(This would be a lot of work that I wouldn't know how to do, but is it worth thinking about? Maybe it's already been done at the level necessary. Also, this is a proposal for the sake of theoretical optimization, in case you don't like that, and it will require a lot of work in a lot of code everywhere. As I see it, even if it's possible and desirable to do this, it would take years of work and testing to make it beneficial.) The move from Python 2 (disclaimer: which I barely touched, so I have little sentimental attachment) to Python 3 resulted in many functions returning iterators instead of lists. This saves a lot of unnecessary memory when iterating, say, over the indices of a large list, especially if we break in the middle. I'm wondering, though, about a step backwards: generating values before they're needed. The idea is based on file buffered reading and memory prefetching (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronous_dynamic_random-access_memory#DDR_S...). In fact, I'm hoping to take advantage of such things. For example, in `sum(lst[i] * i for i in range(10000))`, `sum` will exhaust the iterator, so it can ask the generator to return buffers, and it will internally read the elements off the lists. It would be the responsibility of the iterator to decide whether to respect the request, and to determine the size of the buffer. It would be the responsibility of the consumer to request it, and consumers should only request it if they think they'll almost definitely consume a lot at a time. The idea is, especially for complex nested iterators, instead of running A B C A B C A B C..., where each is the code for generating a next thing from the previous, that the interpreter runs A A A A A..., B B B B B..., C C C..., which could mean a lot more memory locality in both instructions and objects. There's the possibility that a function has side-effects, so buffering would have different semantics than normal. There's also the possibility that getting the next element is complex enough that it wouldn't help to buffer. If the iterator can't tell, then it should just not buffer. Here's an obnoxious example of where you can't tell: def f(i): return i s = 0 for i in (f(x) for x in range(100)): s += f(i) def f(x): return x + s In fact, all Python function calls are probably unsafe, including with operators (which can be legally replaced during the iteration). Well, `map` and `filter` are possible exceptions in special cases, because the lookup for their function is bound at the call to `map`. It's usually safe if you're just using reversed, enumerate, builtin operators, dict views, etc. on an existing data structure, as long as your iteration doesn't modify entries, unlike so: for i, x in enumerate(reversed(lst)): lst[i+1] = x But I'm looking toward the future, where it might be possible for the interpreter to analyze loops and functions before making such decisions. Then again, if the interpreter is that smart, it can figure out where and when to buffer without adding to the API of iterators. Anyway, here's an idea, how it might be helpful, and how it might not be helpful.

Have you considered doing this at the plain Python level? Something such as the following would have the desired semantics from my understanding. def buffered_iterator(it, size): while True: buffer = [next(it) for _ in range(size)] for element in buffer: yield element As for whether something like this can achieve optimizations by utilizing things such as locality is entirely dependent on the implementation of the runtime. It doesn't make much sense to me to maintain runtime level support for such an edge use case as it would be yet another burden on every implementation of Python. On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:04 AM, Franklin? Lee < leewangzhong+python@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:02 AM Michael Mitchell <epsilonmichael@gmail.com> wrote:
There's a recipe in the itertools module for something like this ( https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes). Check out ``def grouper``. A combination of starmap, repeat, and islice might work fine as well. args = (iterable, buffersize) chunks = starmap(islice, repeat(args)) Either way, you could then yield from the chunks to make it appear like a regular iterator. Not being a PyPy or Pyston expert, I have no clue if this scenario exists -- that a JIT compiling interpreter would not be able to prefetch chunks of the iterator without the extra buffering layer, but would be able to prefetch after the chunking step is added.

Have you considered doing this at the plain Python level? Something such as the following would have the desired semantics from my understanding. def buffered_iterator(it, size): while True: buffer = [next(it) for _ in range(size)] for element in buffer: yield element As for whether something like this can achieve optimizations by utilizing things such as locality is entirely dependent on the implementation of the runtime. It doesn't make much sense to me to maintain runtime level support for such an edge use case as it would be yet another burden on every implementation of Python. On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 2:04 AM, Franklin? Lee < leewangzhong+python@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:02 AM Michael Mitchell <epsilonmichael@gmail.com> wrote:
There's a recipe in the itertools module for something like this ( https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes). Check out ``def grouper``. A combination of starmap, repeat, and islice might work fine as well. args = (iterable, buffersize) chunks = starmap(islice, repeat(args)) Either way, you could then yield from the chunks to make it appear like a regular iterator. Not being a PyPy or Pyston expert, I have no clue if this scenario exists -- that a JIT compiling interpreter would not be able to prefetch chunks of the iterator without the extra buffering layer, but would be able to prefetch after the chunking step is added.
participants (3)
Franklin? Lee
Michael Mitchell
Michael Selik