Hi Denis,


Thanks for your fast response. Sounds completely reasonable to me. And this has not been too much of an issue for me.


I got rid of the abstract base class simply by providing an “empty” implementation and using a non-abstract base class. No need for meta classes any more. This way, I got rid of error messages. Great!


Unfortunately, there seem to be an issue when calling a virtual method inside the C# implementation. Even when overriding this virtual method in Python, it’s still the base class’ implementation which is called.


See the new simple base class defined in C#:


namespace PythonBaseClass


    using System;


    public class Door


        public virtual void Open()


            if (!IsOpen())




        public virtual void Close()


            if (IsOpen())




        public virtual bool IsOpen()



            return false;



        public virtual void Toggle()







The consuming Python code now looks like this:


import clr

from PythonBaseClass import Door


class StringDoor(Door):

    def __init__(self):

        self.status = "closed"


    def IsOpen(self):

        print "StringDoor.IsOpen()"

        return self.status == "open"


    def Toggle(self):

        print "StringDoor.Toggle()"

        if self.status == "open":

            self.status = "closed"


            self.status = "open"


But the output does not look like expected:


Python 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:19:22) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from PythonInheritedClass import StringDoor

>>> d = StringDoor()

>>> d.status


>>> d.Open()



>>> d.status




From my understanding, the output should rather read “StringDoor.<something>()” instead of “Door.<something>()”. Obviously, only the base implementation is called but the overridden methods are ignored.


Also a limitation of inheriting C# classes in pythonnet?






From: PythonDotNet [mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+hmoeller=comprion.com@python.org] On Behalf Of Denis Akhiyarov
Sent: Donnerstag, 22. September 2016 19:38
To: A list for users and developers of Python for .NET <pythondotnet@python.org>
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] Inheriting from abstract .NET class


You are not a "Python n00b" based on metaclass usage!


My recommendation is to keep simple integration layer between CPython and .NET, hence metaclasses were/are not supported.


But contributions are welcome! Although I expect this to be a tremendous undertaking based on reviewing multiple sources.


Note that metaclass is a very different low-level concept from higher-level abstract classes in .NET, hence direct mapping (e.g. `.register()` ) is not feasible.





On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Henning Moeller <HMoeller@comprion.com> wrote:

Hello out there,


I’m trying to inherit from an abstract .NET base class in Python (2.7). I’m a Python n00b but from what I understood…


Here’s what I managed to do in Python only and which works fine:


[File: room.py] -------

import abc


class Room(object):

    def __init__(self, door):

        self.door = door


    def open(self):



    def close(self):



    def is_open(self):

        return self.door.is_open()


class Door(object):

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta


    def open(self):

        if not self.is_open():



    def close(self):

        if self.is_open():




    def is_open(self):




    def toggle(self):



class StringDoor(Door):

    def __init__(self):

        self.status = "closed"


    def is_open(self):

        return self.status == "open"


    def toggle(self):

        if self.status == "open":

            self.status = "closed"


            self.status = "open"


class BooleanDoor(Door):

    def __init__(self):

        self.status = True


    def is_open(self):

        return self.status


    def toggle(self):

        self.status = not (self.status)






Now, all I did was to replace the abstract base class Door by a C# representation:


[File: PythonAbstractBaseClass.dll] -------

namespace PythonAbstractBaseClass


    public abstract class Door


        public virtual void Open()


            if (!IsOpen())




        public virtual void Close()


            if (IsOpen())




        public abstract bool IsOpen();

        public abstract void Toggle();





Removing Door from the Python part and importing it from the .NET assembly instead, I end up with this:


[File: room2.py] -------

import clr

import abc

from PythonAbstractBaseClass import Door


class Room(object):

    def __init__(self, door):

        self.door = door


    def open(self):



    def close(self):



    def is_open(self):

        return self.door.is_open()


class StringDoor(Door):

    def __init__(self):

        self.status = "closed"


    def is_open(self):

        return self.status == "open"


    def toggle(self):

        if self.status == "open":

            self.status = "closed"


            self.status = "open"


class BooleanDoor(Door):

    def __init__(self):

        self.status = True


    def is_open(self):

        return self.status


    def toggle(self):

        self.status = not (self.status)






But this fails with the following error message:



AttributeError: type object 'Door' has no attribute 'register'


From what I understood about abc.ABCMeta, this metaclass contributes the ‘register’ method. It seems that abstract C# classes do not come with the same metaclass. They instead come with metaclass “CLR Metatype” which obviously does not provide ‘register’.


But if I drop the call to ‘register’, on instantiating one of the derived classes, I receive the error message


    sdoor = StringDoor()

TypeError: cannot instantiate abstract class


Is there a way to inherit from an abstract .NET class or is this is missing feature?


Thanks in advance,




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