Fwd: unpacking generalisations for list comprehension

Hello list I love the "new" unpacking generalisations as of pep448. And I found myself using them rather regularly, both with lists and dict. Today I somehow expected that [*foo for foo in bar] was equivalent to itertools.chain(*[foo for foo in bar]), which it turned out to be a SyntaxError. The dict equivalent of the above might then be something along the lines of {**v for v in dict_of_dicts.values()}. In case the values (which be all dicts) are records with the same keys, one might go and prepend the keys with their former keys using { **dict( ("{}_{}".format(k, k_sub), v_sub) for k_sub, v_sub in v.items() ) for k, v in dict_of_dicts.items() } Was anyone able to follow me through this? cheers! mar77i

I thought about it a lot recently. Specifically on your proposal, and in general. Unpacking expression can have a much more uniform treatment in the language, as an expression with special "bare tuple" type - like tuple, but "without the braces". It also gives mental explanation for the conditional expression, where "a if cond" is an unpack expression whose value is "*[a]" if cond hold, and "*[]" otherwise. without context, this is an error. But with an else, "a if cond else b" becomes "*[] else b" which evaluates to b. The result is exactly like today, but gives the ability to build conditional elements in a list literal: x = [foo(), bar() if cond, goo()] y = [1, bar()?, 3] x is a list of 2 elements or three elements, depending of the truthness of cond. y is a list of 2 elements or three elements, depending on whether bar() is None. It also opens the gate for None-coercion operator (discussed recently), where "x?" is replaced with "*[x if x is None]". If operations on this expression are mapped into the elements, "x?.foo" becomes "*[x.foo if x is None]" which is "x.foo" if x is not None, and "*[]" otherwise. It is similar to except-expression, but without actual explicit exception handling, and thus much more readable. Elazar On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 4:08 PM Martti Kühne <mar77i@mar77i.ch> wrote:

On 11 October 2016 at 23:50, אלעזר <elazarg@gmail.com> wrote:
That's a recipe for much deeper confusion, as it would make "*expr" and "*expr," semantically identical
*range(3), (0, 1, 2)
As things stand, the above makes tuple expansion the same as any other expression: you need a comma to actually make it a tuple. If you allow a bare "*" to imply the trailing comma, then it immediately becomes confusing when you actually *do* have a comma present, as the "*" no longer implies a new tuple, it gets absorbed into the surrounding one. That's outright backwards incompatible with the status quo once you take parentheses into account: >>> (*range(3)), (0, 1, 2) Regards, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

Hi Martti, On 11.10.2016 14:42, Martti Kühne wrote:
Reading PEP448 it seems to me that it's already been considered: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0448/#variations The reason for not-inclusion were about concerns about acceptance because of "strong concerns about readability" but also received "mild support". I think your post strengthens the support given that you "expected it to just work". This shows at least to me that the concerns about readability/understandability are not justified much. Personally, I find inclusion of */** expansion for comprehensions very natural. It would again strengthen the meaning of */** for unpacking which I am also in favor of. Cheers, Sven

On 12 October 2016 at 23:58, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
Readability isn't about "Do some people guess the same semantics for what it would mean?", as when there are only a few plausible interpretations, all the possibilities are going to get a respectable number of folks picking them as reasonable behaviour. Instead, readability is about: - Do people consistently guess the *same* interpretation? - Is that interpretation consistent with other existing uses of the syntax? - Is it more readily comprehensible than existing alternatives, or is it brevity for brevity's sake? This particular proposal fails on the first question (as too many people would expect it to mean the same thing as either "[*expr, for expr in iterable]" or "[*(expr for expr in iterable)]"), but it fails on the other two grounds as well. In most uses of *-unpacking it's adding entries to a comma-delimited sequence, or consuming entries in a comma delimited sequence (the commas are optional in some cases, but they're still part of the relevant contexts). The expansions removed the special casing of functions, and made these capabilities generally available to all sequence definition operations. Comprehensions and generator expressions, by contrast, dispense with the comma delimited format entirely, and instead use a format inspired by mathematical set builder notation (just modified to use keywords and Python expressions rather than symbols and mathematical expressions): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set-builder_notation#Sets_defined_by_a_predica... However, set builder notation doesn't inherently include the notion of flattening lists-of-lists. Instead, that's a *consumption* operation that happens externally after the initial list-of-lists has been built, and that's exactly how it's currently spelled in Python: "itertools.chain.from_iterable(subiter for subiter in iterable)". Regards, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On 12.10.2016 17:41, Nick Coghlan wrote:
So, my reasoning would tell me: where have I seen * so far? *args and **kwargs! [...] is just the list constructor. So, putting those two pieces together is quite simple. I expect that Martti's reasoning was similar. Furthermore, your two "interpretations" would yield the very same result as [expr for expr in iterable] which doesn't match with my experience with Python so far; especially when it comes to special characters. They must mean something. So, a simple "no-op" would not match my expectations.
but it fails on the other two grounds as well.
Here I disagree with you. We use *args all the time, so we know what * does. I don't understand why this should not work in between brackets [...]. Well, it works in between [...] sometimes but not always, to be precise. And that's the problem, I guess.
I don't know what you mean by comma-delimited sequence. There are no commas. It's just a list of entries. * adds entries to this list. (At least from my point of view.)
Comprehensions ... [are] inspired by mathematical set builder notation.
Exactly. Inspired. I don't see any reason not to extend on this idea to make it more useful.
"itertools.chain.from_iterable(subiter for subiter in iterable)".
I have to admit that need to read that twice to get what it does. But that might just be me. Cheers, Sven

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 06:32:12PM +0200, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
And multiplication. And sequence unpacking.
[...] is just the list constructor.
Also indexing: dict[key] or sequence[item or slice]. The list constructor would be either list(...) or possibly list.__new__. [...] is either a list display: [1, 2, 3, 4] or a list comprehension. They are not the same thing, and they don't work the same way. The only similarity is that they use [ ] as delimiters, just like dict and sequence indexing. That doesn't mean that you can write: mydict[x for x in seq if condition] Not everything with [ ] is the same.
So, putting those two pieces together is quite simple.
I don't see that it is simple at all. I don't see any connection between function *args and list comprehension loop variables.
Just because something would otherwise be a no-op doesn't mean that it therefore has to have some magical meaning. Python has a few no-ops which are allowed, or required, by syntax but don't do anything. pass (x) # same as just x +1 # no difference between literals +1 and 1 -0 func((expr for x in iterable)) # redundant parens for generator expr There may be more.
By this logic, *t should work... everywhere? while *args: try: raise *args except *args: del *args That's not how Python works. Just because syntax is common, doesn't mean it has to work everywhere. We cannot write: for x in import math: ... even though importing is common. *t doesn't work as the expression inside a list comprehension because that's not how list comps work. To make it work requires making this a special case and mapping [expr for t in iterable] to a list append, while [*expr for t in iterable] gets mapped to a list extend. Its okay to want that as a special feature, but understand what you are asking for: you're not asking for some restriction to be lifted, which will then automatically give you the functionality you expect. You're asking for new functionality to be added. Sequence unpacking inside list comprehensions as a way of flattening a sequence is completely new functionality which does not logically follow from the current semantics of comprehensions.
Not all points of view are equally valid. -- Steve

On 13.10.2016 01:29, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Multiplication with only a single argument? Come on.
And sequence unpacking.
We are on the right side of the = if any and not no the left side.
[...] is just the list constructor. Also indexing: dict[key] or sequence[item or slice].
There's no name in front of [. So, I cannot be an index either. Nothing else matches (in my head) and I also don't see any ambiguities. YMMV. I remember a new co-worker, I taught how to use *args and **kwargs. It was unintuitive to him on the first time as well. About the list constructor: we construct a list by writing [a,b,c] or by writing [b for b in bs]. The end result is a list and that matters from the end developer's point of view, no matter how fancy words you choose for it. Cheers, Sven

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 10:37:35AM +0200, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
You didn't say anything about a single argument. Your exact words are shown above: "where have I seen * so far?". I'm pretty sure you've seen * used for multiplication. I also could have mentioned regexes, globs, and exponentiation. I cannot respond to your intended meaning, only to what you actually write. Don't blame the reader if you failed to communicate clearly and were misunderstood. [...]
About the list constructor: we construct a list by writing [a,b,c] or by writing [b for b in bs]. The end result is a list
I construct lists using all sorts of ways: list(argument) map(func, sequence) zip(a, b) file.readlines() dict.items() os.listdir('.') sorted(values) and so on. Should I call them all "list constructors" just because they return a list? No, I don't think so. Constructor has a specific meaning, and these are not all constructors -- and neither are list comprehensions.
These "fancy words" that you dismiss are necessary technical terms. Precision in language is something we should aim for, not dismiss as unimportant. List comprehensions and list displays have different names, not to show off our knowledge of "fancy terms", but because they are different things which just happen to both return lists. Neither of them are what is commonly called a constructor. List displays are, in some senses, like a literal; list comprehensions are not, and are better understood as list builders, a process which builds a list. Emphasis should be on the *process* part: a comprehension is syntactic sugar for building a list using for-loop, not for a list display or list constructor. The bottom line is that when you see a comprehension (list, set or dict) or a generator expression, you shouldn't think of list displays, but of a for-loop. That's one of the reasons why the analogy with argument unpacking fails: it doesn't match what comprehensions *actually* are. -- Steve

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:10 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I think there is a terminology problem here (again). "Constructor" in OOP has a specific meaning, and "constructor" in functional terminology has a slightly different meaning. I guess Sven uses the latter terminology because pattern matching is the dual of the constructor - it is a "destructor" - and it feels appropriate, although admittedly confusing. In this terminology, map(), zip() etc. are definitely not constructors. there is only one "constructor" (list()), and there are functions that may use it as their implementation detail. In a way, [1, 2, 3] is just a syntactic shorthand for list construction, so it is reasonable to a call it a constructor. This terminology is not a perfect fit into the object-oriented world of Python, but it is very helpful in discussion of patterns how to apply them uniformly, since they were pretty much invented in the functional world (ML, I think, and mathematics). One only needs to be aware of the two different meaning, and qualify if needed, so that we won't get lost in terminology arguments again. Elazar

On 13.10.2016 16:10, Steven D'Aprano wrote: > On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 10:37:35AM +0200, Sven R. Kunze wrote: >> Multiplication with only a single argument? Come on. > You didn't say anything about a single argument. Your exact words are > shown above: "where have I seen * so far?". I'm pretty sure you've seen > * used for multiplication. I also could have mentioned regexes, globs, > and exponentiation. > > I cannot respond to your intended meaning, only to what you actually > write. Don't blame the reader if you failed to communicate clearly and > were misunderstood. Steven, please. You seemed to struggle to understand the notion of the [*....] construct and many people (not just me) here tried their best to explain their intuition to you. But now it seems you don't even try to come behind the idea and instead try hard not to understand the help offered. If you don't want help or don't really want to understand the proposal, that's fine but please, do us a favor and don't divert the thread with nitpicking nonsensical details (like multiplication) and waste everybody's time. The context of the proposal is about lists/dicts and the */** unpacking syntax. So, I actually expect you to put every post here into this very context. Discussions without context don't make much sense. So, I won't reply further. Best, Sven

On 13 October 2016 at 15:32, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
And yet, the fact that it's hard to explain your intuition to others (Steven is not the only one who's finding this hard to follow) surely implies that it's merely that - personal intuition - and not universal understanding. The *whole point* here is that not everyone understands the proposed notation the way the proposers do, and it's *hard to explain* to those people. Blaming the people who don't understand does not support the position that this notation should be added to the language. Rather, it reinforces the idea that the new proposal is hard to teach (and consequently, it may be a bad idea for Python). Paul

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 6:19 PM Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
I fail to see this implication. Perhaps you mean that the universal understanding is hard to get, intuitively. And trying to explain them is the way to figure out howw hard can this difficulty be overcome.
It may also suggest that there are currently two ways to understand the *[...] construct, and only one of them can be generalized to lead the new proposal. So people that are *used* to the other way may have harder time than people coming with a clean slate. So it might or might not be hard to teach. (I'm not saying that's necessarily the case) I will be happy to understand that "other way" that is harder to generalize; I think this discussion may be fruitful in making these different understandings explicit. Elazar

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 03:28:27PM +0000, אלעזר wrote:
It may also suggest that there are currently two ways to understand the *[...] construct,
This thread is about allowing sequence unpacking as the internal expression of list comprehensions: [ *(expr) for x in iterable ] It isn't about unpacking lists: *[...] so I don't see what relevance your comment has. There may be two or three or ten or 100 ways to (mis)understand list comprehensions in Python, but only one of them is the correct way. List comprehensions are (roughly) syntactic sugar for: result = [] for x in iterable: result.append(expression) Any other understanding of them is incorrect. Now if people wish to make an argument for changing the meaning of comprehensions so that the suggested internal unpacking makes sense, then by all means try making that argument! That's absolutely fine. In the past, I've tried a similar thing: I argued for a variant list comprehension that halts early: [expr for x in iterable while condition] (as found in at least one other language), but had that knocked back because it doesn't fit the existing list comprehension semantics. I wasn't able to convince people that the value of this new comprehension was worth breaking the existing semantics of comprehensions. Maybe you will be able to do better than me. But understand that: [*(expr) for x in iterable] also fails to fit the existing list comprehension semantics. To make it work requires changing the meaning of Python list comps. It isn't enough to just deny the existing meaning and insist that your own personal meaning is correct. -- Steve

Exactly with Paul! As I mentioned, I teach software developers and scientists Python for a living. I get paid a lot of money to do that, and have a good sense of what learners can easily understand and not (I've also written hundred of articles and a few books about Python). The people I write for and teach are educated, smart, and generally have familiarity with multiple programming languages. In my opinion, this new construct—if added to the language—would be difficult to teach, and most of my students would get it wrong most of the time. Yes, I understand the proposed semantics. It is not *intuitive* to me, but I could file the rule about the behavior if I had to. But if I were forced to teach it, it would always be "Here's a Python wart to look out for if you see it in other code... you should not ever use it yourself." On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:18 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
-- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On 13 October 2016 at 02:32, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
Here I disagree with you. We use *args all the time, so we know what * does. I don't understand why this should not work in between brackets [...].
It does work between brackets: >>> [*range(3)] [0, 1, 2] It doesn't work as part of the comprehension syntax, and that's the case for function calls as well: >>> f(*range(i) for i in range(3)) File "<stdin>", line 1 f(*range(i) for i in range(3)) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> [*range(i) for i in range(3)] File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension (With the less helpful error message in the function call case just being due to the vagaries of CPython's parser and compiler implementation, where things that don't even parse are just reported as "invalid syntax", while problems detected later don't have the helpful pointer to where in the line parsing failed, but do get a better explanation of what actually went wrong) Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 02:42:54PM +0200, Martti Kühne wrote:
To me, that's a very strange thing to expect. Why would you expect that unpacking items in a list comprehension would magically lead to extra items in the resulting list? I don't think that makes any sense. Obviously we could program list comprehensions to act that way if we wanted to, but that would not be consistent with the ordinary use of list comprehensions. It would introduce a special case of magical behaviour that people will have to memorise, because it doesn't follow logically from the standard list comprehension design. The fundamental design principle of list comps is that they are equivalent to a for-loop with a single append per loop: [expr for t in iterable] is equivalent to: result = [] for t in iterable: result.append(expr) If I had seen a list comprehension with an unpacked loop variable: [*t for t in [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]] I never in a million years would expect that running a list comprehension over a three-item sequence would magically expand to six items: [1, 'a', 2, 'b', 3, 'c'] I would expect that using the unpacking operator would give some sort of error, or *at best*, be a no-op and the result would be: [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')] append() doesn't take multiple arguments, hence a error should be the most obvious result. But if not an error, imagine the tuple unpacked to two arguments 1 and 'a' (on the first iteration), then automatically packed back into a tuple (1, 'a') just as you started with. I think it is a clear, obvious and, most importantly, desirable property of list comprehensions with a single loop that they cannot be longer than the initial iterable that feeds them. They might be shorter, if you use the form [expr for t in iterable if condition] but they cannot be longer. So I'm afraid I cannot understand what reasoning lead you to expect that unpacking would apply this way. Wishful thinking perhaps? -- Steve

אלעזר writes:
Steve, you only need to allow multiple arguments to append(), then it makes perfect sense.
No, because that would be explicit. Here it's implicit and ambiguous. Specifically, it requires guessing "operator associativity". That is something people have different intuitions about.
Which is what I myself would expect, same as *(1, 2) + 3 is a SyntaxError. I could see Nick's interpretation that *foo in such a context would actually mean (*foo,) (i.e., it casts iterables to tuples). I would certainly want [i, j for i, j in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] to evaluate to [(1, 2), (3, 4)] (if it weren't a SyntaxError).
Well, that's what it does in display syntax for sequences. If you think of a comprehension as a "macro" that expands to display syntax, makes some sense. But as you and Nick point out, comprehensions are real operations, not macros which implicitly construct displays, then evaluate them to get the actual sequence.
Wishful thinking perhaps?
That was unnecessary. I know sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking there really ought to be concise syntax for a "simple" idea, and then making one up rather than looking it up.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 04:11:55PM +0000, אלעזר wrote:
Steve, you only need to allow multiple arguments to append(), then it makes perfect sense.
I think you're missing a step. What will multiple arguments given to append do? There are two obvious possibilities: - collect all the arguments into a tuple, and append the tuple; - duplicate the functionality of list.extend neither of which appeals to me. -- Steve

What is the intuition behind [1, *x, 5]? The starred expression is replaced with a comma-separated sequence of its elements. The trailing comma Nick referred to is there, with the rule that [1,, 5] is the same as [1, 5]. All the examples follow this intuition, IIUC. Elazar בתאריך יום ד׳, 12 באוק' 2016, 22:22, מאת David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx>:

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:38 PM, אלעזר <elazarg@gmail.com> wrote:
What is the intuition behind [1, *x, 5]? The starred expression is replaced with a comma-separated sequence of its elements.
I've never actually used the `[1, *x, 5]` form. And therefore, of course, I've never taught it either (I teach Python for a living nowadays). I think that syntax already perhaps goes too far, actually; but I can understand it relatively easily by analogy with: a, *b, c = range(10) But the way I think about or explain either of those is "gather the extra items from the sequence." That works in both those contexts. In contrast: >>> *b = range(10) SyntaxError: starred assignment target must be in a list or tuple Since nothing was assigned to a non-unpacked variable, nothing is "extra items" in the same sense. So failure feels right to me. I understand that "convert an iterable to a list" is conceptually available for that line, but we already have `list(it)` around, so it would be redundant and slightly confusing. What seems to be wanted with `[*foo for foo in bar]` is basically just `flatten(bar)`. The latter feels like a better spelling, and the recipes in itertools docs give an implementation already (a one-liner). We do have a possibility of writing this: >>> [(*stuff,) for stuff in [range(-5,-1), range(5)]] [(-5, -4, -3, -2), (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] That's not flattened, as it should not be. But it is very confusing to have `[(*stuff) for stuff in ...]` behave differently than that. It's much more natural—and much more explicit—to write: >>> [item for seq in [range(-5,-1), range(5)] for item in seq] [-5, -4, -3, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 11:26 PM David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
It's not exactly "analogy" as such - it is the dual notion. Here you are using the "destructor" (functional terminology) but we are talking about "constructors". But nevermind.
But that's not a uniform treatment. It might have good reasons from readability point of view, but it is an explicit exception for the rule. The desired behavior would be equivalent to b = tuple(range(10)) and yes, there are Two Ways To Do It. I would think it should have been prohibited by PEP-8 and not by the compiler. Oh well. What seems to be wanted with `[*foo for foo in bar]` is basically just
The distinction between (x) and (x,) is already deep in the language. It has nothing to do with this thread
So there. Just like in this proposal. Elazar.

On 12 October 2016 at 20:22, David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
I've followed this discussion some, and every example given so far completely mystifies me and I have no intuition about what they should mean.
Same here. On 12 October 2016 at 20:38, אלעזר <elazarg@gmail.com> wrote:
But intuition is precisely that - it's not based on rules, but on people's instinctive understanding. When evaluating whether something is intuitive, the *only* thing that matters is what people tell you they do or don't understand by a given construct. And in this case, people have been expressing differing interpretations, and confusion. That says "not intuitive" loud and clear to me. And yes, I find [1, *x, 5] intuitive. And I can't tell you why I find it OK, but I find {**x for x in d.items()} non-intuitive. But just because I can't explain it doesn't mean it's not true, or you can "change my mind" about how I feel. Paul

On 12.10.2016 21:38, אלעזר wrote:
I have to admit that I have my problems with this "comma-separated sequence" idea. For me, lists are just collections of items. There are no commas involved. I also think that thinking about commas here complicates the matter. What * does, it basically plugs in the items from the starred expression into its surroundings: [*[1,2,3]] = [1,2,3] Let's plug in two lists into its surrounding list: [*[1,2,3], *[1,2,3]] = [1,2,3,1,2,3] So, as the thing goes, it looks like as if * could just work anywhere inside those brackets: [*[1,2,3] for _ in range(3)] = [*[1,2,3], *[1,2,3], *[1,2,3]] = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3] I have difficulties to understand the problem of understanding the syntax. The * and ** variants just flow naturally whereas the "chain" equivalent is bit "meh". Cheers, Sven

From a CPython implementation standpoint, we specifically blocked this code
First of all: +1 to Sven's very well-expressed support of the proposal, and +1 to Nick's very well-explained reasons for rejecting it. As one of the main implementers of PEP 448, I have always liked this, but I suggested that we leave this out when there was opposition since there's no rush for it. Regarding Steven's example, like Sven, I also see it this way: [*t for t in [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]] should mean: [*(1, 'a'), *(2, 'b'), *(3, 'c')]] Which coincides with what the OP is asking for. At the end of this discussion it might be good to get a tally of how many people think the proposal is reasonable and logical. I imagine people will be asking this same question next year and the year after, and so it will be good to see if as familiarity with PEP 448 expands, more people will find this intuitive and logical. path, and it is only a matter of unblocking it if we want to support this. Best, Neil

On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 12:06 AM Neil Girdhar <mistersheik@gmail.com> wrote: <snip>
From a CPython implementation standpoint, we specifically blocked this code path, and it is only a matter of unblocking it if we want to support this.
This is *very, very* not surprising. And should be stressed. Elazar

On 14/10/2016 07:00, Greg Ewing wrote:
I concur. Two points I personally find in favour, YMMV: (1) [*subseq for subseq in seq] avoids the "conceptual hiatus" I described earlier in [elt for subseq in seq for elt in subseq] (I.e. I think the case for the proposal would be weaker if the loops in a list comprehension were written in reverse order.) (2) This is admittedly a somewhat tangential argument, but: I didn't really know what "yield from" meant. But when I read in an earlier post that someone had proposed "yield *" for it, I had a Eureka moment. Which suggests if "*" is used to mean some sort of unpacking in more contexts, the more familiar and intuitive it may become. I guess the word I'm groping for is 'consistency'. Rob Cliffe

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 01:25:48AM +0100, Rob Cliffe wrote:
Are you aware that "yield from it" does not just mean this...? for x in it: yield x "yield from ..." is not just "some sort of unpacking". If all it did was iterate over an iterable and yield the values, it would not have been given special syntax just to save one line. It does *much* more than just those two lines. For start, it is an expression which returns a value, so you can write: result = yield from it A full implementation of "yield from ..." would be 39 lines of Python code, according to the PEP, not two. It has to handle delegating send(), throw() and close() messages, exceptions, plus of course the obvious iteration.
I think that there is zero hope of consistency for * the star operator. That horse has bolted. It is already used for: - multiplication and exponentiation - repetition - "zero or more of the previous element" in regular expressions - "zero or more of any character" in globbing - "everything" in imports - sequence unpacking - sequence packing - collecting positional and keyword arguments Some of which are admittedly *similar* uses, but the * operator does get overloaded for so many unrelated uses. -- Steve

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 03:27:07AM +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
After having read this multiple times, I still can't really understand why these two matter to the discussion at hand. It's also used to mark emphasised text in Markdown, lists in Markdown. You can also use it for footnotes in plain text. It also has a special meaning in robots.txt files. Yes, I agree with you that the meaning of the asterisk symbol is quite overloaded on the syntax level already. But I think that mentioning regexes and globbing is a bit of a red herring.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 01:30:45PM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
From a CPython implementation standpoint, we specifically blocked this code path, and it is only a matter of unblocking it if we want to support this.
I find that difficult to believe. The suggested change seems like it should be much bigger than just removing a block. Can you point us to the relevant code? In any case, it isn't really the difficulty of implementation that is being questioned. Many things are easy to implement, but we still don't do them. The real questions here are: (1) Should we overload list comprehensions as sugar for a flatten() function? (2) If so, should we spell that [*t for t in iterable]? Actually the answer to (1) should be "we already do". We just spell it: [x for t in iterable for x in t] -- Steve

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 5:01 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
The Grammar specifies: dictorsetmaker: ( ((test ':' test | '**' expr) (comp_for | (',' (test ':' test | '**' expr))* [','])) | ((test | star_expr) (comp_for | (',' (test | star_expr))* [','])) ) In ast.c, you can find: if (is_dict) { ast_error(c, n, "dict unpacking cannot be used in " "dict comprehension"); return NULL; } res = ast_for_dictcomp(c, ch); and ast_for_dictcomp supports dict unpacking. Similarly: if (elt->kind == Starred_kind) { ast_error(c, ch, "iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension"); return NULL; } comps = ast_for_comprehension(c, CHILD(n, 1)); and ast_for_comprehensions supports iterable unpacking. In any case, it isn't really the difficulty of implementation that is
being questioned. Many things are easy to implement, but we still don't do them.
If it doesn't matter, why bring it up?

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 05:38:15PM +0000, Neil Girdhar wrote:
[...] Thanks for the pointer.
I never said it doesn't matter. I brought it up because I'm curious. Because if it turns out that it actually is *difficult* to implement, that would be a point in my favour that *t doesn't naturally apply in list comps. And on the other hand, if it is *easy* to implement, that's a hint that perhaps I'm missing something and there is some natural interpretation of *t in a list comp that I've missed. Perhaps. Just because I have a strong opinion doesn't mean I'm not willing to consider the possibility that I'm wrong. -- Steve

I thought about it a lot recently. Specifically on your proposal, and in general. Unpacking expression can have a much more uniform treatment in the language, as an expression with special "bare tuple" type - like tuple, but "without the braces". It also gives mental explanation for the conditional expression, where "a if cond" is an unpack expression whose value is "*[a]" if cond hold, and "*[]" otherwise. without context, this is an error. But with an else, "a if cond else b" becomes "*[] else b" which evaluates to b. The result is exactly like today, but gives the ability to build conditional elements in a list literal: x = [foo(), bar() if cond, goo()] y = [1, bar()?, 3] x is a list of 2 elements or three elements, depending of the truthness of cond. y is a list of 2 elements or three elements, depending on whether bar() is None. It also opens the gate for None-coercion operator (discussed recently), where "x?" is replaced with "*[x if x is None]". If operations on this expression are mapped into the elements, "x?.foo" becomes "*[x.foo if x is None]" which is "x.foo" if x is not None, and "*[]" otherwise. It is similar to except-expression, but without actual explicit exception handling, and thus much more readable. Elazar On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 4:08 PM Martti Kühne <mar77i@mar77i.ch> wrote:

On 11 October 2016 at 23:50, אלעזר <elazarg@gmail.com> wrote:
That's a recipe for much deeper confusion, as it would make "*expr" and "*expr," semantically identical
*range(3), (0, 1, 2)
As things stand, the above makes tuple expansion the same as any other expression: you need a comma to actually make it a tuple. If you allow a bare "*" to imply the trailing comma, then it immediately becomes confusing when you actually *do* have a comma present, as the "*" no longer implies a new tuple, it gets absorbed into the surrounding one. That's outright backwards incompatible with the status quo once you take parentheses into account: >>> (*range(3)), (0, 1, 2) Regards, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

Hi Martti, On 11.10.2016 14:42, Martti Kühne wrote:
Reading PEP448 it seems to me that it's already been considered: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0448/#variations The reason for not-inclusion were about concerns about acceptance because of "strong concerns about readability" but also received "mild support". I think your post strengthens the support given that you "expected it to just work". This shows at least to me that the concerns about readability/understandability are not justified much. Personally, I find inclusion of */** expansion for comprehensions very natural. It would again strengthen the meaning of */** for unpacking which I am also in favor of. Cheers, Sven

On 12 October 2016 at 23:58, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
Readability isn't about "Do some people guess the same semantics for what it would mean?", as when there are only a few plausible interpretations, all the possibilities are going to get a respectable number of folks picking them as reasonable behaviour. Instead, readability is about: - Do people consistently guess the *same* interpretation? - Is that interpretation consistent with other existing uses of the syntax? - Is it more readily comprehensible than existing alternatives, or is it brevity for brevity's sake? This particular proposal fails on the first question (as too many people would expect it to mean the same thing as either "[*expr, for expr in iterable]" or "[*(expr for expr in iterable)]"), but it fails on the other two grounds as well. In most uses of *-unpacking it's adding entries to a comma-delimited sequence, or consuming entries in a comma delimited sequence (the commas are optional in some cases, but they're still part of the relevant contexts). The expansions removed the special casing of functions, and made these capabilities generally available to all sequence definition operations. Comprehensions and generator expressions, by contrast, dispense with the comma delimited format entirely, and instead use a format inspired by mathematical set builder notation (just modified to use keywords and Python expressions rather than symbols and mathematical expressions): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set-builder_notation#Sets_defined_by_a_predica... However, set builder notation doesn't inherently include the notion of flattening lists-of-lists. Instead, that's a *consumption* operation that happens externally after the initial list-of-lists has been built, and that's exactly how it's currently spelled in Python: "itertools.chain.from_iterable(subiter for subiter in iterable)". Regards, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On 12.10.2016 17:41, Nick Coghlan wrote:
So, my reasoning would tell me: where have I seen * so far? *args and **kwargs! [...] is just the list constructor. So, putting those two pieces together is quite simple. I expect that Martti's reasoning was similar. Furthermore, your two "interpretations" would yield the very same result as [expr for expr in iterable] which doesn't match with my experience with Python so far; especially when it comes to special characters. They must mean something. So, a simple "no-op" would not match my expectations.
but it fails on the other two grounds as well.
Here I disagree with you. We use *args all the time, so we know what * does. I don't understand why this should not work in between brackets [...]. Well, it works in between [...] sometimes but not always, to be precise. And that's the problem, I guess.
I don't know what you mean by comma-delimited sequence. There are no commas. It's just a list of entries. * adds entries to this list. (At least from my point of view.)
Comprehensions ... [are] inspired by mathematical set builder notation.
Exactly. Inspired. I don't see any reason not to extend on this idea to make it more useful.
"itertools.chain.from_iterable(subiter for subiter in iterable)".
I have to admit that need to read that twice to get what it does. But that might just be me. Cheers, Sven

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 06:32:12PM +0200, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
And multiplication. And sequence unpacking.
[...] is just the list constructor.
Also indexing: dict[key] or sequence[item or slice]. The list constructor would be either list(...) or possibly list.__new__. [...] is either a list display: [1, 2, 3, 4] or a list comprehension. They are not the same thing, and they don't work the same way. The only similarity is that they use [ ] as delimiters, just like dict and sequence indexing. That doesn't mean that you can write: mydict[x for x in seq if condition] Not everything with [ ] is the same.
So, putting those two pieces together is quite simple.
I don't see that it is simple at all. I don't see any connection between function *args and list comprehension loop variables.
Just because something would otherwise be a no-op doesn't mean that it therefore has to have some magical meaning. Python has a few no-ops which are allowed, or required, by syntax but don't do anything. pass (x) # same as just x +1 # no difference between literals +1 and 1 -0 func((expr for x in iterable)) # redundant parens for generator expr There may be more.
By this logic, *t should work... everywhere? while *args: try: raise *args except *args: del *args That's not how Python works. Just because syntax is common, doesn't mean it has to work everywhere. We cannot write: for x in import math: ... even though importing is common. *t doesn't work as the expression inside a list comprehension because that's not how list comps work. To make it work requires making this a special case and mapping [expr for t in iterable] to a list append, while [*expr for t in iterable] gets mapped to a list extend. Its okay to want that as a special feature, but understand what you are asking for: you're not asking for some restriction to be lifted, which will then automatically give you the functionality you expect. You're asking for new functionality to be added. Sequence unpacking inside list comprehensions as a way of flattening a sequence is completely new functionality which does not logically follow from the current semantics of comprehensions.
Not all points of view are equally valid. -- Steve

On 13.10.2016 01:29, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Multiplication with only a single argument? Come on.
And sequence unpacking.
We are on the right side of the = if any and not no the left side.
[...] is just the list constructor. Also indexing: dict[key] or sequence[item or slice].
There's no name in front of [. So, I cannot be an index either. Nothing else matches (in my head) and I also don't see any ambiguities. YMMV. I remember a new co-worker, I taught how to use *args and **kwargs. It was unintuitive to him on the first time as well. About the list constructor: we construct a list by writing [a,b,c] or by writing [b for b in bs]. The end result is a list and that matters from the end developer's point of view, no matter how fancy words you choose for it. Cheers, Sven

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 10:37:35AM +0200, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
You didn't say anything about a single argument. Your exact words are shown above: "where have I seen * so far?". I'm pretty sure you've seen * used for multiplication. I also could have mentioned regexes, globs, and exponentiation. I cannot respond to your intended meaning, only to what you actually write. Don't blame the reader if you failed to communicate clearly and were misunderstood. [...]
About the list constructor: we construct a list by writing [a,b,c] or by writing [b for b in bs]. The end result is a list
I construct lists using all sorts of ways: list(argument) map(func, sequence) zip(a, b) file.readlines() dict.items() os.listdir('.') sorted(values) and so on. Should I call them all "list constructors" just because they return a list? No, I don't think so. Constructor has a specific meaning, and these are not all constructors -- and neither are list comprehensions.
These "fancy words" that you dismiss are necessary technical terms. Precision in language is something we should aim for, not dismiss as unimportant. List comprehensions and list displays have different names, not to show off our knowledge of "fancy terms", but because they are different things which just happen to both return lists. Neither of them are what is commonly called a constructor. List displays are, in some senses, like a literal; list comprehensions are not, and are better understood as list builders, a process which builds a list. Emphasis should be on the *process* part: a comprehension is syntactic sugar for building a list using for-loop, not for a list display or list constructor. The bottom line is that when you see a comprehension (list, set or dict) or a generator expression, you shouldn't think of list displays, but of a for-loop. That's one of the reasons why the analogy with argument unpacking fails: it doesn't match what comprehensions *actually* are. -- Steve

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:10 PM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
I think there is a terminology problem here (again). "Constructor" in OOP has a specific meaning, and "constructor" in functional terminology has a slightly different meaning. I guess Sven uses the latter terminology because pattern matching is the dual of the constructor - it is a "destructor" - and it feels appropriate, although admittedly confusing. In this terminology, map(), zip() etc. are definitely not constructors. there is only one "constructor" (list()), and there are functions that may use it as their implementation detail. In a way, [1, 2, 3] is just a syntactic shorthand for list construction, so it is reasonable to a call it a constructor. This terminology is not a perfect fit into the object-oriented world of Python, but it is very helpful in discussion of patterns how to apply them uniformly, since they were pretty much invented in the functional world (ML, I think, and mathematics). One only needs to be aware of the two different meaning, and qualify if needed, so that we won't get lost in terminology arguments again. Elazar

On 13.10.2016 16:10, Steven D'Aprano wrote: > On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 10:37:35AM +0200, Sven R. Kunze wrote: >> Multiplication with only a single argument? Come on. > You didn't say anything about a single argument. Your exact words are > shown above: "where have I seen * so far?". I'm pretty sure you've seen > * used for multiplication. I also could have mentioned regexes, globs, > and exponentiation. > > I cannot respond to your intended meaning, only to what you actually > write. Don't blame the reader if you failed to communicate clearly and > were misunderstood. Steven, please. You seemed to struggle to understand the notion of the [*....] construct and many people (not just me) here tried their best to explain their intuition to you. But now it seems you don't even try to come behind the idea and instead try hard not to understand the help offered. If you don't want help or don't really want to understand the proposal, that's fine but please, do us a favor and don't divert the thread with nitpicking nonsensical details (like multiplication) and waste everybody's time. The context of the proposal is about lists/dicts and the */** unpacking syntax. So, I actually expect you to put every post here into this very context. Discussions without context don't make much sense. So, I won't reply further. Best, Sven

On 13 October 2016 at 15:32, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
And yet, the fact that it's hard to explain your intuition to others (Steven is not the only one who's finding this hard to follow) surely implies that it's merely that - personal intuition - and not universal understanding. The *whole point* here is that not everyone understands the proposed notation the way the proposers do, and it's *hard to explain* to those people. Blaming the people who don't understand does not support the position that this notation should be added to the language. Rather, it reinforces the idea that the new proposal is hard to teach (and consequently, it may be a bad idea for Python). Paul

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 6:19 PM Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
I fail to see this implication. Perhaps you mean that the universal understanding is hard to get, intuitively. And trying to explain them is the way to figure out howw hard can this difficulty be overcome.
It may also suggest that there are currently two ways to understand the *[...] construct, and only one of them can be generalized to lead the new proposal. So people that are *used* to the other way may have harder time than people coming with a clean slate. So it might or might not be hard to teach. (I'm not saying that's necessarily the case) I will be happy to understand that "other way" that is harder to generalize; I think this discussion may be fruitful in making these different understandings explicit. Elazar

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 03:28:27PM +0000, אלעזר wrote:
It may also suggest that there are currently two ways to understand the *[...] construct,
This thread is about allowing sequence unpacking as the internal expression of list comprehensions: [ *(expr) for x in iterable ] It isn't about unpacking lists: *[...] so I don't see what relevance your comment has. There may be two or three or ten or 100 ways to (mis)understand list comprehensions in Python, but only one of them is the correct way. List comprehensions are (roughly) syntactic sugar for: result = [] for x in iterable: result.append(expression) Any other understanding of them is incorrect. Now if people wish to make an argument for changing the meaning of comprehensions so that the suggested internal unpacking makes sense, then by all means try making that argument! That's absolutely fine. In the past, I've tried a similar thing: I argued for a variant list comprehension that halts early: [expr for x in iterable while condition] (as found in at least one other language), but had that knocked back because it doesn't fit the existing list comprehension semantics. I wasn't able to convince people that the value of this new comprehension was worth breaking the existing semantics of comprehensions. Maybe you will be able to do better than me. But understand that: [*(expr) for x in iterable] also fails to fit the existing list comprehension semantics. To make it work requires changing the meaning of Python list comps. It isn't enough to just deny the existing meaning and insist that your own personal meaning is correct. -- Steve

Exactly with Paul! As I mentioned, I teach software developers and scientists Python for a living. I get paid a lot of money to do that, and have a good sense of what learners can easily understand and not (I've also written hundred of articles and a few books about Python). The people I write for and teach are educated, smart, and generally have familiarity with multiple programming languages. In my opinion, this new construct—if added to the language—would be difficult to teach, and most of my students would get it wrong most of the time. Yes, I understand the proposed semantics. It is not *intuitive* to me, but I could file the rule about the behavior if I had to. But if I were forced to teach it, it would always be "Here's a Python wart to look out for if you see it in other code... you should not ever use it yourself." On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:18 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
-- Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting advocates of freedom in prisons. Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.

On 13 October 2016 at 02:32, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de> wrote:
Here I disagree with you. We use *args all the time, so we know what * does. I don't understand why this should not work in between brackets [...].
It does work between brackets: >>> [*range(3)] [0, 1, 2] It doesn't work as part of the comprehension syntax, and that's the case for function calls as well: >>> f(*range(i) for i in range(3)) File "<stdin>", line 1 f(*range(i) for i in range(3)) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> [*range(i) for i in range(3)] File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension (With the less helpful error message in the function call case just being due to the vagaries of CPython's parser and compiler implementation, where things that don't even parse are just reported as "invalid syntax", while problems detected later don't have the helpful pointer to where in the line parsing failed, but do get a better explanation of what actually went wrong) Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 02:42:54PM +0200, Martti Kühne wrote:
To me, that's a very strange thing to expect. Why would you expect that unpacking items in a list comprehension would magically lead to extra items in the resulting list? I don't think that makes any sense. Obviously we could program list comprehensions to act that way if we wanted to, but that would not be consistent with the ordinary use of list comprehensions. It would introduce a special case of magical behaviour that people will have to memorise, because it doesn't follow logically from the standard list comprehension design. The fundamental design principle of list comps is that they are equivalent to a for-loop with a single append per loop: [expr for t in iterable] is equivalent to: result = [] for t in iterable: result.append(expr) If I had seen a list comprehension with an unpacked loop variable: [*t for t in [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]] I never in a million years would expect that running a list comprehension over a three-item sequence would magically expand to six items: [1, 'a', 2, 'b', 3, 'c'] I would expect that using the unpacking operator would give some sort of error, or *at best*, be a no-op and the result would be: [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')] append() doesn't take multiple arguments, hence a error should be the most obvious result. But if not an error, imagine the tuple unpacked to two arguments 1 and 'a' (on the first iteration), then automatically packed back into a tuple (1, 'a') just as you started with. I think it is a clear, obvious and, most importantly, desirable property of list comprehensions with a single loop that they cannot be longer than the initial iterable that feeds them. They might be shorter, if you use the form [expr for t in iterable if condition] but they cannot be longer. So I'm afraid I cannot understand what reasoning lead you to expect that unpacking would apply this way. Wishful thinking perhaps? -- Steve

אלעזר writes:
Steve, you only need to allow multiple arguments to append(), then it makes perfect sense.
No, because that would be explicit. Here it's implicit and ambiguous. Specifically, it requires guessing "operator associativity". That is something people have different intuitions about.
Which is what I myself would expect, same as *(1, 2) + 3 is a SyntaxError. I could see Nick's interpretation that *foo in such a context would actually mean (*foo,) (i.e., it casts iterables to tuples). I would certainly want [i, j for i, j in [[1, 2], [3, 4]]] to evaluate to [(1, 2), (3, 4)] (if it weren't a SyntaxError).
Well, that's what it does in display syntax for sequences. If you think of a comprehension as a "macro" that expands to display syntax, makes some sense. But as you and Nick point out, comprehensions are real operations, not macros which implicitly construct displays, then evaluate them to get the actual sequence.
Wishful thinking perhaps?
That was unnecessary. I know sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking there really ought to be concise syntax for a "simple" idea, and then making one up rather than looking it up.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 04:11:55PM +0000, אלעזר wrote:
Steve, you only need to allow multiple arguments to append(), then it makes perfect sense.
I think you're missing a step. What will multiple arguments given to append do? There are two obvious possibilities: - collect all the arguments into a tuple, and append the tuple; - duplicate the functionality of list.extend neither of which appeals to me. -- Steve

What is the intuition behind [1, *x, 5]? The starred expression is replaced with a comma-separated sequence of its elements. The trailing comma Nick referred to is there, with the rule that [1,, 5] is the same as [1, 5]. All the examples follow this intuition, IIUC. Elazar בתאריך יום ד׳, 12 באוק' 2016, 22:22, מאת David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx>:

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:38 PM, אלעזר <elazarg@gmail.com> wrote:
What is the intuition behind [1, *x, 5]? The starred expression is replaced with a comma-separated sequence of its elements.
I've never actually used the `[1, *x, 5]` form. And therefore, of course, I've never taught it either (I teach Python for a living nowadays). I think that syntax already perhaps goes too far, actually; but I can understand it relatively easily by analogy with: a, *b, c = range(10) But the way I think about or explain either of those is "gather the extra items from the sequence." That works in both those contexts. In contrast: >>> *b = range(10) SyntaxError: starred assignment target must be in a list or tuple Since nothing was assigned to a non-unpacked variable, nothing is "extra items" in the same sense. So failure feels right to me. I understand that "convert an iterable to a list" is conceptually available for that line, but we already have `list(it)` around, so it would be redundant and slightly confusing. What seems to be wanted with `[*foo for foo in bar]` is basically just `flatten(bar)`. The latter feels like a better spelling, and the recipes in itertools docs give an implementation already (a one-liner). We do have a possibility of writing this: >>> [(*stuff,) for stuff in [range(-5,-1), range(5)]] [(-5, -4, -3, -2), (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] That's not flattened, as it should not be. But it is very confusing to have `[(*stuff) for stuff in ...]` behave differently than that. It's much more natural—and much more explicit—to write: >>> [item for seq in [range(-5,-1), range(5)] for item in seq] [-5, -4, -3, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 11:26 PM David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
It's not exactly "analogy" as such - it is the dual notion. Here you are using the "destructor" (functional terminology) but we are talking about "constructors". But nevermind.
But that's not a uniform treatment. It might have good reasons from readability point of view, but it is an explicit exception for the rule. The desired behavior would be equivalent to b = tuple(range(10)) and yes, there are Two Ways To Do It. I would think it should have been prohibited by PEP-8 and not by the compiler. Oh well. What seems to be wanted with `[*foo for foo in bar]` is basically just
The distinction between (x) and (x,) is already deep in the language. It has nothing to do with this thread
So there. Just like in this proposal. Elazar.

On 12 October 2016 at 20:22, David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
I've followed this discussion some, and every example given so far completely mystifies me and I have no intuition about what they should mean.
Same here. On 12 October 2016 at 20:38, אלעזר <elazarg@gmail.com> wrote:
But intuition is precisely that - it's not based on rules, but on people's instinctive understanding. When evaluating whether something is intuitive, the *only* thing that matters is what people tell you they do or don't understand by a given construct. And in this case, people have been expressing differing interpretations, and confusion. That says "not intuitive" loud and clear to me. And yes, I find [1, *x, 5] intuitive. And I can't tell you why I find it OK, but I find {**x for x in d.items()} non-intuitive. But just because I can't explain it doesn't mean it's not true, or you can "change my mind" about how I feel. Paul

On 12.10.2016 21:38, אלעזר wrote:
I have to admit that I have my problems with this "comma-separated sequence" idea. For me, lists are just collections of items. There are no commas involved. I also think that thinking about commas here complicates the matter. What * does, it basically plugs in the items from the starred expression into its surroundings: [*[1,2,3]] = [1,2,3] Let's plug in two lists into its surrounding list: [*[1,2,3], *[1,2,3]] = [1,2,3,1,2,3] So, as the thing goes, it looks like as if * could just work anywhere inside those brackets: [*[1,2,3] for _ in range(3)] = [*[1,2,3], *[1,2,3], *[1,2,3]] = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3] I have difficulties to understand the problem of understanding the syntax. The * and ** variants just flow naturally whereas the "chain" equivalent is bit "meh". Cheers, Sven

From a CPython implementation standpoint, we specifically blocked this code
First of all: +1 to Sven's very well-expressed support of the proposal, and +1 to Nick's very well-explained reasons for rejecting it. As one of the main implementers of PEP 448, I have always liked this, but I suggested that we leave this out when there was opposition since there's no rush for it. Regarding Steven's example, like Sven, I also see it this way: [*t for t in [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]] should mean: [*(1, 'a'), *(2, 'b'), *(3, 'c')]] Which coincides with what the OP is asking for. At the end of this discussion it might be good to get a tally of how many people think the proposal is reasonable and logical. I imagine people will be asking this same question next year and the year after, and so it will be good to see if as familiarity with PEP 448 expands, more people will find this intuitive and logical. path, and it is only a matter of unblocking it if we want to support this. Best, Neil

On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 12:06 AM Neil Girdhar <mistersheik@gmail.com> wrote: <snip>
From a CPython implementation standpoint, we specifically blocked this code path, and it is only a matter of unblocking it if we want to support this.
This is *very, very* not surprising. And should be stressed. Elazar

On 14/10/2016 07:00, Greg Ewing wrote:
I concur. Two points I personally find in favour, YMMV: (1) [*subseq for subseq in seq] avoids the "conceptual hiatus" I described earlier in [elt for subseq in seq for elt in subseq] (I.e. I think the case for the proposal would be weaker if the loops in a list comprehension were written in reverse order.) (2) This is admittedly a somewhat tangential argument, but: I didn't really know what "yield from" meant. But when I read in an earlier post that someone had proposed "yield *" for it, I had a Eureka moment. Which suggests if "*" is used to mean some sort of unpacking in more contexts, the more familiar and intuitive it may become. I guess the word I'm groping for is 'consistency'. Rob Cliffe

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 01:25:48AM +0100, Rob Cliffe wrote:
Are you aware that "yield from it" does not just mean this...? for x in it: yield x "yield from ..." is not just "some sort of unpacking". If all it did was iterate over an iterable and yield the values, it would not have been given special syntax just to save one line. It does *much* more than just those two lines. For start, it is an expression which returns a value, so you can write: result = yield from it A full implementation of "yield from ..." would be 39 lines of Python code, according to the PEP, not two. It has to handle delegating send(), throw() and close() messages, exceptions, plus of course the obvious iteration.
I think that there is zero hope of consistency for * the star operator. That horse has bolted. It is already used for: - multiplication and exponentiation - repetition - "zero or more of the previous element" in regular expressions - "zero or more of any character" in globbing - "everything" in imports - sequence unpacking - sequence packing - collecting positional and keyword arguments Some of which are admittedly *similar* uses, but the * operator does get overloaded for so many unrelated uses. -- Steve

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 03:27:07AM +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
After having read this multiple times, I still can't really understand why these two matter to the discussion at hand. It's also used to mark emphasised text in Markdown, lists in Markdown. You can also use it for footnotes in plain text. It also has a special meaning in robots.txt files. Yes, I agree with you that the meaning of the asterisk symbol is quite overloaded on the syntax level already. But I think that mentioning regexes and globbing is a bit of a red herring.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 01:30:45PM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
From a CPython implementation standpoint, we specifically blocked this code path, and it is only a matter of unblocking it if we want to support this.
I find that difficult to believe. The suggested change seems like it should be much bigger than just removing a block. Can you point us to the relevant code? In any case, it isn't really the difficulty of implementation that is being questioned. Many things are easy to implement, but we still don't do them. The real questions here are: (1) Should we overload list comprehensions as sugar for a flatten() function? (2) If so, should we spell that [*t for t in iterable]? Actually the answer to (1) should be "we already do". We just spell it: [x for t in iterable for x in t] -- Steve

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 5:01 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
The Grammar specifies: dictorsetmaker: ( ((test ':' test | '**' expr) (comp_for | (',' (test ':' test | '**' expr))* [','])) | ((test | star_expr) (comp_for | (',' (test | star_expr))* [','])) ) In ast.c, you can find: if (is_dict) { ast_error(c, n, "dict unpacking cannot be used in " "dict comprehension"); return NULL; } res = ast_for_dictcomp(c, ch); and ast_for_dictcomp supports dict unpacking. Similarly: if (elt->kind == Starred_kind) { ast_error(c, ch, "iterable unpacking cannot be used in comprehension"); return NULL; } comps = ast_for_comprehension(c, CHILD(n, 1)); and ast_for_comprehensions supports iterable unpacking. In any case, it isn't really the difficulty of implementation that is
being questioned. Many things are easy to implement, but we still don't do them.
If it doesn't matter, why bring it up?

On Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 05:38:15PM +0000, Neil Girdhar wrote:
[...] Thanks for the pointer.
I never said it doesn't matter. I brought it up because I'm curious. Because if it turns out that it actually is *difficult* to implement, that would be a point in my favour that *t doesn't naturally apply in list comps. And on the other hand, if it is *easy* to implement, that's a hint that perhaps I'm missing something and there is some natural interpretation of *t in a list comp that I've missed. Perhaps. Just because I have a strong opinion doesn't mean I'm not willing to consider the possibility that I'm wrong. -- Steve
participants (12)
David Mertz
Greg Ewing
Martti Kühne
Neil Girdhar
Nick Coghlan
Paul Moore
Rob Cliffe
Sjoerd Job Postmus
Stephen J. Turnbull
Steven D'Aprano
Sven R. Kunze