Hi Danny, 

Thank you for the interest! Once I get response from 5 people or more, then I plan to purchase the $199 package and provide you with access to book, source code and receipt. At that point I'll also send the details about how you can send your contribution to me in the range from 1.0 USD to 20.0 USD :) I have paypal, google wallet, and square cash accounts.


On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 10:14 AM, Daniel Fernandez <fernandez_dan2@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Denis,

I am interested.  What do I need to do? I wasn't sure how much to contribute?



From: denis.akhiyarov@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 16:39:25 -0500
To: pythondotnet@python.org
Subject: [Python.NET] advanced book about Python

Hi Python and .NET developers,

I would like to purchase a copy of this advanced book about Python for pythonnet contributors:

The cost of professional license to share with 50 people is 199 USD ($), but I will pay it in full if at least 10 people agree to contribute any amount towards the full cost. The book is sold for 29$ for one person.

The author agreed to this deal. The author is OpenStack Project Team Leader and Technical Committee Member.

Inline image 1

Here is a sample chapter about functional programming, comprehensions, and generators:

Please reply to me or here if you would like to get this offer!


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Python.NET mailing list - PythonDotNet@python.org