FYI, I had to regenerate the Zoom link:

On May 7, 2020, at 12:22 PM, Mark Visser <> wrote:

Attendees: Victor, Amos, Mark

  • Review action items from last meeting
    • Victor: clean 2.x milestones
    • Benedikt/Mohamed: extract “Moving files around” PR
    • Benedikt/Mohamed: extract “Support for dotnet SDK” PR
    • Add new items to 2.x milestones. If no new items are added, we start cutting release after the first May meeting.
    • Amos: take a look at Finalizer PR: either resolve comments, or reply; accept/decline

  • clean 2.x milestones done, one task left waiting for Amos' review
  • Benedikt will try to find time to finish 3.8 support s.t. we can cut the release.
  • Unity working on packaging Python 3.8 + Python.NET for Unity package manager
    • will not be discoverable for everyone, but anyone will be able to access it by editing their package manifest
    • there will be a Unity forum announcement sometime in June

Action Items
  • Amos to review PR 1094
  • Benedikt/Mohamed: extract “Moving files around” PR
  • Benedikt/Mohamed: extract “Support for dotnet SDK” PR

The meeting notes google doc is here. Feel free to correct or add additional information.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 21th at 12pm EST, 9am PST, 6pm CET, 1am China.

Mark Visser
M&E Dev Manager
Unity Technologies -