pip list only shows the name of package which auther wants which cant be imported for import we have to search for internet in which package format auther has written what i want to introduce is a new argument for pip this is new output which will show the list of all available packages. and if there is a subpackage it should be represented as branch tree and if all the leafs should be modules it is justlike pstree command in linux. $pip moduletree name name==version packagename-----+----{subpackage1}-----+----{module1} | +----{module2} | +----{module3} +----{subpackage2}------+---{module1} +----{subpackage3}------+-----{module} +-----mainmodule1 +-----mainmodule2 $pip moduletree # will give the above output for the for each package in pip list $pip moduletree packagename --classes will output the availble class names in the leaf node
participants (1)
shiva prasanth