I’m starting on a project to embed CPython into a .NET application for scripting.  The application currently uses IronPython, which is falling behind.  Our scripting needs are fairly extensive and I’m challenged by the limited information I find available.  First questions are about some finer grain control over


First, my application loads a number of scripts.  I currently use PythonEngine.ModuleFromString() and this works but I would like finer control. 


  1. Set the filename in call to Py_CompileString().  Current this is set to “none”
  2. Set globals for module before executing it.  I put certain values in the scripts global space for convenience.


PythonEngine.Compile() will compile the code but then I don’t see any way to execute the code.  Runtime.PyImport_ExecCodeModule(name, c); is not public. 


Is there a way to do this with the current API?


If I fork the GIT repo, make changes that I need, are they likely to be incorporated? 



