I know Guido is on record as not wanting to allow both "for name in
sequence" and "for name = expr" due to that being a very subtle distinction
between iteration and simple assignment (especially given that Julia uses
them as alternate spellings for the same thing), but I'm wondering if it may
be worth considering such a distinction in *with statements*, such that we
allowed "with name = expr" in addition to "with cm as name" (where "name =
expr" is just an ordinary assignment statement that doesn't trigger the
context management protocol).
The related enhancement to comprehensions would then be to allow with
clauses to be interleaved between the for loops and the if statements, such
that you could write things like:
pairs = [(f(y), g(y)) for x in things with y = h(x)]
contents = [f.read() for fname in filenames with open(fname) as f]
while still preserving the property where comprehensions can be correctly
interpreted just by converting each of the clauses to the corresponding
statement form.
Even without the "with name = expr" change, allowing with clauses in
comprehensions would let you do (by way of a suitably defined "bind" CM):
pairs = [(f(y), g(y)) for x in things with bind(h(x)) as y]
Including standard "with open(...) as f" context management in list
comprehensions would also be a good idea, I think it's in the same
idea as including : allowing both statements (imperative programming)
and list comprehension (more "functional"). The same story goes for
exceptions :
for x in range(5):
yield f(x)
except Exception:
yield 0
isn't "refactorable" as a list comprehension like :
[try f(i) except Exception: 0 for x in range(5)]
But I think that would cover another subject :)
But if the "with =" syntax is accepted for simple assignment, it could
indeed introduce a confusion compared to the "with as" in context
management, and having a complete different keyword (or punctuation)
is maybe be better.
As a symmetry, we could also introduce the "with =" syntax in normal
statement :P that'd do a normal assignement, although that's be
probably stupid because normal assignements works well.