Update: Mixed mode is working – clearly I hadn’t worked through all the combinations J.


I would like to get Python-only working, but hey. Thanks




From: PythonDotNet [mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+steve.ward=oxinst.com@python.org] On Behalf Of WARD Steve
Sent: 26 June 2017 16:05
To: A list for users and developers of Python for .NET
Subject: -|SPOOF|- Re: [Python.NET] -|EXT|- Re: PyScope


Hi Denis,


With your debugging scenarios I’ve now tried VS2015 and VS2017. Symbols are loaded for Python27.dll etc. In mixed mode no error messages but no breakpoint so clearly only the .NET debugger attached – close the app and debugger exits. In VS2017 Python only or ptvsd mode I get ‘Unable to attach to the process. General Exception”. I don’t know where the PTVS log might be but I’d like to review that and maybe report it to them, can you point me? In VS2015 attaching just quietly fails J


I wonder if this is something to do using my own build of Pythonnet  in order to try-out PyScope – is there something else I should do to properly incorporate this with the Python environment – unless you have a release that is…





From: PythonDotNet [mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+steve.ward=oxinst.com@python.org] On Behalf Of Denis Akhiyarov
Sent: 25 June 2017 05:51
To: A list for users and developers of Python for .NET
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] -|EXT|- Re: PyScope


All pythonnet debugging scenarios are now working and explained in this detailed tutorial:




On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 6:31 AM, Denis Akhiyarov <denis.akhiyarov@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Steve,


Please try reporting to PTVS issue tracker on GitHub with your PTVS log from failed attaching of the Python debugger. Python.NET has no control over these Visual Studio settings.


I'm going to meet with developer(s) of PTVS during PyData in Seattle. Feel free to send any feedback that you have so that we can look closer at key issues between pythonnet and PTVS. Particularly we are planning to resolve issues with remote and mixed-mode debugging.


UCS and other compilation symbols are resolved by setup.py during build from the Python side. From VS side you have to resolve all these symbols manually. And the latter is really intended only for developers of pythonnet.




On Fri, Jun 23, 2017, 6:10 AM WARD Steve <Steve.Ward@oxinst.com> wrote:

Unable to debug into embedded Python using this test: https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/issues/332#issuecomment-282608123


I’m using Python 2.7.13 64 bit, Visual Studio 2015 with PVTS. Pythonnet compiled from source with PYTHON2, PYTHON27, UCS2 – I had to change from UCS4 as that throws Unicode errors.


Any ideas? Thanks, Steve


From: WARD Steve
Sent: 21 June 2017 12:06

To: 'A list for users and developers of Python for .NET'

Subject: RE: [Python.NET] -|EXT|- Re: PyScope


Hi Denis,


Initial feedback is that it works. Had to change to UCS2 (PYTHON27 already), I am going with 64 bit by the way. Had to figure-out using PyScope.Set() by checking the source.


Now that I have a working platform, I have a lot to do to move the project forward. So, thanks very much and I’ll keep you posted.





From: PythonDotNet [mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+steve.ward=oxinst.com@python.org] On Behalf Of Denis Akhiyarov

Sent: 18 June 2017 00:35
To: A list for users and developers of Python for .NET
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] -|EXT|- Re: PyScope


Hi Steve,


PyScope feature has been merged into master.

Please note that more changes were made to the implementation.


I would like to thank Wenguang Yang (@yagweb) for his patience with few months of review cycle.


We are planning a release soon, but would appreciate any feedback for using this new API.





On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Denis Akhiyarov <denis.akhiyarov@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Steve,


I updated installation instructions for latest master or for branches from pending pull requests:






  Cloning https://github.com/yagweb/pythonnet (to add_scope) to c:\users\denis~1


Installing collected packages: pythonnet

  Found existing installation: pythonnet 2.2.2

    Uninstalling pythonnet-2.2.2:

      Successfully uninstalled pythonnet-2.2.2

  Running setup.py install for pythonnet ... done

Successfully installed pythonnet-2.4.0.dev0






On Fri, Apr 28, 2017, 5:58 AM WARD Steve <Steve.Ward@oxinst.com> wrote:

Hi Denis,


Ok, well I’d be happy to build from source and try out the proposed new feature here, if that’s possible?





From: PythonDotNet [mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+steve.ward=oxinst.com@python.org] On Behalf Of Denis Akhiyarov
Sent: 26 April 2017 15:58
To: A list for users and developers of Python for .NET
Subject: -|EXT|- Re: [Python.NET] PyScope


Hi Steve Ward,

We are waiting for at least one more core developer to review and approve this pull request.

Since it is very large code addition and exposes a lot of API, this is taking some time.

If you have any feedback or input, then feel free to comment on the issue or pull request.

For now (before PyScope is merged) you can use this very simple API using dynamic (DLR):


There is underlying API without DLR, but only available in tests.



On Wed, Apr 26, 2017, 9:28 AM WARD Steve <Steve.Ward@oxinst.com> wrote:



I’m keen to use the PyScope class as I’m working to replace an IronPython interactive scripting environment in a .NET application. I read about this feature here: https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/pull/381


Is this due for release soon, and is there an alternative way to create something similar to a scope with the current release 2.3.0?



Steve Ward


Steve Ward
Senior Software Engineer

Oxford Instruments


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