Here is the issue that i need to address:
*# My declaration is just fine here *
>>> class person(System.Object):
def __init__(self,fname,lname):
self.Firstname = fname
self.Lastname = lname
*# adding a value also goes fine. *
>>> j = person('jojo','maquiling')
>>> j
<__main__.person object at 0x029E7C88>
>>> j.Firstname
>>> j.Lastname
*#but then when i use listing and print it, here comes the problem*
>>> listing = List[person]()
>>> listing
<System.Collections.Generic.0, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] object at 0x029E7C60>
>>> listing.Add(person('pepe','smith'))
>>> for l in listing:
print l.Firstname
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "<pyshell#78>", line 2, in <module>*
* print l.Firstname*
*AttributeError: 'Object' object has no attribute 'Firstname'*
Can any body help me on how to do this properly?
Thanks and best regards,
Jojo Maquiling