Re: [Python-ideas] Runtime types vs static types

For some background on the removal of __instancecheck__, check the linked issues here: -- Ryan (ライアン) Yoko Shimomura, ryo (supercell/EGOIST), Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else On Jun 25, 2017 at 8:11 AM, <Koos Zevenhoven <>> wrote: On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 11:30 PM, Lucas Wiman <> wrote:
I may have missed something, but I believe PEP544 is not suggesting that annotations would have any effect on isinstance. Instead, isinstance would by default not work.
Tuple is an interesting case, because for small tuples (say 2- or 3-tuples), it makes perfect sense to check the types of all elements for some runtime purposes. Regarding Union, I believe the current situation has a lot to do with the fact that the relation between type annotations and runtime behavior hasn't really settled yet. If people are amenable to updating those cases, I'd be interested in
submitting a patch to that effect.
Thanks for letting us know. (There may not be an instant decision on this particular case, though, but who knows :) -- Koos -- + Koos Zevenhoven + + _______________________________________________ Python-ideas mailing list Code of Conduct:

For some background on the removal of __instancecheck__, check the linked issues here:
Thanks for the reference (the most relevant discussion starts here <>). That said, I think I totally disagree with the underlying philosophy of throwing away a useful and intuitive feature (having `is_instance(foo, Union[Bar, Baz])` just work as you'd naively expect) in the name of making sure that people *understand* there's a distinction between types and classes. This seems opposed to the "zen" of python that there should be exactly one obvious way to do it, since (1) there isn't a way to do it without a third party library, and (2) the obvious way to do it is with `isinstance` and `issubclass`. Indeed, the current implementation makes it somewhat nonobvious even how to implement this functionality yourself in a third-party library (see this gist <>). One of the first things I did when playing around with the `typing` module was to fire up the REPL, and try runtime typechecks: line 767, in __instancecheck__ raise TypeError("Unions cannot be used with isinstance().") TypeError: Unions cannot be used with isinstance(). I think the natural reaction of naive users of the library is "That's annoying. Why? What is this library good for?", not "Ah, I've sagely learned a valuable lesson about the subtle-and-important-though-unmentioned distinction between types and classes!" The restriction against runtime type checking makes `typing` pretty much *only* useful when used with the external library `mypy` (or when writing a library with the same purpose as `mypy`), which is a pretty unusual situation for a standard library module. Mark Shannon's example also specifically does not apply to the types I'm thinking of for the reasons I mentioned:
That said, it sounds like the decision has already been made, and this would be quite useful functionality to have in *some* form. What do people think about implementing `__contains__` (for `__instancecheck__`) and `__lt__` (for `__subclasscheck__`) for these cases? Then there would still be a convenient syntax for doing runtime type checking/analysis, but wouldn't violate Mark Shannon's objections. Best, Lucas * Counterexamples welcomed, of course! <> On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 6:21 AM, <> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 7:13 PM, Lucas Wiman <> wrote: [...]
One thing is that, as long as not all types support isinstance, then also isinstance(obj, Union[x, y, z]) will fail for some x, y, z. From some perspective, that may not be an issue, but on the other hand, it may invite people to think that all types do support isinstance. For `Tuple`, it's true that `()` would be an instance of `Tuple[X, ...]`
Yes, but then `isinstance(tuple(range(1000000)), Tuple[int, ...])` would be a difficult case. I think it all comes down to how much isinstance should pretend to be able to do with *types* (as opposed to only classes). Maybe isinstance is not the future of runtime type checking ;). Or should isinstance have a third return value like `Possibly`? -- Koos

Yes, but then `isinstance(tuple(range(1000000)), Tuple[int, ...])` would be a difficult case.
Yes, many methods on million-element tuples are slow. :-) Python usually chooses the more intuitive behavior over the faster behavior when there is a choice. IIUC, the objections don't have anything to do with speed. - Lucas On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Koos Zevenhoven <> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 8:47 PM, Lucas Wiman <> wrote:
Sure, performance cannot dictate everything. But if you look at, for example, that multidispatch example I wrote in the OP, it would not be wise to do that expensive check every time. Also, people don't expect an isinstance check to be expensive. But looking at annotations, it is often possible to get the desired answer without checking all elements in a tuple (or especially without consuming generators etc. to check the types). -- Koos

After rereading Koos' OP, I can now see that he was referring to a different kind of runtime type checking than I am interested in. There was a distinction I was unaware the core typing devs make between "typing-style types" and "classes" that I'll discuss further in the typing repo itself. Apologies for the digression. - Lucas On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Koos Zevenhoven <> wrote:

Sorry, I was not able to completely digest the OP, but I think there are some points I need to clarify. 1. Distinction between runtime classes and static types is quite sane and a simple idea. A runtime class is something associated with an actual object, while static type is something associated with an AST node. Mixing them would be misleading, since they "live in parallel planes". Although it is true that there is a type that corresponds to every runtime class. 2. Currently isinstance(obj, List[int]) fails with TypeError, ditto for issubclass and for user defined generic classes: class C(Generic[T]): ... isinstance(obj, C) # works, returns only True or False isinstance(obj, C[int]) # TypeError issubclass(cls, C) # works issubclass(cls, C[int]) # raisesTypeError 3. User defined protocols will by default raise TypeError with isinstance(), but the user can opt-in (using @runtime decorator) for the same behavior as normal generics, this is how typing.Iterable currently works: class MyIter: def __iter__(self): return [42] isinstance(MyIter(), Iterable) # True isinstance(MyIter(), Iterable[int]) # TypeError class A(Protocol[T]): x: T isinstance(obj, A) # TypeError @runtime class B(Protocol[T]): y: T isinstance(obj, B) # True or False depending on whether 'obj' has attribute 'y' isinstance(obj, B[int]) # Still TypeError -- Ivan

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Ivan Levkivskyi <> wrote:
Here, I'm more concerned about *types* at runtime vs *types* for static checking. Some of these may be normal classes, but those are not the problematic ones.
It's not clear to me what you mean by mixing them. They are already partly mixed, right? I think you are speaking from the static-checker point of view, where there are only types, and runtime behavior is completely separate (at least in some sense). This view works especially well when types are in comments or stubs. But when the types are also present at runtime, I don't think this view is completely realistic. Some of the objects that represent types are regular classes, and some of them may be only types (like Union[str, bytes] or Sequence[int]), but not normal Python classes that you instantiate. Even if they represent types, not classes, they exist at runtime, and there should at least *exist* a well-defined answer to whether an object is in 'instance' of a given type. (Not sure if 'instance' should be world used here) Ignoring that *types* are also a runtime concept seems dangerous to me.
I suppose that's the best that isinstance can do in these cases. But I'm not sure if isinstance and issubclass should try to do as much as reasonable, or if it they should just handle the normal classes, and let some new function, say implements(), take care of the other *types*. Anyway, this whole concept of two 'parallel universes' is problematic, because the universes overlap in at least two different ways. -- Koos 3. User defined protocols will by default raise TypeError with isinstance(),
-- + Koos Zevenhoven + +

@ Koos Zevenhoven
Let me illustrate why being an "instance" (or any other word) does not apply well to runtime objects. Consider a list [1, 2, 3], then is it an "instance" of List[int]? Probably yes. Is it an "instance" of List[Union[str, int]]? Probably also yes. However, List[int] and List[Union[str, int]] are mutually incompatible i.e. the latter is not a subtype of the former and the former is not a subtype of the latter. (This is due to lists being mutable and therefore invariant in its type variable.) The next important point is that static type checkers never decide (or at least I have never seen this) whether a given literal (since there are no objects before runtime) is an "instance" of a type. Static type checkers (roughly speaking) verify that the semantics represented by an AST is consistent with declared/inferred types. Concerning the above example with [1, 2, 3], static type checkers can infer List[int] for such literal, or refuse to do so and require an explicit annotation, or a user can overrule the inference by an explicit annotation. This decision (whether to use List[int] or any other acceptable type for this literal) will influence type checking outcome (i.e. are there errors or not) even _earlier_ in the program, this is something that is not possible at runtime.
Ignoring that *types* are also a runtime concept seems dangerous to me.
It is not ignored. Annotations are structured type metadata accessible both at static and runtime, there is even typing_inspect module on PyPI designed to provide some runtime introspection of types (it is at an early stage of development) and some elements of it might end up in typing. Also checking subtyping between two types (without mixing them with classes) at runtime is entirely possible, but this is very complicated task with lots of corner cases, therefore I don't think it will be in stdlib. stdlib was always kept simple and easy to maintain. -- Ivan

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 09:13:44AM -0700, Lucas Wiman wrote:
Yes... I agree. I think Mark Shannon has an exaggerated preference for "purity over practicality" when he writes: Determining whether a class is a subclass of a type is meaningless as far I'm concerned. That implies that runtime types ("classes") and static types are completely unrelated. I don't think that's true, and I think that would make static types pointless if it were true. I'd put it this way... runtime types are instantations of static types (not *instances*). If we didn't already use the terms for something else, I'd say that static types are *abstract types* and runtime types ("classes") are *concrete types*. But that clashes with the existing use of abstract versus concrete types. I can see that there are actual problems to be solved, and *perhaps* Mark's conclusion is the right one (even if for the wrong reasons). For example: isinstance([], List[int]) isinstance([], List[str]) How can a single value be an instance of two mutually incompatible types? (But see below, for an objection.) On the other hand, just because a corner case is problematic, doesn't mean that the vast majority of cases aren't meaningful. It just seems perverse to me to say that it is "meaningless" (in Mark's words) to ask whether isinstance(['a', 'b'], List[int]) isinstance(123, List[str]) for example). If static type checking has any meaning at all, then the answers to those two surely have to be False.
I think that the current status is that the MyPy folks, including Guido, consider that it *is* reasonable to ask these questions for the purpose of introspection, but issubclass and isinstance are not the way to do it.
Indeed! Why shouldn't isinstance(x, Union[A, B]) isinstance(x, (A, B)) be treated as equivalent? [...]
Or just isinstance(x, tuple(self.__args__)) as above.
I'm not even completely convinced that the List example really is a problem. Well, it may be a problem for applying the theory of types, which in turn may make actually programming a type-checker more difficult. But to the human reader, why is is a problem that an empty list can be considered both a list of strings and a list of ints? That's just the vacuous truth! An empty bag can be equally well described as a bag containing no apples or a bag containing no oranges. They're both true, and if the theory of types cannot cope with that fact, that's a weakness in the theory, not the fact. (That's analogous to the Circle-Ellipse problem for the the theory behind object oriented code.) -- Steve

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 4:54 AM, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
That may have once been the viewpoint of the developers of typing/MyPy, though it seems to have changed. The current view is that this should be implemented in a third party library. Further discussion is here <>. - Lucas

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I don't think there's any contradiction there, because the compatibility rules are different for static and runtime types. Statically, when you assign something of type A to a variable of type B, you're assering that *all* values of type A are compatible with B. But at runtime, you're only asserting that one *particular* value is compatible with B.
I doubt whether Mark meant "separate" to imply "unrelated". Static and runtime types are clearly related, although the relationship is not one-to-one and involves complicated overlaps. To my mind, the question isn't whether tests like that are meaningful -- clearly they are. The question is whether we should attempt to support answering them at run time, given that doing so in the general case requires unbounded amounts of computation. -- Greg

For some background on the removal of __instancecheck__, check the linked issues here:
Thanks for the reference (the most relevant discussion starts here <>). That said, I think I totally disagree with the underlying philosophy of throwing away a useful and intuitive feature (having `is_instance(foo, Union[Bar, Baz])` just work as you'd naively expect) in the name of making sure that people *understand* there's a distinction between types and classes. This seems opposed to the "zen" of python that there should be exactly one obvious way to do it, since (1) there isn't a way to do it without a third party library, and (2) the obvious way to do it is with `isinstance` and `issubclass`. Indeed, the current implementation makes it somewhat nonobvious even how to implement this functionality yourself in a third-party library (see this gist <>). One of the first things I did when playing around with the `typing` module was to fire up the REPL, and try runtime typechecks: line 767, in __instancecheck__ raise TypeError("Unions cannot be used with isinstance().") TypeError: Unions cannot be used with isinstance(). I think the natural reaction of naive users of the library is "That's annoying. Why? What is this library good for?", not "Ah, I've sagely learned a valuable lesson about the subtle-and-important-though-unmentioned distinction between types and classes!" The restriction against runtime type checking makes `typing` pretty much *only* useful when used with the external library `mypy` (or when writing a library with the same purpose as `mypy`), which is a pretty unusual situation for a standard library module. Mark Shannon's example also specifically does not apply to the types I'm thinking of for the reasons I mentioned:
That said, it sounds like the decision has already been made, and this would be quite useful functionality to have in *some* form. What do people think about implementing `__contains__` (for `__instancecheck__`) and `__lt__` (for `__subclasscheck__`) for these cases? Then there would still be a convenient syntax for doing runtime type checking/analysis, but wouldn't violate Mark Shannon's objections. Best, Lucas * Counterexamples welcomed, of course! <> On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 6:21 AM, <> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 7:13 PM, Lucas Wiman <> wrote: [...]
One thing is that, as long as not all types support isinstance, then also isinstance(obj, Union[x, y, z]) will fail for some x, y, z. From some perspective, that may not be an issue, but on the other hand, it may invite people to think that all types do support isinstance. For `Tuple`, it's true that `()` would be an instance of `Tuple[X, ...]`
Yes, but then `isinstance(tuple(range(1000000)), Tuple[int, ...])` would be a difficult case. I think it all comes down to how much isinstance should pretend to be able to do with *types* (as opposed to only classes). Maybe isinstance is not the future of runtime type checking ;). Or should isinstance have a third return value like `Possibly`? -- Koos

Yes, but then `isinstance(tuple(range(1000000)), Tuple[int, ...])` would be a difficult case.
Yes, many methods on million-element tuples are slow. :-) Python usually chooses the more intuitive behavior over the faster behavior when there is a choice. IIUC, the objections don't have anything to do with speed. - Lucas On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:11 AM, Koos Zevenhoven <> wrote:

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 8:47 PM, Lucas Wiman <> wrote:
Sure, performance cannot dictate everything. But if you look at, for example, that multidispatch example I wrote in the OP, it would not be wise to do that expensive check every time. Also, people don't expect an isinstance check to be expensive. But looking at annotations, it is often possible to get the desired answer without checking all elements in a tuple (or especially without consuming generators etc. to check the types). -- Koos

After rereading Koos' OP, I can now see that he was referring to a different kind of runtime type checking than I am interested in. There was a distinction I was unaware the core typing devs make between "typing-style types" and "classes" that I'll discuss further in the typing repo itself. Apologies for the digression. - Lucas On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Koos Zevenhoven <> wrote:

Sorry, I was not able to completely digest the OP, but I think there are some points I need to clarify. 1. Distinction between runtime classes and static types is quite sane and a simple idea. A runtime class is something associated with an actual object, while static type is something associated with an AST node. Mixing them would be misleading, since they "live in parallel planes". Although it is true that there is a type that corresponds to every runtime class. 2. Currently isinstance(obj, List[int]) fails with TypeError, ditto for issubclass and for user defined generic classes: class C(Generic[T]): ... isinstance(obj, C) # works, returns only True or False isinstance(obj, C[int]) # TypeError issubclass(cls, C) # works issubclass(cls, C[int]) # raisesTypeError 3. User defined protocols will by default raise TypeError with isinstance(), but the user can opt-in (using @runtime decorator) for the same behavior as normal generics, this is how typing.Iterable currently works: class MyIter: def __iter__(self): return [42] isinstance(MyIter(), Iterable) # True isinstance(MyIter(), Iterable[int]) # TypeError class A(Protocol[T]): x: T isinstance(obj, A) # TypeError @runtime class B(Protocol[T]): y: T isinstance(obj, B) # True or False depending on whether 'obj' has attribute 'y' isinstance(obj, B[int]) # Still TypeError -- Ivan

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Ivan Levkivskyi <> wrote:
Here, I'm more concerned about *types* at runtime vs *types* for static checking. Some of these may be normal classes, but those are not the problematic ones.
It's not clear to me what you mean by mixing them. They are already partly mixed, right? I think you are speaking from the static-checker point of view, where there are only types, and runtime behavior is completely separate (at least in some sense). This view works especially well when types are in comments or stubs. But when the types are also present at runtime, I don't think this view is completely realistic. Some of the objects that represent types are regular classes, and some of them may be only types (like Union[str, bytes] or Sequence[int]), but not normal Python classes that you instantiate. Even if they represent types, not classes, they exist at runtime, and there should at least *exist* a well-defined answer to whether an object is in 'instance' of a given type. (Not sure if 'instance' should be world used here) Ignoring that *types* are also a runtime concept seems dangerous to me.
I suppose that's the best that isinstance can do in these cases. But I'm not sure if isinstance and issubclass should try to do as much as reasonable, or if it they should just handle the normal classes, and let some new function, say implements(), take care of the other *types*. Anyway, this whole concept of two 'parallel universes' is problematic, because the universes overlap in at least two different ways. -- Koos 3. User defined protocols will by default raise TypeError with isinstance(),
-- + Koos Zevenhoven + +

@ Koos Zevenhoven
Let me illustrate why being an "instance" (or any other word) does not apply well to runtime objects. Consider a list [1, 2, 3], then is it an "instance" of List[int]? Probably yes. Is it an "instance" of List[Union[str, int]]? Probably also yes. However, List[int] and List[Union[str, int]] are mutually incompatible i.e. the latter is not a subtype of the former and the former is not a subtype of the latter. (This is due to lists being mutable and therefore invariant in its type variable.) The next important point is that static type checkers never decide (or at least I have never seen this) whether a given literal (since there are no objects before runtime) is an "instance" of a type. Static type checkers (roughly speaking) verify that the semantics represented by an AST is consistent with declared/inferred types. Concerning the above example with [1, 2, 3], static type checkers can infer List[int] for such literal, or refuse to do so and require an explicit annotation, or a user can overrule the inference by an explicit annotation. This decision (whether to use List[int] or any other acceptable type for this literal) will influence type checking outcome (i.e. are there errors or not) even _earlier_ in the program, this is something that is not possible at runtime.
Ignoring that *types* are also a runtime concept seems dangerous to me.
It is not ignored. Annotations are structured type metadata accessible both at static and runtime, there is even typing_inspect module on PyPI designed to provide some runtime introspection of types (it is at an early stage of development) and some elements of it might end up in typing. Also checking subtyping between two types (without mixing them with classes) at runtime is entirely possible, but this is very complicated task with lots of corner cases, therefore I don't think it will be in stdlib. stdlib was always kept simple and easy to maintain. -- Ivan

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 09:13:44AM -0700, Lucas Wiman wrote:
Yes... I agree. I think Mark Shannon has an exaggerated preference for "purity over practicality" when he writes: Determining whether a class is a subclass of a type is meaningless as far I'm concerned. That implies that runtime types ("classes") and static types are completely unrelated. I don't think that's true, and I think that would make static types pointless if it were true. I'd put it this way... runtime types are instantations of static types (not *instances*). If we didn't already use the terms for something else, I'd say that static types are *abstract types* and runtime types ("classes") are *concrete types*. But that clashes with the existing use of abstract versus concrete types. I can see that there are actual problems to be solved, and *perhaps* Mark's conclusion is the right one (even if for the wrong reasons). For example: isinstance([], List[int]) isinstance([], List[str]) How can a single value be an instance of two mutually incompatible types? (But see below, for an objection.) On the other hand, just because a corner case is problematic, doesn't mean that the vast majority of cases aren't meaningful. It just seems perverse to me to say that it is "meaningless" (in Mark's words) to ask whether isinstance(['a', 'b'], List[int]) isinstance(123, List[str]) for example). If static type checking has any meaning at all, then the answers to those two surely have to be False.
I think that the current status is that the MyPy folks, including Guido, consider that it *is* reasonable to ask these questions for the purpose of introspection, but issubclass and isinstance are not the way to do it.
Indeed! Why shouldn't isinstance(x, Union[A, B]) isinstance(x, (A, B)) be treated as equivalent? [...]
Or just isinstance(x, tuple(self.__args__)) as above.
I'm not even completely convinced that the List example really is a problem. Well, it may be a problem for applying the theory of types, which in turn may make actually programming a type-checker more difficult. But to the human reader, why is is a problem that an empty list can be considered both a list of strings and a list of ints? That's just the vacuous truth! An empty bag can be equally well described as a bag containing no apples or a bag containing no oranges. They're both true, and if the theory of types cannot cope with that fact, that's a weakness in the theory, not the fact. (That's analogous to the Circle-Ellipse problem for the the theory behind object oriented code.) -- Steve

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 4:54 AM, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
That may have once been the viewpoint of the developers of typing/MyPy, though it seems to have changed. The current view is that this should be implemented in a third party library. Further discussion is here <>. - Lucas

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I don't think there's any contradiction there, because the compatibility rules are different for static and runtime types. Statically, when you assign something of type A to a variable of type B, you're assering that *all* values of type A are compatible with B. But at runtime, you're only asserting that one *particular* value is compatible with B.
I doubt whether Mark meant "separate" to imply "unrelated". Static and runtime types are clearly related, although the relationship is not one-to-one and involves complicated overlaps. To my mind, the question isn't whether tests like that are meaningful -- clearly they are. The question is whether we should attempt to support answering them at run time, given that doing so in the general case requires unbounded amounts of computation. -- Greg
participants (6)
Greg Ewing
Ivan Levkivskyi
Koos Zevenhoven
Lucas Wiman
Steven D'Aprano