+1 REPL as mandatory
+1 Python 3 only
+1 for syntax highlighting
+1 always have REPL and a Script window open together and joined (windowed apps such as turtle tkinter should always appear on top of this when run.)

I know where the wish to avoid auto-complete comes from and I am in agreement BUT I am concerned that this might then lead to providing no help for dyslexics and poor spellers. I would like to see underlining of misspelt words as in MS Word that when clicked on show suggestions much as suggested by Alex so:

+1 for DidYouMean-Python type spell-checking (and I would move it to mandatory)

Is it possible to lose the mandatory / highly desirable distinction from the google doc as this distinction is making it hard to edit it? When voting later we could then choose whether we think it should be mandatory, highly desirable or avoided. (Keep the avoided section so people can easily indicate that their suggestion is that something should be avoided.)


On 24 Sep 2015, at 01:08, Carol Willing <willingc@willingconsulting.com> wrote:

On 9/23/15 4:24 PM, Al Sweigart wrote:
I'd move a REPL from the "nice to have" to the "mandatory" list. The interactive shell is really nice when the student just has to learn what a new function or method does.

+1 REPL as mandatory. It's really helpful for interactive programming in a classroom setting. I use it all the time with folks just starting out.

The most common confusions students have told me about with IDLE are:

1) Mixing up the interactive shell and file editor windows.
2) Mixing up Python 2 and 3 (either the wrong code or running the wrong IDLE)

+1 for Python 3 only

Agreed. Less issues to explain when Python 3 only.

+1 for using PyPI as a Python appstore. I think this idea has promise. One of Scratch's great features is that students can upload and show off their programs.

Just a heads up (though I suspect you are aware)... PyPI will likely be replaced by the project currently named "Warehouse" which will be much more visually appealing.

Scratch :D

+1 for syntax highlighting. Don't discount how colorful text improves the coolness of coding for students. Even if they change the colors to look like a garish MySpace page.


Carol Willing
Developer | Willing Consulting
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