Re: [Python-ideas] Make return inside a finally a SyntaxError

"Michael" == Michael Foord <> writes: Michael> The bit that has to be *added* in Python (and usually isn't added Michael> because it isn't at all obvious) is:
Michael> Exceptions are not reraised if the finally returns or breaks. OK.
If finally propagated exceptions, Michael> It does.
Sorry - I meant propagates the try exception even in the case that the finally does a return, break, or raises itself.
It begins to get complicated.
Michael> No, it gets simpler - no special cases for the exception handling Michael> of finally in the presence of a return. I think it's more complex. Either, or both, of the try block and the finally block may return/raise etc. What to do when those things conflict? Which block's opinion has priority? It seems clear (to me) that the finally block should have the final word, no matter what - including (perhaps even especially) if its ultimate conclusion conflicts with what the try block did. Terry
participants (1)
Terry Jones