Is there an ETA for a release version of pythonnet that supports Python 3.10?
Due to a security vulnerability in Python versions 3.10.3 and lower, my company needs to upgrade to Python 3.10.4.
See https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-3f7p-x3g9-9grh.
Alon Liberman
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Hi folks!
This is my first post. In short, I'd like to know whether it is a good idea to use PythonNet within a MVVM framework to glue the models (that rely on a Python package) to the user interface's view models and views (that rely on C# and WPF controls). If it is a good idea, I'd welcome advice (e.g. working with PythonNet within a Visual Studio C# project). If it is not a good idea, I'd welcome alternatives (e.g. Python GUIs with desktop functionality like docking).
Here are the details.…
[View More] I'm creating a graphical, desktop, turn-based game/simulation based on the logic programming system, Clingo<https://potassco.org/>, which is accessible from Python (via import clingo<https://pypi.org/project/clingo/>). While other language bindings exist for Clingo (including a nascent C# one<https://github.com/NEKERAFA/clingo-cs>), the Python binding appears to be the most complete and most popular.
However, I've only created GUI's using C# frameworks (WPF & Xamarin.Forms). Since I'd like this application to include docking, data grid, rich-text editor, tooltips, and other Windows desktop staples, I'm inclined to use WPF. I may have access to DevExpress' WPF controls<https://www.devexpress.com/products/net/controls/wpf/> and technical support, the latter of which might require me to use C# (not sure).
What do you think?
Thank you,
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