I'm newly trying to use python .NET to embed some C# dlls into my python program. I'm very new to anything .NET, so I apologize if this is a simple question. In order to execute part of the program I need to submit some information back to an object in one of the dlls. This class is expecting an ObservableCollection of objects. I tried submitting a python list, but got an error that it couldn't be converted to the correct type. Unfortunately I can't share the API I'm using for licensing …
[View More]reasons, but here's a short pseudo code of the C# (using 'vegetable' to stand in for some proprietary object types):
private ObservableCollection<VegetableRecord> vegetableRecords
private VegetableSequence VegetableSequence
newVegetableRecord1 = new VegetableRecord('Potato')
newVegetableRecord2 = new VegetableRecord('Carrot')
VegetableSequence.SequenceRecordSet = vegetableRecords
I'm trying to recreate this in python, essentially, using the VegetableRecord and VegetableSequence imported from the dll :
vegetableRecords = []
VegetableSequence = VegetableSequence()
newVegetableRecord1 = VegetableRecord('Potato')
newVegetableRecord2 = VegetableRecord('Carrot')
VegetableSequence.SequenceRecordSet = vegetableRecords
That fails with an error that is essentially:
TypeError: 'list' value cannot be converted to System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1[VegetableRecord]
Any advice?
- Jesse
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