Summary: There's prior art in bug.python.org relating to off-thread topic discussion of locals(). Suggest work on closing open documentation issues relating to locals(). In the thread === Jump to function as an an alternative to call function https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-August/052761.html === there was post === https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-August/052807.html I wonder why locals doesn't return a Mapping Proxy, or other read-only mapping object? === and a discussion resulted. There's prior art on bugs.python.org, which can be found by searching for 'locals()' in the issue title. (Search for 'locals' gives more results.) One of the items is (created 2013 and still open): === Documentation of globals() and locals() should be improved https://bugs.python.org/issue19737 === In this issue Terry Read writes === https://bugs.python.org/msg204769 In my opinion, vague ideas like this one should go to python-ideas first. === I suggest that those that have time, energy and interest focus on closing the open locals() documentation issues. Such documentation would, I think, provide an excellent starting point for any proposals to change behaviour. There are 13 open issues with 'locals' in the title. -- Jonathan
participants (1)
Jonathan Fine