When I try to teach Python to young kids, 
the big obstacle is describing repetitions in simple way (esp. for turtle graphics).

for a in range(4):

More py-zen would be

repeat 4:   

I know some py-edu-environments have their hacks:
https://codecombat.com/ has "loop"  instead "while True"
http://reeborg.ca/reeborg.html  has the "repeat n" 

Also "repeat n" is used in Blockly and Scratch

Also scientific math env has kind of hack for  "range(a, b+1)" -- just "[a..b]" (like in CoffeScript):

***My ideas, how to implement this***

- IDE (plugin)  translates  "repeat" to "for.." on run, 
  on errors it could translate stuff back to hide any mention of "for.." :)
  or after translation could leave a comment that it has been translated from "repeat"

- PEP for even more edu-friendly Python: "py-zero" (with possibly more stuff)? :)

Jurgis Pralgauskis
tel: 8-616 77613;
Don't worry, be happy and make things better ;)