HI Tiago -

If I'm reading this right, I think the issue is that your method is returning
a (Python) Template instance.

The PythonNet runtime can't convert arbitrary Python types to anything
that .NET can make sense of, so your method need to either return a
"primitive" Python type that maps to a primitive .NET type (string, int,
etc.), or a wrapped .NET object.

Try returning str(template), and I bet you'll get the string result on the
other side.

Hope this helps,


On 5/10/06, Tiago Matias <tiago.matias@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all!

I'm trying to invoke a python function from a .NET application. The C# code is this:

string templateFile = "Simple.tpl";

PyObject module = PythonEngine.ImportModule("Engine");
PyObject method = module.GetAttr("FillTemplate");
PyObject result = method.Invoke(PyObject.FromManagedObject(templateFile));


and the python module is simply:

from Cheetah.Template import Template

def FillTemplate(templateName):
        template = Template(file=templateName)

        return template

Now, the problem is the parameter. If I hardcode "Simple.tpl" in the constructor everything works as expected. Also, if I change the python code to "return templateName" I get "Simple.tpl" back in the C# code.

But, if I run the code above a PythonException is thrown....I've also tried to place a try...except block around the code but it didn't caught any exception... I suspect that I must be calling the PyObject.Invoke() function with the wrong arguments...

Essentially the purpose of this is to generate C# code with the help of cheetah templates. The ideia is to construct an object containing the metadata and then pass it to cheetah to generate code.

But I can't seem to be able to pass a simple string!

Any help would be grealty appreciated! Btw, bear in mind that this is my first attempt with python... so the question maybe stupid ;)

Thanks in advance!


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