I'm looking for some help with how to get PythonNet working with ArcGIS 10.0.
I've been trying to get this to work for the past few days as it will be very useful in accessing various objects of the program through Python. I'm pretty new to these processes, but after a lot of mucking around figured out how to get PythonNet to work on my 64bit machine with a 32bit installation of Python 2.6, building it with VS2010 Express. I could import clr with the normal Python console, and I could do the same with PyScripter 2.6, but I couldn't get it to work with the Python console provided with ArcMap, "dynamic module not initialized properly". Somebody thought it was because of a manifest with the module but I think I've confirmed that isn't it. It seems that it comes down to an issue with the version of Visual Studio I'm using to build the PythonNet solution, but after using VS2008 Express, importing clr only works in the normal Python console and not in PyScripter anymore (or in ArcMap).
I don't have a very good understanding of what I'm doing to this or that, but if any of you could give me an idea of what to look for next, I would very much appreciate it.
By the way, to get the build to work with my machine I'm forcing the project to build using x86 rather than ANY CPU or x64.