Hi Denis,

I am interested.  What do I need to do? I wasn't sure how much to contribute?



From: denis.akhiyarov@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 16:39:25 -0500
To: pythondotnet@python.org
Subject: [Python.NET] advanced book about Python

Hi Python and .NET developers,

I would like to purchase a copy of this advanced book about Python for pythonnet contributors:


The cost of professional license to share with 50 people is 199 USD ($), but I will pay it in full if at least 10 people agree to contribute any amount towards the full cost. The book is sold for 29$ for one person.

The author agreed to this deal. The author is OpenStack Project Team Leader and Technical Committee Member.

Inline image 1

Here is a sample chapter about functional programming, comprehensions, and generators:


Please reply to me or here if you would like to get this offer!


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