Hello PythonNet users! I'm making good progress in my https://pythonnet.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pythonnet/branches/clr-2.0-pyt... branch. I'm finally at a point where I need people with real life applications to test my branch. Although the branch is named python 2.5 it contains code for Python 2.4 and is even prepared for Python 2.6 (untested yet). The target version is configured over define symboles PYTHON24, PYTHON25 or PYTHON26. The makefile is pretty self explaining. The settings in my new VS C# solution file are explained in VS_README.txt. The branch also fixes some code related to Python 2.4, mostly overloading related code. Managed methods with params and overloading with implicit types are still broken. I'm not sure if I'm going to implement the features. I don't need it for my project and my knowledge of CLR and C# is too limited yet. Important changes and fixes: * Python 2.5 compatible * New preload switch (turn preloading on or off by setting clr.preload to True or False) * New VS solution and project files * Unit test enhancements Christian