I regularly debugging C# code called from python side using pythonnet. So something is likely wrong in your settings.

Here is how you set debugger engines (see picture in the comments):

This mailing list is super-slowly approved for new messages. You may get much faster and better response on PTVS issue tracker:
Just provide Microsoft Python team with reproducible example. Also mention what symbols you see in Debugger "Modules" window.

If issue is very specific to pythonnet and works on ironpython, then you can use pythonnet issue tracker:

Note that PTVS has very specialized code for debugging IronPython, while pythonnet debugging happens through CPython debugger.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 4:46 AM, Pochon-Guérin Ludovic <Ludovic.Pochon-Guerin@statkraft.com> wrote:

Thank you for your answer,


I tried all of this without success.


What do you mean by “select manually managed debugger”?


Please can you clarify if it is possible to stop at breakpoints in C# code when called from Python code (using python dot net)?






From: PythonDotNet [mailto:pythondotnet-bounces+ludovic.pochon-guerin=statkraft.com@python.org] On Behalf Of Denis Akhiyarov
Sent: 8. juni 2016 08:32
To: A list for users and developers of Python for .NET
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] Debugging .NET assembly from Python 3


There are many conversations (both codeplex and github) recorded in issue tracker for PTVS about debugging pythonnet code.


The starting point is to ensure that you are on .NET 4+, select manually managed, native, and python debugger engines. Also make sure that managed compatibility mode is not selected. Finally make sure that your python debug symbols are available to PTVS/VS for cross-language debugging.


Note that currently the PTVS remote debugger is not working for pythonnet when debugging python code.



On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 3:20 AM, Pochon-Guérin Ludovic <Ludovic.Pochon-Guerin@statkraft.com> wrote:



Using Visual Studio 2015, I have a Python project and a C# DLL project.

From the Python code, I import and call functions from the C# class.

When running in Debug, I am able to stop at breakpoints in the Python code, but not in the C# code.

The debugger jumps over the calls as if no symbols were loaded.


I would like to know if it is possible to stop at breakpoints in the C# code and how to setup it in Visual Studio.


This feature works when using IronPython, but we want to use PythonDotNet from Miniconda3.






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