On 04/16/2010 03:52 AM, alex23 wrote:
Well, It would be clearer expanded as: def success(arg): print(arg) result = register_callback(success) But in order to assign the result to "result", I renamed the function, register_callback returns an int.
@decorator solves one common case extremely well, though perusing its documentation I notice lots of "@return" use still - in any decorator that takes parameters before the function (arguably this could be solved by modifying "@decorator"). I also feel that, in the memoize example, the author has gone out of his way to use @decorator where creating an enclosing scope and "@return"ing would be less intrusive.
In light of the above, yes, there are enough uses for it, and the feeling of cleanliness it provides. Using it with classes is also useful (found in django) - though much rarer: def infix(bp, func): class Operator(TokenBase): ... def led(self, left, parser): ... def eval(self, context): ... return Operator The syntax overloading was intentional, "@return" is very like a decorator in behaviour (albeit not in implementation). Introducing a new syntax to do something so similar seems very heavy-handed. Having @return next to the definition emphasizes that flow of control, and (particularly for lengthy definitions) doesn't leave an orphaned return statement floating somewhere at the end. def infix(bp, func): @return class Operator(TokenBase): ... def led(self, left, parser): ... def eval(self, context): ... Obviously, on matters of aesthetics, anyone can be right. I am, however, convinced that avoiding repetition (even if it is just of a name) in an unambiguous manner is a worthy goal. Conrad
participants (1)
Conrad Irwin