value in iterable until pred(value)] It's intuitively obvious what it means. And it's easy to define: comp_iter ::= comp_for | comp_if | comp_until comp_until ::= "until" expression [comp_iter] Then just s/for or if/for, if, or until/g in 6.2.4. Of course you have to define an until statement: until expression: suite … equivalent to: if expression: break else: suit … with syntax: until_stmt ::= "until" expression ":" suite … and semantics:
until may only occur syntactically nested in a for or while loop, but not nested in a function or class definition within that loop. If the expression is found to be true, it terminates the nearest enclosing loop; otherwise, the suite is executed.
… and nobody will ever use that statement. Which is a hell of an argument against adding it to the language. Obviously you could use a different new keyword, with the same sense or the opposite. But I don't think anything is any better. A couple of people suggested when, but that's even worse—besides sounding like it means "if" rather than "while" here, it actually _does_ mean "if" in most languages that have it—Clojure, CoffeeScript, Racket, etc. 6. Add the until clause without the statement. Basically the same as #5, but interpreted as-if an until statement existed, which it won't. To me, this is much worse than #5. It adds the same complexity to the language, and makes it inconsistent to boot. To interpret a comprehension, you'll have to map it to a nested block that contains statements that don't exist—you have no experience with, and no way to gain experience with them, and you can't even run the resulting code. 7. Add a "magic" while clause that's basically until with the opposite sense. x = [value for value in iterable while pred(value)] This reads pretty nicely (at least in trivial comprehensions), it parallels takewhile and friends, and it matches a bunch of other languages (most of the languages where "when" means "if", "while" means this). But it has a completely different meaning from while statements, and in fact a barely-related one. In particular, it's obviously not this: x = [] for value in iterable: while pred(value): x.append(value) What it actually means is: x = [] for value in iterable: if pred(value): x.append(value) else: break Imagine trying to teach that to a novice. Or trying to write the formal definition in 6.2.4. This makes the language much more inconsistent than #6. 8. Allow else break in comp_if clauses. x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) else break] This one is pretty easy to define rigorously, since it maps to exactly what the while attempt maps to with a slight change to the existing rules. But to me, it makes the code a confusing mess. I'm immediately reading "iterable if pred(value) else break", and that's wrong. Also, while it's pretty easy to convert this to a nested block in your head, it's not as easy to just read out in line, because the rest of the comprehension and the main expression no longer just nest under the end of the clause; instead, they nest under the middle of it Also, an else clause that can't be used for anything but break is very weird. But it doesn't make sense to put anything else there. 9. Add a special comp_break clause. x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) break] The syntax is intuitively simple (break clauses nest just like if and for clauses, and the fact that you can't nest anything underneath it is obvious), and also trivial to define (see my last email). But this reverses the sense of the controlling if. In fact, each time I read it, the meaning seems to flip back and forth until I finally get it. And there's no way to make the semantics reasonable if they're defined in terms of nested blocks (as they are today) without lots of special-case language to deal with break. (See my last email.) 10. Allow break in comp_if clauses. x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) break] The syntax is almost simple as #9, and it gets you more flexibility (because there's nothing stopping you from putting a break under any if statement, not just the last). However, intuitively this is exactly the same as #9. An if statement with a break means something completely different, and nearly opposite, to one without a break. And trying to define the meaning is even more complicated. ----- Original Message -----

On 27 June 2013 17:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
Ouch, I hadn't noticed that parallel. Yeah, it's a bad idea :) Someone was asking earlier why I thought PEP 403 was at all relevant to these discussions. It's because it makes it easy to define a one shot generator function to precisely control the iterable in a comprehension. If we assume a world where itertools.takewhile doesn't exist, you could write an equivalent inline: @in x = [transform(value) for value in my_takewhile(pred, iterable)] def my_takewhile(pred, itr): for x in itr: if not pred(x): break yield x All the important inputs are still visible in the header line, and the definition of "takewhile" is right there, rather than sending the reader off to another part of the code. It's an intermediate step between "This callable needs to be a function or generator to get access to full statement syntax, but we only use it in this one place" and "This is a useful piece of independent functionality, let's make it available as a function or method". Would such syntax be a net win for a language? Highly arguable, which is why the PEP is still deferred. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

From: Nick Coghlan <> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:43 AM
I'm still not sure how it's relevant here. Obviously takewhile already exists in the stdlib, and if I wanted stop I'd probably want it frequently enough to define it and reuse it. So, for the current discussion, are you just suggesting using it to break up an overly-verbose or -complex takewhile solution, as an answer to "Yeah, I know about takewhile, but it's too verbose or complex so I don't want to use it"? If so, I don't think it answers that. If someone wants this: x = [value for value in iterable if value > 0 while value < 10] … and rejects this: x = [value for value in takewhile(lambda x: x < 10, iterable) if value > 0] … I don't think they'd be happier with this: @in x = [value for value in takewhile(under10, iterable) if value > 0] def under10(value): return value < 10 And as someone who _wouldn't_ reject the takewhile, if I want to break it up, I'd be happier going in the opposite direction: iterable_to_10 = takewhile(lambda value: value < 10, iterable) x = [value for value in iterable_to_10 if value > 0] That puts it as a sequence of simple transformations to an iterable, rather than a bunch of simple functions plugged into different places in one big expression. (Although admittedly my stupid toy example, with its total of 1 transformations or functions, isn't the best demonstration of that…) Where your idea would really be useful is, exactly, as you say, "… to get access to full statement syntax, but we only use it in this one place". I don't think the kinds of things people are envisioning putting in while clauses need statement syntax. The only reason statement syntax even really came up is the idea of break and/or a more-statement-like if as an alternative to while. Having a real function wouldn't help with break, because you're not allowed to break across function boundaries. In fact, I think what people really want is the opposite: to write an expression, not a function. That's a big part of the appeal of using comprehensions over map and filter: if you don't already have a ready-made function, no problem (and no lambdas or partials), just use a comprehension and write the expression in-place. People want a similar answer to make takewhile at least as unnecessary as map and filter.

27.06.2013 13:49, Andrew Barnert napisał: [...]
+1! Maybe it could be achieved with a new separate generator expression syntax, being orthogonal to the existing generator-expr/comprehension syntaxes? Maybe such as: (<name> from <iterable> while <condition>) E.g.: g = (line from myfile while line.strip()) ...which would be equivalent to: def _temp(_myfile): iterator = iter(_myfile) line = next(iterator) while line.strip(): yield line line = next(iterator) g = _temp(myfile) Unlike the existing generator-expr/comprehension syntaxes this syntax is focused on predicate-based iteration stopping (like itertools.takewhile) rather than on any processing of the iterated values. Obviously, it could be combined with the existing syntaxes, e.g.: processed = [2 * x for x in (x from seq while x < 100)] ...or probably better (a matter of taste): items = (x from seq while x < 100) processed = [2 * x for x in items] Cheers. *j

This closely ties to the discussion with subject that starts with “is this PEP-able? [...]” What about [x until condition for x in l ...] or [x for x in l until condition] Condition checked with output values only On Jun 28, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Jan Kaliszewski <> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Shane Green <> wrote:
Just to throw in one more variation: [expr for item in iterable break if condition] (inversion of "if" and "break"reinforces the idea that we are dealing with an expression rather than a statement - compare with "a if cond else b")

On Jun 28, 2013, at 16:50, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote:
This is pretty much the same as the single-word breakif or ifbreak ideas, but has the advantage of not adding a new keyword. I'm not sure, without looking more carefully, whether the grammar could be ambiguous to the parser. But to a person I think it could be. We've already got two ways an "if" can appear in a comp--an if clause, or a ternary expression. Adding a third seems like it might make it harder to get the meaning just by scanning. As a side note, I think it would really help if we came up with a couple of paradigm examples instead of using content free toy examples. Maybe: [line for line in f break if not line.strip() if not line.startswith("#")] In other words "all comment characters up to the first blank line".

On Jun 28, 2013, at 16:38, Shane Green <> wrote:
This one is already on the list of possibilities. Which probably implies that Nick Coghlan was right: it's time for a draft PEP so people have something to refer to instead of trying to follow multiple ridiculously long threads (and, as he implied, so the core devs have a way to close the discussion with a final "rejected" decision if they want to). I'll work on it this weekend. (I'll also probably write up #1 and #2 as a separate draft and just reference it, and try to better organize the other choices as I described in an earlier message.) Meanwhile, the advantage of "until" is that it can still map directly to a nestable statement, meaning the semantics of comps and genexps doesn't have to change at all. The disadvantage is that it seems like a statement that would almost never be useful outside of comprehensions. So, either we have to add a new flow control statement nobody will use, or add an "as-if" statement that's only accessible as a comp clause.

On 27 June 2013 08:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
You've missed out having "else return" in comprehensions. I like this less than a while clause but it was preferred by some as it unrolls perfectly in the case that the intention is to break out of all loops e.g.: [f(x, y) for x in xs for y in ys if g(x, y) else return] becomes _tmplist = [] def _tmpfunc(): for x in xs: for y in ys: if g(x, y): _tmplist.append(f(x, y)) else: return _tmpfunc()
I prefer x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) or stop()] so that the flow control is all on the right hand side of the "in".
I'm not sure why you expect that it would only break out of one for clause; I expect it to break out of all of them. That's how it works with generator expressions: Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
It also works that way if you spell it the way that you did:
list(x + y if y == '1' else stop() for x in 'abc' for y in '123') ['a1']
I think that the current behaviour is harder to explain.
And, worse, they less radical effects would probably cause more subtle bugs. Which implies a few versions where passing StopIteration through a comprehension triggers a warning.
I would be happy if it triggered a warning anyway. I can't imagine a reasonable situation where that isn't a bug.
I can definitely imagine teaching it to a novice. I have taught Python to groups of students who are entirely new to programming and also to groups with prior experience of other languages. I would not teach list comprehensions by unrolling them unless it was a more advanced Python programming course. To explain the list comprehension with while clauses I imagine having the following conversation and interactive session: ''' Okay so a list comprehension is a way of making a new list out of an existing list. Let's say we have a list called numbers_list like
Now we want to create a new list called squares_list containing the square of each of the numbers in numbers_list. We can do this very easily with a list comprehension and it looks like
The list comprehension loops through all the numbers in numbers_list and, calling the current number n, computes n squared (n ** 2). As it does this is puts all the n squared numbers into a new list in the same order. We can also add an "if clause" to choose which elements from numbers_list we will use to make the new list. To make a list that is the square of all the numbers from numbers_list that are less than 4 we can do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list if n < 4] [1, 4, 9, 9, 4, 1]
Now the comprehension includes n ** 2 in the new list only if n < 4; otherwise n is ignored and the comprehension moves on to the next number from numbers_list. Also if we want the list comprehension to stop looping over the numbers in numbers_list after, for example, seeing a particular number we can use a "while clause" instead of an "if clause". If we want the comprehension to read numbers from numbers_list only while all of the numbers seen are less than 4 then we could do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list while n < 4] [1, 4, 9]
In this case what happens is that as soon as the comprehension finds the number 4 from numbers_list the while condition isn't true any more so it stops reading numbers from numbers_list. This means it doesn't find the other numbers that are also less than 4 at the end of numbers_list (unlike the if clause). '''
You wouldn't have that confusion with "else return". Oscar

From: Oscar Benjamin <> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:16 AM
For simplicity, I was just dealing with the "break" solutions, not "continue" and "return" (and "raise" or anything else anyone might want). I should have said that, but I didn't; sorry. So, this goes under case 8. But it's worth noting that return adds additional mental load on top of break. Comprehensions aren't functions, either conceptually or practically, but it will force you to think of them as functions and carry that cognitive dissonance around as you read them. Comprehensions _are_ loops, so break doesn't have that problem.
Some of the ideas can only break out of the last loop, some can only break out of all of them, some can break out of any one loop. I don't think it will make a difference that often in comprehensions. A comprehension with two for clauses and an if is already pushing the limits of readability; throwing in a break or return as well just seems like asking for trouble. But you're right, that is the difference between else break and else return.
1. Redefine comprehensions on top of generator expressions instead of
so that the flow control is all on the right hand side of the "in".
I suppose this solution allows either. Personally, I think using or for non-trivial flow control is more obscure than helpful. Would you write this? for value in iterable: if pred(value) or stop(): yield value Of course not; you'd write: for value in iterable: if pred(value): yield value else: stop()
Unlike #5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, but like #2, 3, 4, and 9, this only allows you
My fault again, I wasn't clear here. What I meant is that #1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 don't give you the option of where or how far to break; #5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 do. The important bit was that I don't think it's that important.
What's hard to explain about the current behavior? StopIteration passes through comprehensions the same way it does through for loops.
This makes perfect sense today. Going from novice to intermediate understanding of list comprehensions, and many other areas of Python, is almost trivial, and that's part of what makes teaching Python so much easier than teaching, say, C++. I've seen hundreds of people show up on StackOverflow and similar places completely baffled by a complex list comprehension in some code they've run into. As soon as you show them how to unroll it, they immediately get it. If that were no longer true, how would you get people over that step? Also, in my experience, devs coming over from other languages, at least the good ones, want to understand the abstractions, not just use them. They'll want to know why a for clause is just like a for statement and an if clause is just like an if statement but a while clause is nothing like a while statement. Partly this is because many of them are still spending 80% of their time writing in JavaScript or C# or whatever and only 15% in Python, and anything unique about Python that they can't understand, they're going to forget. Comprehensions are flow control expressions that map to flow control statements in a way that's not just simple, but obvious—once you get it, you can't forget it. But if we break the abstraction, that will no longer we true.
8. Allow else break in comp_if clauses.
Why not? They're both single-keyword flow-control statements. Why would anyone's brain read else return any differently from else break?

On 27 June 2013 21:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
FWIW, while I actually agree with you that "else return" doesn't fit because people *think* of comprehensions and generator as loops rather than as nested functions, they *are* defined as following the scoping rules of a nested function and CPython actually implements them that way:
This is one of the things we cleaned up in Python 3 in order to stop leaking the iteration variable for comprehensions into the surrounding scope - we tried a few other options, but ultimately declaring them to be implicit nested functions proved to be the simplest approach. If you're willing, I'm actually thinking this may be one of those discussions that's worth summarising in a PEP, even if it's just to immediately mark it Rejected. Similar to PEP 315 and a few other PEPs, it can help to have a document that clearly spells out the objective (which I think you summarised nicely as "trying to find a syntactic replacement for itertools.takewhile, just as comprehensions replaced many uses of map and filter"), even if no acceptable solution has been found. That phrasing of the objective also highlights a counter argument I hadn't considered before: if we don't consider takewhile a common enough use case to make it a builtin, why on *earth* are we even discussing the possibility of giving it dedicated syntax? Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:19, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
I thought it was decided to explicitly add comprehensions as a new place that defines a scope, to avoid the confusion of calling them functions? I may be remembering wrong; I'll read over the docs later.

Sorry for the split reply; hit the wrong button. On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:19, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
The ideas are pretty broad-ranging. In particular, #1 got two somewhat supportive responses that had nothing to do with the comprehension termination idea. Do side issues like that need to be discussed first/separately before referencing them in a while clause PEP? Also, we seem pretty far from a consensus on what the actual tradeoffs are for most of the options. For example, is the definition of comps in terms of loops the core idea behind the abstraction, or a minor triviality that's only useful in understanding bad code? Are the differences between comps and genexps a bug or a feature? Finally, how does this connect up to the original idea of this thread, which was to draft a PEP for while clauses in loop statements rather than in comprehensions? Obviously if that existed, it would change the options for comp syntax. Do we need to include that idea in the discussion? (I completely forgot about it while digging up all of the ideas that spun off from it...)
Besides early termination for comps, the only good use case I know of is in code that already makes heavy use of itertools, and making one of the functions a builtin wouldn't change anything. And if early termination for comps is a special case, it doesn't seem too unreasonable to consider other ways to handle it. But you're right that "make takewhile a builtin" should probably be considered among the alternatives.

-----Original Message----- From: Andrew Barnert <> To: Nick Coghlan <> Cc: python-ideas <> Sent: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 2:28 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Sorry for the split reply; hit the wrong button. On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:19, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
The ideas are pretty broad-ranging. In particular, #1 got two somewhat supportive responses that had nothing to do with the comprehension termination idea. Do side issues like that need to be discussed first/separately before referencing them in a while clause PEP? Also, we seem pretty far from a consensus on what the actual tradeoffs are for most of the options. For example, is the definition of comps in terms of loops the core idea behind the abstraction, or a minor triviality that's only useful in understanding bad code? Are the differences between comps and genexps a bug or a feature? Finally, how does this connect up to the original idea of this thread, which was to draft a PEP for while clauses in loop statements rather than in comprehensions? Obviously if that existed, it would change the options for comp syntax. Do we need to include that idea in the discussion? (I completely forgot about it while digging up all of the ideas that spun off from it...)
Besides early termination for comps, the only good use case I know of is in code that already makes heavy use of itertools, and making one of the functions a builtin wouldn't change anything. And if early termination for comps is a special case, it doesn't seem too unreasonable to consider other ways to handle it. But you're right that "make takewhile a builtin" should probably be considered among the alternatives. ===================== So combining this and what Shane says, "trying to find a syntactic replacement for itertools.takewhile, just as comprehensions replaced many uses of map and filter", which is also usable in comprehensions? (Maybe that was already implied) You should probably include the Wolfgang Maier thread in Jan. 2013 on the same subject. _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 27 June 2013 12:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
From: Oscar Benjamin <>
Some of the ideas can only break out of the last loop, some can only break out of all of them, some can break out of any one loop. I don't think it will make a difference that often in comprehensions. A comprehension with two for clauses and an if is already pushing the limits of readability; throwing in a break or return as well just seems like asking for trouble.
So what about Nick's suggestion that a syntax could be limited to cases where there is only one for clause?
No, but I find it readable in the comprehension.
It's hard to explain the difference between list(generator expression) and a list comprehension in this respect as it requires thinking about the mechanics of StopIteration. You can see my previous attempt here:
I think that this is really a style problem. The emphasis on unrolling comprehensions makes it seem acceptable to write complex comprehensions that can only be understood after being unrolled. To me, a comprehension is good when you can look at it and immediately know what it does. If it needs to be mentally unrolled before it can be understood then it would probably be better if it was actually unrolled in the source and then everyone can look directly at the unrolled code.
My bad, you're right. I was thinking of the break as an expression because of the way you split it out but it's not a valid expression (just like return). Oscar

Resending with the mailing list copied this time... I don't think the use of "while" is appropriate. A thing about list comprehension is that everything inside the brackets works around a single iteration; it's stateless, basically. You cannot (cleanly) define a condition around the length of the output, for example. "While", on the other hand, implies repetition, but its usage is again stateless and agnostic to it's application or position within the comprehension. [x until condition(x) for x in l if x] Note that "until" suffers from the same implied duration issue that "while" did, but does benefit from not officially being a looping mechanicsm already. In this approach the condition is not evaluated for values not returned, and it is run against the result of any If/else clause that manipulates return values. On Jun 27, 2013 3:17 AM, "Oscar Benjamin" <> wrote: On 27 June 2013 08:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
You've missed out having "else return" in comprehensions. I like this less than a while clause but it was preferred by some as it unrolls perfectly in the case that the intention is to break out of all loops e.g.: [f(x, y) for x in xs for y in ys if g(x, y) else return] becomes _tmplist = [] def _tmpfunc(): for x in xs: for y in ys: if g(x, y): _tmplist.append(f(x, y)) else: return _tmpfunc()
I prefer x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) or stop()] so that the flow control is all on the right hand side of the "in".
I'm not sure why you expect that it would only break out of one for clause; I expect it to break out of all of them. That's how it works with generator expressions: Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
It also works that way if you spell it the way that you did:
list(x + y if y == '1' else stop() for x in 'abc' for y in '123') ['a1']
I think that the current behaviour is harder to explain.
And, worse, they less radical effects would probably cause more subtle bugs. Which implies a few versions where passing StopIteration through a comprehension triggers a warning.
I would be happy if it triggered a warning anyway. I can't imagine a reasonable situation where that isn't a bug.
I can definitely imagine teaching it to a novice. I have taught Python to groups of students who are entirely new to programming and also to groups with prior experience of other languages. I would not teach list comprehensions by unrolling them unless it was a more advanced Python programming course. To explain the list comprehension with while clauses I imagine having the following conversation and interactive session: ''' Okay so a list comprehension is a way of making a new list out of an existing list. Let's say we have a list called numbers_list like
Now we want to create a new list called squares_list containing the square of each of the numbers in numbers_list. We can do this very easily with a list comprehension and it looks like
The list comprehension loops through all the numbers in numbers_list and, calling the current number n, computes n squared (n ** 2). As it does this is puts all the n squared numbers into a new list in the same order. We can also add an "if clause" to choose which elements from numbers_list we will use to make the new list. To make a list that is the square of all the numbers from numbers_list that are less than 4 we can do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list if n < 4] [1, 4, 9, 9, 4, 1]
Now the comprehension includes n ** 2 in the new list only if n < 4; otherwise n is ignored and the comprehension moves on to the next number from numbers_list. Also if we want the list comprehension to stop looping over the numbers in numbers_list after, for example, seeing a particular number we can use a "while clause" instead of an "if clause". If we want the comprehension to read numbers from numbers_list only while all of the numbers seen are less than 4 then we could do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list while n < 4] [1, 4, 9]
In this case what happens is that as soon as the comprehension finds the number 4 from numbers_list the while condition isn't true any more so it stops reading numbers from numbers_list. This means it doesn't find the other numbers that are also less than 4 at the end of numbers_list (unlike the if clause). '''
You wouldn't have that confusion with "else return". Oscar _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 25 June 2013 18:12, Shane Green <> wrote:
[x for x in l if x < 10 else break]?
Humorously, this works: def brk(): raise StopIteration (x if x < 10 else brk() for x in range(100)) list(x if x < 10 else brk() for x in range(100)) Quirkily, but obvious with thought, this does not: [x if x < 10 else brk() for x in range(100)]

I tend to agree with you in theory. To recap: MISRA-C 1998 [No gotos, no breaks (except in switches), no continues] MISRA-C 2004 [No gotos, no continues, one break per loop (and also the switches)] MISRA-C 2012 [Some gotos are now allowed!] C is not python, but this translated to the teaching community and here we are. Carried forward into python: In practice, many many students are being told to avoid break/continue. Maybe something from the Python leadership saying breaks are fine? Given their lack of support for gotos it's easy to see how others might feel breaks and continues are bad as well, even in Python. -----Original Message----- From: Ned Batchelder <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 1:08 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: You don't have to: use the break statement, that's what it's for. About people teaching students not to use it: the existence of bad teachers teaching silly ideas is not a reason to add syntax to Python. --Ned. On 6/25/2013 10:46 AM, wrote: You shouldn't have to invoke takewhile and a lambda just to break out of for loop.
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What more support do we need to show than the fact that the keywords break and continue exists in the language and goto does not? Would some code written by Guido suffice? On his blog http://neopythonic.blogspot.comthere's an example of code he has written with a break without even having to search through the archive.

From: "" <> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:11 AM
$ grep break cpython/Lib/*py |wc -l 551 $ grep continue cpython/Lib/*py |wc -l 280 A handful of those are actually things like "setcbreak", but I'd guess at least 90% are breaking out of loops. Then there are the examples all over the official tutorial, module reference docs, FAQs, etc. that use break and continue. And Python's loop else clauses would clearly not exist if break weren't idiomatic. If all of that isn't enough to convince people, I doubt a statement from Guido undersigned by a dozen other key leaders would make a difference. And really, the larger problem is that people are trying to apply standards for idioms from C, C++, Java, C#, etc. to Python, not that this particular one is wrong. This is the same mentality that convinces people to use special error return values and check-before-open instead of exceptions, and all kinds of other things that are just plain wrong. If they haven't figured out yet that C and Python are not the same language, I don't know what anyone can say or do, short of not hiring them, protesting working alongside them, and exposing them to public ridicule.

On 2013-06-26 00:05, Andrew Barnert wrote:
These numbers should be a bit more accurate by recursing into packages (and tests, which one may not want, but I'd count them) and only counting actual uses of the keywords in code: [cpython/Lib]$ --without-filename -p '\bbreak\b' | wc -l 740 [cpython/Lib]$ --without-filename -p '\bcontinue\b' | wc -l 607 -- Robert Kern "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." -- Umberto Eco

Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang

I saw your thread. Thank you for summarizing the result! It looks like the best alternative is itertools.takewhile, but I don't like it.... :( -Jim -----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Maier <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 4:51 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 6/25/2013 4:58 PM, wrote:
Ugh! The best alternative is "break." The people advocating not using break are doing so for "readability" reasons. I would be very surprised if they thought takewhile was more readable than a break statement. Slavishly following mindless rules is not the way to write good programs, and it isn't the way to teach people to write good programs. Resist! :) --Ned.

Ned, I'm sorry. I totally agree. What I meant was that takewhile is the best alternative if you don't use break. MISRA-C 2004 allows one break in a loop, so even MISRA is on board. But their 1998 edict polluted a lot of minds.... -Jim -----Original Message----- From: Ned Batchelder <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 5:17 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: On 6/25/2013 4:58 PM, wrote: I saw your thread. Thank you for summarizing the result! It looks like the best alternative is itertools.takewhile, but I don't like it.... :( Ugh! The best alternative is "break." The people advocating not using break are doing so for "readability" reasons. I would be very surprised if they thought takewhile was more readable than a break statement. Slavishly following mindless rules is not the way to write good programs, and it isn't the way to teach people to write good programs. Resist! :) --Ned. -Jim -----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Maier <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 4:51 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

That would bring back my previous notion of fwhile. fwhile X in ListY and conditionZ: It was pointed out that the 'and' is ambiguous (though perhaps not fatally problematic) and adding a new keyword is really bad as well. I guess: for X in ListY and conditionZ: would just have the ambiguity. [Or maybe not, as long as the condition is a bool, it's not iterable and thus not confused with list.] -----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Maier <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 4:51 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 06/25/2013 04:08 PM, wrote:
What about allowing break and continue in if/else expressions? In a loop it might look like... break if n>=42 else continue In a comprehension it would be... [ (x if x<10 else break) for x in range(20) ] There has been some interest in adding 'break if condition'. But I think this would be better. Cheers, Ron

You don't have to: use the break statement, that's what it's for. About people teaching students not to use it: the existence of bad teachers teaching silly ideas is not a reason to add syntax to Python. --Ned. On 6/25/2013 10:46 AM, wrote:

That's a break.... -----Original Message----- From: Shane Green <> To: Ned Batchelder <> Cc: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 1:13 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: [x for x in l if x < 10 else break]? On Jun 25, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Ned Batchelder <> wrote: You don't have to: use the break statement, that's what it's for. About people teaching students not to use it: the existence of bad teachers teaching silly ideas is not a reason to add syntax to Python. --Ned. On 6/25/2013 10:46 AM, wrote: You shouldn't have to invoke takewhile and a lambda just to break out of for loop.
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Shane Green writes:
[x for x in l if x < 10 else break]?
That's currently invalid syntax: break is a statement. I think a while clause (as suggested by David Mertz) would be a more plausible extension of syntax. I do think extending generator/comprehension syntax is much more plausible than extending for loop syntax (for one thing, "just use break" is not an answer here!)

On 26/06/13 04:12, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Comprehensions in Clojure have this feature. ;; :when continues through the collection even if some have the ;; condition evaluate to false, like filter user=> (for [x (range 3 33 2) :when (prime? x)] x) (3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31) ;; :while stops at the first collection element that evaluates to ;; false, like take-while user=> (for [x (range 3 33 2) :while (prime? x)] x) (3 5 7) (expr for x in seq while cond) is not expandable into a for loop in quite the same way as (expr for x in seq if cond) is: result = [] for x in seq: if cond: result.append(expr) vs result = [] for x in seq: if cond: result.append(expr) else: break but I think it is a natural extension to the generator syntax that fills a real need (or is at least frequently requested), is understandable, and has precedent in at least one other language. But Nick Coghlan has ruled it's not going to happen, although I don't understand what he had against it. -- Steven

On 26 Jun 2013 12:20, "Steven D'Aprano" <> wrote:
the same way as (expr for x in seq if cond) is:
a real need (or is at least frequently requested), is understandable, and has precedent in at least one other language. But Nick Coghlan has ruled it's not going to happen, although I don't understand what he had against it. Comprehensions are currently just syntactic sugar for particular kinds of explicit loop, with a relatively straightforward mechanical translation from the expression form to the statement form. That's an essential property that helps keep Python's expression level and suite level flow control constructs from diverging into two independent languages that happen to share some keywords. I would vastly prefer implementing PEP 403 to allow the iterable in a comprehension to be a full generator function over any of the proposals to add yet *more* statement like functionality to expressions. Cheers, Nick.

On 6/26/2013 12:45 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
I think there are two points about comprehensions that people miss when they use it as justification to proposed that their personal favorite composition be built in to the language. 1. Comprehensions compose at least three statements, and not just two. 2. Comprehensions embody and implement a basic concept and tool of thought -- defining a class or collection by rule, which is complementary to defining such by roster. The former is probably more common in everyday life and definitely so in law. A statement form of itertools.takewhile is not in the same ballpark. -- Displays are also 'just syntactic sugar for particular kinds of ... loop' -- but with the loop written in the imterpreter implementation language. nums = [1,2,3] is equivalent to nums = [] nums.append(1) nums.append(2) nums.append(3) and in CPython implemented as the internal equivalent of nums = [i for i in <1,2,3>] where <1,2,3> is a sequence of stack values. Tuples are preallocated to their final size and filled in by index.
I would vastly prefer implementing PEP 403 to allow the iterable in a comprehension to be a full generator function
I do not understand what you mean here. PEP 403 is about a new decorator clause, whereas the iterable in comprehension can already be the return from a generator function. -- Terry Jan Reedy

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote:
This will only work in generator comprehensions. The reasons are obvious if you think about it. But it isn't too ugly as a technique, IMO. I still like the 'while' clause in generators (notwithstanding the fact it doesn't translate straightforwardly to an "unrolled block"), but this is sort of nice (and maybe I'll start using it):
dict((i,i*2) for i in range(10) if i < 3 or stop()) {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4}
Even though this happens:
-- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On 27 Jun 2013 08:57, "David Mertz" <> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote: like the 'while' clause in generators (notwithstanding the fact it doesn't translate straightforwardly to an "unrolled block"), but this is sort of nice (and maybe I'll start using it):
dict((i,i*2) for i in range(10) if i < 3 or stop()) {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4}
I'm personally not opposed to allowing "else break" after the if clause as a way of terminating iteration early in comprehensions and generator expressions, as it's consistent with the existing translation to an explicit loop: {i:i*2 for i in range(10) if i<3 else break} I'd even be OK with the use of an "else" clause to define alternative entries to use when the condition is false: {i:i*2 for i in range(10) if i<3 else i:i} A reasonable constraint on the complexity may be to disallow mixing this extended conditional form with the nested loop form. I suspect Guido still won't be a fan either way, though :) Cheers, Nick.

On 27 June 2013 00:20, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
For reference this was discussed 6 months ago in the thread starting here:
If I remember there was an objection to using "else break" in preference for "else return" as it was deemed (by some) that it wasn't clear which loop the break applied to in the case where there were nested loops. The "else return" version still makes sense when unrolled if the intention is to terminate all the loops.
You can use ternary if/else in the expression rather than the if clause: {i:i*2 if i < 3 else i for i in range(10)} I think that's clearer in this case. This always works for list/set comprehensions and for generators. For dict comprehensions it works but it's less good if you need to use it for both key and value, i.e. {i*2: i*3 for i in range(10) if i < 3 else i:i} would become {i*2 if i < 3 else i: i*3 if i < 3 else i for i in range(10)}
A reasonable constraint on the complexity may be to disallow mixing this extended conditional form with the nested loop form.
I would welcome an addition along these lines with that constraint. I rarely use nested loops in comprehensions and often find myself writing simple while loops in situations that would be covered by a comprehension that used "else break". Oscar

On 06/26/2013 06:20 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
The 'else' in these cases is tricky... And may make the whole expression look too much like a if-else expression. [See last example]
This already works.
{i:(i*2 if i<3 else i) for i in range(10)} {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 4, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9}
And this:
[x if x<5 else 0 for x in range(10)] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
These take care of all one to one mapping of values. The 'if' after the iterator handles the selection of values. Given that, it makes sense to allow flow control statements after the last if, but not expressions effecting the values. (Not ... else i:i) Here are some examples of how I thinking about this... This includes values less than limit. [x for x in range(n) if x<limit] is the same as... (*) [x for x in range(n) if x<limit pass else continue] (*we don't need this one, because the above already works this way.) The reverse would be... [x for x in range(n) if x<=limit continue] And to stop early... [x for x in range(n) if x>=limit break] If we included else break, it would need to be spelled... [x for x in range(n) if x<limit pass else break] But this.... when an else immediately follows the condition... [x for x in range(n) if x>limit else break] Resembles an if-else expression too much... Parentheses for clarity. result = [(x for x in range(n)) if (x<limit) else (break)] I don't think we want that. (?) Cheers, Ron

From: Ron Adam <> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 7:44 PM
First, why restrict break to the last if clause? Saying it can't go in a for clause or in the controlled expression I understand, but… currently, there's nothing special about the last clause (or any other clause, except for the first, in genexps only), and it seems odd to change that. But meanwhile, your description made me realize exactly what feels weird about the whole idea. A comprehension doesn't have flow control statements. It has _clauses_. Obviously they're related things; there's a mapping that's rigorously definable and intuitively clear. But they don't have a colon and a suite. (They don't even take the same set of expressions, but that's not important here.) Intuitively, that's because the whole point of a comprehension is that the rest of the comprehension, especially including the core expression, is the suite. Adding a suite breaks that. Forget that break means the flow control is no longer always downward-local. It also completely turns the meaning of the controlling if statement around. Instead of "if this: the rest of the expression" it's "if this: the suite, else: the rest of the expression". On top of that, the clauses map to nested statements. You can't nest break statements. All of this becomes more obvious if you try to describe things rigorously. Let's rewrite to explain the semantics of break. In order to make the issues more obvious, I'm going to ignore continue, use your "only at the end" restriction, and not add a rule saying that the break has to be controlled by an if. (If you want to write [x for subiter in iter for x in subiter break], fine, you get back []—this actually won't be interpretable for a genexp with only one clause, but let that be an error because it translates to an error.) I don't think changing any of those would solve any of the problems, they'd just make things more complicated and harder to see. First, add the new syntax. There are two obvious ways to do it: comp_if ::= "if" comp_if_body expression_nocond ["break" | comp_iter] Or: comp_iter ::= comp_for | comp_if | comp_break comp_break ::= "break" If you keep the existing semantics, this: x = [value for value in iter if pred(value) break] … maps to: x = [] for value in iter: if pred(value): break x.append(value) Or maybe the append is a sibling of the break rather than a child? Either way, it makes no sense. It has to map to something like this: x = [] for value in iter: if pred(value): break x.append(value) Which means the clauses are no longer nested, so the simple explanation no longer works. Instead, you need something more convoluted, like: The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause, zero or more for or if clauses, and zero or one break clause. In this case, the elements of the new container are those that would be produced by considering each of the for or if clauses a block, nesting from left to right, and the break clause, if present, a simple statement, and evaluating the expression to produce an element each time the innermost block that does not directly contain a break is entered and a block directly containing a break, if any, is not entered. I think you can make it a little less convoluted by using the concept of exiting a block (which is well-defined, thanks to with statements), but I think that just makes it even less intuitive: The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause, zero or more for or if clauses, and zero or one break clause. In this case, the elements of the new container are those that would be produced by considering each of the for or if clauses a block, nesting from left to right, and the break clause, if present, a simple statement, and evaluating the expression to produce an element each time the innermost block is exited without executing a break. There's no way to explain this simply, because it's no longer simple. As a side note:
[x for x in range(n) if x<limit pass else continue]
This is already hard to distinguish from a ternary expression, even without the other stuff you bring in later. Compare:
[x for x in range(n) if n<10 else range(10)]
I don't think that's valid (although I'm not sure without testing). And I'm not sure if it would be as hard for the parser to deal with as it is for a human. But really, if a human can't parse it, it's meaningless.

Let me try to gather together all of the possibilities that have been discussed in this and the two previous threads, plus a couple of obvious ones nobody's mentioned. Unless I'm missing a good idea, or someone can explain why one of these isn't as bad as it seems, I don't like any of them. Some of them are ugly right off the bat. The rest are deceptively appealing until you think them through, but then they're even worse than the obviously bad ones. I'll try to put them in order from least bad to most horrid. (I'm +0.25 on #1, but not until Python 4; -0 on #2; -1 on #3, and it's all downhill from there.) 1. Redefine comprehensions on top of generator expressions instead of defining them in terms of nested blocks. def stop(): raise StopIteration x = [value if pred(value) else stop() for value in iterable] This would make the implementation of Python simpler. It also makes the language conceptually simpler. The subtle differences between [x for x in foo] and list(x for x in foo) are gone. And it's actually a pretty small change to the official semantics. Just replace the last two paragraphs of 6.2.4 with "The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause and zero or more for or if clauses. In this case, the expression and clauses are interpreted as if they were a generator expression, and the elements of the new container are those yielded by that generator expression consumed to completion." (It also makes it easier to fix the messy definition of dict comprehensions, if anyone cares.) Unlike #5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, but like #2, 3, 4, and 9, this only allows you to break out of one for clause, not any. But that's exactly the same as break only being able to break out of one for loop. Nobody complains that Python doesn't have "break 2" or "break :label", right? The real downside is that this is a very radical change. People may sometimes rely on the differences between listcomps and genexps, maybe even without realizing they're doing so. Code that's worked unchanged from 2.0 to 3.3 might break. Also, the obvious implementation would make listcomps about 25-50% slower, and trying to tweak the existing optimized comprehension code to work as-if wrapping a generator (and writing tests for all of the edge cases) sounds like a lot of work. And at best it would still be at least a _little_ slower (handling StopIteration, handling errors in the outer for clause differently from other clauses, etc. aren't free). Still, I could get behind this for Python 4.0. 2. Just require comprehensions to handle StopIteration. The main cost and benefit are the same as #1. However, it makes the language and implementation more complex, rather than simpler. Also, the effects of this less radical change (you can no longer pass StopIteration through a comprehension) seem like they might be harder to explain to people than the more radical one. And, worse, they less radical effects would probably cause more subtle bugs. Which implies a few versions where passing StopIteration through a comprehension triggers a warning. 3. Turn break from a statement into an expression. x = [value if pred(value) else break for value in iterable] The break expression, when evaluated, would have the exact same effect as executing the statement today (including being an error if it's not nested syntactically under a loop or inside a comprehension). This would be trivial to implement, document, and teach. But I don't think anyone wants an expression that inherently has no value. Python doesn't have any such expressions today. (Yes, you can write a function call that never returns normally—like sys.exit()—but that still has a return, it just never gets there.) Also, today, Python gets a lot of mileage out of separating statements and expressions. You can see the flow at a glance, and there's exactly one side-effect per line. If we're going to lose that, I'd rather get something a lot cooler in exchange. 4. Add a break expression that's only allowed inside a comprehension expression. Basically the same as #3 with less wide-reaching effects… but harder to describe. (How would you write the grammar? Duplicate every expression node: comp_conditional_expression, comp_lambda_form, …? Allow break as an expression syntactically, but make it an error semantically except directly in an expression_stmt or comprehension?) And of course it makes the language less consistent. I'd rather have #3, and just say "don't use break as an expression except in comprehensions" in PEP 8 and in linters. 5. Add a new until statement, and a corresponding until clause to comprehensions. x = [value for value in iterable until pred(value)] It's intuitively obvious what it means. And it's easy to define: comp_iter ::= comp_for | comp_if | comp_until comp_until ::= "until" expression [comp_iter] Then just s/for or if/for, if, or until/g in 6.2.4. Of course you have to define an until statement: until expression: suite … equivalent to: if expression: break else: suit … with syntax: until_stmt ::= "until" expression ":" suite … and semantics:
until may only occur syntactically nested in a for or while loop, but not nested in a function or class definition within that loop. If the expression is found to be true, it terminates the nearest enclosing loop; otherwise, the suite is executed.
… and nobody will ever use that statement. Which is a hell of an argument against adding it to the language. Obviously you could use a different new keyword, with the same sense or the opposite. But I don't think anything is any better. A couple of people suggested when, but that's even worse—besides sounding like it means "if" rather than "while" here, it actually _does_ mean "if" in most languages that have it—Clojure, CoffeeScript, Racket, etc. 6. Add the until clause without the statement. Basically the same as #5, but interpreted as-if an until statement existed, which it won't. To me, this is much worse than #5. It adds the same complexity to the language, and makes it inconsistent to boot. To interpret a comprehension, you'll have to map it to a nested block that contains statements that don't exist—you have no experience with, and no way to gain experience with them, and you can't even run the resulting code. 7. Add a "magic" while clause that's basically until with the opposite sense. x = [value for value in iterable while pred(value)] This reads pretty nicely (at least in trivial comprehensions), it parallels takewhile and friends, and it matches a bunch of other languages (most of the languages where "when" means "if", "while" means this). But it has a completely different meaning from while statements, and in fact a barely-related one. In particular, it's obviously not this: x = [] for value in iterable: while pred(value): x.append(value) What it actually means is: x = [] for value in iterable: if pred(value): x.append(value) else: break Imagine trying to teach that to a novice. Or trying to write the formal definition in 6.2.4. This makes the language much more inconsistent than #6. 8. Allow else break in comp_if clauses. x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) else break] This one is pretty easy to define rigorously, since it maps to exactly what the while attempt maps to with a slight change to the existing rules. But to me, it makes the code a confusing mess. I'm immediately reading "iterable if pred(value) else break", and that's wrong. Also, while it's pretty easy to convert this to a nested block in your head, it's not as easy to just read out in line, because the rest of the comprehension and the main expression no longer just nest under the end of the clause; instead, they nest under the middle of it Also, an else clause that can't be used for anything but break is very weird. But it doesn't make sense to put anything else there. 9. Add a special comp_break clause. x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) break] The syntax is intuitively simple (break clauses nest just like if and for clauses, and the fact that you can't nest anything underneath it is obvious), and also trivial to define (see my last email). But this reverses the sense of the controlling if. In fact, each time I read it, the meaning seems to flip back and forth until I finally get it. And there's no way to make the semantics reasonable if they're defined in terms of nested blocks (as they are today) without lots of special-case language to deal with break. (See my last email.) 10. Allow break in comp_if clauses. x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) break] The syntax is almost simple as #9, and it gets you more flexibility (because there's nothing stopping you from putting a break under any if statement, not just the last). However, intuitively this is exactly the same as #9. An if statement with a break means something completely different, and nearly opposite, to one without a break. And trying to define the meaning is even more complicated. ----- Original Message -----

On 27 June 2013 17:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
Ouch, I hadn't noticed that parallel. Yeah, it's a bad idea :) Someone was asking earlier why I thought PEP 403 was at all relevant to these discussions. It's because it makes it easy to define a one shot generator function to precisely control the iterable in a comprehension. If we assume a world where itertools.takewhile doesn't exist, you could write an equivalent inline: @in x = [transform(value) for value in my_takewhile(pred, iterable)] def my_takewhile(pred, itr): for x in itr: if not pred(x): break yield x All the important inputs are still visible in the header line, and the definition of "takewhile" is right there, rather than sending the reader off to another part of the code. It's an intermediate step between "This callable needs to be a function or generator to get access to full statement syntax, but we only use it in this one place" and "This is a useful piece of independent functionality, let's make it available as a function or method". Would such syntax be a net win for a language? Highly arguable, which is why the PEP is still deferred. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

From: Nick Coghlan <> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:43 AM
I'm still not sure how it's relevant here. Obviously takewhile already exists in the stdlib, and if I wanted stop I'd probably want it frequently enough to define it and reuse it. So, for the current discussion, are you just suggesting using it to break up an overly-verbose or -complex takewhile solution, as an answer to "Yeah, I know about takewhile, but it's too verbose or complex so I don't want to use it"? If so, I don't think it answers that. If someone wants this: x = [value for value in iterable if value > 0 while value < 10] … and rejects this: x = [value for value in takewhile(lambda x: x < 10, iterable) if value > 0] … I don't think they'd be happier with this: @in x = [value for value in takewhile(under10, iterable) if value > 0] def under10(value): return value < 10 And as someone who _wouldn't_ reject the takewhile, if I want to break it up, I'd be happier going in the opposite direction: iterable_to_10 = takewhile(lambda value: value < 10, iterable) x = [value for value in iterable_to_10 if value > 0] That puts it as a sequence of simple transformations to an iterable, rather than a bunch of simple functions plugged into different places in one big expression. (Although admittedly my stupid toy example, with its total of 1 transformations or functions, isn't the best demonstration of that…) Where your idea would really be useful is, exactly, as you say, "… to get access to full statement syntax, but we only use it in this one place". I don't think the kinds of things people are envisioning putting in while clauses need statement syntax. The only reason statement syntax even really came up is the idea of break and/or a more-statement-like if as an alternative to while. Having a real function wouldn't help with break, because you're not allowed to break across function boundaries. In fact, I think what people really want is the opposite: to write an expression, not a function. That's a big part of the appeal of using comprehensions over map and filter: if you don't already have a ready-made function, no problem (and no lambdas or partials), just use a comprehension and write the expression in-place. People want a similar answer to make takewhile at least as unnecessary as map and filter.

27.06.2013 13:49, Andrew Barnert napisał: [...]
+1! Maybe it could be achieved with a new separate generator expression syntax, being orthogonal to the existing generator-expr/comprehension syntaxes? Maybe such as: (<name> from <iterable> while <condition>) E.g.: g = (line from myfile while line.strip()) ...which would be equivalent to: def _temp(_myfile): iterator = iter(_myfile) line = next(iterator) while line.strip(): yield line line = next(iterator) g = _temp(myfile) Unlike the existing generator-expr/comprehension syntaxes this syntax is focused on predicate-based iteration stopping (like itertools.takewhile) rather than on any processing of the iterated values. Obviously, it could be combined with the existing syntaxes, e.g.: processed = [2 * x for x in (x from seq while x < 100)] ...or probably better (a matter of taste): items = (x from seq while x < 100) processed = [2 * x for x in items] Cheers. *j

This closely ties to the discussion with subject that starts with “is this PEP-able? [...]” What about [x until condition for x in l ...] or [x for x in l until condition] Condition checked with output values only On Jun 28, 2013, at 3:28 PM, Jan Kaliszewski <> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Shane Green <> wrote:
Just to throw in one more variation: [expr for item in iterable break if condition] (inversion of "if" and "break"reinforces the idea that we are dealing with an expression rather than a statement - compare with "a if cond else b")

On Jun 28, 2013, at 16:50, Alexander Belopolsky <> wrote:
This is pretty much the same as the single-word breakif or ifbreak ideas, but has the advantage of not adding a new keyword. I'm not sure, without looking more carefully, whether the grammar could be ambiguous to the parser. But to a person I think it could be. We've already got two ways an "if" can appear in a comp--an if clause, or a ternary expression. Adding a third seems like it might make it harder to get the meaning just by scanning. As a side note, I think it would really help if we came up with a couple of paradigm examples instead of using content free toy examples. Maybe: [line for line in f break if not line.strip() if not line.startswith("#")] In other words "all comment characters up to the first blank line".

On Jun 28, 2013, at 16:38, Shane Green <> wrote:
This one is already on the list of possibilities. Which probably implies that Nick Coghlan was right: it's time for a draft PEP so people have something to refer to instead of trying to follow multiple ridiculously long threads (and, as he implied, so the core devs have a way to close the discussion with a final "rejected" decision if they want to). I'll work on it this weekend. (I'll also probably write up #1 and #2 as a separate draft and just reference it, and try to better organize the other choices as I described in an earlier message.) Meanwhile, the advantage of "until" is that it can still map directly to a nestable statement, meaning the semantics of comps and genexps doesn't have to change at all. The disadvantage is that it seems like a statement that would almost never be useful outside of comprehensions. So, either we have to add a new flow control statement nobody will use, or add an "as-if" statement that's only accessible as a comp clause.

On 27 June 2013 08:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
You've missed out having "else return" in comprehensions. I like this less than a while clause but it was preferred by some as it unrolls perfectly in the case that the intention is to break out of all loops e.g.: [f(x, y) for x in xs for y in ys if g(x, y) else return] becomes _tmplist = [] def _tmpfunc(): for x in xs: for y in ys: if g(x, y): _tmplist.append(f(x, y)) else: return _tmpfunc()
I prefer x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) or stop()] so that the flow control is all on the right hand side of the "in".
I'm not sure why you expect that it would only break out of one for clause; I expect it to break out of all of them. That's how it works with generator expressions: Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
It also works that way if you spell it the way that you did:
list(x + y if y == '1' else stop() for x in 'abc' for y in '123') ['a1']
I think that the current behaviour is harder to explain.
And, worse, they less radical effects would probably cause more subtle bugs. Which implies a few versions where passing StopIteration through a comprehension triggers a warning.
I would be happy if it triggered a warning anyway. I can't imagine a reasonable situation where that isn't a bug.
I can definitely imagine teaching it to a novice. I have taught Python to groups of students who are entirely new to programming and also to groups with prior experience of other languages. I would not teach list comprehensions by unrolling them unless it was a more advanced Python programming course. To explain the list comprehension with while clauses I imagine having the following conversation and interactive session: ''' Okay so a list comprehension is a way of making a new list out of an existing list. Let's say we have a list called numbers_list like
Now we want to create a new list called squares_list containing the square of each of the numbers in numbers_list. We can do this very easily with a list comprehension and it looks like
The list comprehension loops through all the numbers in numbers_list and, calling the current number n, computes n squared (n ** 2). As it does this is puts all the n squared numbers into a new list in the same order. We can also add an "if clause" to choose which elements from numbers_list we will use to make the new list. To make a list that is the square of all the numbers from numbers_list that are less than 4 we can do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list if n < 4] [1, 4, 9, 9, 4, 1]
Now the comprehension includes n ** 2 in the new list only if n < 4; otherwise n is ignored and the comprehension moves on to the next number from numbers_list. Also if we want the list comprehension to stop looping over the numbers in numbers_list after, for example, seeing a particular number we can use a "while clause" instead of an "if clause". If we want the comprehension to read numbers from numbers_list only while all of the numbers seen are less than 4 then we could do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list while n < 4] [1, 4, 9]
In this case what happens is that as soon as the comprehension finds the number 4 from numbers_list the while condition isn't true any more so it stops reading numbers from numbers_list. This means it doesn't find the other numbers that are also less than 4 at the end of numbers_list (unlike the if clause). '''
You wouldn't have that confusion with "else return". Oscar

From: Oscar Benjamin <> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 3:16 AM
For simplicity, I was just dealing with the "break" solutions, not "continue" and "return" (and "raise" or anything else anyone might want). I should have said that, but I didn't; sorry. So, this goes under case 8. But it's worth noting that return adds additional mental load on top of break. Comprehensions aren't functions, either conceptually or practically, but it will force you to think of them as functions and carry that cognitive dissonance around as you read them. Comprehensions _are_ loops, so break doesn't have that problem.
Some of the ideas can only break out of the last loop, some can only break out of all of them, some can break out of any one loop. I don't think it will make a difference that often in comprehensions. A comprehension with two for clauses and an if is already pushing the limits of readability; throwing in a break or return as well just seems like asking for trouble. But you're right, that is the difference between else break and else return.
1. Redefine comprehensions on top of generator expressions instead of
so that the flow control is all on the right hand side of the "in".
I suppose this solution allows either. Personally, I think using or for non-trivial flow control is more obscure than helpful. Would you write this? for value in iterable: if pred(value) or stop(): yield value Of course not; you'd write: for value in iterable: if pred(value): yield value else: stop()
Unlike #5, 6, 7, 8, and 10, but like #2, 3, 4, and 9, this only allows you
My fault again, I wasn't clear here. What I meant is that #1, 2, 3, 4, and 9 don't give you the option of where or how far to break; #5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 do. The important bit was that I don't think it's that important.
What's hard to explain about the current behavior? StopIteration passes through comprehensions the same way it does through for loops.
This makes perfect sense today. Going from novice to intermediate understanding of list comprehensions, and many other areas of Python, is almost trivial, and that's part of what makes teaching Python so much easier than teaching, say, C++. I've seen hundreds of people show up on StackOverflow and similar places completely baffled by a complex list comprehension in some code they've run into. As soon as you show them how to unroll it, they immediately get it. If that were no longer true, how would you get people over that step? Also, in my experience, devs coming over from other languages, at least the good ones, want to understand the abstractions, not just use them. They'll want to know why a for clause is just like a for statement and an if clause is just like an if statement but a while clause is nothing like a while statement. Partly this is because many of them are still spending 80% of their time writing in JavaScript or C# or whatever and only 15% in Python, and anything unique about Python that they can't understand, they're going to forget. Comprehensions are flow control expressions that map to flow control statements in a way that's not just simple, but obvious—once you get it, you can't forget it. But if we break the abstraction, that will no longer we true.
8. Allow else break in comp_if clauses.
Why not? They're both single-keyword flow-control statements. Why would anyone's brain read else return any differently from else break?

On 27 June 2013 21:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
FWIW, while I actually agree with you that "else return" doesn't fit because people *think* of comprehensions and generator as loops rather than as nested functions, they *are* defined as following the scoping rules of a nested function and CPython actually implements them that way:
This is one of the things we cleaned up in Python 3 in order to stop leaking the iteration variable for comprehensions into the surrounding scope - we tried a few other options, but ultimately declaring them to be implicit nested functions proved to be the simplest approach. If you're willing, I'm actually thinking this may be one of those discussions that's worth summarising in a PEP, even if it's just to immediately mark it Rejected. Similar to PEP 315 and a few other PEPs, it can help to have a document that clearly spells out the objective (which I think you summarised nicely as "trying to find a syntactic replacement for itertools.takewhile, just as comprehensions replaced many uses of map and filter"), even if no acceptable solution has been found. That phrasing of the objective also highlights a counter argument I hadn't considered before: if we don't consider takewhile a common enough use case to make it a builtin, why on *earth* are we even discussing the possibility of giving it dedicated syntax? Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | | Brisbane, Australia

On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:19, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
I thought it was decided to explicitly add comprehensions as a new place that defines a scope, to avoid the confusion of calling them functions? I may be remembering wrong; I'll read over the docs later.

Sorry for the split reply; hit the wrong button. On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:19, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
The ideas are pretty broad-ranging. In particular, #1 got two somewhat supportive responses that had nothing to do with the comprehension termination idea. Do side issues like that need to be discussed first/separately before referencing them in a while clause PEP? Also, we seem pretty far from a consensus on what the actual tradeoffs are for most of the options. For example, is the definition of comps in terms of loops the core idea behind the abstraction, or a minor triviality that's only useful in understanding bad code? Are the differences between comps and genexps a bug or a feature? Finally, how does this connect up to the original idea of this thread, which was to draft a PEP for while clauses in loop statements rather than in comprehensions? Obviously if that existed, it would change the options for comp syntax. Do we need to include that idea in the discussion? (I completely forgot about it while digging up all of the ideas that spun off from it...)
Besides early termination for comps, the only good use case I know of is in code that already makes heavy use of itertools, and making one of the functions a builtin wouldn't change anything. And if early termination for comps is a special case, it doesn't seem too unreasonable to consider other ways to handle it. But you're right that "make takewhile a builtin" should probably be considered among the alternatives.

-----Original Message----- From: Andrew Barnert <> To: Nick Coghlan <> Cc: python-ideas <> Sent: Thu, Jun 27, 2013 2:28 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Sorry for the split reply; hit the wrong button. On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:19, Nick Coghlan <> wrote:
The ideas are pretty broad-ranging. In particular, #1 got two somewhat supportive responses that had nothing to do with the comprehension termination idea. Do side issues like that need to be discussed first/separately before referencing them in a while clause PEP? Also, we seem pretty far from a consensus on what the actual tradeoffs are for most of the options. For example, is the definition of comps in terms of loops the core idea behind the abstraction, or a minor triviality that's only useful in understanding bad code? Are the differences between comps and genexps a bug or a feature? Finally, how does this connect up to the original idea of this thread, which was to draft a PEP for while clauses in loop statements rather than in comprehensions? Obviously if that existed, it would change the options for comp syntax. Do we need to include that idea in the discussion? (I completely forgot about it while digging up all of the ideas that spun off from it...)
Besides early termination for comps, the only good use case I know of is in code that already makes heavy use of itertools, and making one of the functions a builtin wouldn't change anything. And if early termination for comps is a special case, it doesn't seem too unreasonable to consider other ways to handle it. But you're right that "make takewhile a builtin" should probably be considered among the alternatives. ===================== So combining this and what Shane says, "trying to find a syntactic replacement for itertools.takewhile, just as comprehensions replaced many uses of map and filter", which is also usable in comprehensions? (Maybe that was already implied) You should probably include the Wolfgang Maier thread in Jan. 2013 on the same subject. _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 27 June 2013 12:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
From: Oscar Benjamin <>
Some of the ideas can only break out of the last loop, some can only break out of all of them, some can break out of any one loop. I don't think it will make a difference that often in comprehensions. A comprehension with two for clauses and an if is already pushing the limits of readability; throwing in a break or return as well just seems like asking for trouble.
So what about Nick's suggestion that a syntax could be limited to cases where there is only one for clause?
No, but I find it readable in the comprehension.
It's hard to explain the difference between list(generator expression) and a list comprehension in this respect as it requires thinking about the mechanics of StopIteration. You can see my previous attempt here:
I think that this is really a style problem. The emphasis on unrolling comprehensions makes it seem acceptable to write complex comprehensions that can only be understood after being unrolled. To me, a comprehension is good when you can look at it and immediately know what it does. If it needs to be mentally unrolled before it can be understood then it would probably be better if it was actually unrolled in the source and then everyone can look directly at the unrolled code.
My bad, you're right. I was thinking of the break as an expression because of the way you split it out but it's not a valid expression (just like return). Oscar

Resending with the mailing list copied this time... I don't think the use of "while" is appropriate. A thing about list comprehension is that everything inside the brackets works around a single iteration; it's stateless, basically. You cannot (cleanly) define a condition around the length of the output, for example. "While", on the other hand, implies repetition, but its usage is again stateless and agnostic to it's application or position within the comprehension. [x until condition(x) for x in l if x] Note that "until" suffers from the same implied duration issue that "while" did, but does benefit from not officially being a looping mechanicsm already. In this approach the condition is not evaluated for values not returned, and it is run against the result of any If/else clause that manipulates return values. On Jun 27, 2013 3:17 AM, "Oscar Benjamin" <> wrote: On 27 June 2013 08:28, Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
You've missed out having "else return" in comprehensions. I like this less than a while clause but it was preferred by some as it unrolls perfectly in the case that the intention is to break out of all loops e.g.: [f(x, y) for x in xs for y in ys if g(x, y) else return] becomes _tmplist = [] def _tmpfunc(): for x in xs: for y in ys: if g(x, y): _tmplist.append(f(x, y)) else: return _tmpfunc()
I prefer x = [value for value in iterable if pred(value) or stop()] so that the flow control is all on the right hand side of the "in".
I'm not sure why you expect that it would only break out of one for clause; I expect it to break out of all of them. That's how it works with generator expressions: Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) [GCC 4.7.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
It also works that way if you spell it the way that you did:
list(x + y if y == '1' else stop() for x in 'abc' for y in '123') ['a1']
I think that the current behaviour is harder to explain.
And, worse, they less radical effects would probably cause more subtle bugs. Which implies a few versions where passing StopIteration through a comprehension triggers a warning.
I would be happy if it triggered a warning anyway. I can't imagine a reasonable situation where that isn't a bug.
I can definitely imagine teaching it to a novice. I have taught Python to groups of students who are entirely new to programming and also to groups with prior experience of other languages. I would not teach list comprehensions by unrolling them unless it was a more advanced Python programming course. To explain the list comprehension with while clauses I imagine having the following conversation and interactive session: ''' Okay so a list comprehension is a way of making a new list out of an existing list. Let's say we have a list called numbers_list like
Now we want to create a new list called squares_list containing the square of each of the numbers in numbers_list. We can do this very easily with a list comprehension and it looks like
The list comprehension loops through all the numbers in numbers_list and, calling the current number n, computes n squared (n ** 2). As it does this is puts all the n squared numbers into a new list in the same order. We can also add an "if clause" to choose which elements from numbers_list we will use to make the new list. To make a list that is the square of all the numbers from numbers_list that are less than 4 we can do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list if n < 4] [1, 4, 9, 9, 4, 1]
Now the comprehension includes n ** 2 in the new list only if n < 4; otherwise n is ignored and the comprehension moves on to the next number from numbers_list. Also if we want the list comprehension to stop looping over the numbers in numbers_list after, for example, seeing a particular number we can use a "while clause" instead of an "if clause". If we want the comprehension to read numbers from numbers_list only while all of the numbers seen are less than 4 then we could do
[n ** 2 for n in numbers_list while n < 4] [1, 4, 9]
In this case what happens is that as soon as the comprehension finds the number 4 from numbers_list the while condition isn't true any more so it stops reading numbers from numbers_list. This means it doesn't find the other numbers that are also less than 4 at the end of numbers_list (unlike the if clause). '''
You wouldn't have that confusion with "else return". Oscar _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 25 June 2013 18:12, Shane Green <> wrote:
[x for x in l if x < 10 else break]?
Humorously, this works: def brk(): raise StopIteration (x if x < 10 else brk() for x in range(100)) list(x if x < 10 else brk() for x in range(100)) Quirkily, but obvious with thought, this does not: [x if x < 10 else brk() for x in range(100)]

I tend to agree with you in theory. To recap: MISRA-C 1998 [No gotos, no breaks (except in switches), no continues] MISRA-C 2004 [No gotos, no continues, one break per loop (and also the switches)] MISRA-C 2012 [Some gotos are now allowed!] C is not python, but this translated to the teaching community and here we are. Carried forward into python: In practice, many many students are being told to avoid break/continue. Maybe something from the Python leadership saying breaks are fine? Given their lack of support for gotos it's easy to see how others might feel breaks and continues are bad as well, even in Python. -----Original Message----- From: Ned Batchelder <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 1:08 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: You don't have to: use the break statement, that's what it's for. About people teaching students not to use it: the existence of bad teachers teaching silly ideas is not a reason to add syntax to Python. --Ned. On 6/25/2013 10:46 AM, wrote: You shouldn't have to invoke takewhile and a lambda just to break out of for loop.
_______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

What more support do we need to show than the fact that the keywords break and continue exists in the language and goto does not? Would some code written by Guido suffice? On his blog http://neopythonic.blogspot.comthere's an example of code he has written with a break without even having to search through the archive.

From: "" <> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:11 AM
$ grep break cpython/Lib/*py |wc -l 551 $ grep continue cpython/Lib/*py |wc -l 280 A handful of those are actually things like "setcbreak", but I'd guess at least 90% are breaking out of loops. Then there are the examples all over the official tutorial, module reference docs, FAQs, etc. that use break and continue. And Python's loop else clauses would clearly not exist if break weren't idiomatic. If all of that isn't enough to convince people, I doubt a statement from Guido undersigned by a dozen other key leaders would make a difference. And really, the larger problem is that people are trying to apply standards for idioms from C, C++, Java, C#, etc. to Python, not that this particular one is wrong. This is the same mentality that convinces people to use special error return values and check-before-open instead of exceptions, and all kinds of other things that are just plain wrong. If they haven't figured out yet that C and Python are not the same language, I don't know what anyone can say or do, short of not hiring them, protesting working alongside them, and exposing them to public ridicule.

On 2013-06-26 00:05, Andrew Barnert wrote:
These numbers should be a bit more accurate by recursing into packages (and tests, which one may not want, but I'd count them) and only counting actual uses of the keywords in code: [cpython/Lib]$ --without-filename -p '\bbreak\b' | wc -l 740 [cpython/Lib]$ --without-filename -p '\bcontinue\b' | wc -l 607 -- Robert Kern "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." -- Umberto Eco

Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang

I saw your thread. Thank you for summarizing the result! It looks like the best alternative is itertools.takewhile, but I don't like it.... :( -Jim -----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Maier <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 4:51 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 6/25/2013 4:58 PM, wrote:
Ugh! The best alternative is "break." The people advocating not using break are doing so for "readability" reasons. I would be very surprised if they thought takewhile was more readable than a break statement. Slavishly following mindless rules is not the way to write good programs, and it isn't the way to teach people to write good programs. Resist! :) --Ned.

Ned, I'm sorry. I totally agree. What I meant was that takewhile is the best alternative if you don't use break. MISRA-C 2004 allows one break in a loop, so even MISRA is on board. But their 1998 edict polluted a lot of minds.... -Jim -----Original Message----- From: Ned Batchelder <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 5:17 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: On 6/25/2013 4:58 PM, wrote: I saw your thread. Thank you for summarizing the result! It looks like the best alternative is itertools.takewhile, but I don't like it.... :( Ugh! The best alternative is "break." The people advocating not using break are doing so for "readability" reasons. I would be very surprised if they thought takewhile was more readable than a break statement. Slavishly following mindless rules is not the way to write good programs, and it isn't the way to teach people to write good programs. Resist! :) --Ned. -Jim -----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Maier <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 4:51 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

That would bring back my previous notion of fwhile. fwhile X in ListY and conditionZ: It was pointed out that the 'and' is ambiguous (though perhaps not fatally problematic) and adding a new keyword is really bad as well. I guess: for X in ListY and conditionZ: would just have the ambiguity. [Or maybe not, as long as the condition is a bool, it's not iterable and thus not confused with list.] -----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Maier <> To: python-ideas <> Sent: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 4:51 pm Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Is this PEP-able? for X in ListY while conditionZ: Hi, I suggested the very same 'while in a comprehension/generator expression' back in January: There were many very useful responses suggesting alternative syntax (that I'm using now). The proposal itself was dismissed with the logic that comprehensions can currently be translated directly into explicit for loops, e.g.: [x for x in items if x!=0] equals: result=[] for x in items: if x!=0: result.append(x) This equivalence is considered *very* important and the while statement would break it: [x for x in items while x>0] does *not* translate into: for x in item: while x>0: result.append(x) So, as long as you can't come up with syntax that translates properly, there's no chance of getting it accepted. Best, Wolfgang _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list

On 06/25/2013 04:08 PM, wrote:
What about allowing break and continue in if/else expressions? In a loop it might look like... break if n>=42 else continue In a comprehension it would be... [ (x if x<10 else break) for x in range(20) ] There has been some interest in adding 'break if condition'. But I think this would be better. Cheers, Ron
participants (18)
Alexander Belopolsky
Anders Hovmöller
Andrew Barnert
David Mertz
Jan Kaliszewski
Joshua Landau
Ned Batchelder
Nick Coghlan
Oscar Benjamin
Robert Kern
Ron Adam
Shane Green
Stephen J. Turnbull
Stephen J. Turnbull
Steven D'Aprano
Terry Reedy
Wolfgang Maier