

From: Brian Lloyd []
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 10:09 AM
To: Maksim Kozyarchuk;
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] PythonNet and .NET 2.0 Question


Hi Maksim – it is safe to use it, you just won’t have access to 2.0-only features like generics, etc.

The latest in svn mostly supports generics and a number of other 2.0-isms, but I haven’t had any time to make a release or do much on it lately.


On 8/30/06 9:06 AM, "Maksim Kozyarchuk" <> wrote:

Hello, new to this mailing list & PythonNet, so forgive me for asking questions others may have already asked.

I am using 1.0-rc2 downloaded from sourceforge, which as I understand only supports .NET 1.1, however having built a simple assembly in .NET 2.0, I didn’t have may issues using it.  

Is it safe to use this release with .NET 2.0( provided I don’t need access to features introduced in 2.0 )


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