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IT Recruiter



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From: [] On Behalf Of Liam Corrigan
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] import clr_2, import clr_4 vs import clr


Opening up our existing products native lib output to mixed mode proved to be a real pain, so I took your first suggestion Brett.

After changing the project to .NET 4.0, changing the target info to ‘clr4.pyd’ and changing all clr related strings in all the files to clr4, I have it working.

In my implementation, all my custom rack code and .NET support are called in from testlib


>>> import testlib

>>> twoDotOAssemblies = testlib.clr.ListAssemblies(True)

>>> twoDotOAssemblies[0]

u'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

>>> fourDotOAssemblies = testlib.clr4.ListAssemblies(True)

>>> fourDotOAssemblies[0]

u'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'


I agree, it is fuzzy to me as to what is happening behind the scenes when I do:


<System.Reflection.Assembly object at 0x04FBFF58>

>>> testlib.clr4.AddReference("System")

<System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly object at 0x04FC0300>


…but for my purposes, it doesn’t matter.  I don’t do any dot net calls other than my custom packaged C# library functions in .NET.

When I do want to play in that realm, I use IronPython but I generally just write what I need in C# and then call it in pythonnet

Thanks for the help!



From: Liam Corrigan
Sent: March-22-12 5:09 PM
Subject: RE: import clr_2, import clr_4 vs import clr


I make a reference to System, I need to do it through from clr.


>>> import System

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

ImportError: No module named System

>>> import clr

>>> clr.AddReference("System")

<System.Reflection.Assembly object at 0x04ECDDC8>



So I figured if I had a ‘import clr_2’,

Then the call to ‘clr_2.AddReference(“System”) would call the 2.0 version of System.



From: Tribble, Brett []
Sent: March-22-12 4:59 PM
To: Liam Corrigan;
Subject: RE: import clr_2, import clr_4 vs import clr


I would say you could just dupe the projects under the solution and change the target info, but how are you going to control which one handles imports IE “import System”?


From: [] On Behalf Of Liam Corrigan
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:28 PM
Subject: [Python.NET] import clr_2, import clr_4 vs import clr


Hi guys,

I’ve been using python .NET 2.0 in python 2.7.2 successfully for some time now and have also used the .NET 4.0 version, but of course I need to replace the clr.pyd and Python.Runtime.dll with the .NET 4.0 versions.

Although most of my 2.0 libs work over the 4.0 version, there is one in house library targeted against .NET 2.0 that will not, without some awkward hacks.

I need to be able to call into libraries written against both .NET 2.0 and 4.0, as separated calls - ideally, I’d like to have things such that I can operate in a python script something like this:


import clr_2

import clr_4






Are there any settings in the source build that I can do, to kick out two separate clr.pyd and Python.Runtime.dll’s with new names and matching .NET version support?



Liam Corrigan




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